How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I don't disagree. But I think the hardest part is on us. The only way the media will change is if we fix it ourselves by doing a better job of considering all perspectives and making rational decisions based on all available information.

We have to shun the propagandists on both sides. Neither faction can be allowed to have a monopoly on the facts.

It's not possible for any of us to be reasonable if we're working with imperfect information. Sadly, though, most voters fall into that category at this point.

I don't believe we will ever fix it with this current 2 party system. It's not about candidates for most. Probably half of the country, if you wiped their brains and went back to the primary would be supporting the opposite candidate if you just switched the letter next to their name. And it's become ruthless. Constant 24/7 dissecting of every word(mainly R words by media) it has turned into a full time college game day type event.

I would be all for the candidates riding a train to every state and giving one speech and having 2 debates in the final 30 days. The PACs need to go also.
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At this point, I'm not sure that would even make a difference. Election Day is tomorrow, so it's now or never. If you're behind, you don't have anything to lose.

You're telling me if Tom Brady tweeted out right now that he in no way shape or form endorses trump it wouldn't make a difference. I don't think It really helps him but if he's made to be an outright liar, it would definitely hurt st the worst moment. No way he would have done that. Not a chance.
2nd amendment isn't going anywhere. Precedent is a HUGE part of Supreme Court decisions - it's not just whimsy. I tell my liberal friends the same thing about abortion rights. The court could get stacked with 9 conservative Justices and those aren't going anywhere either.

mostly agree with that - not what I was getting at, but good enough to reply by mentioning that I really don't give an ish about abortion. If somebody wants to kill their baby that's their business, they just need to make sure to do it in a way that keeps from becoming my business. No, I don't want to be default payer.

Did you see that recent letter sent to Hillary from high profile black clergy? It had some very interesting statistics to indicate abortion use is now so heavily over-proportioned toward blacks, so much that in some places (like NYC) there is now a negative black population growth credited to abortion.

It used to be considered "bad news" when we were told that because blacks did not have the same "privilege" or "access" to abortion that young black mothers consequently did not have the same opportunities as their white female counterparts, as they were much more likely to be burdened by "motherhood." So was it moral for me to read that letter from the high profile black clergy and say to myself . . . "okay, this is good news." ??
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Which is why I will be voting DT. despite the media narrative , I believe he is a good person and will be immensely better for America than hrc

The only problem is that there's a competing narrative within the conservative media that's just as damaging and potentially dangerous as what you're describing in the mainstream media.

That's what I hope all of us can recognize as we move forward after this shitshow. We must be better at setting our predispositions aside and considering the information out there objectively. I know it's almost impossible when we're talking about politics, but it's incredibly important to our country's future.
You're telling me if Tom Brady tweeted out right now that he in no way shape or form endorses trump it wouldn't make a difference. I don't think It really helps him but if he's made to be an outright liar, it would definitely hurt st the worst moment. No way he would have done that. Not a chance.

Yes. I think it's too late to make much of a difference with people who have decided to vote for Trump. Even if Brady refuted it, the story would be drowned out tomorrow by other Election Day stories, particularly in the media that most potential Trump supporters follow.

It was a ploy to drive turnout, and I strongly suspect that anyone who might be persuaded by it won't be convinced otherwise at this point. There's just not enough time left to make a difference.

Also, I think Trump and Clinton supporters alike are accustomed to ignoring the fact that their chosen candidates lie routinely. This gaffe would be no different.
The only problem is that there's a competing narrative within the conservative media that's just as damaging and potentially dangerous as what you're describing in the mainstream media.

That's what I hope all of us can recognize as we move forward after this shitshow. We must be better at setting our predispositions aside and considering the information out there objectively. I know it's almost impossible when we're talking about politics, but it's incredibly important to our country's future.

There is. As I said earlier that you must take those with a grain of salt.

But the difference is. That every Tom dick and harry doesn't see those. While a large chunk of people will catch at least some CNN NBC fox etc etc. even if not at home, they are often playing in restaurants hotels bowing allies etc etc
I don't believe we will ever fix it with this current 2 party system. It's not about candidates for most. Probably half of the country, if you wiped their brains and went back to the primary would be supporting the opposite candidate if you just switched the letter next to their name. And it's become ruthless. Constant 24/7 dissecting of every word(mainly R words by media) it has turned into a full time college game day type event.

I would be all for the candidates riding a train to every state and giving one speech and having 2 debates in the final 30 days. The PACs need to go also.

