How will they rule ??!

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Good! So funny that trump hasn't even been president-elect for a week and his presence has already done great things.
I love Amy Schumer, Lena Dunham, Miley Cyrus and all of the other self righteous leftist sacks of garbage all going back on their statement they would leave the country.

The left always bashes this country but always stays. It would be like your retarded 20-year old college student living at home, bashing his parents, bashing their house and trying to change all of the rules but never leaves.
So we have tricked all the right wingnuts into supporting a liberal president pushing a liberal agenda and we're supposed to be pissed?

All the while firmly rejecting race based political pandering that I have repeatedly railed against in here that my fellow Democrats had sunk into starting with hiring that imbecile Al Sharpton and giving him his own platform on MSNBC?

Nobody in this forum has spent more time blasting BLM or the idiot democrats pandering to those terrorists. Nobody has spent more time blasting the Democrats trying to win elections simply based on a non-white strategy that as I predicted would result in the loss of the rust belt for an entire generation.

Hell, if you idiots were paying attention you'd realize I got everything I asked for out of this election. Going all the way back to the beginning of this year when I laid out exactly how Trump would win and why the Democrats would lose.

Yet, like all good cons, I have you rubes thinking you won while I sit back and once again marvel at my own creation.
So we have tricked all the right wingnuts into supporting a liberal president pushing a liberal agenda and we're supposed to be pissed?

All the while firmly rejecting race based political pandering that I have repeatedly railed against in here that my fellow Democrats had sunk into starting with hiring that imbecile Al Sharpton and giving him his own platform on MSNBC?

Nobody in this forum has spent more time blasting BLM or the idiot democrats pandering to those terrorists. Nobody has spent more time blasting the Democrats trying to win elections simply based on a non-white strategy that as I predicted would result in the loss of the rust belt for an entire generation.

Hell, if you idiots were paying attention you'd realize I got everything I asked for out of this election. Going all the way back to the beginning of this year when I laid out exactly how Trump would win and why the Democrats would lose.

Yet, like all good cons, I have you rubes thinking you won while I sit back and once again marvel at my own creation.
You didn't get Hillary
Trump is going to do something impeachable. I hope he's able to carry out most of our liberal agenda before he does it. We need that infrastructure package passed and of course Trump is folding on Obamacare already so it's plainly obvious it is going to survive only with minor superficial changes. Mitch won't allow term limits. Paul Ryan will get shown the door. Obama will be a close key adviser to help guide Trump through tweaking Obamacare.l Need all these right wing free trade deals gutted. Need some good old fashioned liberal protectionism which to any Republican has always been unthinkable prior to their conversion to liberalism.

So all is on track. Just need to get it in before Trump does something that blows it all up as Pence is a total nutcase.
Hope it happens! Democrats will never win another election.

Also, I remember reading in the San Diego Tribune a couple of years ago, that California makes up 12 percent of the population but 34 percent of the nation's welfare recipients.

California is already as far left as you can be so let's just let it happen, have open borders all to California, import every Muslim they want and give every entitlement possible and let them disarm their citizens and see how it plays out.
Man I've been in California a good portion of my life and I hope not. While it leans liberal in most things socially, it is an economic bastion for the united States. Worse for all if this gets any more traction. Sherwin is even more unethical than trump.

Not sure Mike understands how 2, 3 and 6 work, exactly. Otherwise applaud his out of the box rant.

bernie, like Rand Paul, is a decent human being. The dnc needs to apologize to America for ruining the election. Mike Moore is a huge douche though
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Trump is going to do something impeachable. I hope he's able to carry out most of our liberal agenda before he does it. We need that infrastructure package passed and of course Trump is folding on Obamacare already so it's plainly obvious it is going to survive only with minor superficial changes. Mitch won't allow term limits. Paul Ryan will get shown the door. Obama will be a close key adviser to help guide Trump through tweaking Obamacare.l Need all these right wing free trade deals gutted. Need some good old fashioned liberal protectionism which to any Republican has always been unthinkable prior to their conversion to liberalism.

So all is on track. Just need to get it in before Trump does something that blows it all up as Pence is a total nutcase.
All these protests and all this whiny "fear" talk are only serving to solidify the midwest and rust belt into Republican territory. The Democratic handling of these things is so incompetent that I almost think it must be a plan to keep the country an even 50/50 as the Dems had the Republicans put away forever if they'd only had 1/10th of my skills and strategerie. Mystifying at how so much money could produce so much incompetence.
Man I've been in California a good portion of my life and I hope not. While it leans liberal in most things socially, it is an economic bastion for the united States. Worse for all if this gets any more traction. Sherwin is even more unethical than trump.

I would like to know how the state went from voting Reagan, Reagan, Bush for three straight elections to being an automatic 55 for Dems? I've read multiple theories but curious on your take.
Run, don't walk, away from African American pandering. Seize on Republican trickle down economics, a tax structure that grossly favors the rich, the total destruction of a middle class at the hands of an elite 1% that has looted all the wealth of this country into the hands of a small select ruling class, on a sovereignless, countryless Republican party that ships jobs overseas in order to drive up corporate profits to hand out to their fatcat investor class. On the environment being ripped apart and sold for the profit of the few while our rivers, lakes, and streams are poisoned. On our consumer protections being eviscerated so that greedy corporate interests can cut corners and lock hard working Americans into temporary benefitless jobs permanently.

Get back on track pronto. Jettison the horrendous decision to descend into race pandering as a national strategy. It may already be too late. It should be too late. Every single Democrat that led us into this horrendous swamp needs to be purged. For God's sake get Al Sharpton, Don Lemon, Van Jones, and especially Angela Rye off television forever. Those race baiting morons killed us.
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Donald Trump should send Al Sharpton, Don Lemon, Van Jones, and especially Angela Rye a fruit basket as they won the midwest for him. Republicans should fund BLM permanently.

