How will they rule ??!

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Government taking taxpayer money raised from people who payed for college or who did not go to college to pay student debt without any remedy to the cause of the problem. If colleges are going to get free taxpayer money without any accountability, this problem is never ending.

Every college who accepts a guaranteed student loan should only offer marketable majors and should accept a flat rate. If they charge beyond that government rate, their students cannot get the loan from the government. And, the loans can only go for majors that will actually get the student a job. Universities raped students by taking advantage of them (cost of education skyrocketed because of the guaranteed student loan) and this administration is so beholden, they cannot point the finger at the cause of the problem.

People who sacrificed to save for their kids, people who worked their asses off to pay down the loan, are paying for others’ lack of planning and failures.
Liberal mindset...

Man, this takes some nuts to say this to people you forced to do something.

Will be the biggest I EFFING TOLD YOU SO ever!

I shouldn't be surprised that so many blindly trust the government and media considering it's a religion to the left (and many on the right fall for the pressure and accepted narrative).

The shot had so many damn red flags

1. The fact that the manufacturers were exempt from liability
2. The rushed unprecedented trials
3. The massive amount of propaganda pumped out to the masses and absolute obsession you have to get it
4. The constant moving of goalposts
Went to the Walmart yesterday with my kids to look for finger puppets for a school project. Noticed that 2/3 of all dolls are now “ Dolls of Color”. Not sure how they will sell in our county which us 90%+ white, but I’ll bet they never release the data.
Also had a great time playing Walmart Bingo. Kids want to have team game with their friends.
It's okay. Commercials have taught me blacks are 80% of the country.
Y’all’re complaining about black dolls in a toy store, but racism, let alone systemic, supposedly doesn’t exist in America. Fantasyland.
“Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above;
Join with all nature in manifold witness,
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love.”

“Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!”
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The crazy thing about this, not one single Democrat is at all concerned with this type of behavior. Not even if it would lead to blackmail of a U.S. President. The Democrat Party would pay all blackmail or ransom money and just keep on partying. A fund raiser in Hollywood or Disney World would bring in all the ransom or blackmail money needed.

Nothing can shame a Democrat or open their eyes because they do not have ethics.
It’s funny cause he’s not really worried about it getting out, which is the whole point of blackmail, but rather that he won’t get paid for it if it leaks. Needs that hooker and blow money lol.
Communist tactic. It's what lefties do.

This whole thing is further proof of how crazy they are.

Leftist ideology exits the echo chamber and looks absurd, exposing the massively manufactured and carefully curated falseness of of the echo chamber. They opt to go after the one who simply shares it. Instead of seeing how crazy they are and how they sound, they try to intimidate the one sharing it who isn't even a public figure.

This same publication doesn't give a shit about Hunter Biden despite the proof of his family being compromised and being a runner for his dad and they hide behind "he doesn't work for the government" but a twitter account who simply reposts videos and tweets is worth their energy. Just stop pretending to be journalists. You're not.
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The crazy thing about this, not one single Democrat is at all concerned with this type of behavior. Not even if it would lead to blackmail of a U.S. President. The Democrat Party would pay all blackmail or ransom money and just keep on partying. A fund raiser in Hollywood or Disney World would bring in all the ransom or blackmail money needed.

Nothing can shame a Democrat or open their eyes because they do not have ethics.
Yet if this had been Don Trump Jr.? The hell that would be unleashed is unimaginable. Their hypocrisy to protect their agenda knows no bounds. It truly is "rules for thee but not for me"
That was most definitely a targeted hit. The guard probably pissed off the shooter earlier and got taken out on the comeback. Gotta keep your head on a swivel in the vibrant areas.

I saw an almost identical video the other day where a guy was getting gas and another guy walks up and puts two into the back of his head, three more into his back. Then he steals his phone. That video was from the third world shithole, South Africa. Think about that.
if he was on the board he would be required by law to act in the financial interest of shareholders. He also would be heavily restricted on what he could tweet. That is why he turned the seat down, he couldn't use it as a publicity stunt anymore. If you do any research on how he runs his companies you would quickly see Elon gives no shits about how twitter controls its speech. He has a long history of destroying anyone in his companies that speak out against his visions. He also sues the shit out of anyone that put out bad reviews of his products. Elon is an interesting visionary. but to say he cares about free speech is a lie, he cares about $$$$$ and attention.
There's no amount of money, no amount of education, no diversity quotas or Affirmative Action decisions that will change this culture. It is what it is. There's an idolatry of street life and a lack of regard for human life. People think they can fix their problems for them and they can't.

We've become completely desensitized to the amount of violence and destruction caused.
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It's always fun when the people who caused the problems warn you about the problems. Note the word, INTOLERABLE.

That is the tactic of a liberal. They scream conservatives are a threat to freedom of speech then panic when someone may threaten "twitter" and allow conservatives to use it.

If you pull back the sheets you see most illegal or unethical things liberal accuse conservatives of are actually being done without consequences by liberals. It so obvious it is a daily happening
I used to think - please let Joe stay alive. I know he has dementia, but this chick would be even worse. But I don't feel that way anymore. Neither one of them would be the real president - I don't know how that works, but Joe ain't making any decisions. Neither would she. So, it really doesn't matter which one is sitting behind the desk. And folks, this is funny as hell. She is entertaining. It is exactly like the OP said. It is like we are in High school English class and your best buddy is bsing his way through a book report and he hasn't read the book. I actually laughed out loud at this. She would be better than watching Joe walking around confused. I think I would prefer that she be president.