How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed . Soros is one of their more moderate backers.

Basically..."we found 36 military people that agree with us so ignore the thousands of others that don't"

Catdaddy and FTS interpretation: "you want to nuke Iran and hate brown people!" Soros is one of their more moderate backers.

Basically..."we found 36 military people that agree with us so ignore the thousands of others that don't"

Catdaddy and FTS interpretation: "you want to nuke Iran and hate brown people!"
Q's obsession with what other people might be thinking is showing no sign of recovery.
Yep, I am mesmerized.
No really, I just wonder why you would bring my name up out of thin air in regards to the Iran Nuclear Deal? Where have I ever commented on it? I haven't. And then you quote me, but change my words to fit your agenda of what you believe me to be. It makes no sense to me except to think you have some sort of creepy obsession.
You and catdaddy had the same meladramatic interpretation of the EPA spill of Reps hating the environment. Just trolling trolls. Don't blame me for pointing out your terrible posting style.
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I've not decided yet. People are asking why Trump is not giving any substance in his platform. I listened to the below interview a few minutes ago. Yes Virginia, Trump is giving substance. This is not the only interview to where he is now giving out some of his substance.....fwiw....

Speaking for myself; I am waiting for some republicans to now start hitting Trump a LOT harder trying to rattle him or make him quit. Trump smells blood in the water now... Looking forward to the campaign season...
Not sure why Rand Paul isn't getting the attention. Looks like fools are going to rinse and repeat 2012.

Dude is all about anti-govt. Will work on reforming it. Let people have freedom from social issues. Will have low approach to foreign affairs. I swear. It's almost 99% of Americans are effing brain dead.

Just because he isn't a car salesman. That's why.

Writing in Edward Snowden. Eff it.

The Israeli lobby and military industrialists wouldn't like him.

I do wonder if Rand Paul was pres would he pardon Snowden?

I honestly think its his "audit the fed" position. So much power and money behind that shady organization. No way its getting audited. Unless Rand changes this position, he'll never gather anything more than a smattering of support. His fundraising was at an alarming low. If you follow him on twitter, he's basically asking for $100 here and there. Its pretty shocking.

But I guess thats what happens when youre locked out by power brokers.
I honestly think its his "audit the fed" position. So much power and money behind that shady organization. No way its getting audited. Unless Rand changes this position, he'll never gather anything more than a smattering of support. His fundraising was at an alarming low. If you follow him on twitter, he's basically asking for $100 here and there. Its pretty shocking.

But I guess thats what happens when youre locked out by power brokers.

You're 100% right. But think about that. The one guy who wants to audit and find accountability for American tax payers and no one wants that? hahaha

That's insane.
American Taxpayers: "Yeah go ahead and waste my money, we don't care. Screw it. The Fed will print more."
You're 100% right. But think about that. The one guy who wants to audit and find accountability for American tax payers and no one wants that? hahaha

That's insane.

People SHOULD want it. I think alot of people do. Hes just being overrun by money and power and has no chance.

For example, saw an article that said a Bush super PAC bout 10 million in air time in some states. Thats insane. Rand, and others, cant get their ideas out there because the establishment is buying up all the time.
Impressed with Trump's broad brush policy statements in this article. Im not sure he has the demeanor to be a great president, but I definitely support those ideas.

I really dont see how anyone is opposed to deporting ALL illegals aliens; immediately. Its way beyond time for that to happen. The ONLY reason is an attempt by the left to mortgage our country's future to further their political gain.

I also think its a great idea to remove the automatic citizenship. If youre here illegally, your children born here should not be given automatic citizenship. Why should an illegal act be rewarded? That was never the intent.

Remove this rule, deport everyone, and crack down on hiring illegals. and it would remove much of the motivation for illegal immigration. We wouldnt need a wall.
Impressed with Trump's broad brush policy statements in this article. Im not sure he has the demeanor to be a great president, but I definitely support those ideas.

I really dont see how anyone is opposed to deporting ALL illegals aliens; immediately. Its way beyond time for that to happen. The ONLY reason is an attempt by the left to mortgage our country's future to further their political gain.

