How will they rule ??!

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That is not so hard really. Everyone who is stopped for any violation found to be an illegal, should be deported immediately unless they have a record. Then jailed immediately. Told if they come back, immediate prision sentence 5 years no parol. Or, at least some sentence comparable to breaking the law twice. Preferably a lockup system like the one in Maricopa county. Those who apply for aid who do not have citizenship or anyone else who does not have proof they are American citizens should detained until proof otherwise. Funding? Take the money from pork projects, unneccessary green companies, pay for it.

You serious Clark? You think you're gonna round up 10 million (or more) illegals by gathering up the ones stopped for any violation? Uhm, yeah, that'll catch a few thousand a year. A FEW THOUSAND. Out of over 10 million. It won't even come close to getting the job done.

And then your solution is to jail the ones with a record? And pay for that by taking money from "pork projects" and "unnecessary" green companies? I'm guessing anything you don't like is pork in your world, and any government project you do like is not pork. I'm also guessing you don't mind the tax breaks given to the oil industry that are enormous in comparison to what the "green companies" get.

So, try again. You're not even close. Might as well ask them to self deport.
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The fact that you and the two who liked your post think this way, says a lot about your ignorance to what is happening in this country. You adhere to political correctness unless it is used in instances where it is now accepted to degrade and or insult. Hypocrisy? Yes. Not to mention you, Deee, and daboneheads inability to see or understand what is really going on here. Niether of you has the intelligence to understand that those who actually work, live, and experience what it takes to make
It out there have a better understanding of what it takes to do so than does an ex president who really had no clue of how to lead a nation. Your blind allegiance to Carter and Obama make you, Deee, and damoronboss to stupid to really take you guys seriously
My allegiance isn't to the left or Obama. Obama is a terrible president and in bed with big business just like the rest of them.
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Nothing on this page and in this thread has been posted more stupidly than the words in which you have attempted to detract other men's right to believe their own worth. You are a corrupted man. You are well read, superb vocabulary, great writing skills, but the presentation of your ideas make me want to puke. The part that makes me sick to my stomach is where you seem to think you have the right to rule on other men's behalf their own sense of self worth, and you state it openly. THAT, is a strikingly stupid thing to post.

The world needs more men who take pride flipping burgers and serving fries before more of the likes of you.
How many times have you read Atlas Shrugged? 2? 3?
That'sTE="BeaveUKGT, post: 2103702, member: 2412"]You serious Clark? You think you're gonna round up 10 million (or more) illegals by gathering up the ones stopped for any violation? Uhm, yeah, that'll catch a few thousand a year. A FEW THOUSAND. Out of over 10 million. It won't even come close to getting the job done.

And then your solution is to jail the ones with a record? And pay for that by taking money from "pork projects" and "unnecessary" green companies? I'm guessing anything you don't like is pork in your world, and any government project you do like is not pork. I'm also guessing you don't mind the tax breaks given to the oil industry that are enormous in comparison to what the "green companies" get.

So, try again. You're not even close. Might as well ask them to self deport.[/QUOTE]

That's just for starters Lois. I also stated those who apply for aid and you can add those who get welfare and other government programs that require proof of your identity. There are other ways as well. But, to get back to funding, getting rid of pork and the money we have given to and are still
Going to give to green companies (many who have gone bellyup) would go a very long way to help. No system is perfect and that is part of the problem, or even just an excuse for those who do not want to fix it because, you either want it to continue or just don't have the guts to tackle the problem.
There's a whole lot of stupid on this thread, but some of it is really funny [laughing]

Like thinking we need to have US Congressmen explain why they think they know more about a deal which is being kept as secret as possible than some random retired military guys with internet access?

Or thinking we should put any faith in the opinions of random scientists who have formed a conclusion on an issue while knowing full well some of the relevant data is being intentionally kept secret?

Maybe we should have a bunch of experienced Catspause posters sign on to a letter that says defense is a goddam moron and should never post again. At least all of the Catspause posters would be knowledgeable on the subject and have all relevant, material data in front of us.
Your blind allegiance to Carter and Obama make you, Deee, and damoronboss to stupid to really take you guys seriously

If you're going to call someone stupid you might want to spend a few years studying the words "to" and "too" more closely. Maybe you had a kernel of corn stuck in your ear when they covered that in the 3rd grade. I guess you can take the boy out of the corn bin but you just can't take the corn bin out of the boy. Think outside of the box... literally.
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Trump could lose every debate and still come out on top. Just continue to come up with a topic that no other candidate in either party would ever touch, today it is deportations, that really stir up the masses.
How do you suggest we go about deporting over 10 million people? Be specific on how we identify them, capture them, and force them to leave.

