How will they rule ??!

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"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all.

We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain." Frederic Bastiat
I worship at the alter of liberty. I couldn't give two sh### less about my party. I am for anyone and anything that preserves individual liberty. What are you for?
Individual liberty. "I am a fanatic lover of liberty, considering it as the unique condition under which intelligence, dignity and human happiness can develop and grow; not the purely formal liberty conceded, measured out and regulated by the State, an eternal lie which in reality represents nothing more than the privilege of some founded on the slavery of the rest; not the individualistic, egoistic, shabby, and fictitious liberty extolled by the School of J.-J. Rousseau and other schools of bourgeois liberalism, which considers the would-be rights of all men, represented by the State which limits the rights of each—-an idea that leads inevitably to the reduction of the rights of each to zero. No, I mean the only kind of liberty that is worthy of the name, liberty that consists in the full development of all the material, intellectual and moral powers that are latent in each person; liberty that recognizes no restrictions other than those determined by the laws of our own individual nature, which cannot properly be regarded as restrictions since these laws are not imposed by any outside legislator beside or above us, but are immanent and inherent, forming the very basis of our material, intellectual and moral being—-they do not limit us but are the real and immediate conditions of our freedom."
I worship at the alter of liberty. I couldn't give two sh### less about my party. I am for anyone and anything that preserves individual liberty. What are you for?

An individual thinker like you scares people like him, deee, and bawrong. It is comfortable for them to think they know what you are talking about. That's the reason they refuse to accept that you and I do not identify as classic republicans as they do themselves as classic democrats.

None of them have original thoughts and are reduced to spouting the company line at all times.
Yawn. Misstate someone's post, babble for a few minutes on some 12 year old girl's idea of Ayn Rand the Barbie Doll, then close with yet another misstatement on my post. Yeah, that's challenging stuff and deserves an answer.

If Any Rand stands for anything enduring it is for the "rational respect for the facts of reality" not some lampooned version of a reality TV sketch. You idiots do not even understand the intellectual underpinnings of your own ideas let alone your imagined heroes. You're all so far out of touch with anything even remotely objective that you are even tone deaf to the entire world's combined scientific establishment telling you something regarding climate change.

Nothing about any of you is objective nor certainly based on anything resembling rational thought. You're little marching Fox News snippets. Each one piggybacking off the other then clapping on your dismount. You don't logically even know if you are right or wrong because all you do is look at each other to ensure you're in lock step. A trifling little band of morons that I take out to play once in awhile like children's trinkets. I wind you up and watch you spin out of boredom. Please don't mistake that for some sort of "contest" where you are an equal participant.
An individual thinker like you scares people like him, deee, and bawrong. It is comfortable for them to think they know what you are talking about. That's the reason they refuse to accept that you and I do not identify as classic republicans as they do themselves as classic democrats.

None of them have original thoughts and are reduced to spouting the company line at all times.
I'm spouting company line? You're ridiculous. You're an individual thinker? Give me a break. You're not bringing anything original to the table. And neither am I. You base your beliefs on another's thoughts just like I do.
An individual thinker like you scares people like him, deee, and bawrong. It is comfortable for them to think they know what you are talking about. That's the reason they refuse to accept that you and I do not identify as classic republicans as they do themselves as classic democrats.

None of them have original thoughts and are reduced to spouting the company line at all times.
Dems typically need someone to do their thinking for them.

Look at the upcoming POTUS election.

Conservatives are looking for the best candidate, which is one of the reasons why you have 17 different candidates, a few of which aren't even "real" Republicans in the traditional sense. They don't care about the party: they just want the best candidate.

Dems OTOH are fine being told Hillary is their candidate (even though she might be headed to jail). They don't have the capacity to think beyond a simple solution.

That's also why socialism is so attractive to them: everything's taken care of by the govt... and the govt always knows best, right?
Dems typically need someone to do their thinking for them.

Look at the upcoming POTUS election.

Conservatives are looking for the best candidate, which is one of the reasons why you have 17 different candidates, a few of which aren't even "real" Republicans in the traditional sense. They don't care about the party: they just want the best candidate.

