How will they rule ??!

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I understand Hillary hatred. She's literally being investigated by the FBI. It looks like she stole the nomination from Bernie. Her husband is a creep. She seems like she wants WW3, and it seems like a cover-up of her mess might lead us to it anyway. She seems bought. She seems fake. She seems calculated. She doesn't seem healthy.

The Atlantic ‏@TheAtlantic 2h2 hours ago
Why is Hillary Clinton so widely loved?
I understand support of Trump. He's engaging. He's different. He's successful (even his version of success might be inflated, he's at the very least successful). He talks about issues some people care about.

I understand the Trump hatred, I really do. He is literally cannon fodder for the snarkuments MSNBC and the Daily Show constantly put out. You know, the "if I repeat what he says in a sarcastic tone with a look" nonsense that can be funny. He can say some horrible sounding things, and if you enjoy epilepticly yelling -ism or -ist or -ophobe at things then he's the worst person to ever exist. I think people have a mental image in their head of Trump, and one of the president, and those two images have very little in common.

I understand Hillary hatred. She's literally being investigated by the FBI. It looks like she stole the nomination from Bernie. Her husband is a creep. She seems like she wants WW3, and it seems like a cover-up of her mess might lead us to it anyway. She seems bought. She seems fake. She seems calculated. She doesn't seem healthy.

I don't understand support of Hillary. In what world can she be a viable candidate? As a democrat, how many contradictory beliefs do you have to hold to support this woman? She voted for the Iraq war. She laughs about assassinations. She doesn't like gay marriage. She said black males are apex predators. She is the most friendly candidate there has ever been to Wall Street. She shamed the women who accused her husband of rape. She's literally only in this position because her husband was president, such a feminist. The email thing that everyone dismisses, is potentially treason, so stop dismissing it. How on earth is "wellp, she's not Trump" enough to overcome this disaster of a woman?

What is the positive case for Hillary?

Idk what the case is either. Baffles me...seems only feminists and people who are blue at all costs have their reasons but can't articulate it except for spouting criticisms of Trump.
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Bring it on. George Washington would laugh at your version of patriotism.

You sound like a f'ing Nazi.

Pretty obvious a faction within the FBI is working in conjunction with Trump and Bannon to sway the election in his favor.
Pretty obvious Republicans are suppressing voters in direct conflict with the Constitution. We know who is trying to 'rig' the election.
Pretty obvious the Republican party has been taken over by white nationalists.
Hopefully the silent majority has seen enough of the rights insurrection attempts. If Republicans don't win the WH and Senate, they will be politically destroyed over the next 4 years.
Nazis were socialists. So, no, republicans arent nazis.
Man. Funny how emails showing racism, jokes on the poor, manipulation from the party who claims to protect those vulnerable populations would be silent. Hmm Dems are like child molester defenders. Blame the victim
It's straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook, Willy.

Accuse the other side of whatever you're actually doing.
You could believe it if you understand the feeling of power that she desires and how easy it would be for her to quench her desire with children. The depth of her depravity is just above those that support her.

You can't believe that someone who laughs maniacally over getting someone she KNOWS is guilty as HELL off for the BRUTAL RAPE of a 12 year old could be into pedophilia?!?!

She's a f*ing sociopathic degenerate.

It's very likely the public has no true understanding as to just how depraved she truly is. She's a real life monster.

Honestly, her job defending that rapist is one of the few times in her career she actually did a good job at something.

Alot of lawyers defend scum. Doesn't mean they're involved in what they're defending.

It may be true. But it's going to take alot more than this to make me believe it. My guess is its adult prostitution, drugs, high level political favors, or a combination of all.

Bad news for her, if the FBI gets even one person to cooperate and give up that code, they're all toast.
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Idk what the case is either. Baffles me...seems only feminists and people who are blue at all costs have their reasons but can't articulate it except for spouting criticisms of Trump.

Blue at all costs, yes. But feminists? She rode the coattails of her husband. She put her husbands career above her own. She doesn't really support gay marriage. She shames rape accusers. What other part of feminism is there?
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Honestly, her job defending that rapist is one of the few times in her career she actually did a good job at something.

Alot of lawyers defend scum. Doesn't mean they're involved in what they're defending.

It may be true. But it's going to take alot more than this to make me believe it. My guess is its adult prostitution, drugs, high level political favors, or a combination of all.

Bad news for her, if the FBI gets even one person to cooperate and give up that code, they're all toast.
I'm just having fun. I don't actually think Hillary has had sex with children. Bill either. There is really no need to go to pedophilia to illustrate how low she is.
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Can't wait for this to be over.