Excellent points here. As I mentioned yesterday, this concept of taking sides is frightening. No one's identity should be tied to his political party or beliefs, especially in a country with an electoral system that allows for only two salient political parties. That's madness.
Midnight voting is done in New Hampshire

Trump 32
Clinton 25

2012 results
Obama 28
Romney 14
You think we were this far left and this radical in those elections? Did we have a candidate that wants to stack the Supreme Court with anti-gun nuts and have open borders?

No. Our society wasn't as effed up in those elections.
Pearl-clutching histrionics. All of it.
Some of the write-ins have been awesome. Bernie is beating Romney 3-1, yes? And I think I saw a write-in for Kasich/Bernie.

I think if I knew I was one of the 60ish votes that would be for sure shown, I would have to make a pretty badass write in.

But, will any of these trends hold?
Will Bernie bros continue to write him in?
Will turnout stay this high?

Definitely going to be an interesting day
But the difference is. That every Tom dick and harry doesn't see those. While a large chunk of people will catch at least some CNN NBC fox etc etc. even if not at home, they are often playing in restaurants hotels bowing allies etc etc

Don't underestimate the power of the Internet. I doubt Trump would have a legitimate shot if not for the alternative conservative media.

That's actually my point from earlier. We've entered a time when technology allows each of us to filter our sources of information as we pick and choose. While it might make us feel better, it only reinforces the world view that we choose for ourselves. We need to be challenged by facts that aren't so convenient. We have to be confronted with opposing viewpoints and find ways to address them in constructive ways.

As a society, we're still adjusting, but I truly believe that we'll get there eventually.
The only problem is that there's a competing narrative within the conservative media that's just as damaging and potentially dangerous as what you're describing in the mainstream media.
Yeah, but the two aren't really comparable. Most everyone knows that conservative media are partisan nuts & don't deny that they aren't. One typically knows they report from a very slanted perspective & to take it with a grain of salt.

The msm is a totally different story. They claim to be 100% neutral, beholden to no one, just the truth & the facts. Millions of people have zero clue & still look at them as non state run, which has been revealed to not be the case at all.

If they want to pick a side, then go right ahead, but stop pulling the wool over eyes, blatantly lying to the public & trying to hide it. Just go ahead & declare themselves partial to the left, & own up to it, instead of trying to play people for fools.
US history: They was cool af but then they was gay as hell.
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Yeah, but the two aren't really comparable. Most everyone knows that conservative media are partisan nuts & don't deny that they aren't. One typically knows they report from a very slanted perspective & to take it with a grain of salt.

The msm is a totally different story. They claim to be 100% neutral, beholden to no one, just the truth & the facts. Millions of people have zero clue & still look at them as non state run, which has been revealed to not be the case at all.

If they want to pick a side, then go right ahead, but stop pulling the wool over eyes, blatantly lying to the public & trying to hide it. Just go ahead & declare themselves partial to the left, & own up to it, instead of trying to play people for fools.

I agree to a certain extent. The problem is that it's completely natural for conservative-leaning people to eventually accept the narrative of their chosen media as true without qualification. And that's exactly what's happened. It's the same thing that happens with liberal-minded people who get all of their information from their own preferred sources.

More significant, the conservative media has been no different than the mainstream media as the election has approached in refusing to acknowledge bias. Instead, everyone is just reporting their version of the "actual truth." That should be troubling regardless of which side you're on.

Again, we have to find a way to set aside our inherent biases when we're reaching conclusions about important issues. We're all Americans. We all want what's best for our country. That's why it's so important that we agree on what's actually happening so we can address the real problems that face us going forward.
Trump is killing it on his final speech. Not sure if it will matter.

Fix is still in.
More significant, the conservative media has been no different than the mainstream media as the election has approached in refusing to acknowledge bias. Instead, everyone is just reporting their version of the "actual truth." That should be troubling regardless of which side you're on.

Again, though, one entity is lying about who they are & what they represent, the other is not. You're made well aware about what you're getting from them & they make no bones about it.

To me, the troubling part lies with the one's not being honest with themselves or the public, like it's no big deal.
Do you even look into the things you hear, or just run with it?

Those "disenfranchised" voters that had been removed were people that had died, or moved and didn't reply to notices from the electoral board.
Everything you believe is a lie, it's a lie to keep minorities in line for the Dems, and you can't even see it through your forced victimhood.

