How will they rule ??!

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Yes /wall, oh I forgot Mexico is going to build it for us:

Yeah, it is not like any other politician promised something and did not happen. "Healthcare cost will go down", oops! "You can keep your doctor",oops! "I will build up the middle class", oops! " I will work to bring Americans together", BIG OOPS! "I will make America respected in the world", BIGGER OOPS! The list is endless for the biggest flop of a president since Mr. Peanut.
Dee, since 2009 Obama has used over 80 billion taxpayer dollars on green companies many of which have gone belly up and many others barely making it. That is just the green company cost to the tax payer. What do you lefties have against making others countries pay for things you think Americans should pay for? Are you liberals trying to bankrupt and destroy this country in favor of a socialist type country?
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Capitalism is wonderful... in the beginning. But it evolves into a rush to the bottom. A society locked in perpetual competition rewards those willing to cut corners, minimize cost, and maximize profits at all costs. When the world is your oyster and you have no sovereignty then you need care nothing for your people. They are obstacles to be negotiated around and their governments are instruments for you to maximize your mindless pursuits of profit no matter the cost to citizenry nor sovereignty.

You fear a godless communism but have invited the very devil in with a ruthless cannibalistic vulture capitalism that has done to this country what all the terrorists, communists, and standing armies could never hope to... it has eviscerated us. Hollowed us out and thrown our borders open and reduced our political system to begging harlots that serve a rich oligarchy while working men and women have been sacrificed without a second thought and thrown into a global competition with slave labor.
Yeah, lets just use over stated and exagerrated capitalistic fears to make communism look like a better choice. Clown. I would much rather have a system that allows to choose my God than one who says I don't have a choice. Not on my watch Bawrong.
Yeah, lets just use over stated and exagerrated capitalistic fears to make communism look like a better choice. Clown. I would much rather have a system that allows to choose my God than one who says I don't have a choice. Not on my watch Bawrong.
This... Bawong please feel "free" (a word not in the communist manifesto) to tell us about all the wealth and freedom created under communism...Are you freakin serious with this bullshit. And who is it that is for unfettered open borders?
This... Bawong please feel "free" (a word not in the communist manifesto) to tell us about all the wealth and freedom created under communism.

Uh....China? They are currently financing our entire country so I think that might be a good start. Who do you think is loaning us all the money to expand the empire? Right. You're an idiot. I get it.

Not that I am in favor of Communism which seems to be the new demonizing weapon of choice in your collective campaigns of ignorance, but I do think say publicly executing half of Wall Street (with a special guillotine section for Goldman-Sachs) would be a nice message to send.

Hyperbole aside, what made this country great is our form of Government. To pry it out of our current oligarchy we need firm Government regulations and oversight to combat the fraud inherent in cutting corners especially among the scheming Wall Street fraudsters, revamp the tax code back to Eisenhower era levels, and a rejuvenation of our worker's unions to level the playing field. Simple fix, actually. But I realize that is not as sexy as slinging the word communism around which gets your redneck cackles burning.
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Removing their citizenship...which couldn't be done retroactively would require a change to the 14th amendment.
The only people with something to lose are those who employ illegals. Come down hard on those people and you will solve 90% of the problem. If illegals can't find work, they won't come.
On the down side...expect the cost of home construction and lawn care, landscaping services to skyrocket. You will also see adverse affects in low income rental property, as well as with many other businesses that relied knowingly or not knowingly on that population. There's no way around it, take 10 million people out of the economy and there's going to be a major shock to the economy.

BTW, also expect a major rise in the counterfeiting of documents required to achieve legal status. We're talking about a multi-billion$$ impact and there will be plenty of people willing to take their chances to get a piece of that pie. You'll also have humanitarian mission based groups who will be willing to put their necks on the line. How many Catholic nuns and priests are we going to be willing to throw in prison over this issue before public opinion changes?
Regardless of intentions or reality, building a wall would portray the U.S. as no better than the Soviets when they built the Berlin Wall. It would be viewed by the world in the same light.

