How will they rule ??!

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fossils are not abundant in nature. It is very rare for a species to be preserved as a fossil. it is even more rare for someone to find that preserved fossil. hundreds of billions of creatures have died over earths history, a tiny tiny tiny fraction of a percent are preserved. We have gathered a small handful of these. Their are plenty of examples of transitional fossils, you are just to close minded to research them. Google Archaeopteryx, pakicetus, pezosiren. Thanks to modern genome mapping it is much easier now to link fossils. We have sequenceable DNA from a 45,000 year old Neanderthal, modern humans still carry a small amount of that DNA.
Are you trying to claim that God just inserts new species throughout earths history? They just magically poof into existence when he gets bored of the old ones? Its pretty obvious you went to a hardcore religious indoctrination school and fully bought in.
You can call it something other than evolution if you like. But it is an undisputable fact that species change over time. Some do it more rapidly and some do it more drastically.
You're too slow. I already squashed your precious archaeopteryx AND neanderthal. I'm not interested in repeating it twice to Dion's sock account.

You should try reading up on articles newer than 1974.
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fossils are not abundant in nature. It is very rare for a species to be preserved as a fossil. it is even more rare for someone to find that preserved fossil. hundreds of billions of creatures have died over earths history, a tiny tiny tiny fraction of a percent are preserved.
Hilarious that you don't see the INHERENT CONTRADICTION in this small statement.

Why aren't they preserved? There should be BILLIONS of skeletons! Your claim is UN. SUPPORTED. LOL
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You keep talking about this adding information. Random mutation is “information”. There’s a pond of turtles and one is born with a longer neck that can better reach hidden food. He mates and passes on the long neck to a few offspring. Now there’s a drought and only a handful of the many turtles survive. The few with the longer necks were better adapated so a higher percentage of them survive, meaning when the drought ends and the turtles repopulate many more will have longer necks than previously. “Information” was added. You can do the experiments yourself with fruit flies since they reproduce so quickly.
Excuse me, but you STILL don't understand evolution. First, give me the REAL-WORLD example of turtles doing this. Show me the evidence. Or did you make this up out of whole cloth?


You don't understand the difference between survival of the fittest and mutations.

Mutations ALWAYS involve the loss of information. Your little phony scenario ISN'T mutation. It's a variance that doesn't change the fact that the creature is a turtle.

The evolutionist supposes that a mutation occurs that will increase information content and make the resultant organism more survivable than the rest of the population. First of all – there is no example given in the evolutionary literature – no, not one – of this ever happening. Shouldn’t there be some laboratory evidence of this? Furthermore, any “useful” mutation will be swamped by a much larger number of deleterious mutations.

Besides, just what is a “useful” mutation? To build new genes, and thus new biological structures, requires the integrated complexity of thousands of new nucleotides, arranged in just the right sequence. Impossibility upon impossibility.

Even if the “right” mutation happens, though, the organism must survive to reproduce. Then natural selection must operate. The typical thought is that an environmental change is so severe that only the mutated offspring’s descendants survive. Alternatively, it’s postulated that the population grows exponentially so that a mutant’s higher reproductive capacity eventually dominates the population.

But this is all wishful thinking. Calculations can be done to show that a given mutant’s genome has a good chance of randomly disappearing. One also has to imagine gazillions of changing environmental conditions necessary for natural selection to pressure the old genome out of existence. Where is the quantitative discussion of all of these environmental miracles that are so finely tuned to favor a mutant genome over the rest of the population? With rare exceptions, mutations just don’t have anything to do with environmental pressures. The descriptions in the evolutionary literature are wonderfully vague and qualitative – and written for popular consumption. They don’t attempt to approach the scientific and mathematical rigor that you see in ANY other field. Additionally, populations don’t typically expand exponentially. They run into barriers that limit growth. Yet populations of the millions of species on this planet do survive – for the thousands of years since creation. Any complex genome will experience error catastrophe and extinction if given the millions of years of alleged evolutionary history.
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LOL that you believe man coming from apes makes more sense than that there is a real God who created everything.

Once again, note that evolution – to qualify as a science – must provide evidence that these events have actually occurred! Not only is the evidence lacking, but any mathematical analysis shows that these transformations of species are impossible!

