How will they rule ??!

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check out this collection of slimeballs
Ali Wentworth would rather go down under with husband George Stephanopoulos: “If Trump wins, we’ll start looking at real estate in Sydney, Australia. No crime, no guns."
-Hollywood Reporter

Fascinating, since so many police unions and police departments for the first time are stating a political preference and supporting Trump. And, per various sources and their recent actions, the FBI is in full Hillary takedown mode.

On a side note, I don't buy into all this pedophilia stuff coming out on Podesta and the Clinton circle. (Other than possibly Bill being on the Lolita Express.) Could be nothing more than an intentional distraction to show just how "crazy and insane" some people are with outrageous claims against the God fearing Clintons. "It's just pizza and movies---and now they're making it into some crazy conspiracy. They're nuts, keep your trust in us and we'll look after your best interest."

Buckle up boys and girls, going to be a wild ride these last few days.....
Honestly it's embarrassing as a Kentucky resident to be surrounded by such stupidity . It's a good thing that Fayette County is highly educated and is the most Democratic county in the state, but once you venture outside the city, it's nothing but gun obsessed religious zealots. Make America White Again should be Trump's mantra. It would be honest if nothing else.

Most democratic County in the state would actually be Jefferson
Ali Wentworth would rather go down under with husband George Stephanopoulos: “If Trump wins, we’ll start looking at real estate in Sydney, Australia. No crime, no guns."
-Hollywood Reporter
It would be so effing awesome for the country if all these celebrities and libtards actually followed through and left the country after Trump wins.

That dumbass might not like Australia, however, they don't let anyone who immigrates illegally have citizenship or asylum. Ever. I could see that offending her idiotic Libtard worldview.
[laughing] Just finished reading the JohnKBA. :smiley:

Great stuff. Typical crime enabling liberal. I wonder what kinda bubble you have to live in to shield, avoid, ignore, deny yourself to reading what's in those emails. One helluva coping mechanism.

John's rage last night is actually displacement. He got drunk. Unconsciously has been processing his anger about his candidate Hillary and decided to unleash it on the Trump supporting Paddock. Straight from the playbook.
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Honestly it's embarrassing as a Kentucky resident to be surrounded by such stupidity . It's a good thing that Fayette County is highly educated and is the most Democratic county in the state, but once you venture outside the city, it's nothing but gun obsessed religious zealots. Make America White Again should be Trump's mantra. It would be honest if nothing else.
Are you the executive director of the KY Bar Association?
I'm not going back through for the "I'm welching" posts I made as a joke......but they went more like "even if I pay I'll never admit it and here is my email so jamo can email me and I can tell him personally to F off" but yea I get it coming from LEK and the like.

He offered me a chance to go half at that point and I didn't take it, but sure I'm going to Welch. You people crack me up sometimes.

Anyway, jamo I never did get an email. I'll post it again on Election Day but it's just an email set up for online posting which once I get an email I'll forward it to my real email.

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Ali Wentworth would rather go down under with husband George Stephanopoulos: “If Trump wins, we’ll start looking at real estate in Sydney, Australia. No crime, no guns."
-Hollywood Reporter
I will help Ali and George pack for a reasonable fee.

Related headline from earlier in the week: Australian Liberal Party faction demands total ban on immigration.
I'm the furthest thing from a Hillary supporter. The fact that the electorate nominated these two extremely flawed candidates is puzzling if not distressing. I understand that there are many, many Americans who think we live in a vacuum and that we can basically do what we want and the rest of the world must conform to our whims - and that's the message Trump has broadcast throughout this campaign. Things aren't like they were 30 years ago. We live in a global economy and many countries are dependent on that economy. We cannot wall ourselves off from the world and turn the clock back to the post WW2 glory days. Trump makes dangerous promises. Manufacturing jobs have been hurt far more by advances in automation than by moves to low cost offshore locations - that trend is going to continue. We don't need to pay entitled workers to do menial tasks that machines can do for a fraction of the price and with far higher quality and consistency. The days of towns thriving on the backs of manufacturing plants are over and they are never coming back. The world requires dynamic thinkers who are willing to stretch the boundaries of regular thinking, not a throng of rabid wolves who line up 12 hours in advance to chant "Lock her up."
John, you touch on a couple of issues that are competing against each other - Globalism v Isolationism.

I work in industrial technology and see factories of all types on a regular basis. You are correct that automation has and will continue to replace many jobs performed by people. However, even with automation there are still a ton of jobs at factories that support people and families with different qualifications ranging from cleaning crews to upper management. We will most likely never see the kind of manufacturing jobs that we had 30-40 years ago where entire towns would support an industry such as textiles, furniture, coal or steel. However, the advantages for consumers resulting from Globalism is a double edged sword. You can buy a nice TV for $600 or a cheap t-shirt for $10 - things that probably are more expensive were they made in the USA. The problem is the loss of the above mentioned industries - hundreds of thousands of jobs that are gone. Our country is too big and too diverse to train everyone to be in high tech or something a small country can do such as Denmark. We need a middle class of people with good jobs and those most likely will come from the manufacturing sector.

So you mention that we can't wall ourselves off from the world. Literally we cannot, figuratively we cannot. What we can do is protect our borders from illegal immigrants that are a huge drain on our country whether it be healthcare, education... Not sure whether you would call this true Isolationism or not but I am a big fan of Trumps proposal to stop currency manipulation and product dumping, reduce corporate taxes and impose tariffs on those that refuse to play fair. America First for a while - we've supported the rest of the world for a long time.
Also, the pizza map stuff is, IMO, code for things like burner cellphones/thumb drives/laptops/hard copy files/bank info/etc.

