How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Austin, it's just 100% shitposting
Nope, you are wrong yet again, but then you are always wrong. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most all terrorists are Muslim. Not all Blacks support BLM, but BLM Chose the words BLACK LIVES MATTERS. And we now know that most, if not all the BLM instigators were paid and bused in to create chaos and loot and burn and stir up trouble. And you support all that, even the cop killings, but weaklings like you will be the first to call for cops help when you are threatened. Why don't you invite some of those refugees to live in your house and help them? You Liberals talk a good game, but it is all talk. You want the "feel good" moments, but want others to take all the chances.
oh is that why you are jumping for joy when DT says he's gonna ban all Muslims? Uhh, yeah. Keep trying though.

It's funny you say that about immigrants, because we have had immigrants live with us, have taken them to church, teach them to drive, etc. But keep on talking about $hit you know nothing about.
Don't get your alls hopes up. Just assume the worst and maybe Trump can pull a rabbit out of the hat.

Not worth getting depressed about it, shes gonna win
There's a very good chance you're right. If so, life goes on, and my own life probably won't change that much, if at all. My objective, no matter who wins, is to stop reading political boards and move on. This whole thing has caused a lot more stress than it should have.
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He's not going to ban all Muslims. Good grief. But he won't allow unvetted refugees from countries with terrorist ties into the country.

Not surprised you can't understand the reality.

But but but they are checked and rechecked according to copkilla

But copkilla never responded to the quote about hillary telling other countries there is no possible way to vet them...even tho i posted it 2 times
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Media bias...

I have a 7th grader. She's been telling me about CNN Student News as they watch it every morning before class... says the Hillary bias is easily detected by most kids to the point that most of them stopped paying attention to the political info in the show soon after school started b/c "they just seem like Hillary commercials." OTOH, she says that Trump is the running butt of every joke with the kids. Again, she thinks due to the projected image by the CNNSN channel. I have never seen this channel, so I can't verify, and I don't delve into politics with her, so these are her own opinions, which I found fascinating.

At dinner on Friday, she told me of the impending school-wide mock Presidential poll coming Monday (~800 students). I told her I bet her $5 Hillary would win due to the indoctrination. She replied, "I'll bet you $15 she wins."

Trump won. They didn't give them actual percentages, only saying it was 'somewhat lopsided.' We had a good laugh in the car.

I remember the 1980 election and everyone at my school...teachers (my mother was one), students, etc...were all in on another term of Jimmy Carter. I remember my father (who was divorced from my mother) going on and on about how horrible Carter was, and that a change was needed. My mother (and grandmother...who helped raise me...for that matter) thought Reagan was the antithesis of everything good in the country, and terribly unqualified to be President. I remember my mother picking us up at my father's house on Election Day. They got into a fight on the porch about who they were voting for...and I remember screaming at my father b/c he was voting for Reagan...I was just a child, but that's all I had heard at school and at home. I was usually only with my father on weekends.

This election reminds me of that. I think it will be close, but I think this is the year of the return of the silent majority.
Waited in line for an hour and passed 3 other precincts on the way to work and they were all packed.

Too bad I'm in Ky where Trump was winning anyway.

I watched some of the stuff last night and I swear Obama had this look when they finished and walked around waving that he was just wasting his time.........meanwhile Michelle went to the other side and just waited for him to come on.

I've wondered if the media knows something and is reporting something else intentionally. I say this because BLM was getting out of hand toward Trump rallies and any run in with the law their people had.

Seemingly they were just gone off my TV and Hilliary was up 12 pts so no need to worry anymore.

I'm just saying maybe the news was to slow down some of the violence headed up to the election.
When do we start seeing real polling data, results and where is the best place to find accurate non-biased numbers?

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When do we start seeing real polling data, results and where is the best place to find accurate non-biased numbers?


Yeah, I asked earlier and didn't get a response.

Of course if you google "live election coverage", the very first link you see is CNN. LOL

Somebody needs to find us a non biased link
When do we start seeing real polling data, results and where is the best place to find accurate non-biased numbers?


Today nothing should be biased. Should be results.

Bullcrap. you wont.. hell, john kerrys campaign manager said to him based off exit polls "can i be the first to refer to you as president kerry"

Thats another example of not accepting outcome.. liberald thought the vote tally was wrong and fricken exit polls were correct

If its close, every media outlet will be all in pushing exit polls to suppress repubs in colorado, nevada, Arizona
I'm staying home today.. But my wife voted trump....... I dont believe in divorce but if she's so stupid that she believes he'll put big pharma on the stand for vaccines.... then I dont need to be with her.

