Tell me you didn't read the bill without telling me you didn't read the bill.
So, if there's conversation about the actual bill that's fine. But per usual you've bought in fully on propaganda.
First, the bill isn't called "don't say gay" it literally says nothing about saying gay, saying you have gay parents, saying you are gay. NOTHING. It doesnt even say you cant have a conversation with a student. The idea that's what the bill says would be the equivalent if the media (of course they never would) called an abortion bill the slaughter children bill.
Next, I saw some D political ad where they had a bunch of high schoolers in it. Odd considering the entire bill revolves around 5-7 year olds. Which makes the protests all the more ridiculous. You're basically saying "well if I can't talk to a 5 year old about sexuality what the hell else am I supposed to teach?"
It's not hard...the bill is specifically discussing curriculum. You have 4th grade, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th. 12th to put this in. Curiously...why are you upset it can't be taught until then? I remember coloring in kindergarten and taking naps along with shapes, letters, etc. But your world is over if you can't have drag queen hour right off the bat.