I also think its a great idea to remove the automatic citizenship. If youre here illegally, your children born here should not be given automatic citizenship. Why should an illegal act be rewarded? That was never the intent.

Remove this rule, deport everyone, and crack down on hiring illegals. and it would remove much of the motivation for illegal immigration. We wouldnt need a wall.

Dems want all of the mass illegals they can get because it's basically importing votes.
People SHOULD want it. I think alot of people do. Hes just being overrun by money and power and has no chance.

For example, saw an article that said a Bush super PAC bout 10 million in air time in some states. Thats insane. Rand, and others, cant get their ideas out there because the establishment is buying up all the time.

I just find it depressing that people will fall for the same hook, line, and sinker everytime. Then get angry and displace their anger that should be reserved for themselves for voting for an incompetent twatnik, and instead placing the blame on "other voters".
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Just watched Clinton behind a podium, and it all came back to me, why I used to dislike her so. She's exactly what people have always said about Nixon. So convinced in the rightness of her intentions and end results, and the wrongness of her opponents, that any means are justified. Will not hesitate to lie, cheat, steal or bury someone to get where she wants to go. In a word ruthless. Politics is a kill sport, obviously, but the Clintons are unique. Bill at least had a veneer of likeable traits. She has none.
Sure you are, you are just masking it. Most of the CEO's and owners of companies take big risk in forming and running the companies. Risk most are not willing to make to get things started. Now, you want your "fair share" for not taking the risk. Not saying you should not get paid for your worth, in fact, I am all for raising the minimum wage over $10.00 and hour to possibly get some of those who make more from handouts than they would working the current wage. But, you do not deserve much more if you are not putting forth the effort to make it.

Uhm, most CEO's of large publicly-owned companies take no risk at all in forming the company, and the only risk they take in running the company is risk with other people's money. If the company is successful and the stock goes up, the CEO is handsomely rewarded. If the company is not successful and the stock goes down, the CEO is shown the door - and given a large severance package.

Now, I understand that privately held companies and small businesses are different.
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Growing up hard and scrapping out a good life for yourself is a nice story but it has blinded you to the truth all around you. You did not grow up in a country dominated utterly by a rich ruling elite, you grew up in a country with the largest healthiest middle class the world has ever known. That country effectively died in 1982. Or more precisely that is when the rot set in.

This is an Oligarchy and that has been pointed out bluntly as recently as by former President Carter:

"Former President Jimmy Carter had some harsh words to say about the current state of America's electoral process, calling the country "an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery" resulting in "nominations for president or to elect the president." When asked this week by The Thom Hartmann Program (via The Intercept) about the Supreme Court's April 2014 decision to eliminate limits on campaign donations, Carter said the ruling "violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system."
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Uhm, most CEO's of large publicly-owned companies take no risk at all in forming the company, and the only risk they take in running the company is risk with other people's money. If the company is successful and the stock goes up, the CEO is handsomely rewarded. If the company is not successful and the stock goes down, the CEO is shown the door - and given a large severance package.

Now, I understand that privately held companies and small businesses are different.
That is what I meant by starting (owners) and running (CEO's).
Growing up hard and scrapping out a good life for yourself is a nice story but it has blinded you to the truth all around you. You did not grow up in a country dominated utterly by a rich ruling elite, you grew up in a country with the largest healthiest middle class the world has ever known. That country effectively died in 1982. Or more precisely that is when the rot set in.

This is an Oligarchy and that has been pointed out bluntly as recently as by former President Carter:

"Former President Jimmy Carter had some harsh words to say about the current state of America's electoral process, calling the country "an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery" resulting in "nominations for president or to elect the president." When asked this week by The Thom Hartmann Program (via The Intercept) about the Supreme Court's April 2014 decision to eliminate limits on campaign donations, Carter said the ruling "violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system."