You cant get them all. But the ones you locate, deport them. Then kick in the other aspects of fining employers heavily and removing the automatic citizenship of their children if the parents are in the country illegally; and you remove all motivation from being here.

Its really not that difficult. Of course this would be devastating for the lefts plan to grant amnesty, ensure themselves huge political gains despite bankrupting the country. Which is the real reason people on the left are infuriated about this idea.
Its really not that difficult. Of course this would be devastating for the lefts plan to grant amnesty, ensure themselves huge political gains despite bankrupting the country. Which is the real reason people on the left are infuriated about this idea.
ahem, it ain't just that side which has caused this problem to fester & grow in our country. Whole buncha businesses and capitalists love to drive down their labor costs by hiring Jose & his family/friends for $5/hour straight cash homie, no payroll taxes deducted or filed of course. liberals want another low education government dependent voting block, business-friendly establishment republicans want the cheep nonunion workforce. And Americans come out the losers.
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Mexico voting laws require a proper ID before the individual is allowed to vote.
Trump doesn't represent the party so much as he embodies it. A big percentage of the party appreciated the way he championed the birther issue, and of course immigration. He's up to 25% in the latest FOX news poll.
HRC doesn't just represent the Dems (other than those that are out-of-the-closet proud socialists supporting Bernie) she embodies them as she has double the support of Trump. They appreciate how dishonest she is and all the broken federal rules she is flaunting....while also continuing the racial and gender baiting for populism reasons.
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If you're going to call someone stupid you might want to spend a few years studying the words "to" and "too" more closely. Maybe you had a kernel of corn stuck in your ear when they covered that in the 3rd grade. I guess you can take the boy out of the corn bin but you just can't take the corn bin out of the boy. Think outside of the box... literally.
If a typo is all you have bawrong, you are out of your league. I also noted that that was only a small part of my life (the bin). But, you would not understand the rest. Spent most of my childhood in Louisville. But being a bigot seems to be your only offensive tactic. But believe me, it doesn't work on me. If that is your only way to make your point then, drive on loser.
ahem, it ain't just that side which has caused this problem to fester & grow in our country. Whole buncha businesses and capitalists love to drive down their labor costs by hiring Jose & his family/friends for $5/hour straight cash homie, no payroll taxes deducted or filed of course. liberals want another low education government dependent voting block, business-friendly establishment republicans want the cheep nonunion workforce. And Americans come out the losers.

Oh that's exactly true. Dems want to open the borders, grant amnesty so they can sew up elections for generations. GOP are following marching orders from their owners/donors who are expanding profits from an illegal and cheap workforce.

6 of one. Half dozen of the other.
I just like where the guy is calling one of the smartest men on the planet, an idiot. Good work.
I think it's funny how some people worship at the alter of academia. Just because he is an academician doesn't mean his view point is correct, or that his thought process isn't horribly flawed. History is littered with philosophers, economists, politicians, scientists, academicians, etc., who were famous, or controversial, at one time, but whose theories and insights have since been disregarded as hogwash. In my mind Chomsky falls into the category. It doesn't mean he is stupid. It means he falls into the the same trap that every socialist has fallen into since the beginning of time. His ideas aren't consistent with preserving individual liberty and group control and decision making on a large scale as some cure for what ails us is fantasy at its best. He is interesting in the same way Karl Marx is interesting. Both have interesting observations and theories on how to improve the world, but both are rooted in fantasy.
I think it's funny how some people worship at the alter of academia. Just because he is an academician doesn't mean his view point is correct, or that his thought process isn't horribly flawed. History is littered with philosophers, economists, politicians, scientists, academicians, etc., who were famous, or controversial, at one time, but whose theories and insights have since been disregarded as hogwash. In my mind Chomsky falls into the category. It doesn't mean he is stupid. It means he falls into the the same trap that every socialist has fallen into since the beginning of time. His ideas aren't consistent with preserving individual liberty and group control and decision making on a large scale as some cure for what ails us is fantasy at its best. He is interesting in the same way Karl Marx is interesting. Both have interesting observations and theories on how to improve the world, but both are rooted in fantasy.
HRC doesn't just represent the Dems (other than those that are out-of-the-closet proud socialists supporting Bernie) she embodies them as she has double the support of Trump. They appreciate how dishonest she is and all the broken federal rules she is flaunting....while also continuing the racial and gender baiting for populism reasons.

