How will they rule ??!

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That is actually really bad news unless she is going over there to give out free blowjobs. Poland is one of the only NATO members that could go toe to toe with Russia and have a decent chance of making it.

Biden already pissed them off with the whole fighter jet debacle. The US cannot afford to screw up the relationship we have with Poland, period.
I agree. All our problems can in some form be directly traced to our social democracy.

But what's worse? Mark Cuban and some 1k monthly universal income checks for the leftists, or them bumbling us into WW3 with their TDS fueled incompetence?

It would also lessen their need for all the social division they create for political expediency.
Give an inch...they take a foot.
Give a foot....they take a yard.
Give a yard....well, you get the idea.

All the Federal 'giveaway' programs started out small and look at them now. Not only do they want what is already on the books even bigger (more $$$). They come up with even more programs/giveaways...ala universal income check, etc.
Maybe 10-15 years before Trump, I started saying I would love to get somebody in the White House that was more like a regular guy, and not a politician. That maybe a person like that could change things. Sure, Trump is not a regular guy at all, but he damn sure wasn't a politician either.

To see the backlash of everything that happened to that man after he was elected was amazing to me. A man who was in the public eye for most of my life was now a racist. Russian collusion. Good people. Shitholes. All Mexicans are rapists. Impeached twice and I still don't know why exactly. January 6.

There are two things to always remember about the Trump era:
One is that indeed there is a swamp, and it will truly protect itself.
Two is that there are a lot of people that want career politicians to govern over them.

Number one was an eye opener for me, and number two truly makes me scratch my head. When I think of the future, at first I was like the country cannot take another Trump, or Trump'ish presidency because of all the dumpster fires that came along with Trump. That maybe we are better off with a more moderate, less polarizing president.

After seeing what career politician Brandon and all the other career politicians are now doing to this country, I feel like I am ready to welcome Trump back, or someone very much like him. Maybe getting another straight shooting non-politician in the White House can lead to policies that help the American people, a lot more than career politicians. And hopefully we can start with term limits. I lean towards burn the old way down now.
The Swamp made it clear that any outsider will be destroyed if they try and interrupt how business is conducted in Washington. If Trump wins again, it will be more leaks, Dems trying to impeach, RHINO's stabbing him in the back, and career/corrupt bureaucrats doing everything possible to railroad him and anyone who supports him. Our government is too big, powerful and corrupt to ever fix via elections.
She just heard a pole needed worked and volunteered for the job.
DAMN - Friday Movie
There is a thread on Rafters about whether or not gas prices will impact travel to Tampa.

While I agree with the sentiment that it won’t change the plans this week, for those who planned this weeks/months ago, there is a contingent there that clearly has no grasp on the broader economic impact of what is going on here.

They think you can literally boil this down to a single, increased expenditure of $150, and ignore the broader impact of everything that is happening.

Just wait until the masses start having emergencies at home (need a repair,
Or something replaced), have car trouble, etc.

Supply is tight and prices are skyrocketing.

Two years after launching Covid, the elites are getting their way.

“We have the wealth to do whatever we want. The rest of you must sacrifice for the greater good.”

Let's see, skyrocketing utility bills and gas prices. Gas prices will increase everything. Inflation is insane. God forbid your paid off car has any issues or gets totaled because this is the absolute worst time to need a car due to nothing on the lot and price gauging in used cars.

Homes are going for ungodly amounts which will undoubtedly have a ton of foreclosures in the future (which I'm sure BlackRock will be glad to buy up). Rent is having increases that are significant. My friend's rent was going up $4K if he renewed his lease so that would be like taking a $4K paycut at work and then having every single bill go up at the same time. All of a sudden, you're much poorer.

This has massive effects and there's a huge portion of the population who is too stupid (or too brainwashed) to see it. Like I said, it's always different when it affects you and when they inevitably realize it, they will be in shock. But kudos for the media to persuade a portion of the public into being cool with it.

Take away a politician's ability to get a life of comfort and riches and see if they pitch the same BS to you. Imagine if they actually had to live under the same rules they push on to you.
Because SCIENCE DUDE is either am absolute idiot, or a deceitful liar.

Personally, I think it is a bit of both.