This is analogous to a district attorney hoping to convict someone, not only with no evidence, but with overwhelming data that proves that the suspect could not possibly be responsible.
I believe today's theory is now that man and the apes came from the same ancestor. When the ape theory started losing ground after Lucy and a couple of others they went to a new theory. An animal fossil resembling a lemur supposedly started it for the primate series although there now may be new theories. It happens when their theories start falling apart. Like the big bang at first it was just a tiny speck (a singularity) so dense that it held in it the mass of the universe. Later on, that seemed impossible to many, so the big bang happened everywhere although they were not sure where everywhere was. Now, there is this one mentioned recently:

"The new theory, which is laid out in a recent paper in the journal Physical Review of Letters, aims to preserve a rule of physics called CPT symmetry. In the anti-universe before the Big Bang, it suggests, time ran backwards and the cosmos were made of antimatter instead of matter." Full article below.

If the big bang theory espoused by the evolution religion is true, then why do some moons rotate backwards? Defying the angular law of momentum?

I believe ... they rotate backwards to disprove evolution and God has a sense of humor. Lol
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Wait wait're joking right? You actually believe that a sci fi MOVIE counts as evidence for evolution?


By the way...

Your precious Archaeopteryx has been debunked. You're relying on old information. I'm rather disappointed in you, I thought you were equipped to discuss this subject from a knowledgeable perspective.

A new find is forcing evolutionists to sideline Archaeopteryx and change their story. Chinese scientists recently discovered another creature with “feathers,” named Xiaotingia zhengi, which evolutionists view as older than Archaeopteryx, based on their old-age dating assumptions.

After comparing both of these creatures with modern birds and dinosaurs, the researchers concluded that neither is directly related to modern birds. In fact, they propose classifying both Archaeopteryx and Xiaotingia zhengi in the dinosaur group of Velociraptor (Deinonychosauria).
It wasn't "debunked" you goof. It isn't a chicken's direct great great great grandfather. It's one example from among the vast permutations of life that existed at that time that had common features handed down to modern birds. This is the same misunderstanding as you did with human evolution a few posts ago. Of course Australopithecus and other hominids existed at the same time. Because it isn't some direct line of x turns into y that then turns into z. Individual populations change due to their mutations and environmental factors. Not entire species at a time. Crocodiles were around before the dinosaurs and are still here today relatively unchanged because they're so well adapted. All crocodiles don't cease to exist if one of them is born with a shorter snout, passing that on and eventually leading to a species of short-snouted crocodiles in one particular area.
Make no mistake, it's their ultimate goal. Will it happen by 2030? probably not that quickly. But a lot can change in 8 years. They've made it clear, they are infiltrating federal governments with their people and pushing policies that align with their stated goals. Klaus Schwab is a Totalitairan intent on reshaping the world in his image. The people who think this is going to result in some grand utopia are in for a rude awakening.

I've seen people on here brush things like Covid or The Great Reset off like it's nonsense by saying "yeah, all these countries all got together to form this one big plot against the people of the world". Well the WEF is your evidence of just that happening.
Just to merge two current thread thots: Klaus Schwab will split Hell wide open unless he repents.
It wasn't "debunked" you goof. It isn't a chicken's direct great great great grandfather. It's one example from among the vast permutations of life that existed at that time that had common features handed down to modern birds. This is the same misunderstanding as you did with human evolution a few posts ago. Of course Australopithecus and other hominids existed at the same time. Because it isn't some direct line of x turns into y that then turns into z. Individual populations change due to their mutations and environmental factors. Not entire species at a time. Crocodiles were around before the dinosaurs and are still here today relatively unchanged because they're so well adapted. All crocodiles don't cease to exist if one of them is born with a shorter snout, passing that on and eventually leading to a species of short-snouted crocodiles in one particular area.
Cut to the chase (this is getting boring) ... where did life come from?
Well that's convenient. "News" media are all squawking about five dollar a gallon gasoline. That means it is coming soon.

Good thing for Biden that gaslighting is still free.

99% of Americans would rather pay $3.00 for gas and have Russia take over half of Ukraine as opposed to paying $5.00 for gas and have Russia stay put.