Why not keep the illegals that will work and deport some deadbeat citizens that won't? Start dumping criminals, welfare recipients, etc...on Mexico. For every illegal we get from them, we send them 2 non-productives. The Mexican govt would quickly step in to solve the immigration problem. I have little problem with the illegals that come over here and work. I'd rather have them than US citizens that are fiscal parasites.
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Yeah, it is not like any other politician promised something and did not happen. "Healthcare cost will go down", oops! "You can keep your doctor",oops! "I will build up the middle class", oops! " I will work to bring Americans together", BIG OOPS! "I will make America respected in the world", BIGGER OOPS! The list is endless for the biggest flop of a president since Mr. Peanut.

Oh I'm sorry I pulled the curtain back on your little Trump fence fantasy orgasm, and you were having such a good time.:p

Blah blah blah Obama Sucks blah blah blah - have you ever had an independent thought in your life?
how does trump become unelectable? I'm serious at this point! The man can do no wrong, and the harder the media tries to make him look wrong then the American people gravitate toward him. It's truly amazing!

With all it would cost couldn't we just drop three atomic bombs across that boarder and let the ocean fill it in? Maybe even have retainer walls at the north/south borders and just make it an extra large shark tank?

The question was about wealth AND freedom, you socialist, Marxist, zealot. Other than some improved tolerance in public dress code over the past twenty years, the Chinese people have experience little improvement in overall freedom. In fact, what freedom? It's very easy to become a political prisoner in China. Then, for those healthy, it's very likely that they will be dissected for their organs, sold on the black market, to help finance China's "progressive" health system. In some cases these organs are harvested from political prisoners while they are alive, with no proper sedative or anesthetic. In other cases, they are simply executed. It is estimated that this happens at the rate of more than 11,000 such organ harvestings from Chinese political prisons each year. Don't take my word for it. Research it. Those people are pigs.

I contracted for a company years ago that provided inspection services for the 3 Gorges Dam. The Chinese government did little or nothing to alert the peasant people living upstream. That is not to say millions were not well informed in advance, and evacuated from the Yangtze valley in the areas local to the construction, but with what compensation? Millions got little to nothing. (wealth, indeed) Millions got nothing and knew nothing. Human life among the peasant class means nothing to the communist leadership of China.

For anybody who has done business in China you know that corruption and bribery is an expected norm. Their environmental standards are a disaster. It is a horrible, horrible place to use as an example for ANY alternative to our systems. Very disingenuous, indeed.
Uh....China? They are currently financing our entire country so I think that might be a good start. Who do you think is loaning us all the money to expand the empire? Right. You're an idiot. I get it.

Not that I am in favor of Communism which seems to be the new demonizing weapon of choice in your collective campaigns of ignorance, but I do think say publicly executing half of Wall Street (with a special guillotine section for Goldman-Sachs) would be a nice message to send.

Hyperbole aside, what made this country great is our form of Government. To pry it out of our current oligarchy we need firm Government regulations and oversight to combat the fraud inherent in cutting corners especially among the scheming Wall Street fraudsters, revamp the tax code back to Eisenhower era levels, and a rejuvenation of our worker's unions to level the playing field. Simple fix, actually. But I realize that is not as sexy as slinging the word communism around which gets your redneck cackles burning.
Talk about resorting to name calling...China, really?. This is the best you've got?. You wouldn't last ten minutes there. Will you please enlighten us "rednecks" out here about all the FREEDOMS and OPPORTUNITIES there are in China for the AVERAGE guy to start a business and make as much money he/she would like and be FREE to travel any where they would like...With a guy as smart as you, then should be really good:smiley::smiley::clap::clap::sunglasses:
The federal government is competent enough to run a sweeping surveillance program that FTS thinks is great. Because they're going to catch terrorists like the Boston Marathon bomber.
I have since read conflicting reports of the benefits of communication monitoring, some that say the practice has helped prevent up to 50 attacks - and some that say it has led to only 1 minor arrest. If the latter is the case I would have to concede it's not worth the infringement of basic rights.
[QUOTI="Deeeefense, post: 2114445, member: 234"]Oh I'm sorry I pulled the curtain back on your little Trump fence fantasy orgasm, and you were having such a good time.:p

