How will they rule ??!

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So fair and balanced Fox News is upfront about being a puppet for Republicans? News to me.

Nevermind that via fact checking it's been proven over and over again how much more the right media lies and deceives their viewers over the left. That DT lies 50+% of the time and Hillary about 20%.

When you have a viewpoint where everything is a conspiracy and they're all out to get you, there's something wrong with your brain.

there's been more coverage of Hillary's emails than anything else. You also ignore the countless and daily negative articles on Hillary by the lamestream media(how original by the way).

DT is the only candidate who has talked about suspending constitutional rights to religion and the press. The only candidate cheering on violence, voter suppression, and cheating.

It's going to be funny to see the Hispanic Americans being the group that keeps him from winning. Poetic justice
Some of you guys sound like UofL fans..

You can call me a SOB, a loser, an idiot, a self-riteous prick, a gun-toting redneck, a hypocrite, an incompetent, a fool, a philanderer, a liar, a wacko, a nut-job, deplorable, sorry, fat, ugly, queer bait, lesbian, homophobe, straight, cracker, an idiot, naive, dastardly, repulsive, quirky, clumsy, callous, criminal, horrible or million other things.

But I'll be damned if I sit here and let you compare me to a UL fan. That's it. No more.

You can call me a SOB, a loser, an idiot, a self-riteous prick, a gun-toting redneck, a hypocrite, an incompetent, a fool, a philanderer, a liar, a wacko, a nut-job, deplorable, sorry, fat, ugly, queer bait, lesbian, homophobe, straight, cracker, an idiot, naive, dastardly, repulsive, quirky, clumsy, callous, criminal, horrible or million other things.

But I'll be damned if I sit here and let you compare me to a UL fan. That's it. No more.


Neither side of the media is willing to acknowledge its inherent bias at this point. Each is just reporting the "truth," and the people who tune in believe everything they're fed because it's exactly what they want to hear.

The conservative media is exactly the same in that regard, so I see no real difference.

Only because you do not want to see the difference. You and most all liberals paint with a broad brush.
Except to compare the two as equals is ridiculous. Conservatives have Fox News, which is always the subject of wrath from the left. But what does the left have? They have all of our social media and routinely censor and manipulate trends and bury stories. They run our education system. They have all of our universities to go unchallenged in brainwashing these kids. They have CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CNN, CBS, HBO, Comedy Central, NYT, LATimes, Politico, Washington Post, Daily Beast and all of Hollywood.

You think that's even remotely a fair fight?

Plus facebook, twitter, google, yahoo all taking down anything negative about Hilary. That is not free speech, that is suppression. Yet the Liberals preach about tolerance, the left is the most untolerant
I been tempted to ignore Cardkilla but chose not to, because reading his posts keeps reminding me what idiocy looks like
Media bias...

I have a 7th grader. She's been telling me about CNN Student News as they watch it every morning before class... says the Hillary bias is easily detected by most kids to the point that most of them stopped paying attention to the political info in the show soon after school started b/c "they just seem like Hillary commercials." OTOH, she says that Trump is the running butt of every joke with the kids. Again, she thinks due to the projected image by the CNNSN channel. I have never seen this channel, so I can't verify, and I don't delve into politics with her, so these are her own opinions, which I found fascinating.

At dinner on Friday, she told me of the impending school-wide mock Presidential poll coming Monday (~800 students). I told her I bet her $5 Hillary would win due to the indoctrination. She replied, "I'll bet you $15 she wins."

Trump won. They didn't give them actual percentages, only saying it was 'somewhat lopsided.' We had a good laugh in the car.
If anything, foxnews has proven its 100% the "most" neutral. No I didn't say completely.

Save hannity, every single show called him out numerous times and almost every show has hosts that are with her.

Other networks wouldn't even cover negative Hillary or positive trump

It's almost comical someone saying the MAIN STREAM media is competing with right wing websites for the BS award. No where near, especially when you add liberal rag sites.
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Over/under on how many polls Jamo posts tomorrow?

Depends on who's winning. If Trump, zero. If Hillary, no less than 1000

We have to find a way to stop considering every story, every article, every post as being inherently biased.

The opposite. Outlets are biased. True they're giving people what they want, but that's not their job. Their job is to report facts, not insert opinions.

There's plenty of outlets where it's clear the intent is entertainment/pandering to an audience. That's fine. I would even be ok with any outlet pandering, if they make it known and are honest about it.
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Lots of people at my polling station at 6AM. Most were olds and stay at home wives in riding boots and northface vests, though. So probably more indicative of a lot of people in my neighborhood having nothing to live for except the occasional venture out in public more so than enthusiasm either way
2 people in line at the Wellington-Gardens polls in Lexington. Had enough time to grab a chick-fil-a sammich before coming to work.

Now to just avoid television the rest of the day.
The Hispanics on my street put out a Trump sign last night and they're illegal af. Must have been one of the 12 Americanized kids. They love dogs, toy guns, and spray paint. The adults don't talk and look depressed.

Media bias...

I have a 7th grader. She's been telling me about CNN Student News as they watch it every morning before class... says the Hillary bias is easily detected by most kids to the point that most of them stopped paying attention to the political info in the show soon after school started b/c "they just seem like Hillary commercials." OTOH, she says that Trump is the running butt of every joke with the kids. Again, she thinks due to the projected image by the CNNSN channel. I have never seen this channel, so I can't verify, and I don't delve into politics with her, so these are her own opinions, which I found fascinating.

At dinner on Friday, she told me of the impending school-wide mock Presidential poll coming Monday (~800 students). I told her I bet her $5 Hillary would win due to the indoctrination. She replied, "I'll bet you $15 she wins."

Trump won. They didn't give them actual percentages, only saying it was 'somewhat lopsided.' We had a good laugh in the car.

They show CNN every damn morning to every damn kid? Wtf.
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says the team that blames all Muslims for a small percentage of Muslims and blames all blacks for BLM. [roll]

Nope, you are wrong yet again, but then you are always wrong. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most all terrorists are Muslim. Not all Blacks support BLM, but BLM Chose the words BLACK LIVES MATTERS. And we now know that most, if not all the BLM instigators were paid and bused in to create chaos and loot and burn and stir up trouble. And you support all that, even the cop killings, but weaklings like you will be the first to call for cops help when you are threatened. Why don't you invite some of those refugees to live in your house and help them? You Liberals talk a good game, but it is all talk. You want the "feel good" moments, but want others to take all the chances.
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you know exactly what i mean. Because every black lives in the inner city, they're all on welfare, bla bla bla. Same ole story but yeah we paint with a broad brush. Notice how you never actually respond to the charge.