How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I keep watching the money. The book I use has gone from +450 to +430 to +390 in the last 18 hours. Trump still a large dog but the line is moving his way. If it gets below +300 at some point early this afternoon that tells me he may actually win this thing.

Those same betting lines missed Brexit even worse. Tells me you've got a lot of young people in London in making the bets, and all they rely on is MSM for info.
I agree with you on Clinton. I'm not voting for Clinton. I dont want either one in office. I researched the 3rd party candidates and I dont like them either... so I am not voting for a president today. I'll just have to sit back and pray for some early christmas miracle to save america.

To each their own, but seems like doing snything to ensure shes not making any decisions affecting you and yours would be the route to take.
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Mike Pence wanted to JAIL same-sex couples applying for marriage licenses. Not just deny them like Kim Davis - JAIL them.

No thanks.

Whoa.... I was ok with Trump killing all the Muslims, building a wall around all the illegal immigrants but now they want to jail all the gays? Came to terms that I could live without hummus and just assumed I could find some neighborhood kid that could mow my yard. But now I have to find someone else to decorate my house and select my drapes?

Probably should have known that before I voted.

(Disclaimer: The preceding post was intentional sarcastic humor and does not represent the opinions of Cats Illustrated, the Political Forum or the author. All rights reserved. Bitch.)
Those same betting lines missed Brexit even worse. Tells me you've got a lot of young people in London in making the bets, and all they rely on is MSM for info.

It's easy to cherry pick one result like Brexit and make it an absolute comparison for a US election that resembles it in no way, shape or form.

I still think betting Trump presents a lot of value at his current price, but Brexit has zero bearing on my decision to back him. Like I said yesterday, this line feels like it should be +200, so if I can get double that price I will lay it every time.
Whoa.... I was ok with Trump killing all the Muslims, building a wall around all the illegal immigrants but now they want to jail all the gays? Came to terms that I could live without hummus and just assumed I could find some neighborhood kid that could mow my yard. But now I have to find someone else to decorate my house and select my drapes?

Probably should have known that before I voted.

(Disclaimer: The preceding post was intentional sarcastic humor and does not represent the opinions of Cats Illustrated, the Political Forum or the author. All rights reserved. Bitch.)
I view my vote as asking someone to accept tax dollars to go to Washington to represent me.

That being the case, I could not bring myself to vote for Gary Johnson or his Clinton supporting VP. Sure, there's the argument that the third party needs the 5%, but after just 4 years of Clinton it's not going to matter who the next President is (let alone 8). The Supreme Court will be set far left for decades, illegal aliens will have been granted amnesty, we'll have imported tens of thousands more unvetted "refugees", businesses will continue to flee due to increased regulation and taxes, and Obamacare will be turned into single payer healthcare.

So knowing that, I can sleep well tonight knowing I didn't ask Johnson, and certainly not Trump or Clinton to accept tax dollars to work for me in Washington.
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I'm afraid here in western Kentucky, we just don't have the true pulse of the country.

It's hard to know what will happen tonight.
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In case you were wondering:

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton

Donna Brazile is not apologizing for leaking CNN debate questions and topics to the Hillary Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Her only regret, it seems, is that she got caught.

“My conscience — as an activist, a strategist — is very clear,” the interim chair of the Democratic National Committee said Monday during a satellite radio interview with liberal activist and SiriusXM host Joe Madison. She added that “if I had to do it all over again, I would know a hell of a lot more about cybersecurity.”

Honestly, we're bypassing rubicons left and right, and it's a good thing. I'd much rather have a media that is so totally convinced it's right in supporting the left that it no longer sees the need for pretense than to get what we've had for 4 or 5 generations - eye-rolling claims at "objectivity" and "neutrality". The sooner they all say, "yeah, we support the left, what of it?" the better off we'll be.....
CNN has some explaining to do if they don't want to lose viewers and advertising revenue. I truly believe they and the New York Times will be affected by what has transpired and been exposed over the past 4 months.
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That logic is inherently flawed. It's the same thing as saying that if you live in KY or California or NY or Wyoming that your vote doesn't matter.

Well no offense Ky is going republican so it would be accurate that your vote doesn't matter.

Back to the Johnson vote......look if you don't like either that's fine, but to send your vote to a lame duck that will lose is a waste. Most likely those people couldn't stand Hilliary but weren't smart enough to vote for Trump.
CNN has some explaining to do if they don't want to lose viewers and advertising revenue. I truly believe they and the New York Times will be affected by what has transpired and been exposed over the past 4 months.

NBC is just as bad or worse than CNN.

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A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary. Don't kid yourself.
Not sure if I would agree with that. Some Johnson voters would otherwise vote for Clinton- possibly even a majority of them. I hope I'm wrong about that, because I suspect that there will be MANY people who have planned to vote for Johnson, and who will go into the booth and select one of the two candidates with an actual chance to win.
In case you were wondering:

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton

Donna Brazile is not apologizing for leaking CNN debate questions and topics to the Hillary Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Her only regret, it seems, is that she got caught.

“My conscience — as an activist, a strategist — is very clear,” the interim chair of the Democratic National Committee said Monday during a satellite radio interview with liberal activist and SiriusXM host Joe Madison. She added that “if I had to do it all over again, I would know a hell of a lot more about cybersecurity.”