Nothing major left to drop I assume with it being Friday before the election and a same day drop doesn't do a damn thing.

What we got is what we know.

I still think he has to pull 2-3 real surprises to get this thing, but if he does Hilliary goes down as the worst politician ever!
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Honestly, her job defending that rapist is one of the few times in her career she actually did a good job at something.

Alot of lawyers defend scum. Doesn't mean they're involved in what they're defending.

It may be true. But it's going to take alot more than this to make me believe it. My guess is its adult prostitution, drugs, high level political favors, or a combination of all.

Bad news for her, if the FBI gets even one person to cooperate and give up that code, they're all toast.
You completely missed the point. Plenty of lawyers defend scumbags. They don't laugh like the Joker over getting off a child rapist while confirming that they knew the rapist was guilty. Get real.
Bring it on. George Washington would laugh at your version of patriotism.

You sound like a f'ing Nazi.

Pretty obvious a faction within the FBI is working in conjunction with Trump and Bannon to sway the election in his favor.
Pretty obvious Republicans are suppressing voters in direct conflict with the Constitution. We know who is trying to 'rig' the election.
Pretty obvious the Republican party has been taken over by white nationalists.
Hopefully the silent majority has seen enough of the rights insurrection attempts. If Republicans don't win the WH and Senate, they will be politically destroyed over the next 4 years.
Also, I'll just ask..bc we keep seeing over and over, liberal apologists, media, and face value "feelings" voters push the same distractions over and over.

Tell about your thoughts on the corruption of the DNC...instead of distraction focusing on big bad russians. Focus on what was in the hacked open corruption. Btw, pick a better bad guy next time. Putin is bad, but he isn't the worst dictator in our current civilization and he has contained ISIS more than our own current administration. Tell my why liberals, especially crazy Bernie supporters fall in line like sheep, doing what they're told bc they think govt knows best..after HRC had to rig the primary and they are totally okay with it. That she's had to get operatives with network TV to give her questions, that articles have to be proofread by her camp.

Tell me why it's okay, without a silly distraction that "Ole hillary is just silly with email" that she was selling access, soliciting donations through a private server bc she wanted to keep it a secret, in return for government favors. Would a regular citizen just get a pass, or a low level government employee? Does it not alarm you that a US politician was influencing legislation based on who was giving her money? Afterall, since the left started all this Russian nonsense, what makes you think other governments don't have all this information know to blackmail the entire country. Or are you so naive that "oh government knows best", Hillary just did everything okay.

Tell me why the Clinton Foundation has hired certain people in certain positions, got huge sums from foreign governments, etc..without the but but but the Clinton Foundation helps with HIV....and? No one has ever said it's never done any good thats a petty wouldn't exist at all if that were the case, and that would be a terrible front. Still doesn't excuse the highly unethical things you all give a pass to, just bc you like having an overlord.

Tell me why you love government regulation, taxes, and having life micromanaged.

But I guess that's all just sexist...everyone's just a big meanie to Hillary.

You cant respond to any of it except a downplaying generic...Hillary had an email as that was it.

Not me. I wish this could go on forever.

Man, I'm hoping you win. Jamo will prolly just give that shit to charity. But not you. I think you'll gamble it way for a better pay lode. I'd rather see you hit it bigger on Jamo's $$$. Dammit. Do it Krazy

I'll never ask for his money
You completely missed the point. Plenty of lawyers defend scumbags. They don't laugh like the Joker over getting off a child rapist while confirming that they knew the rapist was guilty. Get real.
That was just another example of unadulterated truth coming back to bite her in the ass. She wasn't making light of the rape or his lack of appropriate sentence. She was giddy with her success regardless of the affect it had on a twelve year old girl. The girl didn't matter, the charge didn't matter, her success was the only thing that mattered. She learned to replicate that feeling, while at the same time, by stocking her coffers.
If Trump doesn't win. I hope Putin invades and I can move to Texas. Viva the Alamo!!!
Honestly, her job defending that rapist is one of the few times in her career she actually did a good job at something.

Alot of lawyers defend scum. Doesn't mean they're involved in what they're defending.

It may be true. But it's going to take alot more than this to make me believe it. My guess is its adult prostitution, drugs, high level political favors, or a combination of all.

Bad news for her, if the FBI gets even one person to cooperate and give up that code, they're all toast.

It's not the defending of the client. It's the tactics she used. Pretty much reraped the victim. They literally made it illegal to do what she did. And then she laughed about it.
I may vote democratic simply because their policies keep minorities down in their rightful place. I mean, really, if trump is elected, who's going to mow my yard and trim my hedges?
You completely missed the point. Plenty of lawyers defend scumbags. They don't laugh like the Joker over getting off a child rapist while confirming that they knew the rapist was guilty. Get real.