Hell, probably 75% of Americans couldn't find Ukraine on a map.
The longer neck is not new information. Your examples dont prove what you think they do. Also, suppose your religion is true, why do we lose function and not gain function?

If humans used to have tails, wby do we still not have tails? Because that would be darn useful.
We do gain function. Look at the example of eyes I gave. But you can do that with anything. Every single thing that works in our body is gained function. Species both lose and gain features as needed. Whales are mammals that went back into the water and regained fins for swimming. Clear gain of function.

Our ancestor species no longer needed their tails for balancing on tree branches as they moved from an arboreal to a terrestrial lifestyle so we lost them.
I read this a little while back and also remembered where some scientist said that what happened here on earth (the spark of life and evolution) while they believed happened was next to impossible and could not ever happen again because of the complexities involved. Rather contradictory.
  • "There is no possibility that complex chemicals (DNA, proteins, etc.) necessary for life can form at random. DNA is composed of hundreds of thousands of chemical base pairs all precisely sequenced. Even if such chemicals could form it is absurdly improbable that such chemicals once formed could then randomly come together to form a living one-celled organism. Even “simple” life forms are far too complex to form at random!
  • Genetic mutations virtually never add any significant information to the DNA. Genetic mutation, whether caused by radiation or chemical toxicity, simply scrambles the existing blueprint of a life form. Hence there is no mechanism for uphill macro-evolutionary change.
  • There is a lack of transitional forms in the fossil record. The missing links are still missing. An authority no less than Colin Paterson, chief paleontologist of the British Natural History Museum said that he knows of no fossil for which an airtight case can be made for it being a transitional form.
  • Evolutionary theory cannot account for sexual reproduction. Nonsexual reproduction would be far more efficient for proliferation of life forms in the evolutionary model.”
The Maxwell deposition was a complete nothing. It's just 400 pages of her saying how amazing and innocent Epstein is.
Cut to the chase (this is getting boring) ... where did life come from?
The same place everything else did. The beginning of the universe, the Big Bang. "Life" is chemistry. Maybe someday we'll develop a way to look further back than that but at the moment the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation and about 380,000 years post-Big Bang is the furthest we can go. Which is still pretty close in a universe over 13 billion years old.
We do gain function. Look at the example of eyes I gave. But you can do that with anything. Every single thing that works in our body is gained function. Species both lose and gain features as needed. Whales are mammals that went back into the water and regained fins for swimming. Clear gain of function.

Our ancestor species no longer needed their tails for balancing on tree branches as they moved from an arboreal to a terrestrial lifestyle so we lost them.

Your examples are variation, or the 6th type of evolution. We all agree variations happen. That does not prove AT ALL that turtles power morph into ninjas. ( The tv proves that turtles morph into power ninjas.)
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I would love to hear @LowCountryCat break down noah's ark. Some how Noah managed to fit 10's of thousands of species on his 500ft long boat. Managed to magically feed 100,000+ animals for 2 months. Oh and enough water to cover the entire earth from seafloor to mountain top magically appeared and then magically disappeared. Man I really hope this was after dinosaurs went extinct, that would be fun rounding them up. maybe the dude that wrote the Bible liked the story he heard from earlier religions? or maybe parts of the bible were just meant to be fun stories and not taken literally? We have to ignore the very specific nature of the passages. of course at that point the entire bible is just fun stories.

Or how about this. It took 1500 years for Christianity to reach North and South America. In that time 100s of thousands of people died on the continent. If the only way to heaven is by accepting Jesus do all these people get eternal damnation? or does God exempt them from this rule because they had the bad luck to be born on the wrong continent?
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He said it. Are you going to defend Trump calling the Russian dictator threatening a democratic country a "genius"?? WTF??
I've halfway joked about the cult...but apparently it is 💯.
Trump's words....."I said, 'How smart is that?' And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. ... We could use that on our southern border," the former president said, describing Putin as “a guy who’s very savvy” and whom he knows “very, very well.”

If this works for Putin and he takes territory without blood, I would also say that it’s pretty smart.

We could also use peacekeepers on our southern border. Fact.

I am in no way for authoritarianism.