Im not kidding... thats the only reason she voted. Should of dated the smart one but no i had to go with the one my junk wanted.
The Trump "phenomenon" is simply that there is a large segment of the population that is sick and tired of traditional politics. He's not the ideal candidate...but ultimately, that's his appeal. He's imperfect. And he's not a politician. And he's definitely not Clinton, a woman who became a millionaire b/c of politics.
I'm not saying any of you are stupid for voting for trump. If people like his views....... go for it. But dont vote for someone based on an obvious lie. Same goes for Clinton supporters. You just have to know how to spot the bull sh*t and know what they can do and what they cant do when they get in office
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Yeah, I asked earlier and didn't get a response.

Of course if you google "live election coverage", the very first link you see is CNN. LOL

Somebody needs to find us a non biased link

I keep watching the money. The book I use has gone from +450 to +430 to +390 in the last 18 hours. Trump still a large dog but the line is moving his way. If it gets below +300 at some point early this afternoon that tells me he may actually win this thing.
Plus facebook, twitter, google, yahoo all taking down anything negative about Hilary. That is not free speech, that is suppression. Yet the Liberals preach about tolerance, the left is the most untolerant
They are?
Then how do you explain that my facebook, twitter and social media in general is filled with anti-Hillary content?
FYI: Your Facebook content and social media in general will be dictated by what you and your friends like and share.
I'm staying home today.. But my wife voted trump....... I dont believe in divorce but if she's so stupid that she believes he'll put big pharma on the stand for vaccines.... then I dont need to be with her.

Im not kidding... thats the only reason she voted. Should of dated the smart one but no i had to go with the one my junk wanted.
Shut up. She's the one that got the short stick.
I'm not saying any of you are stupid for voting for trump. If people like his views....... go for it. But dont vote for someone based on an obvious lie. Same goes for Clinton supporters. You just have to know how to spot the bull sh*t and know what they can do and what they cant do when they get in office

Whether he does what your wife thinks or not.. you dont think hillary, who has taken donations from big pharm and has cohorts running big pharm(look at the epipen maker) and passing laws that cripple competition wouldnt be worse for your particular scrnario ( i dont remember details but i remember yall are going thru things) ?
I'm staying home today.. But my wife voted trump....... I dont believe in divorce but if she's so stupid that she believes he'll put big pharma on the stand for vaccines.... then I dont need to be with her.

Im not kidding... thats the only reason she voted. Should of dated the smart one but no i had to go with the one my junk wanted.
That poor woman, having to tolerate you. Your junk isn't worthy.
I keep watching the money.

RealClearPolitics has a "live" connection to voting odds based on bets. Surprised it's still changing---are the betting houses still taking new bets and at what point will they shut them down? (Its showing roughly 80/20 in favor of Hillary as of now.)
The Trump "phenomenon" is simply that there is a large segment of the population that is sick and tired of traditional politics. He's not the ideal candidate...but ultimately, that's his appeal. He's imperfect. And he's not a politician. And he's definitely not Clinton, a woman who became a millionaire b/c of politics.
That's a fair assessment.
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Just voted. Live in an area Trump won handily in the primaries. Enormous turnout today. Line was about as long as it was in 08. Saw many blacks in line in 08. Saw 2 today. May mean something may not.
Whether he does what your wife thinks or not.. you dont think hillary, who has taken donations from big pharm and has cohorts running big pharm(look at the epipen maker) and passing laws that cripple competition wouldnt be worse for your particular scrnario ( i dont remember details but i remember yall are going thru things) ?

I agree with you on Clinton. I'm not voting for Clinton. I dont want either one in office. I researched the 3rd party candidates and I dont like them either... so I am not voting for a president today. I'll just have to sit back and pray for some early christmas miracle to save america.
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RealClearPolitics has a "live" connection to voting odds based on bets. Surprised it's still changing---are the betting houses still taking new bets and at what point will they shut them down? (Its showing roughly 80/20 in favor of Hillary as of now.)

Still live action! Not sure what time they close - knowing books, they want all the action they can get and will keep taking $$ as long as the outcome isn't decided.