Honestly, we're bypassing rubicons left and right, and it's a good thing. I'd much rather have a media that is so totally convinced it's right in supporting the left that it no longer sees the need for pretense than to get what we've had for 4 or 5 generations - eye-rolling claims at "objectivity" and "neutrality". The sooner they all say, "yeah, we support the left, what of it?" the better off we'll be.....


The left is ethically bankrupt.
I view my vote as asking someone to accept tax dollars to go to Washington to represent me.

That being the case, I could not bring myself to vote for Gary Johnson or his Clinton supporting VP. Sure, there's the argument that the third party needs the 5%, but after just 4 years of Clinton it's not going to matter who the next President is (let alone 8). The Supreme Court will be set far left for decades, illegal aliens will have been granted amnesty, we'll have imported tens of thousands more unvetted "refugees", businesses will continue to flee due to increased regulation and taxes, and Obamacare will be turned into single payer healthcare.

So knowing that, I can sleep well tonight knowing I didn't ask Johnson, and certainly not Trump or Clinton to accept tax dollars to work for me in Washington.
This is a good post. I weighed all the options, Johnson, Clinton, Trump and Dickbutt. I do not like Trump of HRC. So I was left with Johnson and Dickbutt. TO me, the 5% argument had the most value.
Have no idea as to the validity of this on-line poll, but interesting nonetheless. Country by country live voting between Trump/Hillary. A few observations:

United States: 54% Trump, (that's an 8 pt. spread.)
Russia: Trump 92%, lol.
Canada: almost 50/50. Would have thought Hillary would be up more.
France, Germany, UK, Australia, Ireland, Hungary, Switzerland all Trump 60% +
China and India 75% Clinton
Turkey 75% Trump
Mexico--only 56% Clinton, would have expected higher

Again, this could be complete BS.
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Also, I don't know the actual details, but if the Libertarian Party gets 5% of the vote, does that mean the Libertarian Party gets funding in 2020?

If so, the prospect of the Libertarian Party finally getting some funding and then blowing it all once and for good for third parties by putting that clown Johnson on the top of the ticket again really isn't all that appealing.
Russia: Trump 92%, lol.

I guess they really don't want another Cold War either.

Can just imagine how foreign relations are going to be with Russia when the see you next Tuesday who's been fabricating bullshit fear mongering stories about them gets in office.
Yeah, I asked earlier and didn't get a response.

Of course if you google "live election coverage", the very first link you see is CNN. LOL

Somebody needs to find us a non biased link

I thought I had with "" lol . . . until I noticed the DT silhouette and the bevy of very favorable DT exit polling data from PA, NC, MI, Virginia even . . . still it seemed "fair" as predictable states like Maryland were showing The Donald taking an early ass-beating . . . I mean a beating. Florida looked narrow, but with a DT edge. Same for Wisconsin, but with a very tiny sample size. About that time the server got "shut down" . . . can't get back on

I really wonder when reading posts on this board if those who refer to everything in binary terms (left/right) if they really have a true understanding of the political spectrum. They seem to deem positions as left/right only by what which candidate is supporting that position or the source of the information.
I wish I could find a link to a story I read the other day where a study was done where people were given identical pieces of information with the only difference being the noted source of that info. The people were then asked to evaluate the information as to where it fell on the political spectrum on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the most liberal and 10 being the most conservative. The overwhelming findings were that the source of the information determined where people placed it on that spectrum, not the actual contents of the information. I can almost guarantee that if the same study was done using the contributors to this board that the findings would be identical.
Also, I don't know the actual details, but if the Libertarian Party gets 5% of the vote, does that mean the Libertarian Party gets funding in 2020?

If so, the prospect of the Libertarian Party finally getting some funding and then blowing it all once and for good for third parties by putting that clown Johnson on the top of the ticket again really isn't all that appealing.
They get funding and a much easier road to ballot access (where the LP spends a huge chunk of its funding).

Johnson is a goofus and I have no problem with someone not voting for him for that reason, but he was a two term governor. Pretty hard for a minor party to ask for a candidate more likely to move the needle. It was either him, a babyfaced blogger, or a crazy ALLEGED murderer.

Also, Johnson said he isn't running in 2020.
Also, Johnson said he isn't running in 2020.

That changes the argument. Not sure it changes it enough that I'd personally just vote LP in hopes that they'd field a reasonable candidate in 2020.

Would just hate to see the LP finally get a voice and then field some dipshit who gets slaughtered by the Rs and Ds.
Transy actually had me thinking about going to vote for GJ this afternoon, but I guess that's out the window.
I really wonder when reading posts on this board if those who refer to everything in binary terms (left/right) if they really have a true understanding of the political spectrum. They seem to deem positions as left/right only by what which candidate is supporting that position or the source of the information.
I wish I could find a link to a story I read the other day where a study was done where people were given identical pieces of information with the only difference being the noted source of that info. The people were then asked to evaluate the information as to where it fell on the political spectrum on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the most liberal and 10 being the most conservative. The overwhelming findings were that the source of the information determined where people placed it on that spectrum, not the actual contents of the information. I can almost guarantee that if the same study was done using the contributors to this board that the findings would be identical.

"Hillary is the most corrupt candidate to ever run for political office."

Pretty sure that's a "right" position.