How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
CNN will survive regardless. They're included in the Time Warner Cable bundle so they don't necessarily need advertising dollars. Get rid of cable bundles and watch CNN die a quick death.
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I really wonder when reading posts on this board if those who refer to everything in binary terms (left/right) if they really have a true understanding of the political spectrum. They seem to deem positions as left/right only by what which candidate is supporting that position or the source of the information.
I wish I could find a link to a story I read the other day where a study was done where people were given identical pieces of information with the only difference being the noted source of that info. The people were then asked to evaluate the information as to where it fell on the political spectrum on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the most liberal and 10 being the most conservative. The overwhelming findings were that the source of the information determined where people placed it on that spectrum, not the actual contents of the information. I can almost guarantee that if the same study was done using the contributors to this board that the findings would be identical.
yeah RQ, the media bias is all false perspective. That is why only 30% of independents find our media unbiased. Till the battle is won.
If Trump wins, I will have the exact same feeling I had on April 4, 2016 when UNC was prevented from getting an illgotten corrupt title.

Not really excited about Villanova, but thank all the gods it wasn't UNC.
For me, it would be like June 23, 2016. Brexit. I would actually be less shocked at a Trump win than I was at that, though. I thought Brexit would never pass; here, I dare hold out hope that it's 50/50, or close to it.
Was standing in line at 6:30am this morning. The line itself backed up out of the building and down the sidewalk with cars pouring into the parking lot. Took almost a half hour to get inside and cast my ballot. Have never seen it like that before.
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It's easy to cherry pick one result like Brexit and make it an absolute comparison for a US election that resembles it in no way, shape or form.

I still think betting Trump presents a lot of value at his current price, but Brexit has zero bearing on my decision to back him. Like I said yesterday, this line feels like it should be +200, so if I can get double that price I will lay it every time.

I was simply saying that using the betting line from Britain as an example of why Trump will lose may not be the best methodology. Especially since most of those betting on it are simply using the media's data as their input.
Since Brexit was this year, and the same people betting now, were those that were certain Remain would win driving those odds even higher than Trumps odds makes my statement relevant.
Biggest turnout I've seen in the 4 Presidential Elections at my polling place. Very white and very middle class. And I had to wait in a line...not a long line, but it's usually empty when I vote.

It's about time. They decided to completely let a leftist anti-white monster be born and allow the most racial division in 50 years by just standing on the sidelines.
Gray hasn't been able to make any progress on that big frink'n hole in the ground in the middle of his town for several years. He deserves to get the shit kicked out of him by Paul.
I've also never seen Jim Gray give a single free ocular surgery to Kentuckians in need; what the hell is that douche's deal?
Gray has created 27,000 jobs, or whatever. Still don't know where.

Oh, and he owns a construction company.


Like or not, he's going to be representing our "world" for many years once Rand is done.
I'm reading a lot of reports about long lines in heavy R areas, which sounds good for Trump.

Of course, I was reading the same thing four years ago, and a fat lot of good that did!

Yea but the black vote isn't nearly as high.
I live in a small town outside of Nashville. I'm a teacher and have a PD at a local high school that's a polling place. I haven't seen many people at all today. Got here about 7:45 this morning and there were 5 people. Granted, it's a small town and TN has early voting, but TIFWIW.
Only if you're Mexican.

Commonwealthers, is Rand projected to win? I'd hate to see the best Senator in the USA get ousted by his shithead of an opponent.

Rand is the only reason I voted. Trump was taking KY so I didn't need to show up for him but because I wanted to vote for Rand Trump got another vote he wouldn't have got otherwise.
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Gray has created 27,000 jobs, or whatever. Still don't know where.

Oh, and he owns a construction company.


Like or not, he's going to be representing our "world" for many years once Rand is done.

I have to think Gray is very sympathetic to the LGBT community.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.