How will they rule ??!

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Pretty much....those that are well off will survive....the others.......prayers.

It is truly unbelievable how we have spiraled downhill in just over a year. Most of us knew Biden would be a disaster, but not to the point of ruining the country.
Took most of our money out of the stock market and put into safer places until this mess is over with. Will be doing some bargain buying when it inevitably crashes. If we sold our home today, we would walk away with a ton of cash. Its extremely tempting but then where the heck are we going to live?? Took us 2 years to get our current home. My gut tells me we will regret not selling but the housing crisis has inventory so low vs the demand I cannot see it crashing anytime soon. It's just going to get even more ridiculously expensive to buy or build one.

The damage Washington and government in general have done in just the last 2 years will take generations to fix (let's be real, it won't ever be fixed because the system and politicians are too corrupt now).
The new CNN+ isn't doing well...what?

But just look at this all star team! Why aren't people subscribing? They got Rex Chapman!

Trump left office down 12million jobs, GDP down 4%, unemployment at 6.5%, inflation already shooting up, stock market hyper inflated, Trumpsters trying to invade the Capital. HE went to NK and sucked off Rocket Boy and got nothing. He went to Helsinki and told the world that Putin had nothing to do with hacking, sucked him off as well, and got nothing. Hadn't gotten a single piece of legislation passed since his 1st year in office. What a great inheritance!

Here’s a look at average GDP growth rates under the last six U.S. presidents:

  • Jimmy Carter (D): 3.25%
  • Ronald Reagan (R): 3.48%
  • George H.W. Bush (R): 2.25%
  • Bill Clinton (D): 3.88%
  • George W. Bush (R): 2.2%
  • Barack Obama (D): 1.62%
  • Donald Trump (R): 0.95%
So he left office with less jobs then he started, higher unemployment then he started, and cratered GDP.
The only thing he accomplished was letting pharma accelerate vaccine research and his brain dead sheep think it was a conspiracy to micro chip and cull the population. LMAO!
You do realize that transgendered people have existed as long as recorded human history right?

That whole societies accepted them and considered them I don’t know valid human beings first and foremost.

You should try that sometime.
Yes, they have always existed. Their condition is now, and always has been, a mental illness. Denying their mental illness doesn't help anyone, and hurts those suffering from it the most. Shame on you.
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Why don’t you just go live your life how you see fit and leave everyone else out of it?

World would be a lot better place if people like you did.
The only thing thicker than the irony of this post is the skull that contains your tiny brain.
You do realize that transgendered people have existed as long as recorded human history right?

That whole societies accepted them and considered them I don’t know valid human beings first and foremost.

You should try that sometime.
Horse shit. Yes, but the Greeks got it right. Men, naked men, competed in the Olympics. Maybe they had a way to keep women from flaunting any advantage
Godwin’s law showed up on the first page.

I was today years old when I learned how much political conservatives care about NCAA women’s swimming. I didn’t realize there were so many fellow swim fans. I love the relays and the butterfly the most.
Why do leftists hate all things good? Is it because they are evil? Or stupid? Or easily indoctrinated sheep? Or a bit of each?
Pretty much....those that are well off will survive....the others.......prayers.

It is truly unbelievable how we have spiraled downhill in just over a year. Most of us knew Biden would be a disaster, but not to the point of ruining the country.

@jameslee32 is something funny that you would laugh at this?
Yes, experts that are not tied to the swamp have been saying this. It is supposed to get much worse. It is almost as if the left wants to "fundamentally change America". Is Obama still in charge?
It will be how the Elites separate themselves from us plebes. the market crashes, everybody loses most of their livelihoods and the WEF and the Great Reset comes to the rescue, but everybody and anybody who wants anything at all will have to play by their tyrannical rules.
Yep. Watch what happens next with guns. The next step will be to stop the personal selling of weapons from owner to owner.
Only guns we have were either bought through a dealer or passed to us from my wife's Father who passed away last year. If buying from an individual is there any paperwork that needs to happen? Is there a process like transferring a car title? I know in KY if you buy a gun online it has to be shipped to a local licensed gun dealer and picked up there.
Took most of our money out of the stock market and put into safer places until this mess is over with. Will be doing some bargain buying when it inevitably crashes. If we sold our home today, we would walk away with a ton of cash. Its extremely tempting but then where the heck are we going to live?? Took us 2 years to get our current home. My gut tells me we will regret not selling but the housing crisis has inventory so low vs the demand I cannot see it crashing anytime soon. It's just going to get even more ridiculously expensive to buy or build one.

The damage Washington and government in general have done in just the last 2 years will take generations to fix (let's be real, it won't ever be fixed because the system and politicians are too corrupt now).
What options do we have to protect our 401K's?
Only guns we have were either bought through a dealer or passed to us from my wife's Father who passed away last year. If buying from an individual is there any paperwork that needs to happen? Is there a process like transferring a car title? I know in KY if you buy a gun online it has to be shipped to a local licensed gun dealer and picked up there.
I bought a shot gun a couple of years ago from a buddy. Only paperwork that happened was the paper of cash!!
@jameslee32 is something funny that you would laugh at this?
He seems to have taken to the pattern of other liberal posters on here who hit the laughing emoji on every worrisome post by anyone on the right as though it's all conspiracy theory or fear over nothing. We'll see if he's laughing still when all is said and done.
I bought a shot gun a couple of years ago from a buddy. Only paperwork that happened was the paper of cash!!
I've always wondered how this works...what if a gun is registered to sell it to a buddy, who then sells it. Someome ends up dead...does it come straight back to you?