I don't think so. Sam is your typical liberal that bases all of his decisions and opinions on emotions. He would be the guy at the protest wearing the pu***y hat that when interviewed by a conservative reporter wouldn't have any real answers of substance, just talking points. He's the type of guy that you could hang out with at a ballgame and drink a beer without any problems.
Dion on the other hand is full-blown communist/antifa. Every thought he has is devoted to the hardcore left. He's the type of guy that in the first 5 minutes of meeting him, you would know where he stands on the political spectrum. No one on this forum is father to the left than him.
I do love me some beer at ballgames.
I would love to put a bullet in Putin's head.
I think all child molesters should be castrated and placed in prison for life.
I don't believe in late term abortion.
I think BLM suggesting defunding police is nuts.
I would love to see a nationwide move to hire more cops and build more prisons for all those that commit violent crime.
I am a huge supporter of our military.
I think we should be drilling more oil but also investing in alternative energy sources at the same time.
I can't stand Pelosi or AOC any more than Lauren Bobert or MTG.
I support the death penalty in some cases.
I own two guns and have no problem using them.
I think the government taxes us too much.
I think male to female trans athletes competing against females is unfair.
I think the government shouldn't mandate vaccines for private sector but private sector has the right to require if they chose to.
Just because I advocate for masks/vaccines during a pandemic and think Donald Trump's a very dangerous con man....I get called a whacko liberal on here.
I want LESS government telling you to turn in your neighbor for seeking an abortion or turn in parents of trans kids (Texas) or turn in your teacher for discussion of a topic like "gay" that may or may not ever come up in class (Florida). It reminds me of communist Russia or China with KGB watching you always.
I want LESS government telling you how to live your life, what you chose to do with your own body, who you chose to marry, or what sex you identify as.
I'm all about individual liberties including gun rights (just more background checks) and the right to be free from crime and big government.