How will they rule ??!

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I don't trust anything the Castellini's say. there are creative ways around every problem. The Reds are no different than the Twins or the Royals, The Twins won 101 games in 2019. The Royals went to back to back World Series in '14/'15. So it can be done. They were a couple of key moves away from being able to really contend, if they had chosen to do so. they could have made it work one more year.
Don't forget the Rays. They just made a World Series in 2020.
My argument is (and it's not really an argument) is the Lector posted a man has to have a y chromosome and someone with a y chromosome can't get pregnant or have a baby. He didn't say except in rare instances. He said definitively those things are always true. I simply stated and posted that those statements aren't always true because they aren't. There aren't one singular anomaly either. I in 20,000 isn't a singular anomaly. Approximately, 140,000,000 babies were born in 2021. Lets assume half of those were boys. 1 in 20,000 boys will not have a y chromosome. That means 3500 boys born in 2021 will not have a Y chromosome. That isn't a singular anomaly. It might be rare but it isn't a situation of only happening once.
You are simply being willfully dishonest. Your own link supporting the crux of your argument, that the rare condition of female with a Y getting pregnant, had you actually take time to read it yourself refutes your own argument. Imbedded in the link is the source of your claim.

Your rare (LOL Only ONE ACTUALLY) in India had to go though months of hormone therapy to develop her uterus as well as have a donated egg because of having no ovaries.... does not support but actually refutes your argument. Having extreme medical intervention to allow her to carry a child to birth does not support your assertion.

We all, every single one of us know, that eventually if not already, medical scientific intervention could eventually provide for a male or a machine to carry a fetus to birth. All it takes is a willing host and medical crew to make it happen.
So TCurtis, is your argument that if there is one singular anomaly to any rule or law then that law or rule should be discounted? It does seem you are finding the extremely rarest of occurrences and arguing that that disproves the overall concept. At least as I see it.
Yep. That's his argument. If one human in India has 2 heads, that means the statement "humans have a head" is untrue. Groomers need to find willing participants in that charade.
TCurtis knows that Lia Thomas is not a woman. So, this ongoing discussion lacks relevance to the issue. In short, Dr. Lector and TCurtis can find common ground in their definition of what is not a woman.

They don't need any help. First it was Canadian truckers are nazis, now this.

Inflation has been driven up since "2 weeks to slow the spread" then really ramped up January 2021...not to mention, imagine if build back better went thru
Nevermind that we've learned there's nothing the GOP wouldn't do to retain or regain power.
You are simply being willfully dishonest. Your own link supporting the crux of your argument, that the rare condition of female with a Y getting pregnant, had you actually take time to read it yourself refutes your own argument. Imbedded in the link is the source of your claim.

Your rare (LOL Only ONE ACTUALLY) in India had to go though months of hormone therapy to develop her uterus as well as have a donated egg because of having no ovaries.... does not support but actually refutes your argument. Having extreme medical intervention to allow her to carry a child to birth does not support your assertion.

We all, every single one of us know, that eventually if not already, medical scientific intervention could eventually provide for a male or a machine to carry a fetus to birth. All it takes is a willing host and medical crew to make it happen.
You are being dishonest and I am done with it. Take your man bun trump loving ass and move along to someone else. You are still wrong and you are still an asshole. Another person added to the ignore list.

A quick google search would also show it has happened in Croatia among other places. So on Wed 04/13/22 at 3:42 pm EST, you are still absolutely wrong.
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Yep. That's his argument. If one human in India has 2 heads, that means the statement "humans have a head" is untrue. Groomers need to find willing participants in that charade.
The statement that humans have a head isn't untrue. The statement that humans can only have 1 head is untrue if someone has more than one head.

You are a genetic male with a Y chromosome. That is true. You didn't Say that. You said "You are not a genetic male without the Y." and that is untrue as 1 in 20,000 genetic males do not have the Y chromosome.
Why do leftists hate all things good? Is it because they are evil? Or stupid? Or easily indoctrinated sheep? Or a bit of each?

Why do rightists fear a changing society and spend so much time worrying about what other people do? Is it because they are fearful? Or stupid? Or easily indoctrinated? Or a bit of each.

All of your partisan na, na na boo boo can easily be flipped around.

Both sides are cults. Both sides are not completely flawless or completely flawed. Your side is much easier to troll and rile into a spitting-when-you-talk angry lather that usually includes threats of violence or personal attacks.
  • Haha
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I am surprised you can find the time to come here. Isn't there a trans person that needs bashing somewhere? That seems to be your favorite hobby.