Dumbest poster on here. And that is saying a lot, considering PLAT/SAMMY/J. EDGAR, and RQ/FUZZ are still around.
Speaking of dumbest ever....Thank God the American people were smart enough to know better than to reelect this dangerous idiot of a President. Just another one of his brilliant ideas. What a flippin moron....
Trump "even called for the U.S. to attack Russia but make it look like it was actually China — by flying American planes with a Chinese flag on the side.
"And then we say, 'China did it,' " Trump told Republican donors Saturday in New Orleans, according to a recording obtained by The Washington Post. " 'We didn't do it — China did it,' and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch."
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Speaking of dumbest ever....Thank God the American people were smart enough to know better than to reelect this dangerous idiot of a President. Just another one of his brilliant ideas. What a flippin moron....
Trump "even called for the U.S. to attack Russia but make it look like it was actually China — by flying American planes with a Chinese flag on the side.
"And then we say, 'China did it,' " Trump told Republican donors Saturday in New Orleans, according to a recording obtained by The Washington Post. " 'We didn't do it — China did it,' and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch."
When you post things like this it makes you look like a 12 year old. You know and I know it was humorous and said to lighten up the audience.

You are being irresponsible to post something like this as fact and as a policy of Trump. I bet you thought Regan was serous when he said our planes were enroute to bomb the Old Soviet Union. A little light heartedness keeps one young. Laugh at what he said and go on about your life.

My buddy filled up his pick up at a cost of $165.00. That is news
The Swamp made it clear that any outsider will be destroyed if they try and interrupt how business is conducted in Washington. If Trump wins again, it will be more leaks, Dems trying to impeach, RHINO's stabbing him in the back, and career/corrupt bureaucrats doing everything possible to railroad him and anyone who supports him. Our government is too big, powerful and corrupt to ever fix via elections.
Personally, I think if Trump gets the nomination, they will head it off before the election with whatever the next pandemic they (bill Gates) are already predicting. I think it will make Covid look like childs play. Nothing will stop them from implementing the Great Reset.
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Personally, I think if Trump gets the nomination, they will head it off before the election with whatever the next pandemic they (bill Gates) are already predicting. I think it will make Covid look like childs play. Nothing will stop them from implementing the Great Reset.
I wonder if you'll be here to eat crow when this prediction fails to materialize just like the rest. Doubt it. Never any consequences for throwing worthless shit at the wall trying to get something to stick. Chimpanzee poop-howitzers.
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Personally, I think if Trump gets the nomination, they will head it off before the election with whatever the next pandemic they (bill Gates) are already predicting. I think it will make Covid look like childs play. Nothing will stop them from implementing the Great Reset.

We may be living in boarded up houses in November ‘24.

Deep down, I want to believe that the failure to pass BBB and federal election “reform” are positive signs.

My prayer is that what we did in Virginia in November was not a head fake, but that it was a free and fair election and is a reflection of what is to come.
When you post things like this it makes you look like a 12 year old. You know and I know it was humorous and said to lighten up the audience.

You are being irresponsible to post something like this as fact and as a policy of Trump. I bet you thought Regan was serous when he said our planes were enroute to bomb the Old Soviet Union. A little light heartedness keeps one young. Laugh at what he said and go on about your life.

My buddy filled up his pick up at a cost of $165.00. That is news
Super funny times. This biggest land war in Europe since WW2 and a children's hospital just got bombed in Ukraine. Putin is threatening to use nuclear weapons. China is a nuclear power.
Seems like a great time for the ex President to make a joke about bombing the shit out of Russia using US planes disguised as Chinese planes. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Cult 45 thinks so. Comedy gold for morons.
They shouldn't be teaching/pushing that no matter the age. Including college.
What do you say to a 3rd grader who tells you their two mommies or daddys are gay and want to ask you a question related to it? Nobody is pushing this. They are just trying to not make people feel like sh** for who or what they are. Christian Taliban.
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I wonder if you'll be here to eat crow when this prediction fails to materialize just like the rest. Doubt it. Never any consequences for throwing worthless shit at the wall trying to get something to stick. Chimpanzee poop-howitzers.
Why would there be consequences for someone posting a prognostication on a random sports message board in a random political thread on said message board? Damn you commies love to censor and punish people who don’t think like you.

Let's see, skyrocketing utility bills and gas prices. Gas prices will increase everything. Inflation is insane. God forbid your paid off car has any issues or gets totaled because this is the absolute worst time to need a car due to nothing on the lot and price gauging in used cars.
Yep. Just had to buy a car because the transmission went out on my last one. Even getting financing was hard because used car prices are inflated and banks don't want to put out loans for them.
KSR has an article about Rex being a studio analyst during March Madness. Below are some of the comments..

