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Press 1 for English
They’ll do anything to pander. That’s all it is. Plain and simple.Lol isn't he Jewish
Do they get some kind of additional money for it or is it that they know that younger and woke investor's (growing base) will be more inclined to invest?Companies don't give a shit about common stock holders anymore. The real money is now in ESG score since that is what drives the big money investors to invest in a company.
Disney has an ESG of around 14.8 which is not bad, but is far from the best, so they are trying to get that up to get that sweet money. They were also downgraded just before their latest trans push started.
People need to get their head around the fact that the Environmental, Social, Governance score is what is driving this woke bullshit that is plaguing this country right now. Companies play the game or they get no money. Kill ESG, fix this problem.
This was what got them downgraded. As you can see they are trying hard to remedy that.
And if they had discovered the exact same thing on Trumps return, what do you think would have happened? Tell us honestly what you think would have happened to him?At least he didn't lie about releasing it then deciding not to do it when elected.
Just call me "Superman". Got the nickname Superman from my last overseas assignment from a G2 major and from my wife's sister. She gave me a bust of Superman for Christmas many years ago as a joke saying that I thought I was.Have to go through DIE (diversity, intimidation and exclusion) training tomorrow. I am considering announcing my preferred pronouns of "your majesty" or " your highness". I will refer to anyone who does not abide by my demands a bigoted kingophobe.
It probably is easier to point out the times Biden did not lie. The man cannot stop himself.At least he didn't lie about releasing it then deciding not to do it when elected.
Doesn’t WashPo fuel the liberal outrage machine? Where does Taylor live?
Oh my. That sounds like the great philosopher Spicoli.
Absolutely nothing of substance at all. Normal for her and Biden yet, dion, plat, jameslie, roddedby?, sammy, peded, are star struck by them.
These ppl are just terrible.
Since DeSantis isn’t ready, who’s your choice when Trump can’t run?This would be false at this point. Trump had this country in its best position in our lifetime....economically, foreign policy, illegal immigration, small business growth, etc, etc, etc. There is no argument otherwise.
The baggage and stupid fights you speak of have this much bearing on Trump's ability to be POTUS....none. To say that DeSantis is light years better only means one don't like Trump. His mean tweets must have offended you.
DeSantis will have his moment one day, but he simply isn't ready to take over with what he will have to deal with in '24.
These putzes decry the debt attributed to student loans without ascribing ANY fault. Did the student abuse the loan by getting too much or by getting a non-marketable degree? Did Congress eff up by making the loan guaranteed, without any contemplation of the ramifications? Did the schools rape the students, because they knew everyone could get the money?An idea to lower college loans ... if student is unable to get a job in the career field of the major within 2 years of graduation, the school must provide a full refund. Dining, lodging, all of it.
This would actually hold schools and "professors" accountable and may even make the schools more selective of who they bring in.
Since DeSantis isn’t ready, who’s your choice when Trump can’t run?
Or... do what I did last week... sell the stock and walk away.If I were a Disney shareholder, I would be seriously angry, and speaking with some lawyers.
You just can't piss off half of your customer base to appease 5% of it, amd do it intentionally.
That's corporate malfeasance of the first order.
He s not wrong: NFLX is nothing but wokeness disguised as programming.
Or what subjects they teach.An idea to lower college loans ... if student is unable to get a job in the career field of the major within 2 years of graduation, the school must provide a full refund. Dining, lodging, all of it.
This would actually hold schools and "professors" accountable and may even make the schools more selective of who they bring in.
It's not pending anymore dumbass, they ruled on it today. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch both ruled in favor of allowing companies to censor speech. Halleck lost the case.
It's okay. Commercials have taught me blacks are 80% of the country.Went to the Walmart yesterday with my kids to look for finger puppets for a school project. Noticed that 2/3 of all dolls are now “ Dolls of Color”. Not sure how they will sell in our county which us 90%+ white, but I’ll bet they never release the data.
Also had a great time playing Walmart Bingo. Kids want to have team game with their friends.
* KA - BOOM *it wasn't Russians. browder is american born and all his buddies are American & british, get a clue. they had investments in Russia and had to run when Putin cracked down on outsiders to avoid being killed. never heard of the magnitsky act? that lawyer Putin murdered was browder's company. you can go to and see how much they have to Hillary, wasn't even close to 400k.
And 80% of all couples are mixed: one white, one blackIt's okay. Commercials have taught me blacks are 80% of the country.
No worries. Blackrock will be right along to buy up all that debt and save the day once again.
Biden needs Bugs Bunny or Peter Cottontail one to come & bail him out.
The crazy thing about this, not one single Democrat is at all concerned with this type of behavior. Not even if it would lead to blackmail of a U.S. President. The Democrat Party would pay all blackmail or ransom money and just keep on partying. A fund raiser in Hollywood or Disney World would bring in all the ransom or blackmail money needed.Video is from 2019 after Hunter finished filming a sex tape. This guy is a moron.
Bombshell Video: Hunter Biden Confesses To Hooker That Russia Has His THIRD Laptop
The Bidens are