How will they rule ??!

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You sheep fell for the border "SURGE" bullshit just like you do every year.
Which it always goes in one direction. The party that called everyone nazi, is now threatened they're called groomer. It's petty for all.

The same as if you don't support the Florida bill its beyond the pale to call someone groomer, while simultaneously its A okay for Buttigege and any talking head to call anyone that supports the bill a child murderer.

Again...only one side gets any attention.

Just the same with Disney. The right said nothing about them...but out of the lefts playbook to put all types or absurd pressure on them, the right it's "the GOP's war with Mickey Mouse" must follow this. It's the rules

The difference is that when the left calls the right 'Nazi' it's NOT true, and when the right calls the left 'groomer' it IS true.
He's been flogging that DeSantis chicken for months. DeSantis isn't running in '24. He knows it, but he's self delusional.
While I wish DeSantis would run, I really like him and the way he handles himself, I know he's smart enough not to get into a primary battle with Trump. It would be nice if he could be Trumps running mate making him the natural successor, but again that is highly unlikely as well, so I've come to the conclusion that he will likely serve one more term as Florida's Governor then when that term is up start his campaign for President in 2028.
I didn't ask your opinions, you asked me. But you couldn't help yourself stating them over mine vs. just doing so to begin with.

Trump is flat not a consideration for me & I've stated the reasons on here many times.

Since DeSantis isn't ready, I wonder who people will go for when Trump doesn't run.
So when it comes down to Trump and whoever the hell the Dems trot out there in 2024, who are you pulling the lever for? One of the third party candidates that stand no chance? Or will you leave it blank?
B S.

Once again, here is the party (yours) defends pedophilia and is now even trying to normalize it. The other (for now) doesnt. (If the rinos get their way, who knows.)

You guys are, once again, on the wrong side of the issue. Do not try to deflect the cancer in your party to anyone else.

Stop supporting it. Simple. Now get your party to stop.
The church normalized pedophilia hundreds of years ago. Or was there some other organization that put so much energy into legitimizing child marriages? nope. that and watching priests molest kids.
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I am clueless on inner workings of business and executive boards. However, as soon as I saw the stipulation of him only owning a Max 14.9%, my “this is significant” radar started pinging.

I bet he has good reason to decline the seat, for now.
if he was on the board he would be required by law to act in the financial interest of shareholders. He also would be heavily restricted on what he could tweet. That is why he turned the seat down, he couldn't use it as a publicity stunt anymore. If you do any research on how he runs his companies you would quickly see Elon gives no shits about how twitter controls its speech. He has a long history of destroying anyone in his companies that speak out against his visions. He also sues the shit out of anyone that put out bad reviews of his products. Elon is an interesting visionary. but to say he cares about free speech is a lie, he cares about $$$$$ and attention.
Yes...Catholics, like Joe Biden
7 of the 9 SCOTUS are catholic. 6 of them put in place by the GoP. It is the dominant religion of the world. its 20-25% of the US. For a long time the Vatican pretty much ran the important parts of the world. And they have always supported child brides to grown ass men. Francis just raised the age of marriage to 16 2 years ago.
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7 of the 9 SCOTUS are catholic. 6 of them put in place by the GoP. It is the dominant religion of the world. its 20-25% of the US. For a long time the Vatican pretty much ran the important parts of the world. And they have always supported child brides to grown ass men. Francis just raised the age of marriage to 16 2 years ago.

A con man actually a scumbag (actually he's both) pushed through a SC judge that is soft on pedophiles.
This lady is about to be a multi millionaire. The state and the hospital are going to be paying out 5mil+ settlements to her. The ****ing prosecutor literally made up a law to charge her with. The nurse and hospital violated HIPPA to rat on her. All because the GoP thinks it has control over women.

if he was on the board he would be required by law to act in the financial interest of shareholders. He also would be heavily restricted on what he could tweet. That is why he turned the seat down, he couldn't use it as a publicity stunt anymore. If you do any research on how he runs his companies you would quickly see Elon gives no shits about how twitter controls its speech. He has a long history of destroying anyone in his companies that speak out against his visions. He also sues the shit out of anyone that put out bad reviews of his products. Elon is an interesting visionary. but to say he cares about free speech is a lie, he cares about $$$$$ and attention.
I cannot argue with any of the above.

I kind of understood the fiduciary responsibility. I think I used the correct term, maybe not. 🙂

To Elon Musk’s reasoning or history, I have no clue.

thanks for the response. 👍
Type "Biden is a pedophile" in a Google search... and then in Duck Duck Go or some other search engine.

Most of you won't be surprised...
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While I wish DeSantis would run, I really like him and the way he handles himself, I know he's smart enough not to get into a primary battle with Trump. It would be nice if he could be Trumps running mate making him the natural successor, but again that is highly unlikely as well, so I've come to the conclusion that he will likely serve one more term as Florida's Governor then when that term is up start his campaign for President in 2028.
Trump is going to run in 2024 and that is the end of who will be the Republican nominee. DeSantis knows it and it is in his and FL's best interest if he remains their Governor until Trump's term is done (assuming he wins which is a huge assumption right now). Trump's pick as VP has to be someone he can trust and has enough credibility not to scare folks away. Who that person is, I have no idea because about everyone Trump surrounds himself with end up stabbing him in the back.

The only way this country has any shot at reversing some of the damage Biden and Dems will leave behind is Trump having 4 more years and then a DeSantis following him up another 8 years. That also includes getting rid of the likes of Mitch and McCarthy as Republican leaders which I do not have any confidence will happen. I do not have any faith this country has the ability to keep Dems out of power for the foreseeable future especially considering the lengths Dems will go to win elections.
The real discrimination is the fact that trans-men cannot compete with biological men in the professional sports arena. We see all of these trans-women taking medals and competing well against biological females, but where are the trans-men? Clearly there are anti-trans men systems at work. I think we should require every NBA, NFL, MLB etc. team to start a trans-man to put an end to this systemic bias.


I said I agree that trans folks shouldn’t be able to compete in athletics, but I understand how the issue could get murky each way in terms of competitive advantage and/or legality.

I can’t tell if your post is an attempt at humor or if you’re trying to start some shit with me when there is no shit to start.
While I wish DeSantis would run, I really like him and the way he handles himself, I know he's smart enough not to get into a primary battle with Trump. It would be nice if he could be Trumps running mate making him the natural successor, but again that is highly unlikely as well, so I've come to the conclusion that he will likely serve one more term as Florida's Governor then when that term is up start his campaign for President in 2028.
He doesn't want to tie with horse to Trump. Downside is the only possibility.