How will they rule ??!

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Wonder whats going through James Comeys head.

I'd have to think an indictment will for sure happen now, because he knows he will be in big time trouble with Trump if he doesn't.
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Yeah to allow 300 electoral votes is staggering for someone who tried to rig an election.
But freedom prevails, Jameslee. That sweet smell of American freedom, son. ahhhh

10 pages of Paddock posts from midnight to 4:00 AM. The out of work miners were all here! But since they'll all be working by the first 100 days back in the mines, that smell will kill. But that excellent healthcare is something they can bank on right?
I will help finish your thought...

The Truth: The Donald follows a 2 term Potus who has added more people to the welfare line than any other President, and grew the National Debt larger than all other President'said combined.
Welfare is a "disaster". The debt we can write off during our bankruptcy filing.
LOL at these blowhards on CNN talking about how religious Hillary Clinton is.
yep, that was Carl Berstein. Evidently, Hillary will "rely on her faith during this devastatingly disappointing time", she is, apparently, a "tremendously religious person." Further, "she carries her Bible with her, underscoring words and phrases that bring her comfort."

Exactly how I pictured her, really....

**Disclaimer: I repeatedly said Trump could not win, so you should discount my sentiments appropriately.
Anybody that believes anything she says is willingly ignorant. She was never about people, she was about power. Saddest person today is Bill, he was counting on having free run on all the new interns. The Clintons are finally done and the US is much better off because of it.
I can't imagine Trump has anything more than a single term in mind the way it ages people. Although, what if we just saw the birth of a new political dynasty and will be stuck with a Trump somewhere in office for the next century like the Bush's.

great point . . . btw, the Kennedy family dynasty and 100 years worth of prohibition-spawned riches, corruption, murder and political prowess says "hi"

Hopefully this election killed off the political power of the Clintons and Bushes forever.

The US Supreme Court will now be conservative for decades to come. What a beautiful day it is.

SCOTUS has been majority R-appointed since, what, the early 1970s? Earlier? While there have been many high-profile victories for liberals (using that term broadly) like gay marriage, striking down sodomy laws, affirming Roe v. Wade (although in Casey I think it was 4-3), and upholding the ACA, the court has provided many conservative victories, like Heller, Citizens United, Hobby Lobby, Shelby County

Overall, however, one could easily make a case it has, over the last 40 years, been overall pretty conservative when taking into account less high-profile cases. This list veers off of layman issues, but off the top of my head: making it harder to certify class actions (Wal-Mart v. Dukes); textualism (Scalia's pet project is now thoroughly ingrained throughout the federal judiciary and by far his most impactful legacy); restricting private rights of action; some (but certainly not all) 4th Amendment issues (although that's not a left-right issue as much, and makes for interesting bedfellows on the court); scaling back affirmative action; scaling back union stuff; strong enforcement of arbitration, including all but eliminating class actions for consumer contract issues (AT&T v. Conception, iirc); making it harder to avoid federal court for class actions (let's just say defendants almost always prefer to be in federal court). Caveat: it's not always easy to assign left/right to procedural issues and the like, but you can usually tell by amicus briefs.

Like everything else political, people only have the attention for social issues and certain other hot topics. I did, too, before I became an attorney. But it's just as likely these other cases impact your life much more than the ones that derive significant media attention. Just like local elections probably affect far more change on your life than federal ones. And, like many local and state elections, these less-heralded issues are being roundly won by conservatives (which is why the talk of the death of the Rs was always overstated).
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From GWB's Facebook page:

George W. Bush
"This morning I called President-elect Donald Trump and congratulated him on his election as President of the United States of America. Laura and I wish the President-elect, Melania, and the entire Trump family all our very best as they take on an awesome responsibility and begin an exciting new chapter in their lives. We pray for the success of our country and the success of our new President."

Bet that was an awkward call.....
yep, that was Carl Berstein. Evidently, Hillary will "rely on her faith during this devastatingly disappointing time", she is, apparently, a "tremendously religious person." Further, "she carries her Bible with her, underscoring words and phrases that bring her comfort."

Exactly how I pictured her, really....

**Disclaimer: I repeatedly said Trump could not win, so you should discount my sentiments appropriately.
Exit polls had evangelical turn out way up. Team Clinton did not miss a beat in changing costumes...
First thing I hope he does - corporate tax holiday, 5-10%, for all overseas money. That would bring about 250 Billion into the coffers. Not to mention what those companies would do with it that would probably get the economy humming.