Completely false in bold. It is just that that makes me understand reality and what is needed for poor people to succeed. Also, It makes me not want to give more of what I have struggled to make. The middle class will always be hit by the left because, the rich know how to play the system and avoid a lot of it. You seem to buy into what the left leaders say and it shows in your post. You are convinced you are a victim and the rich owe you something. Trump has gotten a few things right especially when he said our leaders are not as smart as Mexico's. They have the gift of gab and know how to play our voters (you and some others on here are proof of that) but, have no clue how to run a business or what it takes to make the economy work.
Oh and by the way, quoting Jimmy Carter pretty much destroys any credibility of your post. Had me laughing on that one.
I just find it depressing that people will fall for the same hook, line, and sinker everytime. Then get angry and displace their anger that should be reserved for themselves for voting for an incompetent twatnik, and instead placing the blame on "other voters".

It is depressing. Very depressing. Until SCOTUS stops striking down campaign contribution restrictions, we're basically stuck with whoever special interests want.
Benghazi testimony in October then "13 hours:The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi" movie to be released in January. Thats alot to overcome. HRC might as well schedule a Ronda Rousey fight for next Spring too.
Oh and by the way, quoting Jimmy Carter pretty much destroys any credibility of your post. Had me laughing on that one.
I bet it did. That is normal for a simpleton. Matter of fact the laughing ignorant hillbilly is one of the few remaining stereotypes that is politically acceptable.

Jimmy Carter was not an effective president, however that does not detract from his very impressive humanitarian work nor diminish at all his vast credibility in supervising elections around the world. Your own ignorance does not change the circumstances of the world around you, it merely handicaps your ability to rationally understand them and to make informed decisions on how you process that information. So don't confuse your own mediocre intelligence with actual real life events. Your afflictions are your own and nobody else's. In the grand scheme of things you are a lap dog that fetches when your master wants you to fetch. Nothing wrong with that, but you should refrain from discussions on why the bone is thrown as your boot licking vantage point doesn't give you a very good perspective, or at least one worth sharing publicly.
Growing up hard and scrapping out a good life for yourself is a nice story but it has blinded you to the truth all around you. You did not grow up in a country dominated utterly by a rich ruling elite, you grew up in a country with the largest healthiest middle class the world has ever known. That country effectively died in 1982. Or more precisely that is when the rot set in.

This is an Oligarchy and that has been pointed out bluntly as recently as by former President Carter:

"Former President Jimmy Carter had some harsh words to say about the current state of America's electoral process, calling the country "an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery" resulting in "nominations for president or to elect the president." When asked this week by The Thom Hartmann Program (via The Intercept) about the Supreme Court's April 2014 decision to eliminate limits on campaign donations, Carter said the ruling "violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system."
The ignorance just keeps coming. Our political system has very little to do with standard of living of the middle class falling over the last few decades. The circumstances faced by the middle class is simple economics. We had the highest standard of living in the world. As the competition for jobs becomes global and other countries industrialize, the standard of living of our middle class has to fall because the market clearing wage drops with the competition. We are not competing with countries that have a standard of living remotely similar to our own. There is no way for average skilled and unskilled workers to compete globally with workers who live at much lower standards of living. The only way to compete is to work for less money and lower your standard of living. Unfortunately, that is what technology and globalization has brought us. I think education is the only real answer to the shrinking middle class.
Our political system has very little to do with standard of living of the middle class falling over the last few decades.
That is a strikingly stupid thing to post. Our political system has everything to do with destroying our middle class through a misguided tax policy, *free* trade agreements that have decimated our workers, thrown our borders wide open at the behest of big business, and an overall globalist view that has undermined our sovereignty and betrayed our citizens.

Throw in our judicial branch and a few of their supremely wrongheaded decisions and you pretty much have the epitaph already written for the middle class.

Oh, don't forget to turn out George HW Bush's thousand points of light when you go to bed tonight.
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There is no way for average skilled and unskilled workers to compete globally with workers who live at much lower standards of living. The only way to compete is to work for less money and lower your standard of living.

The problem with this argument is it applies primarily to manufacturing jobs. Only about 18% of all jobs in the US are in manufacturing. The rest are service jobs. For instance a bank teller at Union Bank doesn't compete with bank tellers in India or China, rather with other banks in the region where he/she works. The problem of wage disparity is with service sector jobs which have been beaten down for decades.