I just saw where that there are 300+ emails tagged as possible 'classified'.out of 20% that they have looked at. This just gets better and better about HRC. Of course, she was laughing and making jokes about the emails at the Iowa State Fair. I think she is deep S$$T. Others have been prosecuted and jailed for far less.
ahem, it ain't just that side which has caused this problem to fester & grow in our country. Whole buncha businesses and capitalists love to drive down their labor costs by hiring Jose & his family/friends for $5/hour straight cash homie, no payroll taxes deducted or filed of course. liberals want another low education government dependent voting block, business-friendly establishment republicans want the cheep nonunion workforce. And Americans come out the losers.

I agree here and the honest point to be made is that over the last 3 decades politicians from both sides of the isle have watched the flow of illegals into the country with "a wink and a nod" so to speak. On the one hand both parties rail about the illegal immigration problem and talk about reforms, e-verify and building walls, but in reality nothing significant has occurred, and for the most part they are just fine with that.

Therefore it seems just a little disingenuous to jump up now and tell all these people who we let come in, that it's time to pack up and go home.

Purely from a business standpoint it would seem to me to be a very costly and foolish decision to even attempt to round up 14 million people and ship them out of the country. No only would the direct cost be enormous but the effect on the economy would be divesting and what would we gain? Then there would be humanitarian crisis of "dumping" all these people back into Mexico and Central America left without employment or housing etc. The idea might make some feel good but when you look at the facts it's beyond crazy.

We really need to focus on getting rid of the magnet - jobs by establishing and enforcing tough employment regulations, and then finding a way to providing a path to legalize those that are here. If voting rights are an issue with the Pubs then I would support taking voting off the table. The idea here isn't to gain political advantage but rather to solve the problem. I'm not against a fence but it costs around $1.5 Million per mile of tax payers money and you have all sorts of issues including areas of private land ownership where walls are not wanted, and the effectiveness of a wall is questionable - a 20 foot wall only creates a market for 21 foot ladders. Even with a 100% barrier, you only stop half the flow of illegals - the rest arrive by boat, air and the northern boarder.
FWIW I agree with Ann Coulter, the number of 10M, 11M, 14M illegals is hopelessly undercounting the problem, and is from studies over a decade old. The true amount is probably 3X as high given the large increases especially during Obama's administration.
There's a whole lot of stupid on this thread, but some of it is really funny [laughing]
It has been said that laughing at yourself and not taking yourself too seriously will make you a better person. You have gotten yourself started here with most of your post and have acknowleged it with the above post. For your sake please continue, you have a long way to go.
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I think it's funny how some people worship at the alter of academia. Just because he is an academician doesn't mean his view point is correct, or that his thought process isn't horribly flawed. History is littered with philosophers, economists, politicians, scientists, academicians, etc., who were famous, or controversial, at one time, but whose theories and insights have since been disregarded as hogwash. In my mind Chomsky falls into the category. It doesn't mean he is stupid. It means he falls into the the same trap that every socialist has fallen into since the beginning of time. His ideas aren't consistent with preserving individual liberty and group control and decision making on a large scale as some cure for what ails us is fantasy at its best. He is interesting in the same way Karl Marx is interesting. Both have interesting observations and theories on how to improve the world, but both are rooted in fantasy.
Yet you worship at the alter of your party. At the alter of big business. At the altar of Reagan and Friedman.
1- the illegals are the only ones willing to not suck welfare dollars, what's the problem? And don't say people would get up if there was work for them, BS! If a person isn't making 50K they don't want to do shit except suck ciggs down and conversate.

2- Trump is gaining me by the day but immigrants is an issue that can bite him. Sure the illegals don't vote but the legal foreigners do and your losing their votes.

3- F Iran, deal or no deal we will be at war with them in 5 yrs no matter what. Obama thinks he is helping because of all the years he saw us oppress people so doing this will make them like us. What an idiot, basically it's like starving wolves and then feeding them steak, but guess what happens when the steak is gone?

4- do we really want to audit the fed? I mean at this point don't we all know some shady shit is going on here? Do we really need to find out exactly what it is?
1- the illegals are the only ones willing to not suck welfare dollars, what's the problem? And don't say people would get up if there was work for them, BS! If a person isn't making 50K they don't want to do shit except suck ciggs down and conversate.

2- Trump is gaining me by the day but immigrants is an issue that can bite him. Sure the illegals don't vote but the legal foreigners do and your losing their votes.