Dems OTOH are fine being told Hillary is their candidate (even though she might be headed to jail). They don't have the capacity to think beyond a simple solution.

That's also why socialism is so attractive to them: everything's taken care of by the govt... and the govt always knows best, right?
I'm not a proponent of socialism. Not in the sense that you understand it. I'm also not in favor of Hillary Clinton or any of the republican candidates. They're all the same to me. The United states of the 1%. So stop with the generalizations.
Yawn. Misstate someone's post, babble for a few minutes on some 12 year old girl's idea of Ayn Rand the Barbie Doll, then close with yet another misstatement on my post. Yeah, that's challenging stuff and deserves an answer.

If Any Rand stands for anything enduring it is for the "rational respect for the facts of reality" not some lampooned version of a reality TV sketch. You idiots do not even understand the intellectual underpinnings of your own ideas let alone your imagined heroes. You're all so far out of touch with anything even remotely objective that you are even tone deaf to the entire world's combined scientific establishment telling you something regarding climate change.

Nothing about any of you is objective nor certainly based on anything resembling rational thought. You're little marching Fox News snippets. Each one piggybacking off the other then clapping on your dismount. You don't logically even know if you are right or wrong because all you do is look at each other to ensure you're in lock step. A trifling little band of morons that I take out to play once in awhile like children's trinkets. I wind you up and watch you spin out of boredom. Please don't mistake that for some sort of "contest" where you are an equal participant.

Long-winded fool. No communist asshat will ever make me feel bad. The reason you deny any possible line of thought other than what you've been told to think, is your hatred of capitalism and individual thought.
I'm not a proponent of socialism. Not in the sense that you understand it. I'm also not in favor of Hillary Clinton or any of the republican candidates. They're all the same to me. The United states of the 1%. So stop with the generalizations.

If you don't think you are a proponent of socialism, then you don't understand half of what you say. Must be a subconscious correlation.
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Conservatives are looking for the best candidate...
Yes, yes you are. Currently Snookie's boss, the guy that fired Gary Busey, is your early favorite leading by a wide margin so you're obviously doing a bang up job. Keep up the good work. With the fabulous results you're already showing I am sure your search will be a fruitful one. Maybe Sarah will jump back in and give you even more options from which to choose.
I get that about the fed, and I fully believe it's as corrupt as possible. I just feel like I'm not sure I want to know because that caves the idea of our democracy. I have no doubt everything go t touches is to increase revenues to hopefully catch up and keep that info from ever having to be public.

Now Willy, there are other tax systems that would be a lot better in this country and the fed doesn't need to be audited. Keep a minimal income tax(and this includes taxing welfare) and then increase sales tax to 10% but keep purchases of 20K or higher at 6%, call it bulk spending discount for all I care.
Only thing Kopikat is doing is revealing his selfish nature and the hypocrisy of the new GOP.

I love it when socialist liberals accuse conservatives of being selfish. As if they have to wait for the Great Tax to be generous. The IRS will happily accept more of your money. Be generous with your "returns," you loving liberals. Make certain to omit those deductions and to keep those return amounts to an absolute minimum. Stop looking for ways to beef up those returns. That's not your style. That's for those selfish, evil, GOP conservatives. Don't be like me. Please see link below for how you can send more of your money to reduce Barrack Obama's now 18.15 trillion dollar debt. You liberals remember the federal debt? This was a talking point of nightly horror on all of the major networks not long ago when a selfish GOP president by the name of George Bush was President and the debt was less than half the current amount. Now, however, they never f'king talk about it (federal debt). But I do. You should to. Give generously, you liberals of non-selfishness. See 2nd link for current monthly statement of the US Treasury.
I get that about the fed, and I fully believe it's as corrupt as possible. I just feel like I'm not sure I want to know because that caves the idea of our democracy. I have no doubt everything go t touches is to increase revenues to hopefully catch up and keep that info from ever having to be public.

Now Willy, there are other tax systems that would be a lot better in this country and the fed doesn't need to be audited. Keep a minimal income tax(and this includes taxing welfare) and then increase sales tax to 10% but keep purchases of 20K or higher at 6%, call it bulk spending discount for all I care.

