How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I would just like to know the internal discussions and the pitch to even create CNN Plus in the first place. Your ratings have been horrendous. So no one is watching you even when you're free so why do you think they would want to pay for it when they already don't see value in it?

Sometimes executives in companies do stupid crap because they don't ever talk to anyone but their peers. Example. I worked for Panera Bread for a long time. One time (I think 2014) we were having our quarterly meeting in the store when it was announced that Panera was going to get rid of baguettes and switch to rolls. Every single person in the room, from the managers to the high school kids just groaned and the general consensus was that it was a TERRIBLE idea. We spent 3 months getting complaint after complaint about getting rid of baguettes.

I guarantee you that some executive that had never spent more than 5 minutes in a store and probably never spoke to a customer decided it would be cheaper to do the rolls and no one would miss the baguettes. I'm sure he even had a fancy spreadsheet and power point presentation explaining it. Had he spent 5 minutes talking to employees in the stores he'd have known what a stupid idea that was.
Out today.

Out today.

Not to mention Ukraine. How many billions in aid have we sent them so far just to prolong getting all their people killed? How much of that is funneled back to Biden and his cronies? I’m not against supporting Ukraine at all. Their citizens are innocent victims. Wanna help them? Bomb the damn Kremlin and quit wasting tax dollars and lives. Or at the very least posture that that’s a real possibility in order to get Putin to the negotiating table. That’s what Trump would have done.
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Looks like Russia is loosing patience with the Ukrainian holdouts in Mariupol and are about to do some Russian things. They have said they will flood the tunnels beneath the cold war steel factory if the defenders don't surrender. Ukraine claims there are civilians there.

I'm sure this belongs in the War Thread, but I can't deal with that thread. Those of you who post there must have the patience of Job.

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But what is a woman? didn't think it could be defined anymore. Pretty sure a good number of the individuals in that identify as a dude or something other than a woman. Also, you're all for dudes playing sports with chicks so obviously you don't think there are any inherent physical advantages between men and "women" so fair game right?
Exactly, they want to be like men and go out and attack people they should get punched like a man if someone defends themselves against these terrorist.
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Of course there are physical differences. I just think they're far less important than the intellectual similarities. But that's beside the point, which was that nobody should be bullying anyone. Which was what warrior was saying, use his physical strength to intimidate someone weaker. Regardless of sex. Men do it to smaller men all the time too. I did when I was young and brash and dumb. But I've matured over the years. And warrior is a lot older than I am, and in a profession that involves use of force. He should've learned this long ago.
False. These people attack other people and should be punished for their bullying of others.

Now you're just brash and dumb.
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The majority of the people in that picture were arrested for being Bullies. For being violent towards other people, businesses or things that got in the way of them "spreading their message". Antifa members are the epitome of bullies, but they work in groups to compensate for their individual weaknesses. They surround innocent people with threats of violence, they destroy peoples properties, they harass and try to intimidate people just trying to live a normal life or enjoy a meal at a sidewalk cafe or restaurant that happens to be in their marching path. Those are the people you like to side with.
Exactly why they have punch able faces. Dion is OK with his type bullying people. He just don't think people have the right to defend themselves if they disagree with him.
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LOL I hurt the snowflake's internet feelings. On a shittalking forum. Totally the same as punching a woman in the face, which was the topic.
No one punched it in the face but, it is a punch able face if it is bullying someone else which is what they were doing. The topic was brought up because they were bullying other people and how do you know what a woman is when your type can't define one.

By the way, women would not do what you and them were doing. Real women act like women.
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