How will they rule ??!

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I was just seeing these. Very bizarre, but those code words are starting to show up in many of these emails.

Bizarre? It should be. People who don't meddle in pedophilia shouldn't know code words. But you don't think those NAMBLA guys aren't getting a giggle out of this?
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Here's another pedophile email


Email ID:

Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it. Susaner

I'm actually too much of a pussy to download/view this shit. Here's an email with attached pictures that "capture some of the spirit of the evening - at a couple of different levels." at a Pizza Party at Podesta's. God knows what's in there

Lmao the pope is there

This is a hilarious joke...

or nah?

IDGAS. I'm prepared for Hillary to win and then read this shit for 8 years. Probably just e-marketing, tbh.
Well, I'll put it to you this way guys

If I have a conversation with you about something important. And then at the end of our conversation, I throw "How about we get together arrange a Cleveland Steamer dance-off. LOL!!

I'm pretty sure that was code for I want to shit on your chest and rub my butt cheeks up and down your abdomen kinda get together.
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Good to see Clinton campaigning for Ray Cooper in Greenville, NC.

That's the mental acuity we need from our POTUS.

"Sorry to be clear – foundation stops -- means stop taking foreign gov’t money. Is that possible? If not we’re going to be very vulnerable on that throughout and I think our opponents and some on our side will say at is unseemly for a potential U.S. President taking money from foreign governments for her private foundation."
No shit. We think it's unseemly because it is unseemly. Even the idiots that were too stupid to see through her before should be able to see how unseemly it. They should know that no one, no government, gives someone 25 million dollars without an expectation of reciprocation.
No shit. We think it's unseemly because it is unseemly. Even the idiots that were too stupid to see through her before should be able to see how unseemly it. They should know that no one, no government, gives someone 25 million dollars without an expectation of reciprocation.

THis has been my question... This wasn't some crayon map plan on the back of a greasy napkin... How do you insure $million foreign policy influence investments with a mere candidacy? 1) You offer a refund if you lose 2) you rig the ****ing game.
It's definitely code for something. No way anyone can deny that. But for what? As much as I loathe hillary, I can't believe she's involved in child sex. Bill? Definitely. But not her.

It's something else. But what?
Yeah, the pedo ring stuff is reddit and 4chan bullshit until proven otherwise, as far as I'm concerned
It's definitely code for something. No way anyone can deny that. But for what? As much as I loathe hillary, I can't believe she's involved in child sex. Bill? Definitely. But not her.

It's something else. But what?
You could believe it if you understand the feeling of power that she desires and how easy it would be for her to quench her desire with children. The depth of her depravity is just above those that support her.
Correct...lowering corporate tax is good...a corporation is already getting taxed to begin with through the wages each individual inside the corporation gets taxed.

Also correct. Tariffs are bad. Tariffs make everyone poorer. We have a tariff on steel in this country for instance bc the government has deemed steel prices to cheap to what American steel can compete with. Therefore every product that involves steel is at a higher price than it has to be. Its not a quality issue that makes it cost more, its gathering resources, production, etc issue. It also allows steel industry domestically to raise prices against market demand bc they don't have to compete against the market, only among themselves. So you can claim well we kept steel workers in business but you effected a greater populations overall expendable income to stimulate the economy on other things. Your creating an expense that doesn't have to exist.
In its infinite wisdom the government has put a tariff on A-8 modified steel. Guess what? No steel mill in the US makes this alloy. The result? It puts American jobs at risk, it cost the consumers who use the products more money, and the foreign companies producing products from this alloy don't have any tariff. Our government is composed of idiots, not all of them elected.
I understand support of Trump. He's engaging. He's different. He's successful (even his version of success might be inflated, he's at the very least successful). He talks about issues some people care about.

I understand the Trump hatred, I really do. He is literally cannon fodder for the snarkuments MSNBC and the Daily Show constantly put out. You know, the "if I repeat what he says in a sarcastic tone with a look" nonsense that can be funny. He can say some horrible sounding things, and if you enjoy epilepticly yelling -ism or -ist or -ophobe at things then he's the worst person to ever exist. I think people have a mental image in their head of Trump, and one of the president, and those two images have very little in common.

I understand Hillary hatred. She's literally being investigated by the FBI. It looks like she stole the nomination from Bernie. Her husband is a creep. She seems like she wants WW3, and it seems like a cover-up of her mess might lead us to it anyway. She seems bought. She seems fake. She seems calculated. She doesn't seem healthy.

I don't understand support of Hillary. In what world can she be a viable candidate? As a democrat, how many contradictory beliefs do you have to hold to support this woman? She voted for the Iraq war. She laughs about assassinations. She doesn't like gay marriage. She said black males are apex predators. She is the most friendly candidate there has ever been to Wall Street. She shamed the women who accused her husband of rape. She's literally only in this position because her husband was president, such a feminist. The email thing that everyone dismisses, is potentially treason, so stop dismissing it. How on earth is "wellp, she's not Trump" enough to overcome this disaster of a woman?

What is the positive case for Hillary?
Democrats are enemies to western civilization and to this nation. No way should they even be allowed to continue their insanity.

I along with many others would gladly welcome a civil war.
Bring it on. George Washington would laugh at your version of patriotism.