Well I can see definitely the rigorousness it would cause. But man, we need to scale the power of the Federal reserve. To scale their power back we need evidence of "fractional banking" that has been writing ghost checks out of thin air with no accountablity. All while increasing debt being strapped on our backs. We have spent so much money that Social Security causes arguments between hard core right Ronnies and dip shitty liberal fart sniffers, when there should be no argument at all. But because we spend and spend and spend, we cause that argument. That's just one instance where blame (the blame I have been talking about) goes between the two party butt slurpers trying to "win their argument". We need to audit the Fed to shut people the hell up.

It's all a sham.
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Individual liberty. "I am a fanatic lover of liberty, considering it as the unique condition under which intelligence, dignity and human happiness can develop and grow; not the purely formal liberty conceded, measured out and regulated by the State, an eternal lie which in reality represents nothing more than the privilege of some founded on the slavery of the rest; not the individualistic, egoistic, shabby, and fictitious liberty extolled by the School of J.-J. Rousseau and other schools of bourgeois liberalism, which considers the would-be rights of all men, represented by the State which limits the rights of each—-an idea that leads inevitably to the reduction of the rights of each to zero. No, I mean the only kind of liberty that is worthy of the name, liberty that consists in the full development of all the material, intellectual and moral powers that are latent in each person; liberty that recognizes no restrictions other than those determined by the laws of our own individual nature, which cannot properly be regarded as restrictions since these laws are not imposed by any outside legislator beside or above us, but are immanent and inherent, forming the very basis of our material, intellectual and moral being—-they do not limit us but are the real and immediate conditions of our freedom."
You realize this say a lot without saying anything, don't you. It's a collection of nice words, but it really doesn't say how to accomplish those high minded words. From everything I have read and heard from the man, his ideas would certainly not achieve liberty by any definition that we all know it.
You realize this say a lot without saying anything, don't you. It's a collection of nice words, but it really doesn't say how to accomplish those high minded words. From everything I have read and heard from the man, his ideas would certainly not achieve liberty by any definition that we all know it.
Whatever you think man. You realize I think you're wrong, don't you. You aren't going to change my mind and I'm not going to change yours.
I love it when socialist liberals accuse conservatives of being selfish. As if they have to wait for the Great Tax to be generous. The IRS will happily accept more of your money. Be generous with your "returns," you loving liberals. Make certain to omit those deductions and to keep those return amounts to an absolute minimum. Stop looking for ways to beef up those returns. That's not your style. That's for those selfish, evil, GOP conservatives. Don't be like me. Please see link below for how you can send more of your money to reduce Barrack Obama's now 18.15 trillion dollar debt. You liberals remember the federal debt? This was a talking point of nightly horror on all of the major networks not long ago when a selfish GOP president by the name of George Bush was President and the debt was less than half the current amount. Now, however, they never f'king talk about it (federal debt). But I do. You should to. Give generously, you liberals of non-selfishness. See 2nd link for current monthly statement of the US Treasury.
I don't support Obama. I don't support bigger government. I don't support big business. I don't support the democrats or the republicans. You must have me confused with someone else. Or that's all you know how to do. Turn it into a right vs left, Pub vs Dem, Lib vs Con.
I love it when socialist liberals accuse conservatives of being selfish. As if they have to wait for the Great Tax to be generous. The IRS will happily accept more of your money. Be generous with your "returns," you loving liberals. Make certain to omit those deductions and to keep those return amounts to an absolute minimum. Stop looking for ways to beef up those returns. That's not your style. That's for those selfish, evil, GOP conservatives. Don't be like me. Please see link below for how you can send more of your money to reduce Barrack Obama's now 18.15 trillion dollar debt. You liberals remember the federal debt? This was a talking point of nightly horror on all of the major networks not long ago when a selfish GOP president by the name of George Bush was President and the debt was less than half the current amount. Now, however, they never f'king talk about it (federal debt). But I do. You should to. Give generously, you liberals of non-selfishness. See 2nd link for current monthly statement of the US Treasury.

Money and blood spent on the Iraq war between 2003 and 2011.