That's why I would love secession for these douchebags to get to see who's to blame. Democrats have kept minorities in line by pretending to be "for them" while their policies make sure nothing ever changes. They simply are like a snake in their ear telling them they're being wronged and it's those evil whites and cops and Republicans doing it.

Take away those things and let them just have Democrats, Dem policies, illegal immigration unchecked and an out of control welfare state and maybe they will see who is the one that plays them.
Again, though, one entity is lying about who they are & what they represent, the other is not. You're made well aware about what you're getting from them & they make no bones about it.

To me, the troubling part lies with the one's not being honest with themselves or the public, like it's no big deal.

Neither side of the media is willing to acknowledge its inherent bias at this point. Each is just reporting the "truth," and the people who tune in believe everything they're fed because it's exactly what they want to hear.

The conservative media is exactly the same in that regard, so I see no real difference.
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The conservative media is exactly the same in that regard, so I see no real difference.
Really? You don't see any difference between the conservative media claiming they are conservative & report with a very conservative bias vs the msm claiming they are 100% neutral & report with zero bias, but then actually report with a very liberal bias?

It's like comparing to ESPN. One is supposed & expected to be a cheerleader, the other is not.
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Acting like it's the 60s is hilarious as if ppl are standing outside saying "you ain't welcome here boy". Follow the law, you can find an ID real quick when you need your handout. Oh ps congrats voting for the establishment machine that's tied to Wall Street, banks, and 1% because feelings over crony capitalism and we are all just helpless without government telling us what to do.

It's great, isn't it? I wonder if they feel oppressed by needing an ID for liquor, buy cigarettes, to drive a car, open a bank account, to get a job, to rent an apartment or get a hotel room?

When I see a moron just stay in line and vote for Hillary Clinton that tells me they're easily brainwashed and very stupid. Big government loves people like him. They believe the BS they're fed and stay in line.

Think about this for a moment. The DNC leaks and Podesta Emails provided them a chance to take a look at their candidate and party. What did they choose to do? Not look. Write them off as fake or provided by the "evil Russians." Never mind they were verified and proven correct resulting in a couple of resignations. I mean, those emails showed the DNC feeding debate questions, leaking debate questions as well as media allowing DNC/Clinton camp to edit and approve articles, media giving campaign advice and agreeing to be PR firms.

But no, they decided to stay stupid and in four years, they will make excuses and say how awesome she is and how everyone is sexist. Then in 2024, when they trot out a Latino or minority female, the identity politics will continue and these sheep will follow.
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Neither side of the media is willing to acknowledge its inherent bias at this point. Each is just reporting the "truth," and the people who tune in believe everything they're fed because it's exactly what they want to hear.

The conservative media is exactly the same in that regard, so I see no real difference.

Except to compare the two as equals is ridiculous. Conservatives have Fox News, which is always the subject of wrath from the left. But what does the left have? They have all of our social media and routinely censor and manipulate trends and bury stories. They run our education system. They have all of our universities to go unchallenged in brainwashing these kids. They have CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CNN, CBS, HBO, Comedy Central, NYT, LATimes, Politico, Washington Post, Daily Beast and all of Hollywood.

You think that's even remotely a fair fight?
Really? You don't see any difference between the conservative media claiming they are conservative & report with a very conservative bias vs the msm claiming they are 100% neutral & report with zero bias, but then actually report with a very liberal bias?

It's like comparing to ESPN. One is supposed & expected to be a cheerleader, the other is not.

I'd like to compare Fox News vs all of the mainstream leftist media. Fox has multiple people who are against Trump and people who don't always bash the left. Do those other networks have that? Are they capable of being critical of Hillary and telling the world all of the stuff she has done?
Don't underestimate the power of the Internet. I doubt Trump would have a legitimate shot if not for the alternative conservative media.

Definitely agree. A Clinton administration will target that very soon. Obama was already headed in that direction.

Freedom of speech just as long as the speech agrees with our speech. - The Left
Don't underestimate the power of the Internet. I doubt Trump would have a legitimate shot if not for the alternative conservative media.

That's actually my point from earlier. We've entered a time when technology allows each of us to filter our sources of information as we pick and choose. While it might make us feel better, it only reinforces the world view that we choose for ourselves. We need to be challenged by facts that aren't so convenient. We have to be confronted with opposing viewpoints and find ways to address them in constructive ways.