I think you want these boogie men to actually exist, so you deceive yourself into believing people are the ugly you are looking for. I suspect that might be because you have a past of bigotry and are trying hard to deal with your guilt by projecting. Regardless, your lies won’t ever amount to truth and won’t even satisfy your lust for attacking others, because deep down you know your just making crap up.
You are being dishonest and I am done with it. Take your man bun trump loving ass and move along to someone else. You are still wrong and you are still an asshole. Another person added to the ignore list.

A quick google search would also show it has happened in Croatia among other places. So on Wed 04/13/22 at 3:42 pm EST, you are still absolutely wrong.
Damn. I've been cancelled by a compassionate leftist...who hates science. When you need, as your article states clearly, a medical miracle to buttress your claim...then you have lost. Point set match ME.

Woman with 95% MALE DNA gives birth to twins in what doctors describe as a 'medical miracle'

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Damn. I've been cancelled by a compassionate leftist...who hates science. When you need, as your article states clearly, a medical miracle to buttress your claim...then you have lost. Point set match ME.

Woman with 95% MALE DNA gives birth to twins in what doctors describe as a 'medical miracle'

It still makes your statement false because IT HAPPENED. That's all I have said this entire time. It also happened in Croatia and other countries as well. I thought your profile pic was supposed to just be Ronald McDonald. It clearly is a selfie because you are most definitely a clown.
I think you want these boogie men to actually exist, so you deceive yourself into believing people are the ugly you are looking for. I suspect that might be because you have a past of bigotry and are trying hard to deal with your guilt by projecting. Regardless, your lies won’t ever amount to truth and won’t even satisfy your lust for attacking others, because deep down you know your just making crap up.
Yawn again!!!!!!
I think you want these boogie men to actually exist, so you deceive yourself into believing people are the ugly you are looking for. I suspect that might be because you have a past of bigotry and are trying hard to deal with your guilt by projecting. Regardless, your lies won’t ever amount to truth and won’t even satisfy your lust for attacking others, because deep down you know your just making crap up.
Oh look, a village lost its idiot...or in your case, a cave lost it's neanderthal caveman
It still makes your statement false because IT HAPPENED. That's all I have said this entire time. It also happened in Croatia and other countries as well. I thought your profile pic was supposed to just be Ronald McDonald. It clearly is a selfie because you are most definitely a clown.
Would it have happened without a medical miracle? No. So it is medical science and not genetic. human. nature. It is Frankenstein's Lab.....located apparently in India and Croatia. Good to know.
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I think you want these boogie men to actually exist, so you deceive yourself into believing people are the ugly you are looking for. I suspect that might be because you have a past of bigotry and are trying hard to deal with your guilt by projecting. Regardless, your lies won’t ever amount to truth and won’t even satisfy your lust for attacking others, because deep down you know your just making crap up.

The groomers have found their willing foot soldier in that guy. He is lost.
Yeah, no. One side is much more intolerant of opposing views and more likely to burn down cities and it isn’t the right.
It is funny to read how the left pretends to know about those who disagree when we saw more woke people spitting and screaming and losing all control during the riots of the past two years. The lack of control was truly disturbing.
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More voter fraud discovered.
Didn’t see where it stated who they voted for though it did say one cast an absentee vote in Michigan as well as Florida.
The bigger question is why is someone that lives in Florida receiving Michigan absentee ballots, and who else that lived out of state did too?

This is what happens when mass mail in and absentee voting occurs.only took you 2 years to accept it.
Would it have happened without a medical miracle? No. So it is medical science and not genetic. human. nature. It is Frankenstein's Lab.....located apparently in India and Croatia. Good to know.
That’s not what you said initially though. You said a person can’t give birth if they have a Y chromosome. You didn’t say they can’t without a medical miracle. That’s the difference. I said your initial statement was wrong and it was. Your statement was wrong then and it is still wrong. That’s my entire position. Now you are adding caveats like well it required a medical miracle when that was no part of your initial statement.
This is where victim culture and obsession with race leads...

3rd base coach for the Padres (former Cards manager) allegedly said to the Giants bench "you need to control that motherf--cker" talking about a black coach for the Giants named Antoan Richardson.

Richardson after the game said "his words were disproportionately unwarranted and reeked of undertones of racism when he referred to me as 'that motherf-cker', as if I was to be controlled or a piece of property or enslaved. I think it is really important we understand what happened tonight."