Comment avatar
3/9/22, 12:54 PM

Who listens to any announcers? I only watch on mute. I guess some people are too stupid to think for themselves.
  1. Comment avatar

    3/9/22, 12:43 PM
    If CBS thought that getting Rex to call games would get UK fans excited, they clearly don’t know what they are doing. They just want to hear his psycho liberal views during a basketball game. Id rather not watch tv for a year then listen to this moron call a basketball game
  2. Comment avatar

    Cousins Fake Tooth 2
    3/9/22, 12:41 PM
    Please no. Rex is a complete clown and a$$hat. Can't stand him. He will probably go steal some more stuff at the Apple store after he is done.
  3. Comment avatar

    3/9/22, 12:37 PM
    I’m glad Rex will be in the studio. He is knowledgeable and well spoken. He has always been nice to me and I wish him success and happiness.
  4. Comment avatar

    Matt Jones Main Source
    3/9/22, 12:07 PM
    Nobody likes Rex Chapman nowadays but EVERBODY (insert football team) liked his sister Jenny at UK #sources
    1. Comment avatar

      Cousins Fake Tooth 2
      3/9/22, 12:42 PM
      Hes a clown.
  5. Comment avatar

    3/9/22, 11:13 AM
    CNN Rex.. Fool
  6. Comment avatar

    3/9/22, 11:06 AM
    I don't usually agree with him but I still like Rex and I think he makes for an interesting commentator and media personality. We should support this Kentuckian!
    1. Comment avatar

      3/9/22, 11:09 AM
  7. Comment avatar

    3/9/22, 11:00 AM
    Just don't let him venture into any Apple stores...
    1. Comment avatar

      3/9/22, 11:07 AM
  8. Comment avatar

    3/9/22, 10:58 AM
    Rex can eat a bag of d..onuts
  9. Comment avatar

    3/9/22, 10:57 AM
    Rex who?
  10. Comment avatar

    3/9/22, 10:49 AM
    Cue the people who hate him because of his politics and because of that BS scoop on Cal leaving that one time.
    1. Comment avatar

      3/9/22, 11:45 AM
      Excuse me, it was the final four a few years later.
    2. Comment avatar

      3/9/22, 11:37 AM
      People hate him because *he* is a hateful jerk. It’s also interesting because in 2012 on the alternative feed for the championship game, he was clearly stoned out of his gourd. This guy never faces any real repercussions for his bad behavior. But hey, he’s famous so it’s all good.
    3. Comment avatar

      3/9/22, 11:07 AM
      He was a dumb ass for doing that.
  11. Comment avatar

    3/9/22, 10:49 AM
    I like Rex...but I didn’t like the “Cals leaving” crap he pulled during the tourney some years back.
    1. Comment avatar

      3/9/22, 10:59 AM
      That was really crappy of him. Sent BBN into a panic before the game even started
What do you say to a 3rd grader who tells you their two mommies or daddys are gay and want to ask you a question related to it? Nobody is pushing this. They are just trying to not make people feel like sh** for who or what they are. Christian Taliban.
Another weak comment. Where do you come up with this. The only answer is to send a note home with the child, requesting it be signed by the two mommies or daddies and returned to the teacher. The note should explain the problem and request they handle it or go to a child psychiatrist.

Our educational system does not train an ordinary 0-3 grade teacher on such issues. Nor should they. Let's teach these kids how to read and write before pushing this on them.

You make a good argument for not allowing homosexuals to adopt children. Like you pointed out it could screw up their psyche.
Yep. Just had to buy a car because the transmission went out on my last one. Even getting financing was hard because used car prices are inflated and banks don't want to put out loans for them.

What? You mean the banks don’t want to provide 100% financing on a 3 year old car that was worth 40% less a year ago?

I thought inflation was good.
I never went to school and asked my teacher about my parents’ relationship.

Never. Not once.

If an 8 year old comes to school and asks his teacher a question about his two dads, then the teacher can politely respond, “ask your parents at home.”

That has worked for centuries.

Kids see at an early age, that shit is f**ked up..
You say: talk to your god damned parents about it.
You're clueless about the number of interactions, questions, and relationships kids have with their teachers. Sometimes the teacher is the ONLY adult the child feels comfortable talking to. Telling a kid to talk to their god damned parents is not helpful.