Blah blah blah Obama Sucks blah blah blah - have you ever had an independent thought in your life?[/QUOTE]
This is rich coming from the biggest Obama nuthanger since Chris Matthews.[roll]
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I have since read conflicting reports of the benefits of communication monitoring, some that say the practice has helped prevent up to 50 attacks - and some that say it has led to only 1 minor arrest. If the latter is the case I would have to concede it's not worth the infringement of basic rights.

It's the latter FTS. There is no proof that NSA has stopped anything. BTW, the same NSA is helping police in illegal wire tapping too. I can't believe you'd buy into that BS that it prevents terrorism. Horseshit with a capital H.

I like how they use words like "communication monitoring" instead of what it is. Illegal wire tapping that is invading people's privacy. Obama has amped that up and the next Dem/Repub will make it even more deceptive. Can you imagine Jeb Bush with NSA. haha That's like mixing cocaine and strippers. And Bernie Sanders? Yep that guy will amp it up too. Hillary would bend over and spread her a-hole wide open welcoming the NSA in.
It's the latter FTS. There is no proof that NSA has stopped anything. BTW, the same NSA is helping police in illegal wire tapping too. I can't believe you'd buy into that BS that it prevents terrorism. Horseshit with a capital H.

I like how they use words like "communication monitoring" instead of what it is. Illegal wire tapping that is invading people's privacy. Obama has amped that up and the next Dem/Repub will make it even more deceptive. Can you imagine Jeb Bush with NSA. haha That's like mixing cocaine and strippers. And Bernie Sanders? Yep that guy will amp it up too. Hillary would bend over and spread her a-hole wide open welcoming the NSA in.

Yep it was just a big power grab. Now everything is monitored. They use it in criminal prosecutions, even though they swore it would never happen.

One of the worst pieces of legislation ever.
warriorcat has taken over as the odds on favorite from catchaser to get blocked by deeee next. Good work fellas.
China: what a lovely country...

  1. Two children-

  2. Under the new policy, the most significant overhaul of China's family planning rules in 30 years, married couples in which just one parent is an only child can also have a second baby. The previous rules allowedtwo children for couples in which both parents are only children.Feb 25, 2014
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Trump is nuts. Sanders is nuts. Sanders has higher support than Trump, so why can't any of the lefties discuss his candidacy for a change?
Democratic hypocrisy at its finest: George Soros is buying coal...

“George Soros spent millions of dollars and multiple years helping to driving down price of coal,” said H. Sterling Burnett, research fellow and managing editor, at the Heartland Institute. “If he buys enough stock to have controlling interests in these coal businesses, closes them down and leaves the coal in the ground, we might accept that he is a true believer, that his investment was all about stopping climate change and saving the environment."

“But my suspicion is that he helped to drive stocks down, bought as many shares as he can, and, when stocks rebound, he can sell his shares and make a huge profit.”
^ as if it wasn't hard enough for a Chinese man with a sibling to find a woman, now he has to find one that is an only child? That's rough. Only child women just shot up the charts.
As any good socialist will tell you, society must be engineered down to the smallest detail.
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even it is a solution that is full of potential landmines.

Landmines might work. Afghanistan still has ~10m or so; we should study their migration patterns within the country. Also have to have a bunch of people with BB guns to take care of the balloon crossers.

Not sure why this response but, that was the original intent. However, that is not true today, I think.