Even with global wage pressure, US manufacturing jobs still generally pay relatively good wages. There are several reasons for that, including the fact the US production facilities realize the world's highest level of productivity (value of work performed for a given amount of labor) and much of the production is for domestic consumption.

The global economy can be blamed for loss of jobs to some degree but not so much for low wages on existing jobs IMO.
I too came from very, very low middle times upper lower class. I'm moving towards middle aged and make (household) more than 92% of the US population.

I met someone recently that claimed that his dad used to kill rats in the sewers of NYC to feed him and his sisters growing up. He started a company and now owns a small private island off the coast of Florida.

You can achieve a lot of success here in America. Most of it is hard work, but you have to be smart about it all.
-Make good money choices. A lot of people will lock themselves into bad car payments.....or buy up credit clothes. Even saving enough for a Happy Meal daily....invested wisely can pay huge in the future.
-Education or skill - Sure, there are areas of education that aren't worth it, but there are a lot of areas that are. Don't just blindly pick a degree, but pick one where the job market and pay is still decent. Or skills. Learning to weld, drive commercial vehicles. etc can be well worth the investment. An many forms of education is free.....heck, just picking up a "Investments for Dummies" book.....or a Dave Ramsey book can transform your potential.
-Plan - gotta have a plan. You have to have a 5, 10, 20, and 30 yr plan and adjust accordingly.
36 Retired Admirals and Generals sign an open letter supporting the proposed Iran Nuclear agreement:

"We, the undersigned retired military officers, support the agreement as the most effective means currently available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons," the letter declared. "Military action would be less effective than the deal, assuming it is fully implemented. If the Iranians cheat, our advanced technology, intelligence and the inspections will reveal it, and U.S. military options remain on the table. And if the deal is rejected by America, the Iranians could have a nuclear weapon within a year. The choice is that stark."

Members of congress who are voting against the deal should explain for the record why they think they know more than the 36 retired Admirals and Generals and the Twenty-nine of the nation’s top scientists — including Nobel laureates, veteran makers of nuclear arms and former White House science advisers, all of whom support the deal.

So tired of this lying BS. This agreement ONLY postpones Iran getting Nukes. It prevents NOTHING. In fact it puts them on the road to obtaining them with the blessing of the world.

I have said this before, let them get the Nukes, but the first time they use one, then wipe that whole country clean. It will take a POTUS other than Obama to do it tho.

This agreement means nothing, and if you think it does, and you probably do, since you suck at Obama's gonads, then keep drinking the koolaid.
Just watched Clinton behind a podium, and it all came back to me, why I used to dislike her so. She's exactly what people have always said about Nixon. So convinced in the rightness of her intentions and end results, and the wrongness of her opponents, that any means are justified. Will not hesitate to lie, cheat, steal or bury someone to get where she wants to go. In a word ruthless. Politics is a kill sport, obviously, but the Clintons are unique. Bill at least had a veneer of likeable traits. She has none.

Yep, every time her eyes get big, she is lying through her teeth. And her eyes get big a lot.
Impressed with Trump's broad brush policy statements in this article. Im not sure he has the demeanor to be a great president, but I definitely support those ideas.

I really dont see how anyone is opposed to deporting ALL illegals aliens; immediately. Its way beyond time for that to happen. The ONLY reason is an attempt by the left to mortgage our country's future to further their political gain.

I also think its a great idea to remove the automatic citizenship. If youre here illegally, your children born here should not be given automatic citizenship. Why should an illegal act be rewarded? That was never the intent.

Remove this rule, deport everyone, and crack down on hiring illegals. and it would remove much of the motivation for illegal immigration. We wouldnt need a wall.

How do you suggest we go about deporting over 10 million people? Be specific on how we identify them, capture them, and force them to leave.
I bet it did. That is noImal for a simpleton. Matter of fact the laughing ignorant hillbilly is one of the few remaining stereotypes that is politically acceptable.