Count me in the group more willing to believe Hillary is your average, run-of-the-mill corrupt West African dictator-style politician than a Satanist illuminati Rothschild Free Mason
The Clinton's are terrified that the Weiner laptop will confirm that Bill Clinton was balls deep in Jeffery Epstein's pedophilia ring. Bill was a known visitor to Epstein's private island were he kept underage sex slaves.

"Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by"
I'm not going back through for the "I'm welching" posts I made as a joke......but they went more like "even if I pay I'll never admit it and here is my email so jamo can email me and I can tell him personally to F off" but yea I get it coming from LEK and the like.

He offered me a chance to go half at that point and I didn't take it, but sure I'm going to Welch. You people crack me up sometimes.

Anyway, jamo I never did get an email. I'll post it again on Election Day but it's just an email set up for online posting which once I get an email I'll forward it to my real email.

You said it more than once, and you went on a long post diatribe how you werent paying. I personally dont care if you welch, just thought it was odd for a bookie to say that.
It would be so effing awesome for the country if all these celebrities and libtards actually followed through and left the country after Trump wins.

That dumbass might not like Australia, however, they don't let anyone who immigrates illegally have citizenship or asylum. Ever. I could see that offending her idiotic Libtard worldview.
How many of them left after Bush Jr. won? I remember a bunch of them saying they would.
Devil worshiping illuminati trilateral commission members aside, looks like Nevada is trending towards Clinton. If that happens, there really is no path for Trump
Also, I'll just ask..bc we keep seeing over and over, liberal apologists, media, and face value "feelings" voters push the same distractions over and over.

Tell about your thoughts on the corruption of the DNC...instead of distraction focusing on big bad russians. Focus on what was in the hacked open corruption. Btw, pick a better bad guy next time. Putin is bad, but he isn't the worst dictator in our current civilization and he has contained ISIS more than our own current administration. Tell my why liberals, especially crazy Bernie supporters fall in line like sheep, doing what they're told bc they think govt knows best..after HRC had to rig the primary and they are totally okay with it. That she's had to get operatives with network TV to give her questions, that articles have to be proofread by her camp.

Tell me why it's okay, without a silly distraction that "Ole hillary is just silly with email" that she was selling access, soliciting donations through a private server bc she wanted to keep it a secret, in return for government favors. Would a regular citizen just get a pass, or a low level government employee? Does it not alarm you that a US politician was influencing legislation based on who was giving her money? Afterall, since the left started all this Russian nonsense, what makes you think other governments don't have all this information know to blackmail the entire country. Or are you so naive that "oh government knows best", Hillary just did everything okay.

Tell me why the Clinton Foundation has hired certain people in certain positions, got huge sums from foreign governments, etc..without the but but but the Clinton Foundation helps with HIV....and? No one has ever said it's never done any good thats a petty wouldn't exist at all if that were the case, and that would be a terrible front. Still doesn't excuse the highly unethical things you all give a pass to, just bc you like having an overlord.

Tell me why you love government regulation, taxes, and having life micromanaged.

But I guess that's all just sexist...everyone's just a big meanie to Hillary.

You cant respond to any of it except a downplaying generic...Hillary had an email as that was it.

Hillary is doing nothing that other past Republican politicians have not done. And gotten a pass from their electorate. Hell, the past SOS had private email, Dick Cheney and others deleted millions of emails, but that's ok I guess.

Do you blast all of the Republican politicians letting lobbyists who give them money write their bills? How is that any different than what Hillary has done? I think the double standard is hilarious. There is still no actual evidence of a tit for tat scheme.

How about we get money out of politics? What is Trump's plan for this? Is he against Citizen's United verdict that opened the floodgates? Is he for not allowing secret, untraceable contributions? Hillary has come out against both.

Clinton Foundation does a ton of good around the world. What good does Trump Foundation do? Sounds like not much at all, so why does it exist?

I just find it a joke that a guy who with all his wealth and power has done absolutely ZERO for those less fortunate than him. Has done nothing to help the homeless, children, women, etc. yet he suddenly just cares about the little guy huh? Oh please. None of his businesses even cater to low or middle income people. How many buildings has he built in poor neighborhoods?

His track record is dysmal on helping the little guy. The Trump University suit is a perfect case of how he swindles money from those in distress to fatten his wallet.

Hillary is not some symbol of purity, that's for sure, but she is infinitely better than the man child.

If DT wins, I predict he will absolutely destroy this country's economy and fracture this country into something unrecognizable. Just the fact he wants to destroy freedom of the press is frightening. This is not Turkey. Rounding up your enemies is not a democracy. But this is exactly what the 'patriots' are voting for. An end to the United States of America as a democratic society.
I had leftover pizza for breakfast.

Does that make me a criminal? Come on, it's a reach and only makes those trying to hammer Hillary look like crazed zealots. Seriously, would widespread pedophilia be kept this secret for this long and would anyone with any common sense exchange emails regarding it's practice? Think.

Focus on the Classified information, money laundering at the Clinton Foundation, etc.
Obama is going to pardon the entire Clinton crime syndicate and its going to be the most infuriating act of corruption in the history of this country.

The argument that pardons really aren't necessary at all if they didn't do anything illegal will fly over the heads of the retards who are dumb enough to actually support Clinton.

The NYPD and FBI will leak all the evidence documenting the unbelievably illegal conduct. FBI agents will refuse to work for that criminal and will result in mass resignations. But the lefties and media will still fall in line behind the Queen.

The media and lefties on here will blame Republicans for being blindly partisan and actually exposing the illegal conduct of Clinton (while ignoring the actual conduct).

Russia et al will lose some of the blackmail leverage they currently possess with the emails they have on file, and since blackmail is less valuable the Clintons will get richer by forcing them to pay the Clinton foundations for the requested favors.

In the end, the Clinton's will come out on top as always, and I'll end up hating half of this country more than I already do since they willingly and knowingly enabled it.