How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Bet its an interesting day at the IRS, DOJ and FBI today.

Over the past few months we've heard:

Hillary has significant health problems,
Hillary, Bill and/or her team are pedophiles,
Hillary and Huma are lovers,
Podesta arranges weird flesh eating orgies,
Hillary is a complete tyrant to those around her,
The Clinton Foundation is completely corrupt and is nothing more than a vehicle to increase the wealth of the Clintons and their cronies.

Comey is a straight shooter, he's in cahoots with the Dems, then the Repubs, then the Dems again. Which is it?
Obama directed his DOJ and subsequently the FBI to protect Hillary.
Obama was completely complicit with Hillary's email confidentiality issues.

The Clinton's were responsible for a lot of people getting killed.

So, in the next few months, we'll start finding out which ones of these are true and which ones were completely fabricated leading up to the election. At this point, Clinton cronies don't have a lot to gain by staying closely aligned to them----so defections should be expected. And they'll talk.

FWIW, the lines in italics are those I think will be proven correct or somewhat accurate.
The Good: The Clintons are toast. [banana]

The Bad: The Donald takes office in 2 months. [poop]

The Ugly: A man whose had 6 bankruptcies is in charge of the economy and says jobs are a "disaster" after 73 straight months of private sector jobs growth. :weary:
I wanted Trump to win. I willed it. By my own hands I have created this monster and unleashed it upon the world. In my own image he will wreak a terrible vengeance upon the land and none will be spared. This pestilence will not be resisted and I am fearful for what I have done. Virtually every word I wrote about him last year has come to pass. I detailed exactly how the midwest would fall. What his message would be. What great plague would be visited upon us all this very day. Jamo quoting his polls and yapping at me all the way and I did not waiver. I tried to undo my terrible works but alas even I was powerless before what I had created.

Sure you did...

Trump humiliated himself. This should be at least a 10 point swing in the polls. Outside of Ross Perot's running mate Stockdale, I've never seen a worse debate performance. Hell, Sarah Palin was light years better than Trump.

I cringed with embarrassment for our country and silently hoped that somehow the rest of the world wasn't watching. It is insane to have Trump up there as the nominee of a major political party when he so obviously is utterly and dangerously ignorant of nearly every significant issue. Scary stupid. Terrifyingly incompetent. Dangerously arrogant.

All of you will find life much more enjoyable when you stop resisting and simply allow us to control you. Direct you. Take care of things for you.

You are making things so hard for yourselves. Fretting every little thing. Relax. We've got this. The sooner you realize that then the more happy you will be.

Feel that? The soft comfort of submitting to a greater power as it washes over you. To kneel before a superior being. To humbly give yourselves over to something that cannot be resisted. You are beaten and there is nothing left to do other than wave your white flags and beg mercy of us. I assure you that your pleas will receive a fair hearing.

Belatedly, I would like to thank all the right wing rubes that sat up all night last night waiting for Assange to save them. Every single time you get played for absolute fools is a priceless treasure to me. Trump, a liberal to his very core, is on the most extended con of all time because he watched Sarah Palin play you for fools and decided he'd like to play too, then Assange stepped up and took his turn plowing you idiots last night.

Best of all... the very best of all... is that you never ever learn. You are programmed at the DNA level to be idiots of the highest order. That's why the Michelle Bachmans and Hermain Cain's of the world flock to your fertile shores. To reap and harvest idiots as they are bountiful thickly in the Republican Party.

So "thank you" and I mean that sincerely. I cannot possibly convey what a joy, an absolute joy, it is in my life to see you fall flat on your faces then get up and not even know where it came from. You are one of the great passions of my life.

Fine. Take your hilljack backwoods states and form The United Rednecks of Arian Nation and all the rich states like New York and California will remain in the USA. It will be like cutting a welfare collecting food stamp parasite cancer off with your Mississippi and Tennessee mega states.

Granted I'm far more intelligent than all of you and basically waste my time by even communicating to you... but this does have a strange feeling to it. Like the end of something and the beginning of something else. Revolution is in the air everywhere. This is not going to end in November. You don't put what we are seeing now back together again.

Trump has memorized one or two lines about the issues of the day, enough so that he thinks he can fake is way through it... and whenever he gets called on it he either restates what he said the first time (his memorized line) or jumbles it up into a word soup often times dragging in completely unrelated topics.

There is no real policy he has addressed intelligently and at depth in this entire campaign including his primary run.

For anyone to in any way suggest he has "won" any debate in this entire campaign season is clinical insanity.
How hard is it to understand we don't have 58 million racists in this country? We have a large group of people who feel deserted by politicians and the system, who finally found someone who wanted to fight for him? My guess is those people voted for Trump in spite of what he said at times, not because of what he said at times......

Thing is, I'm not sure he can deliver. Remember all the crazy talk when Obama won in '08: we should tell time henceforth as either before Obama or after Obama, we need a new book in the bible called Obama, Obama gonna pay my house payment, etc. No way he could do anything other than disappoint. Same for Trump? Can he bring the manufacturing jobs back from Mexico and China? Can he restore middle America?

**Disclaimer: I repeatedly said Trump could not win, so you should discount my sentiments appropriately.
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When Paul Ryan sucks up, he really vacuums the paint off the walls, doesn't he? He is just taking Trump's whole load and lustily lapping like he crossed the desert on foot last night just so he could personally swear Trump in first thing this morning. Most porn flicks don't have this much licking and smooching. He is butt kissing for his life right now.
Harambe and Hennessy got around 16,000 votes. If that doesn't tell you how a lot of people felt about this election I'm not sure what will. I mean, a dead gorilla and liquor got almost enough votes to fill Rupp.

hahaha we all know who voted Hennessy.
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I wanted Trump to win. I willed it. By my own hands I have created this monster and unleashed it upon the world. In my own image he will wreak a terrible vengeance upon the land and none will be spared. This pestilence will not be resisted and I am fearful for what I have done. Virtually every word I wrote about him last year has come to pass. I detailed exactly how the midwest would fall. What his message would be. What great plague would be visited upon us all this very day. Jamo quoting his polls and yapping at me all the way and I did not waiver. I tried to undo my terrible works but alas even I was powerless before what I had created.
You were fun for awhile but frankly your an idiot.
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Hannity has said Paul Ryan won't be the speaker under Trump.

Anyone care to throw some names out there for speaker?

"Of 67 national polls tracking a 4-way race since the start of October, only four gave Trump the lead, according to RealClearPolitics. Of 61 national polls tracking a 2-way race during that period, six gave Trump the lead.

And all six were the L.A. Times/USC poll."

Will anyone remember this next time around?

**Disclaimer: I repeatedly said Trump could not win, so you should discount my sentiments appropriately.
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hahaha we all know who voted Hennessy.
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How does the GOP respond to this?

Do we expect it to move to a more centrist role and move closer to Trump's position, or radicalize itself further away from Trump and swing to the hard-right?
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The Good: The Clintons are toast. [banana]

The Bad: The Donald takes office in 2 months. [poop]

The Ugly: A man whose had 6 bankruptcies is in charge of the economy and says jobs are a "disaster" after 73 straight months of private sector jobs growth. :weary:
I will help finish your thought...

The Truth: The Donald follows a 2 term Potus who has added more people to the welfare line than any other President, and grew the National Debt larger than all other President'said combined.