How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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interesting time with y'all here - appreciate the comments. Yes, I was up until 4:30 this morning too, waiting, watching, reading.

For the nasty comments about the coal miners being up and maybe getting to go back to work, or the ones who were simply jobless- how about this: did it occur to you that there are other shifts? Not everyone is a 9-5 white collar worker. Some work 2nd and 3rd (or swing shift) - in what is referred to as blue collar, and are just successful financially.
Or how about someone like me? I don't have a job outside the home. I don't have to - I am able to stay home and take care of my house and my family. Does that make me a non-contributor to society? Does that make me lazy? Or, does that make me an uneducated woman who "betrayed" her own kind by not voting for Clinton?

Some really need to think before they speak (type)
I have totally ignored Z for months now and feel great about it.

So Gowdy is for sure Attorney General, Ben Carson is Surgeon General

Not a bad start of people being put around Trump. I think Paul Ryan stepping down would be great honestly as he isn't qualified IMHO. I have no clue who would be a good fit for it but I can say it shouldn't be too hard find someone.
I don't understand the sentiment of just wanting the Clintons out of the limelight, so looking the other way to all their illegal activities and corruption.

Aside from just respecting the rule of law, there shouldn't be any half measures.

The Clinton Syndicate and everyone they're associated with should be buried so they can never recover.
Completely agree. They need to pay for their criminal actions and be made an example of. Hopefully Trump appoints Rudy or Trey as his AG and makes all their lives beyond miserable.
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Completely agree. They need to pay for their criminal actions and be made an example of. Hopefully Trump appoints Rudy or Trey as his AG and makes all their lives beyond miserable.

agree as does trump. both are unethical. ETHICS should be a requisite for public servitude.
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The left attacking "white America" on Twitter. They keep this up they might just guarantee Trump a second term.

Yeah was watching MSNBC for reactions this morning. Some black guy with glasses and a graying beard threw out the race card.
Said Trump won on the votes of racists, Trump not being qualified. IMO a hypocrite since Obama had little experience and many blacks came out and voted for him.
interesting time with y'all here - appreciate the comments. Yes, I was up until 4:30 this morning too, waiting, watching, reading.

For the nasty comments about the coal miners being up and maybe getting to go back to work, or the ones who were simply jobless- how about this: did it occur to you that there are other shifts? Not everyone is a 9-5 white collar worker. Some work 2nd and 3rd (or swing shift) - in what is referred to as blue collar, and are just successful financially.
Or how about someone like me? I don't have a job outside the home. I don't have to - I am able to stay home and take care of my house and my family. Does that make me a non-contributor to society? Does that make me lazy? Or, does that make me an uneducated woman who "betrayed" her own kind by not voting for Clinton?

Some really need to think before they speak (type)
Or some folks sacrificed sleep to watch something that happens once every 4 years.
So, yes, Trump was by no means a vindication of the Republican Party. But other results presumably were - and I saw a lot of comments here about the death of that party. After last night, the President is a Repub, the House and Senate are in Repub control, over two thirds of lower state houses are Repub, over two thirds of upper State houses are Repub, and over two thirds of state governors are Repub. In 25 states, Repubs have the governorship and both houses.

The death of the party was a little exaggerated....
Paul Krugman, NYTimes ass, was a Special Advisor to Enron. Also said in 2002 that what the economy needed was a housing bubble. I keep waiting for his redemption. From Instapundit:

PAUL KRUGMAN, 12:42 AM: “If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.”

Markets, just now:


heh. dumbass.
Well I'm back to eat crow. let me have it. You guys were right and I was wrong and I deserve torment for giving you guys hell. Didnt see this coming at all.

I really thought you guys were ignoring the obvious but it was me. Derrr me.

and for public enemy.. I didnt vote ... I'm not a Clinton supporter and I'm not sad she lost. Actually I am getting a kick out of her and die hard liberals coming down off their ledge. Its just at the same time Trump being president turns my stomach... If you arent worried about him and his ego doing something stupid.. then you are kidding yourself.
then you are kidding yourself.
That's exactly what they told us about him winning, too. When are you guys going to realize you don't have a clue & stop speaking in absolutes?

You just spent months telling us all he'd never do this, never do that & not 24 hours after him actually doing it you're back, talking out of your ass again. It's you who his kidding yourself.
I think this election exposed how brain dead liberals are. You claim your for the little guy and corporations are evil....yet your nominee was a crony capitalist, tied to banks, who loves intervening in foreign lands causing chaos and war. The Republicans were actually the ones who raged against the machine. People are tired of an ever expanding government, and regulation. People are sick of Democrats telling them they can't live without government and putting ceilings on people instead of creating opportunity and getting the hell out of the way. liberals proved how misguided they are with dem propaganda and face value policy based on feelings.
My strong suspicion is Trump is getting or will be getting endless advice about bringing the country together. If you consider he was Democrat and a liberal for 66 of his 70 years, he may listen to that. If he listens to that, I suspect anyone hoping for a Clinton indictment will be disappointed.

But again:

Disclaimer: I repeatedly said Trump could not win a general election, so you should discount my sentiments appropriately