It's not the defending of the client. It's the tactics she used. Pretty much reraped the victim. They literally made it illegal to do what she did. And then she laughed about it.

Listen I didn't say it was honorable. I just said it's not as bad as people make it; especially given the loads of other ammo one can use against her.

Lawyers are pretty deplorable humans often times. I know because I'm one. I've heard several chuckle about things just like that.

Doesn't make it right. She's definitely a horrible person. But the rape case just isn't proof of either.
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Hop on the interwebs. First thing is see is the Atlantic article wes referenced earlier, "Whi is Hillary so loved?"

Second thing I see is a Reuters poll showing Hillary up 6.

Third thing I see is an NBC poll showing Hillary ahead in Georgia. Georgia.

How stupid do they think the average person is, anyway?
Hop on the interwebs. First thing is see is the Atlantic article wes referenced earlier, "Whi is Hillary so loved?"

Second thing I see is a Reuters poll showing Hillary up 6.

Third thing I see is an NBC poll showing Hillary ahead in Georgia. Georgia.

How stupid do they think the average person is, anyway?

They think the average person is very stupid because her followers are beyond retarded. That's why they put such a focus on owning the media, using celebrities, going on TV shows, etc. If you could still defend the Clintons after all of this, you're a brainwashed retard.

But the media continues to show how disconnected they are from society and reality. This is why it would be incredible to see Trump win. It would destroy any credibility they had left.
You don't have to be stupid to relax and accept the firehose of bullshit going straight to your mouth. I actively have to look for stuff that I disagree with, if I agree with it, just a click.

If I opened youtube at work right now, I'd probably get fired for the ridiculous right wing nonsense that shows up, and I actually try to look at opposing ideas on occasion.
That was just another example of unadulterated truth coming back to bite her in the ass. She wasn't making light of the rape or his lack of appropriate sentence. She was giddy with her success regardless of the affect it had on a twelve year old girl. The girl didn't matter, the charge didn't matter, her success was the only thing that mattered. She learned to replicate that feeling, while at the same time, by stocking her coffers.
I disagree. You can't separate the two.
Hop on the interwebs. First thing is see is the Atlantic article wes referenced earlier, "Whi is Hillary so loved?"

Second thing I see is a Reuters poll showing Hillary up 6.

Third thing I see is an NBC poll showing Hillary ahead in Georgia. Georgia.

How stupid do they think the average person is, anyway?

Pretty damn stupid, elected Obama twice, right?
cardkilla crawled out of his hole and made his usual stupid post, then crawled back in the hole awaited more talking points.
I'll never ask for his money

you know, krazy, you're a really cool dude on this message board. Jam is too. We've all got our issues with one another now and again. None of my business, but if you win the wager - and lord knows I hope like all heck you do - I just hope your "cool message board dude" will include allowing him to settle as an honorable loser. You can't refuse his money, bro. and you'll have to come up with a way for him to be able to get that money 2-U. Otherwise, you'll be the winner, but it will be you that does the backing out, not him. You have to be in a position 2-know . . . that he paid. allowing him to donate to clinton foundation a charity ? no good. no honor. You can do that after you get it. that's honor. peace bro. and sorry for sticking my nose in it. being a prick, I know. you can give the 200 to Willy and let him buy 40 minute whore with it. damn good charity.
you know, krazy, you're a really cool dude on this message board. Jam is too. We've all got our issues with one another now and again. None of my business, but if you win the wager - and lord knows I hope like all heck you do - I just hope your "cool message board dude" will include allowing him to settle as an honorable loser. You can't refuse his money, bro. and you'll have to come up with a way for him to be able to get that money 2-U. Otherwise, you'll be the winner, but it will be you that does the backing out, not him. You have to be in a position 2-know . . . that he paid. allowing him to donate to clinton foundation a charity ? no good. no honor. You can do that after you get it. that's honor. peace bro. and sorry for sticking my nose in it. being a prick, I know. you can give the 200 to Willy and let him buy 40 minute whore with it. damn good charity.
I guess you missed where before, when it looked like HRC was running away with it, Krazy said hes not paying. But <wink> , I get it.
You completely missed the point. Plenty of lawyers defend scumbags. They don't laugh like the Joker over getting off a child rapist while confirming that they knew the rapist was guilty. Get real.
Exactly. Laughing about it was horrible.
You know at the end of season two of True Detective where most of the main characters got killed and corruption and evil prevailed?

That's how I'd feel seeing a Hillary presidency. The universe should never let someone like that become that successful and face no consequences.
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