See how this works?
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The same place everything else did. The beginning of the universe, the Big Bang. "Life" is chemistry. Maybe someday we'll develop a way to look further back than that but at the moment the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation and about 380,000 years post-Big Bang is the furthest we can go. Which is pretty close in a universe over 13 billion years old.
So, we all came from a rock? All the plants, insects, humans, whales, etc., all came from a rock??

And you have no observation of that? No witnesses, no proof?

In other words, you accept it to be true ON faith. Okay. Last question: Do you tithe to your religion too?
Yeah this is so ridiculously impossible it's almost a waste of time to bother debunking.

You're clearly just quoting an old text from grade school. There's literally ZERO scientific information in your WOT.

Life exhibits an abundance of irreducibly complex systems. The scientific literature is EMPTY of any quantitative model that allows for an evolutionary origin for any living system or subsystem.

Evolution thrives as a philosophy and a political sacred cow in the educational establishment – regardless of evidence or logic. Richard Lewontin is a Harvard professor of genetics and an ardent Marxist and evolutionist. Here’s his point of view (from Johnson, p. 71):

“We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counterintuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.”

The evolutionist is fully committed to materialism. There is no evidence that will allow him to consider supernatural design and creation. The resulting blindness is reminiscent of Romans 1:25, in that he “served the creature more than the Creator.”

Michael Behe has written a marvelous book entitled Darwin’s Black Box — The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution. He defines the concept of irreducible complexity as follows:

“A single system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning.”

An irreducibly complex system cannot — in principle — be produced by numerous, successive small steps. If biological systems (such as the eyeball or the CELL) exhibit irreducible complexity, then Darwinism is, frankly, sunk without a trace.

Behe used the illustration of a simple mousetrap as such a system. A mousetrap includes a base to hold all the parts, a hammer to smash the little critter, a spring, a catch, a holding bar, and everything fastened neatly together and in the right proportion. Take away any component and it just doesn’t work — at all! The mouse gets away.

You can also consider a bicycle, an automobile, and a jet aircraft as irreducibly complex systems. You could arrange these on a chart showing increasing complexity. But one clearly cannot conceive of one “evolving” by successive modifications into the other. Especially since any such “commercial product” would have to be fully functional at every step to survive in the marketplace.

Biological systems are incredibly complex — and irreducibly so — when looked at in the proper light: namely, the electron microscope’s “light,” revealing the incredible nano-machines that make living things work. Behe considers the cilium as a “simple” example. A cilium is the hair-like “whip” attached to certain cells to allow locomotion. A sperm cell has a cilium that allows it to swim. Stationary cells in the respiratory tract use cilia to move mucus, enabling expulsion of foreign matter. Cilia in the Fallopian tubes move in coordinated waves to enable the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus. No cilia – no life.
I posted this yesterday about religion. You're relying on the watchmaker argument. Behe and irreducible complexity have been refuted. That's specifically why I used the example of the eyeball, as it was one of the main examples of irreducible complexity Behe used that has been thoroughly gutted. Here's a paper that easily reduces your own mousetrap example.
So, we all came from a rock? All the plants, insects, humans, whales, etc., all came from a rock??

And you have no observation of that? No witnesses, no proof?

In other words, you accept it to be true ON faith. Okay. Last question: Do you tithe to your religion too?
wtf is your obession with a rock? nobody says that life comes from a rock. your a clown.
There's levels to this though. You can be a fan of a team, proud of what they've done in a given year but there are fans who are so fanatical they'd resort to violence over their fandom.

We're all proud to be born in this country but there are people that would resort to violence because they think a group of people is superior to another. That's the level of nationalism I fear and the rhetoric on the right is trending in that direction.

You see it on this board where people would literally kill democrats if they were in power. That's a dangerous level of nationalism.
Did conservatives commit a lot of violence against lefties over their national pride? 😂

Or did we just watch years of unhinged Democrats due to the rhetoric and hysteria from their media and politicians? Did a conservative go shoot a senator and try to massacre Dem congressmen? Oh, no; that was a Bernie bro.

Did a conservative in Portland go up and execute a Biden supporter? Oh, no that was an Antifa guy that killed a Trump supporter.

Did conservatives follow Democrats to their little speeches and try to shut it down and assault them? Oh, no that was Democrats who did that.