Seriously, just remove what I mention above and Hillary Clinton is easily president. You could hear the stampede of white midwestern voters away from Hillary every time BLM showed its ass and every time those moronic CNN anchors descended into their race pandering. Not even going to mention that walking bubonic plague of white voters that Al Sharpton is.
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I don't even need 4 years. Let me run the Democratic Party for one year and I will produce a landslide for them. It is so easy what our strategy should have been.

We ran the equivalent of the Republicans pandering to White Evangelicals non-stop for an entire campaign cycle and we are wondering how we lost the midwest? What kind of morons are leading us?
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I would like to know how the state went from voting Reagan, Reagan, Bush for three straight elections to being an automatic 55 for Dems? I've read multiple theories but curious on your take.

most of us are very socially liberal and favor economic policies that make money move. california moves money and generates wealth at a greater rate than any other state, and libertarian views align with the economics. for the most part, neither the democratic nor the republican fiscal policy rocks the boat much. so, folks have traditionally voted democrat (i have for all three elections I have had the opportunity to vote--this last one, very reluctantly so), on the social aspects. when you get to know us a bit better, you'll find we vote for things in rational manner (just as you and others do from the perspectives that you come from).

i've had an interesting set of opportunities in life so far, and have met a number of people you may see on tv or the news doing big things (not hollywood). many of them, like our presidential candidates this election, have gotten by with same moral compass as our two candidates this year. the two important lessons i've learned for myself are: if you can't do something gracefully, you probably shouldn't be doing it at all; and, give more than you take.

it is hard to watch folks like trump and clinton get rewarded for immoral and unethical behavior.
Bernie, Schumer & Warren throwing their bid behind Ellison for DNC chair. Several prominent Democrats saying if the party goes that far left they are done.

Let them go toward their Islamic masters and see what the rest of the country has to say. We don't want Islam here. We don't want to see their BS in western civilization. We don't want their terrorism or rape increases.

The left has shown they are effing crazy. They're antI-American on everything.
All these protests and all this whiny "fear" talk are only serving to solidify the midwest and rust belt into Republican territory. The Democratic handling of these things is so incompetent that I almost think it must be a plan to keep the country an even 50/50 as the Dems had the Republicans put away forever if they'd only had 1/10th of my skills and strategerie. Mystifying at how so much money could produce so much incompetence.

The Democrats are at a point that they have to nominate an African American to get extra fake votes and win Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Identity politics brings out a lot more dead.
I don't even need 4 years. Let me run the Democratic Party for one year and I will produce a landslide for them. It is so easy what our strategy should have been.

We ran the equivalent of the Republicans pandering to White Evangelicals non-stop for an entire campaign cycle and we are wondering how we lost the midwest? What kind of morons are leading us?
In an earlier post a few days ago, I used a phrase that describes believing your own lies. That phrase is "Eating your own shit."

I mention this to make this observation: You have developed your own personal self-shit-eating ecosystem. You aren't even carrying on a conversation with anyone here. You're just pushing out a load, feasting on it, pushing out another load, eating some more...
The Democrats are at a point that they have to nominate an African American to get extra fake votes and win Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Identity politics brings out a lot more dead.

We saw what happened with the most far left admin in our nation's history. Every effed up thing imaginable was empowered and became worse.

- We can't even figure out a proper bathroom to use, make transgenders a protected class
- Have BLM become enabled and funded by Dems
- Become anti-cop
- Promote anti-white stuff every step of the way and mostly in our schools
- Empowered Islam and backed Muslims on everything and if you disagreed with them, you were a xenophobe.
- More government regulation
- More riots and looting
- More terrorist attacks
- Media becomes their puppet and doesn't even hide it
- We make criminals into martyrs, celebrate idiots like Kaepernick and BS like Bruce Jenner's mental illness
- Ban American flags and patriotic shirts because it's offensive
- Don't believe America was ever great or believe in American exceptionalism either

etc etc etc

The left went nuts. They're so crazy and you see what happens when they go unchecked.
Ellison is where the Dems are headed. He would call Mother Teresa a bigot. Z they are not hearing you. I expect Booker or is it Brooker in 2020.

Good luck getting white America to vote for a black president again. No way he gets the same crossover as Obama.

I doubt middle America wants to see another racist black guy coming in so we get more BS division from the guy with a chip on his shoulder.
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Some of you obviously still don't get it.

She committed treason and left 4 Americans to die with no help and you're comparing her to Trump?

shake your head all you want. electing a person into office who has abused americans for decades is equally foolhardy. meet someone who has been completely screwed over by trump, and you might change your mind on him as well. the point is that we, the american people--not the politicians, were screwed at the primaries.
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The Democrats pander to every minority they can drum up, they push political correctness, they create a false war on women then abuse and bash women, they cowtow to Islam and the terrorists, they support hate groups like BLM, which burn and loot our cities, they turn their backs on cops, they try to limit free speech, they hate the constitution, they are fear mongers, racist, terrorists, criminals, and just plain evil. All they want is more taxes and more spending, thinking they know how to spend my money and tell me how to live better than I can. And I am truly sad that I was ever a registered democrat.

The Republicans can't get out of their own way from obsessing over social issues, such as abortion, gay marriage, shoving their religion down everybodies throat. I want the Repubs out of my bedroom, and the Dems out of my wallet. Republicans elected to office have been nothing but wimps, they had no fight, let the Dems and media put them on defensive. I want someone to call bs when it is bs, call a terrorist a terrorist, call out the biased media, and give a big FU to the wimpy world leaders.