There is ZERO EVIDENCE that a single species evolved into another. There is NO evolutionist that can show where this happened - they are all guessing. Even YOU admit you are guessing.
Actually, the fossil records DISPROVE evolution.
The gaps in the fossil record are huge and systematic. This is evidence against incremental evolution via mutation and natural selection - just as you claim absence of evidence is proof there is no God, so your own logic is used against you to show that lack of evidence in THIS case actually DOES disprove evolution, as scientific evidence is REQUIRED to validate a theory. There is no postulated mechanism for creatures to evolve over these chasms. Really, truly — there is no scientific theory at all to account for the hopeless gaps of a naturalistic worldview.
An honest assessment of evolution would lead one to the conclusion that fossils should show a near-infinite series of creatures from simple to complex. If fossils are abundant in nature, then there should be no problem in finding a multitude of transitional forms for all of the animal and plant life on the earth today. In fact, many evolutionists admit the abundance – the enormous wealth – of fossils of creatures that once lived.
What is embarrassing is that the rule – not the exception – is that between the various classes of animals, both living and dead, are huge gaps. The transitional forms are absent. We regularly see the latest news story describing the latest potential “missing link” in the enigma of human evolution. But nothing ever gets settled. The advocates of human evolution can’t agree among themselves, not to mention present a case that would be compelling at all to a dispassionate observer.
The famous evolutionary paleontologist, Niles Eldridge, has admitted, “We paleontologists have said that the history of life supports (the idea of gradual evolutionary change), all the while knowing it does not.” Eldridge observes that those paleontologists who report that the data are inconsistent with the “theory” are relegated to the lunatic fringe of the community.
Why are evolutionists so tenacious in the face of an unsupportable “theory”? Because they are committed to naturalistic materialism. They won’t accept the possibility that God exists or that anything cannot be explained by natural physical processes.
Some evolutionists have given up on the idea of the random mutation / natural selection neo-Darwinian “theory” and suggested the idea of “punctuated equilibrium” in a desperate attempt to explain the fossil gaps. The idea is that when evolution occurred, lots of genes mutated very quickly and within a very few generations a new creature was “born.” The mathematics of this approach are so frightening, however, that some traditional evolutionists suspect that “punctuated equilibrium” was actually a joke when it was first introduced.