Jimmy Carter was not an effective president, however that does not detract from his very impressive humanitarian work nor diminish at all his vast credibility in supervising elections around the world. Your own ignorance does not change the circumstances of the world around you, it merely handicaps your ability to rationally understand them and to make informed decisions on how you process that information. So don't confuse your own mediocre intelligence with actual real life events. Your afflictions are your own and nobody else's. In the grand scheme of things you are a lap dog that fetches when your master wants you to fetch. Nothing wrong with that, but you should refrain from discussions on why the bone is thrown as your boot licking vantage point doesn't give you a very good perspective, or at least one worth sharing publicly.
The fact that you and the two who liked your post think this way, says a lot about your ignorance to what is happening in this country. You adhere to political correctness unless it is used in instances where it is now accepted to degrade and or insult. Hypocrisy? Yes. Not to mention you, Deee, and daboneheads inability to see or understand what is really going on here. Niether of you has the intelligence to understand that those who actually work, live, and experience what it takes to make
It out there have a better understanding of what it takes to do so than does an ex president who really had no clue of how to lead a nation. Your blind allegiance to Carter and Obama make you, Deee, and damoronboss to stupid to really take you guys seriously
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That is a strikingly stupid thing to post. Our political system has everything to do with destroying our middle class through a misguided tax policy, *free* trade agreements that have decimated our workers, thrown our borders wide open at the behest of big business, and an overall globalist view that has undermined our sovereignty and betrayed our citizens.

Throw in our judicial branch and a few of their supremely wrongheaded decisions and you pretty much have the epitaph already written for the middle class.

Oh, don't forget to turn out George HW Bush's thousand points of light when you go to bed tonight.
This is just an ignorant post. Governments cannot control market forces in any way. No matter how they try, the world is becoming smaller and companies have to find the lowest cost alternative in order to compete. A government cannot change that fact through policy. Trying to protect jobs through protectionist policies would change nothing except raising the cost of goods in the USA. The companies producing televisions, for example, in the united states would not be competitive globally. Ultimately they would fail unless you are proposing to prevent anything from being sold here that is not made here. Then our costs for buying those products would be exorbitant compared with everywhere else in the world.
The problem with this argument is it applies primarily to manufacturing jobs. Only about 18% of all jobs in the US are in manufacturing. The rest are service jobs. For instance a bank teller at Union Bank doesn't compete with bank tellers in India or China, rather with other banks in the region where he/she works. The problem of wage disparity is with service sector jobs which have been beaten down for decades.

Even with global wage pressure, US manufacturing jobs still generally pay relatively good wages. There are several reasons for that, including the fact the US production facilities realize the world's highest level of productivity (value of work performed for a given amount of labor) and much of the production is for domestic consumption.

The global economy can be blamed for loss of jobs to some degree but not so much for low wages on existing jobs IMO.
In 1977, manufacturing jobs accounted for 22% of non-farm jobs. In 2012, it accounted for 9%. We were never relied heavily on service industry jobs until the manufacturing sector began to decline.
[QUOTE"BeaveUKGT, post: 2103267, member: 2412"]How do you suggest we go about deporting over 10 million people? Be specific on how we identify them, capture them, and force them to leave.[/QUOTE]
That is not so hard really. Everyone who is stopped for any violation found to be an illegal, should be deported immediately unless they have a record. Then jailed immediately. Told if they come back, immediate prision sentence 5 years no parol. Or, at least some sentence comparable to breaking the law twice. Preferably a lockup system like the one in Maricopa county. Those who apply for aid who do not have citizenship or anyone else who does not have proof they are American citizens should detained until proof otherwise. Funding? Take the money from pork projects, unneccessary green companies, pay for it.
It costs as much to lock one up as it does to grant him aid. The US taxpayer is still hit with the bill!
Take the 800 million dollars aid we send Mexico and deduct our cost to incarcerate their illegals from it and put the pressure on them to keep their people at home If they want the full amount of aid.
That is a strikingly stupid thing to post. .

Nothing on this page and in this thread has been posted more stupidly than the words in which you have attempted to detract other men's right to believe their own worth. You are a corrupted man. You are well read, superb vocabulary, great writing skills, but the presentation of your ideas make me want to puke. The part that makes me sick to my stomach is where you seem to think you have the right to rule on other men's behalf their own sense of self worth, and you state it openly. THAT, is a strikingly stupid thing to post.

The world needs more men who take pride flipping burgers and serving fries before more of the likes of you.