Original intent is almost impossible to discern on any close question for any legislative act. Read, say, Justice Scalia if you want to learn more on it.

Sen. Joe Shiavoni (Senate Minority Leader of Ohio): The Myth of the "Moderate" John Kasich

He's looking like a viable candidate. He has executive experience and seems competent, which is 2 checks in the plus column for me. His moderateness will be explored in the general election, should he get the nomination. Nothing in that article particularly surprised or scared me.
With all it would cost couldn't we just drop three atomic bombs across that boarder and let the ocean fill it in? Maybe even have retainer walls at the north/south borders and just make it an extra large shark tank?

Is that part of Trump's immigration plan? I must have missed it, but it sounds about right.
Patriot Act. Water Boarding. Domestic spying without a warrant. Cops killing folks left and right. No limit to how much money billionaires and big business can inundate our political system with making your vote meaningless. Assassinating US citizens. Indefinite detention of anyone we decide to call a terrorist. We can send folks to a military tribunal instead of federal court. Warrantless searching including forcing private businesses to turnover customer information. Secret evidence that is protected from disclosure by declaring it a national security risk. Kidnapping citizens and non-citizens and whisking them away to foreign countries via "extraordinary rendition"...

I see your point. All this freedom is killing us.
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Patriot Act. Water Boarding. Domestic spying without a warrant. Cops killing folks left and right. No limit to how much money billionaires and big business can inundate our political system with making your vote meaningless. Assassinating US citizens. Indefinite detention of anyone we decide to call a terrorist. We can send folks to a military tribunal instead of federal court. Warrantless searching including forcing private businesses to turnover customer information. Secret evidence that is protected from disclosure by declaring it a national security risk. Kidnapping citizens and non-citizens and whisking them away to foreign countries via "extraordinary rendition"...

I see your point. All this freedom is killing us.
I can agree with much of this. There is no question government has taken power that it was never granted, or intended to have, in the Constitution. Until government is put back in its place, things will only get worse in my opinion. What's confusing about your post is that earlier, when you were talking about solutions, you advocated more government regulation, which would imply an even stronger, more intrusive government, yet you point out here some of the failings of an overreaching government. I'm not really sure what you want in terms of a central government.
44 profiles in the Ashley Madison dump
which foreshadows the media/cultural condemnation of the hackers. were it a Republican white house, the theme would be "hypocrisy" and the anger would direct not to the hackers but to the philanderers.....
Apples and oranges. The type of tripe Rush Limbaugh has made a fortune peddling to small minds. If you're that dense then there is no point in discussing this further. Are you familiar with false equivalencies? If not then please ask LEK to explain them to you in about 20 posts.
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Apples and oranges. The type of tripe Rush Limbaugh has made a fortune peddling to small minds. If you're that dense then there is no point in discussing this further. Are you familiar with false equivalencies? If not then please ask LEK to explain them to you in about 20 posts.
I never made any equivalencies between the two. Your posts are famously critical of what others are saying, which any moron can do, but never really explains your own point of view in any kind of detail. Your lack of clarity caused me to ask for clarification. If you have no thoughts of your own, other than to criticize others, that's fine.
44 profiles in the Ashley Madison dump

which foreshadows the media/cultural condemnation of the hackers. were it a Republican white house, the theme would be "hypocrisy" and the anger would direct not to the hackers but to the philanderers.....

It's a non-story: "It’s important to note that Ashley Madison’s sign-up processdoes not require verification of an email address to set up an account, so legitimate addresses might have been hijacked and used by some members of the site. One email in the data dump, for example, appears to belong to former UK Prime Minister (Tony Blair)." Someone in the comments (iirc, was reading it last night on the way home from work) noted that there were like 7 Bill Clintons.

Now, if they find the credit card info of politicians, that's a different animal as that is, presumably, harder to fake than an email address that you don't even have to have access to. Should be an interesting couple of weeks for some; a hot August gets hotter? Look for people sweating.