How will they rule ??!

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Seriously - if you're an actual intelligent Trump supporter - do you get tired of his block of voters being referred to as "uneducated white males?"

Trump's block is basically the mouth breathing simpletons that everyone outside of Appalachia makes fun of. Go buy another 12 pack of ****ing Kodiak and sit on your front porch reminiscing about the times when idiots could make a living doing monkey work.
Seriously - if you're an actual intelligent Trump supporter - do you get tired of his block of voters being referred to as "uneducated white males?"

Trump's block is basically the mouth breathing simpletons that everyone outside of Appalachia makes fun of. Go buy another 12 pack of ****ing Kodiak and sit on your front porch reminiscing about the times when idiots could make a living doing monkey work.
Great argument there Skippy. You showed us you did.
now we have some good back and forth. JohnKBA doesn't like what he hears so he starts yelling obscenities at everyone. way to make your team look good. and it's amazing why anyone wonders why you need safe spaces.

Honestly it's embarrassing as a Kentucky resident to be surrounded by such stupidity . It's a good thing that Fayette County is highly educated and is the most Democratic county in the state, but once you venture outside the city, it's nothing but gun obsessed religious zealots. Make America White Again should be Trump's mantra. It would be honest if nothing else.
And obviously, being in Kentucky, I use the term "educated" loosely since the education system in this deeply red state is ****ing disaster.
And obviously, being in Kentucky, I use the term "educated" loosely since the education system in this deeply red state is ****ing disaster.
[laughing] Irony, meet dumbassery.

Go back to wherever you came from boy, you don't belong here.
John is mad that HRC isn't paying trolls like him anymore.

He has to try to look like an idiot for free. That must be hard.

Your username is a whimsical play on reality. A blanket insult toward an institution you nor any of your posterity could possibly qualify to attend is ironic if not tragic.
@Mojocat and @KopiKat (and maybe q) are probably the only guys ITT who care, but the Off Topic podcast from this week is phenomenal. Two data guys (not pollsters) spending an hour explaining the GOTV and ground games in the post-2008 world. Mark Stephenson and John Hagner are their names (can't remember which one is GOP and which one is Dem)
@Mojocat and @KopiKat (and maybe q) are probably the only guys ITT who care, but the Off Topic podcast from this week is phenomenal. Two data guys (not pollsters) spending an hour explaining the GOTV and ground games in the post-2008 world. Mark Stephenson and John Hagner are their names (can't remember which one is GOP and which one is Dem)
Did they mention how many touchdowns she's ahead by?
I wish you would have shown up here several months ago. It would have been fun.

Just so we know where you stand, remind us again of all the positive accomplishments of Hillary and exactly what qualities she possesses that would make her a good president.

I'm the furthest thing from a Hillary supporter. The fact that the electorate nominated these two extremely flawed candidates is puzzling if not distressing. I understand that there are many, many Americans who think we live in a vacuum and that we can basically do what we want and the rest of the world must conform to our whims - and that's the message Trump has broadcast throughout this campaign. Things aren't like they were 30 years ago. We live in a global economy and many countries are dependent on that economy. We cannot wall ourselves off from the world and turn the clock back to the post WW2 glory days. Trump makes dangerous promises. Manufacturing jobs have been hurt far more by advances in automation than by moves to low cost offshore locations - that trend is going to continue. We don't need to pay entitled workers to do menial tasks that machines can do for a fraction of the price and with far higher quality and consistency. The days of towns thriving on the backs of manufacturing plants are over and they are never coming back. The world requires dynamic thinkers who are willing to stretch the boundaries of regular thinking, not a throng of rabid wolves who line up 12 hours in advance to chant "Lock her up."
Apparently John Podesta likes spirit cooking.

If you have a weak stomach, don't look it up.
Seriously - if you're an actual intelligent Trump supporter - do you get tired of his block of voters being referred to as "uneducated white males?"

No, and it is indicative of a rather serious character flaw on their part and yours as witnessed in your subsequent sentence. You and them aren't any better human beings for staying in school longer.

When I go get my timing belt changed on my car, I am grateful there is an uneducated male I can pay to do it for me
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Apparently John Podesta likes spirit cooking.

If you have a weak stomach, don't look it up.
Honestly it's embarrassing as a Kentucky resident to be surrounded by such stupidity . It's a good thing that Fayette County is highly educated and is the most Democratic county in the state, but once you venture outside the city, it's nothing but gun obsessed religious zealots. Make America White Again should be Trump's mantra. It would be honest if nothing else.

^ Case in point of an "educated idiot"
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I'm the furthest thing from a Hillary supporter. The fact that the electorate nominated these two extremely flawed candidates is puzzling if not distressing. I understand that there are many, many Americans who think we live in a vacuum and that we can basically do what we want and the rest of the world must conform to our whims - and that's the message Trump has broadcast throughout this campaign. Things aren't like they were 30 years ago. We live in a global economy and many countries are dependent on that economy. We cannot wall ourselves off from the world and turn the clock back to the post WW2 glory days. Trump makes dangerous promises. Manufacturing jobs have been hurt far more by advances in automation than by moves to low cost offshore locations - that trend is going to continue. We don't need to pay entitled workers to do menial tasks that machines can do for a fraction of the price and with far higher quality and consistency. The days of towns thriving on the backs of manufacturing plants are over and they are never coming back. The world requires dynamic thinkers who are willing to stretch the boundaries of regular thinking, not a throng of rabid wolves who line up 12 hours in advance to chant "Lock her up."

LOL. You're not fooling anyone here. Vote Hillary and get it over with. The fact you'll rationalize treason is disgusting.
Bring it on. George Washington would laugh at your version of patriotism.

You sound like a f'ing Nazi.

Pretty obvious a faction within the FBI is working in conjunction with Trump and Bannon to sway the election in his favor.
Pretty obvious Republicans are suppressing voters in direct conflict with the Constitution. We know who is trying to 'rig' the election.
Pretty obvious the Republican party has been taken over by white nationalists.
Hopefully the silent majority has seen enough of the rights insurrection attempts. If Republicans don't win the WH and Senate, they will be politically destroyed over the next 4 years.
Thanks for the conjecture, Mr. Furley.

Please sit down.
I've had too much bourbon tonight. Normally I would show restraint and not get drawn into discourse with someone so far below my level, but love for bourbon outpaces my disdain for peons.

Ah, you are a drunk that can't handle his bourbon? Makes more sense now.. Keep setting a good example for your 14 year old son. Nice lesson, get drunk and talk down to everyone around you.
[laughing] Just finished reading the JohnKBA. :smiley:

Great stuff. Typical crime enabling liberal. I wonder what kinda bubble you have to live in to shield, avoid, ignore, deny yourself to reading what's in those emails. One helluva coping mechanism.

John's rage last night is actually displacement. He got drunk. Unconsciously has been processing his anger about his candidate Hillary and decided to unleash it on the Trump supporting Paddock. Straight from the playbook.