I would love to hear @LowCountryCat break down noah's ark. Some how Noah managed to fit 10's of thousands of species on his 500ft long boat. Managed to magically feed 100,000+ animals for 2 months. Oh and enough water to cover the entire earth from seafloor to mountain top magically appeared and then magically disappeared. Man I really hope this was after dinosaurs went extinct, that would be fun rounding them up. maybe the dude that wrote the Bible liked the story he heard from earlier religions? or maybe parts of the bible were just meant to be fun stories and not taken literally? We have to ignore the very specific nature of the passages. of course at that point the entire bible is just fun stories.
Or how about this. It took 1500 years for Christianity to reach North and South America. In that time 100s of thousands of people died on the continent. If the only way to heaven is by accepting Jesus do all these people get eternal damnation? or does God exempt them from this rule because they had the bad luck to be born on the wrong continent?
Personally I think parts of the bible, especially the old testament, are metaphors. I think especially true of Genesis because we know genesis is not the oldest book in the Bible (that would be Job) it's just the first in chronology. I think we were certainly created by a superior being, whether it is called a god or whatever moniker is preferred. The odds of us otherwise springing into existence as the only identifiable life in the universe is just too much.
For the flood - I also think unintentionally some of it also included some Jungian type lore. I use that term although I think most of Jung's theories can be much easier explained by the fact it's more likely that people actually experienced some of the same events, albeit with the time frames differing due to the long periods of time before they were reduced to writing. Oral history is easy to get wrong. So I think there probably was a global flood event that many cultures experienced and either wrote about or passed down. I think the ark itself is metaphor or parable.
I think much of the new testament is factual through their eyes as best it could be given the long oral history before it was reduced to writing. Iirc Luke was the only author that wrote what was an actual first hand account, albeit decades later.