You sound like a f'ing Nazi.

Pretty obvious a faction within the FBI is working in conjunction with Trump and Bannon to sway the election in his favor.
Pretty obvious Republicans are suppressing voters in direct conflict with the Constitution. We know who is trying to 'rig' the election.
Pretty obvious the Republican party has been taken over by white nationalists.
Hopefully the silent majority has seen enough of the rights insurrection attempts. If Republicans don't win the WH and Senate, they will be politically destroyed over the next 4 years.
It's definitely code for something. No way anyone can deny that. But for what? As much as I loathe hillary, I can't believe she's involved in child sex. Bill? Definitely. But not her.

It's something else. But what?
You can't believe that someone who laughs maniacally over getting someone she KNOWS is guilty as HELL off for the BRUTAL RAPE of a 12 year old could be into pedophilia?!?!

She's a f*ing sociopathic degenerate.

It's very likely the public has no true understanding as to just how depraved she truly is. She's a real life monster.
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Bring it on. George Washington would laugh at your version of patriotism.

You sound like a f'ing Nazi.

Pretty obvious a faction within the FBI is working in conjunction with Trump and Bannon to sway the election in his favor.
Pretty obvious Republicans are suppressing voters in direct conflict with the Constitution. We know who is trying to 'rig' the election.
Pretty obvious the Republican party has been taken over by white nationalists.
Hopefully the silent majority has seen enough of the rights insurrection attempts. If Republicans don't win the WH and Senate, they will be politically destroyed over the next 4 years.
What a dope you are. [laughing]

The vast majority of Americans believe the exact opposite of that BS you just typed.

Yeah, the Silent Majority stands with Killary, good call. [roll]:flush:[roll]
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I understand support of Trump. He's engaging. He's different. He's successful (even his version of success might be inflated, he's at the very least successful). He talks about issues some people care about.

I understand the Trump hatred, I really do. He is literally cannon fodder for the snarkuments MSNBC and the Daily Show constantly put out. You know, the "if I repeat what he says in a sarcastic tone with a look" nonsense that can be funny. He can say some horrible sounding things, and if you enjoy epilepticly yelling -ism or -ist or -ophobe at things then he's the worst person to ever exist. I think people have a mental image in their head of Trump, and one of the president, and those two images have very little in common.

I understand Hillary hatred. She's literally being investigated by the FBI. It looks like she stole the nomination from Bernie. Her husband is a creep. She seems like she wants WW3, and it seems like a cover-up of her mess might lead us to it anyway. She seems bought. She seems fake. She seems calculated. She doesn't seem healthy.

I don't understand support of Hillary. In what world can she be a viable candidate? As a democrat, how many contradictory beliefs do you have to hold to support this woman? She voted for the Iraq war. She laughs about assassinations. She doesn't like gay marriage. She said black males are apex predators. She is the most friendly candidate there has ever been to Wall Street. She shamed the women who accused her husband of rape. She's literally only in this position because her husband was president, such a feminist. The email thing that everyone dismisses, is potentially treason, so stop dismissing it. How on earth is "wellp, she's not Trump" enough to overcome this disaster of a woman?

What is the positive case for Hillary?
If you're a communist who relishes living under the boot heel of the government, I guess I can see MAYBE supporting her. If you like oppressive banana republic-style regimes, especially.
Voter suppression and Voter ID is by far the biggest BS story of every election. African Americans overwhelmingly support IDs to vote.
Bring it on. George Washington would laugh at your version of patriotism.

You sound like a f'ing Nazi.

Pretty obvious a faction within the FBI is working in conjunction with Trump and Bannon to sway the election in his favor.
Pretty obvious Republicans are suppressing voters in direct conflict with the Constitution. We know who is trying to 'rig' the election.
Pretty obvious the Republican party has been taken over by white nationalists.
Hopefully the silent majority has seen enough of the rights insurrection attempts. If Republicans don't win the WH and Senate, they will be politically destroyed over the next 4 years.
No, dumbass, he would laugh at yours. You advocate putting the needs or wants of the rest of the world above those of Americans. Americans who have ancestors, in my case my father, grandfather, and uncles who were wounded in battle trying to protect the sovereignty and ideals of America. You are a simple piece of shit who is, in your own small way, trying to undermine the very country that gives you the right to have an opinion. If you get your wish, that right will disappear. Eat a bullet and save a patriot the trouble.
My god. The last copkilla post is exactly the reason people like Hillary get elected and exactly the reason our country if effed

White nationalists have infiltrated the FBI and are working with trump. My effing god

White nationalists probably infiltrated hillarys inner circle and wrote all these crazy emails disparaging everyone, all in a ruse to eventually get hacked and slowly damage hillarys campain. I swear, copkilla might be in charge of the twitter account of "hillarys pr team". He Is as stupid as they pretend to be.

Copkilla-- get out of Mommys basement, you probably can't get any tang but I'm sure you can rummage up 20 bucks to get a tug. My god dude
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If you're a communist who relishes living under the boot heel of the government, I guess I can see MAYBE supporting her. If you like oppressive banana republic-style regimes, especially.

If I were a communist who relished living under the boot heel of the government, I'd be pissed she stole the election from Bernie, and vote for Jill Stein or something.