3- F Iran, deal or no deal we will be at war with them in 5 yrs no matter what. Obama thinks he is helping because of all the years he saw us oppress people so doing this will make them like us. What an idiot, basically it's like starving wolves and then feeding them steak, but guess what happens when the steak is gone?

4- do we really want to audit the fed? I mean at this point don't we all know some shady shit is going on here? Do we really need to find out exactly what it is?

3- Iran isn't going to war. Ever. Same smoke screen happening there as it did for Iraq. Media boogeyman.

4- Absolutely Krazy. I wanna know where my money is going. If they can't be audited, then I want a declaration of freedom from taxes. No audit, no willy paying taxes.
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How many times have you read Atlas Shrugged? 2? 3?

You can go ahead and demonize it if you like. The difference between somebody like Noam Chomsky and a real genius like Ayn Rand is that time does something for persons of true ability. It proves them right. Have a nice day.
I agree here and the honest point to be made is that over the last 3 decades politicians from both sides of the isle have watched the flow of illegals into the country with "a wink and a nod" so to speak. On the one hand both parties rail about the illegal immigration problem and talk about reforms, e-verify and building walls, but in reality nothing significant has occurred, and for the most part they are just fine with that.

Therefore it seems just a little disingenuous to jump up now and tell all these people who we let come in, that it's time to pack up and go home.

Purely from a business standpoint it would seem to me to be a very costly and foolish decision to even attempt to round up 14 million people and ship them out of the country. No only would the direct cost be enormous but the effect on the economy would be divesting and what would we gain? Then there would be humanitarian crisis of "dumping" all these people back into Mexico and Central America left without employment or housing etc. The idea might make some feel good but when you look at the facts it's beyond crazy.

We really need to focus on getting rid of the magnet - jobs by establishing and enforcing tough employment regulations, and then finding a way to providing a path to legalize those that are here. If voting rights are an issue with the Pubs then I would support taking voting off the table. The idea here isn't to gain political advantage but rather to solve the problem. I'm not against a fence but it costs around $1.5 Million per mile of tax payers money and you have all sorts of issues including areas of private land ownership where walls are not wanted, and the effectiveness of a wall is questionable - a 20 foot wall only creates a market for 21 foot ladders. Even with a 100% barrier, you only stop half the flow of illegals - the rest arrive by boat, air and the northern boarder.

I think that would be a reasonable starting point. Theres no way to just ID them all immediately. Remove jobs and automatic citizenship for the kids would do all the heavy lifting for us. No need for walls. No need for roundups.

4- do we really want to audit the fed? I mean at this point don't we all know some shady shit is going on here? Do we really need to find out exactly what it is?

Yes. Itll never happen. But theres no telling what lies and manipulations this shadowy agency is behind over the course of history.
You can go ahead and demonize it if you like. The difference between somebody like Noam Chomsky and a real genius like Ayn Rand is that time does something for persons of true ability. It proves them right. Have a nice day.
Rand is a genius. An evil genius.
You can go ahead and demonize it if you like. The difference between somebody like Noam Chomsky and a real genius like Ayn Rand is that time does something for persons of true ability. It proves them right. Have a nice day.
I enjoy watching the conservatives contort themselves in trying to adopt Ayn Rand while at the same time whistling past her virulent views and distaste for religion. It's like Jews admiring Hitler's paintings and comes off just as credible.
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I enjoy watching the conservatives contort themselves in trying to adopt Ayn Rand while at the same time whistling past her virulent views and distaste for religion.

Ayn Rand is no bible thumper nor am I. Ms. Rand openly challenges all of the weak fabrics in man's fears - fears of living and fears of dying.

This speaks to the nature of two men. One man is afraid of dying but not of living. He distinguishes himself from other men by depending only upon himself (typical conservative) for his needs. He prefers others do the same. He asks not and wants not save for what he can achieve for himself. Yet his primary fear is satisfied through spiritual longing (religious).

The other man is afraid of living but not of dying. Because his primary fear is the world he is prone to failure among men of the former group, therefore he feels naturally entitled to make demands (socialist, liberal) from men with proven ability to depend upon themselves. To achieve his corrupt goals, his nature attempts to demonstrate that the former group is unsupported by moral code (attacks their religion). He disqualifies himself from spirituality by attacking that of others.

btw, the analogy you offered was pure smut. It was Hiltler who admired many creations of Jews and not the other way round. But that didn't stop him from murdering them by the millions. The word genocide wasn't even known to language until years after Hitler's cowardly suicide. Nice of the little jew girl from Petersburg to have her first great work published before that happened. Maybe he had time to admire that one too.
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