Did GOP praise conservatives going nationwide burning buildings, looting, murdering, and setting low bail/bailing them out or not pressing charges on them? Oh, no, that was Democrats who did that.

Your team has spent years calling everyone Nazis and saying the world was going to end. Your masters have made your base terrified to be without a mask or to live a normal life without endless shots. And they have taught you to literally hate those who did not participate in the shot.

I suggest you look in the mirror in terms of what rhetoric and devotion to the leftist orthodoxy gets you. Your side likes to crybully all the time. You refuse to leave people alone. You use the state (and banks and corporations as middle men) to harass and punish. You like to dish it but as soon as someone pushes back (ie school boards, peaceful protest in Canada), you all lose your shit.
It’s interesting to me that people who are adamant that life began with a single cell are so opposed to the story of Noah’s ark.

It’s pretty evident that Noah took a limited amount of animals onto the ark, which then reproduced and evolved over time.

Look, Darwin did basic experiments that showed it doesn’t take that long for animals to change features when you cross-produce them.

Consider the likelohood that Noah took a single type of bear onto the ark (maybe even separate types, but one male and one female), and those two reproduced after departing the ark (in fact, mama bear was probably pregnant when she crawled off the ark).

Don’t fall into the trap of assuming that all the animals were exactly the same at the time of Noah as they are now. Again, back to the “evolution” that people love so much. Certain animals could have reproduced more frequently and in more volume than we see in modern animals that we study today.

This is really not that complicated to comprehend.
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Or how about this. It took 1500 years for Christianity to reach North and South America. In that time 100s of thousands of people died on the continent. If the only way to heaven is by accepting Jesus do all these people get eternal damnation? or does God exempt them from this rule because they had the bad luck to be born on the wrong continent?
Platinum sounds concerned that his heathen ass will spend an eternity in hell it appears. Repent now, Platinum!
Hilarious that you don't see the INHERENT CONTRADICTION in this small statement.

Why aren't they preserved? There should be BILLIONS of skeletons! Your claim is UN. SUPPORTED. LOL
There were billions of skeletons. Just like there are countless skeletons of animals dying today. What happens to those skeletons? They decay. Duh. It takes vanishingly rare circumstances for a body to be perfectly preserved for long enough to fossilize. The famous Archaeopteryx fossil isn't super rare because transitional species don't exist. It's because it's so exceedingly rare to get something from 150 MILLION YEARS AGO that still has its freaking feathers on it. Sharks are entirely cartilage but their teeth!

There were billions of skeletons. Just like there are countless skeletons of animals dying today. What happens to those skeletons? They decay. Duh. It takes vanishingly rare circumstances for a body to be perfectly preserved for long enough to fossilize. The famous Archaeopteryx fossil isn't super rare because transitional species don't exist. It's because it's so exceedingly rare to get something from 150 MILLION YEARS AGO that still has its freaking feathers on it. Sharks are entirely cartilage but their teeth!

Is that an arial shot of a mining site ? 🍺
wtf is your obession with a rock? nobody says that life comes from a rock. your a clown.
I mean he's technically not wrong, all heavier atoms were forged in the hearts of stars. Those stars lived their life cycles and died, exploding those elements out into the universe where they coalesced. So at that phase the molecules that eventually mixed together into life were rocks. But you're talking about billions of years in between.
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If this works for Putin and he takes territory without blood, I would also say that it’s pretty smart.

We could also use peacekeepers on our southern border. Fact.

I am in no way for authoritarianism.

See how this works?
But you aren't an ex President of the United States who is the supposed leader of the free world. Your words aren't repeated on Russian state tv or in Ukraine. It's pathetic.
So, we all came from a rock? All the plants, insects, humans, whales, etc., all came from a rock??

And you have no observation of that? No witnesses, no proof?

In other words, you accept it to be true ON faith. Okay. Last question: Do you tithe to your religion too?
I think it's the best explanation I've seen that fits the evidence. The geological/fossil record, the living natural world, and the brilliant work done by scientists before me based on that concrete evidence are my "witnesses" and "proof". I don't believe it absolutely. I have no 'faith' that it is true despite contradictory evidence. There is an inherent difference between religious belief based on blind faith and the scientific method. And no it does not collect it's 10%.