189,000: Direct war deaths, which doesn't include the hundreds of thousands more that died due to war-related hardships.

4,488:U.S. service personnel killed directly.

32,223: Troops injured (not including PTSD).

134,000: Civilians killed directly.

655,000: Persons who have died in Iraq since the invasion that would not have died if the invasion had not occurred.

150: Reporters killed.

2.8 million: Persons who remain either internally displaced or have fled the country.

$1.7 trillion: Amount in war expenses spent by the U.S. Treasury Department as through Fiscal Year 2013.

$5,000: Amount spent per second.

$350,000: Cost to deploy one American military member.

$490 billion: Amount in war benefits owed to war veterans.

$7 trillion: Projected interest payments due by 2053 (because the war was paid for with borrowed money).

$20 billion: Amount paid to KBR, contractor responsible for equipment and services.

$3 billion: Amount of KBR payments Pentagon auditors considered "questionable."

$60 billion: Amount paid for reconstruction, (which was ruled largely a waste due to corruption and shoddy work.)

$4 billion: Amount owed to the U.S. by Iraq before the invasion.

1.6 million: Gallons of oil used by U.S. forces each day in Iraq (at $127.68 a barrel).

$12 billion: Cost per month of the war by 2008.

$7 billion: Amount owed to Iraq by the U.S. after the war (mostly due to fraud).

$20 billion: Annual air conditioning cost.

Missing: $546 million in spare parts; 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47s.

40 percent: Increase in Iraqi oil production.

$5 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2003.

$85 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2011.

$150 billion: Amount oil companies are expected to invest in oil development over the next decade.

$75 billion: Approximate amount expected to go to American subcontracting companies, largest of all Halliburton.

0: Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction found (though a bunch of chems were discovered).

Read more:

War hawks ruined this country to protect interest in some foreign land.
Then Obama is just unqualified to get us out of the hole.
Maybe Jeb will be the third time is the charm for the Bush legacy in Iraq.
I don't support Obama. I don't support bigger government. I don't support big business. I don't support the democrats or the republicans. You must have me confused with someone else. Or that's all you know how to do. Turn it into a right vs left, Pub vs Dem, Lib vs Con.

I'm the same way. Liberal and conservative ideologies both have some really good ideas. Both also have some laughably awful ones. I'm more of an a la carte guy when it comes to my political views, meaning my position will vary between liberal and conservative depending on the issue. In other words, I can think on my own instead of in a big group.

Also, to your point about not changing each others' minds, that's the case for every political and religious conversation.
I don't support Obama. I don't support bigger government. I don't support big business. I don't support the democrats or the republicans. You must have me confused with someone else. Or that's all you know how to do. Turn it into a right vs left, Pub vs Dem, Lib vs Con.

dude, you're the one who threw a political party at me so why act like a child when the same thing happened to you. Seriously beginning to doubt your "ability" to understand how to participate this discourse.
dude, you're the one who threw a political party at me so why act like a child when the same thing happened to you. Seriously beginning to doubt your "ability" to understand how to participate this discourse.
Do you or do you not support the GOP? I've never claimed to support any party. I said I'm a proponent of libertarian socialism. Is that not enough evidence that I don't fit inside your liberal/conservative categories?
I guess I need to hand in my conservative card, the immigration thing just doesn't bother me. That this country is a melting pot, that this is the one place where you can dream big and rise above your limitations, all that - it's essential America. The idea of rounding people up and sending them to some other country seems so impractical as to not be a serious thought.

On the other hand, we're a nation of laws, there should be some consequences for entering the country illegally.

It's just not something that troubles me, and if you take away the constituencies and politics, wouldn't look that hard to solve.....
dude, you're the one who threw a political party at me so why act like a child when the same thing happened to you. Seriously beginning to doubt your "ability" to understand how to participate this discourse.