As a society, we're still adjusting, but I truly believe that we'll get there eventually.

It is impossible for conservatives to live in an echo chamber short of living in a rural area with no television or internet.

Conservatives hear the left's point of view at school, in academia, on every television show, every movie, every news network outside of Fox and every time a special rights activist does something. The right is subjected to the left's views all the time.

How many on the left are challenged on a daily basis with a different view?
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Really? You don't see any difference between the conservative media claiming they are conservative & report with a very conservative bias vs the msm claiming they are 100% neutral & report with zero bias, but then actually report with a very liberal bias?

It's like comparing to ESPN. One is supposed & expected to be a cheerleader, the other is not.

Again, when it comes to acknowledging bias, I think the conservative media behaves in the same way as the mainstream media does at this point. Like the mainstream media, they create a narrative and drive it home as the absolute truth. There's never any acknowledgement that their reporting might be slanted, and their audience believes whatever they say without question. It's no different than the mainstream media pushing a more liberal narrative and acting like they're unbiased.

The real distinction between the two is that there are more mainstream media sources on television and in print. I think that's YourPublicEnemy's point. Then again, I think we all can agree that those types of media are dying, while the kinds of Internet-based sources dominated by the alt-right are rising. Also, it's worth mentioning my earlier point again--We live in a time when technology allows us to select whatever sources of information we want and shut out all other points of view. That reality dramatically tilts the scales toward Internet-based media going forward.

Regardless, I'm with you. I wish journalists on both sides actually acknowledged bias. Unfortunately, none of them do. When you think about it, it makes sense. After all, each of these media sources has the same goal--to convince people that what it says is true. Openly acknowledging that it might be slanting things a bit undermines that purpose, which is why it doesn't happen.

It's terrible for business, so both sides just go on acting like their version of reality is the correct one. That's not helpful to any of us.
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It is impossible for conservatives to live in an echo chamber short of living in a rural area with no television or internet.

Conservatives hear the left's point of view at school, in academia, on every television show, every movie, every news network outside of Fox and every time a special rights activist does something. The right is subjected to the left's views all the time.

How many on the left are challenged on a daily basis with a different view?

This is an interesting point. From my perspective, living in Kentucky, I'm always amazed by how rare it is that I encounter anyone who has a liberal perspective. I listen to radio on my commute and throughout the day, and almost every host is a conservative. I read the news online, and almost all comments come from conservative-minded people. Admittedly, I'm not in school anymore, but I can assure you that I'm far more exposed to conservative points of view than the alternative.

Really, though, I think this goes back to my other point. We have to find a way to stop considering every story, every article, every post as being inherently biased. That's the media's fault to some extent, but they're just giving us what we're asking for. Facts are facts, and I hope we can at least find a way to separate that kind of information from the editorializing that's become commonplace throughout all forms of journalism.
Again, when it comes to acknowledging bias, I think the conservative media behaves in the same way as the mainstream media does at this point.

I wish media sources on both sides actually acknowledged bias. Unfortunately, none of them do.

I have to disagree. As I've been saying from the beginning, with conservative media you know exactly who they are & exactly what they represent. They do not try to hide it, nor do they lie about it. They jerk you around, feed you their bs & treat you like an ahole to your face. Can't say the same about the msm. They do all of the above, but behind your back, then lie & claim neutrality to your face. Big difference, imo.

Alex Jones, Breitbart, Drudge, Prison Planet etc... etc... are not expected to be neutral or held to that standard b/c they don't claim to be. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, WAPO, NYT etc... etc... are expected to be neutral & should be held to that standard b/c that's exactly what they claim to be.

Like I said, I couldn't care less if the msm wants to be the left's counter to conservative media, but drop the dog & pony show, & just be honest about it. Stop trying to play the public for fools. Anyways, I feel as if I'm talking in circles now so it's probably time for me to bow out.
Awesome. Even though 0% of the precincts are polling. It looks like New Hampshire is being called for Trump.

Hey if that POS Wolf Blitzer can call it early, so can I.

Trump's got New Hampshire
Awesome. Even though 0% of the precincts are polling. It looks like New Hampshire is being called for Trump.

Hey if that POS Wolf Blitzer can call it early, so can I.

Trump's got New Hampshire

Would that be the first time in 16 years that a Republican won a northeastern state?
Welp. My precinct opens in 36 minutes in downtown Columbus, OH. Will be interesting to see if there's any early risers in a very urban area for Killary.
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