How will they rule ??!

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Yea this is the mind of a stable genius! He deleted the tweets a CPL hours later once Ivanka spanked him and put him in time out. Then he tweets out a new one so he can pretend he purposely used Noble instead of Nobel 3x, which is not a journalism award. Also having a lovers quarrel with Fox. He is having a full breakdown.

"When will all of the "reporters" who have received Noble Prizes for their work on Russia, Russia, Russia, only to have been proven totally wrong (and, in fact, it was the other side who committed the crimes) be turning back their cherished "Nobles" so that they can be given to the REAL REPORTERS & JOURNALISTS who got it right."
"Lawsuits should be brought against all, including the Fake News Organizations, to rectify this terrible injustice. For all of the great lawyers out there, do we have any takers? When will the Noble Committee Act? Better be fast!"

"@FoxNews just doesn’t get what’s happening! They are being fed Democrat talking points, and they play them without hesitation or research. They forgot that Fake News @CNN & MSDNC wouldn’t let @FoxNews participate, even a little bit, in the poor ratings Democrat Debates.Even the Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats laughed at the Fox suggestion. No respect for the people running @FoxNews. But Fox keeps on plugging to try and become politically correct. They put RINO Paul Ryan on their Board. They hire 'debate questions to Crooked Hillary' fraud @donnabrazile (and others who are even worse).Chris Wallace is nastier to Republicans than even Deface the Nation or Sleepy Eyes. The people who are watching @FoxNews, in record numbers (thank you President Trump), are angry. They want an alternative now. So do I!"
You got guns? Well, this guy has his own private air force, and he just bought 46 more fully functional and upgraded F-18 hornets to go with it. He now has F-18s, BAE Hawks, MIG-29s, L-39s, PC-9s, and more. He also has the ammo to make them go Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat.

Drop one bomb on his runway and it is just as useful as mine.

He needs a full array of radar systems and SAMS or DEWS. Maybe have an alert rotation running too.
Damn James, you must’ve gotten marching orders, you’ve been
in high gear the past week or so.

They paying you 2 for 1 on posts? The midterms do look bleak.

I suspect it's because he got the guy who always lit him up (gassy), banned, so now he will post his cowardly takes here again, without being mocked relentlessly.
I heard today that ariel came out with a gay pride flag and that half the ppl in the park left. TIFWIW. Anyone seen video on that?

Edit. A quick duckduckgo search has not yielded anything on either side. If i had to bet, id bet false.
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I heard today that ariel came out with a gay pride flag and that half the ppl in the park left. TIFWIW. Anyone seen video on that?

If I were a Disney shareholder, I would be seriously angry, and speaking with some lawyers.

You just can't piss off half of your customer base to appease 5% of it, amd do it intentionally.

That's corporate malfeasance of the first order.
Not even assuming this story is true, but everything else they have publicly said.
Yeah, im not seeing anything online either, on either side of this. Its likely false (if i was snopes, id label it mostly true). Was passing what i heard and exactly why i put TIFWIW.
If I were a Disney shareholder, I would be seriously angry, and speaking with some lawyers.

You just can't piss off half of your customer base to appease 5% of it, amd do it intentionally.

That's corporate malfeasance of the first order.
Companies don't give a shit about common stock holders anymore. The real money is now in ESG score since that is what drives the big money investors to invest in a company.

Disney has an ESG of around 14.8 which is not bad, but is far from the best, so they are trying to get that up to get that sweet money. They were also downgraded just before their latest trans push started.

People need to get their head around the fact that the Environmental, Social, Governance score is what is driving this woke bullshit that is plaguing this country right now. Companies play the game or they get no money. Kill ESG, fix this problem.

This was what got them downgraded. As you can see they are trying hard to remedy that.
Someone who would get gassy banned probably drowns puppies.
Gassy could have caught the ban hammer from any number of suspects. He was in that cluster screwed Ukraine war thread calling out the dumbasses too.

I remember the day he was banned was the same day that the mods dumped some inane gay marriage thread into the pol thread and we had some new visitors. One was some mega dumbass something or another. He and Gassy had a pretty sharp conversation and he cried a bit. There were several other usual suspects here too, including one of Z's retreads.

I would bet much money one of them got Gassy banned.
because it hurts nobody to space them out. In a pandemic you do the most you can to mitigate not the bare minimum. Trumpsters to brain dead to understand that. Its also about setting an example. If Trump had started wearing a mask back in April then his sheep would also be wearing masks and not freaking out right now. People and institutions that exert influence should be smart about what they do and say.
Sometimes executives in companies do stupid crap because they don't ever talk to anyone but their peers. Example. I worked for Panera Bread for a long time. One time (I think 2014) we were having our quarterly meeting in the store when it was announced that Panera was going to get rid of baguettes and switch to rolls. Every single person in the room, from the managers to the high school kids just groaned and the general consensus was that it was a TERRIBLE idea. We spent 3 months getting complaint after complaint about getting rid of baguettes.

I guarantee you that some executive that had never spent more than 5 minutes in a store and probably never spoke to a customer decided it would be cheaper to do the rolls and no one would miss the baguettes. I'm sure he even had a fancy spreadsheet and power point presentation explaining it. Had he spent 5 minutes talking to employees in the stores he'd have known what a stupid idea that was.
Devil’s advocate, but as someone who works in the restaurant industry, sometimes these places purposely do away with a popular product as a marketing ploy. Eliminate it, get social media all in an uproar, get it out in the news cycle then eventually bring it back to some fanfare and increased sales. See Taco Bell and the Taco Pizza.