How will they rule ??!

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Did Tim Kaine say anything that made sense in his opening remarks? All I got out of that stuttering by him was that his is incredibly creepy with his love of children, and a Bush 43 saying of, "If you're with you, you're with you.".
She didn't speak last night because she is about as gracious a person as wolverine is a gentle animal. She lost to a guy that the media tried everything they could to help her defeat.
The elite attitude and arrogance of media folks proves they have no connection to America and Americans. They believe their pompous circle people is the pulse of the country.
It was amazing to hear the Clinton supporters on TV talking about how bad of shape the country is in when they were praising Obama for months. Now that Clinton lost, they admitted what a failure Obama has been for 8 years.
I know a lot of women who would love a woman President...but not Clinton. She wasn't the one. My mom always votes Dem...she voted Trump..she despises Hillary.
My mom has been a life-long democrat and has never voted a Republican vote in her life...until she voted for Trump yesterday. She said she would have walked to the poll to vote against her if she had to.
Clinton's path to a 2020 nomination...

1. Divorce Bill - thereby breaking her chains, denouncing her ties to the Dem establishment and a womanizing, philandering, abusive male culture
2. Become a power lesbian ala Ellen / Rosie O'Donnell and begin reshaping her persona as a moderate female lesbian outsider
3. Get into art, maybe make a collab album with Lady Gaga containing uplifting spoken word
4. Find an African American or Hispanic life partner

It's that easy. She'll be ok.
I'm not a woman, just a privileged upper middle class white male, but it seems to me that if I was a woman, I'd want the first woman POTUS to be a strong, hardworking self made woman.

Not a woman who stayed with her philandering husband and never accomplished anything besides peddling corruption and influence.
WOW,Hillary Clinton reminds me so much of Rick Pitino. With all the lies, & their selfish ways. I mean this self centered bitch never even had enough common courtesy on election night to show up & speak with her supporters. Because her feelings were hurt. I've seen Pitino after a loss run off to his room & refuse to speak with the media. The fact that Hillary did this, doesn't surprise me at all. It's good enough for those dumb asses that voted for her.

One of the best things about Trump winning. Is the fact that we wont have to look at Bill & Hillary Clinton for the next 4 years........ Unless they are being led away in handcuffs. That I could watch for ever.

My hope, my, dream, MY PRAYER...... Is that Trump will pick Rudy Guiliani as his attorney general & then seeks him on the Clintons. He would be their worst nightmare. Then finally, we would get to see their rotten asses threw in the back of a paddy wagon & hauled off to their new home. and i'm not talking about 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Whoever it is, I really hope this is the scene at the Clinton Foundation (figuratively speaking of course):


Final election result: Trump: 306 Clinton: 232

that's an ass-whipping. the media can troll along with "declaring" Arizona and Michigan at their own pace all they want but it doesn't matter. Those election boards will be licking the stamps and sending results to their electorates soon enough. Those ARE the results. None of you need depend on some television channel to let you know it.
Given hilldawgs huge decrease in vote numbers from Obama and Donald increases in minority numbers, the dems will never nominate a white guy or gal again

Ever, sorry Feauxahontas Warren. Cory Booker almost guaranteed the next nom. Maybe with Michelle as VP.
Bill looked more distraught than Hillary. Can only imagine what her and Obama are really like right now behind the scenes.

Wonder if ole Joe is still going to take Trump behind the gymnasium and open up a can like he bragged about a few weeks ago. Well Joe, he will be at his new home tomorrow so what about it big man.
My hope, my, dream, MY PRAYER...... Is that Trump will pick Rudy Guiliani as his attorney general & then seeks him on the Clintons. He would be their worst nightmare. Then finally, we would get to see their rotten asses threw in the back of a paddy wagon & hauled off to their new home. and i'm not talking about 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

I don't even want this. I just want them gone. Out of the news. Out of our lives.
I don't understand the sentiment of just wanting the Clintons out of the limelight, so looking the other way to all their illegal activities and corruption.

Aside from just respecting the rule of law, there shouldn't be any half measures.

The Clinton Syndicate and everyone they're associated with should be buried so they can never recover.
Jezebel comments are gold. Lots of oneups(wo)manship about who is the saddest about the result.

One man even went so far as to say today is a close second for worst day of his life. The first? The one only slightly worse than this? When his dad died when the commenter was 10 years old. I know there is a healthy dose of histrionics that goes on in among the safe space crowd, but I'm afraid this person is mostly serious
Barry strolled into office 8 years ago with both houses of Congress...and leaves having lost both, and the presidency, during his tenure -- along with multiple state legislatures and governorships. That's gotta sting.

Enjoy your comeuppance, cocksucker.
Yep, shit legacy is shit, no amount of PR can dress up that pig.

The GOP should compile every "elections have consequences" type of quote that guy made over the years and blast it out to all the media without comment.
Figures Trump would sleep all day. He's metapmorphizing into his inner liberal. I am so looking forward to him totally turning into Bernie Sanders and thumbing his nose at all these gullible right wingnuts that voted for a New York lib.
Not a detailed study yet but from first glance, the media will do zero introspection pause to listen. Smuggest mfers on the planet.
My second favorite comment:

I felt such incredible pride watching her concede—never have I admired her more than her confronting the greatest wall of adversity any of us has ever faced in public life. She was truly presidential through each oncoming wave of adversity and malice, starting 18 months ago. She WAS the president during her speech, leading us as only a true statesman can.

On a side note: Thank you, Wolf Blitzer and other male commentator on CNN, for undermining her speech’s strength and power by literally saying before anything else, she “was choking back tears” or “tears were flowing last night”. She was strength personified and she did not choke back tears. And even if she had, you wouldn’t have cared if a man got teary. You are part of the problem, CNN. Let women be strong and don’t comment on their “feelings” as you read them as if that has political value after they win the popular vote in the world’s largest democracy.

Our champion deserved better.

How do these people go through life being so deferential to authority? How could anyone write that about any politician? Like, how is your default position not, "even if I agree with this person, they are likely a borderline sociopath"? It's the one thing about politics I will never understand. Grow up and stop idolizing celebrities like a touching 8 year old.
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