He doesn't support Obama, he just supports Obama's programs and ideologies. Don't you get it?
The lower class isn't proliferating at an alarming rate because the upper class is making the money that supports them, they are simply reproducing at a higher rate. Were not living in an Oligarchy, were living in an Idiocracy. You need more electrolytes.
Actually this is. ymmot roasts all of you. He literally trolls all of you in one swoop. It's the subtly that's so genius. They way he just ignores all facts, calls you stupid, then makes up facts. He gets people mad and others agree. He is beating all of you at this game. I bet everyday he laughs at posters, the conservative and the liberal for falling for it. You are watching a master.
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Ok, so this is fairly mind blowing. Just saw this on a blog. Matloff is some professor at UC Davis who has written a lot on immigration and claims to be a democrat.

"As Matloff wrote in a blog last night:

Presidential candidate Donald Trump stunned the H-1B visa watcher community today with his platform on immigration. which includes surprisingly detailed, helpful provisions regarding H-1B… On H-1B, the man gets an A+. I’ve never seen any politician, even Tom Tancredo, put up such an effective platform as Trump has. He decries that most of the visas go to the bottom two (out of four) wage levels in the legal requirements for H-1B, recognizing that the unrealistic prevailing wage law is at the heart of the problem. He insists that employers be required to give hiring priority to Americans. Most important to me is that, at least as stated, these provisions would go a long way to stem the visa abuse by not only the “Infosyses” (rent–a-programmer firms) but also the Intels, who are just as culpable. One nice added touch: He refers to pro-H-1B Senator Rubio as “Mark Zuckerberg’s personal senator. :)

Now, I don't know much about those details, haven't thought about whether I agree or not. But Donald Trump, getting that kind of praise for a policy position on a substantive issue by someone who is evidently expert.....?
He doesn't support Obama, he just supports Obama's programs and ideologies. Don't you get it?

uh-huh. I also get that he thinks Chomsky's mind is gold, yet Chomsky is just another academia based, socialistic fantasizer in my book, well thought out to be sure, but full of ideas more prone to failure than all of the practical applications that have also failed in Western attempts. Here's a nice snip from his Wiki:

In his 1973 book For Reasons of State, Chomsky argues that instead of a capitalist system in which people are "wage slaves" or an authoritarian system in which decisions are made by a centralized committee, a society could function with no paid labor. He argues that a nation's populace should be free to pursue jobs of their choosing. People will be free to do as they like, and the work they voluntarily choose will be both "rewarding in itself" and "socially useful." Society would be run under a system of peaceful anarchism, with no state or other authoritarian institutions. Work that was fundamentally distasteful to all, if any existed, would be distributed equally among everyone.

Utopia dreaming. He calls me a "wage slave" because I have an employer that pays me a six figure salary. I'm sure Mr. Chomsky vomited each time one of his fat checks was deposited by his employer, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, making himself a wage slave. Surely he would have much preferred a world in which he could have just run out and done something different, more useful, at his random choosing, for however he felt that day, for no pay. Maybe he would have showed up somewhere and said, "I want to be a renowned professor today!" Maybe there would have been students there. Maybe not. Maybe instead of being students they would have chosen to be professional looters that day, or choir boys. Undoubtedly one of the most insane, unsupportable visions I've ever heard about.
....or maybe not. I see that Megan McArdle says Trumps position on immigration is a "bag of mess" and not a serious document.....
The "immigration thing" should bother you. Because it's an illegal alien thing, not immigration.

How many anchor babies/future government dependents/future Democrat voters are born in this country every day?

Yes, the R donors want the cheap labor. But the Ds, as always, are playing the long con. The longer Obama can get away with shitting all over the laws of this country and waiving a big welcome sign to everyone in Central and South America, the more anchor babies can be born in this country.
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Glad to see Trump is currently not making a fool of me when I said months ago him running would shake the 16 election up big time. I agree with a lot of what he is saying, but having a hard time getting passed Trump himself. He still feels like a Liberal trying to act like a Conservative.

I still have no clue who I am voting for, but at least for now its nice to have someone like Trump who is not afraid to say the real truths of the issues this country is facing. Everytime I listen to Bush, etc I just see more of the same with what we have had and what has drug this country down to its current state of affairs. We need real leadership now more than ever. If I had to choose between Obama, Clinton, Bush, and Trump I am taking Trump all day long. He cannot be any worse than what we have endured the last 7 years along with Bush and Chaney.
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Planned Parenthood favors the elimination of the black race.