How will they rule ??!

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As of now according to Fox News, Hillary wins the White House, Democrats take the Senate and Republicans remain in control of the House.
It's hard to believe that Fox is "with her". Not all of Fox, of course. Certainly not Hannity or Dobbs, to name only two.
Also his, accurate, statement that lower prices meant the economy wasn't as good as during times of high prices.

Obama: High gas prices are a sign of healthy economy

Obama: Damn, look how low *I* made gas prices

Of course, no one will call him on it because 1) most journalists are actually stupid idiots who can't make obvious connections and 2) they are cowards
redass inducing...leaves out "we can't drill our way to lower gas prices"

Mark Knoller ‏@markknoller 25m25 minutes ago
“I just want to point out, $2 ain’t bad," says @POTUS rebuking critics in 2008 who said gas would be $6/gal if he was elected.
Damn, he did the "swoop", ignore the above, he cool.
Mark Knoller ‏@markknoller 33m33 minutes ago
Pres Obama begins rally for @HillaryClinton at @UofNorthFlorida in Jacksonville. Performs the school's "swoop": behind lectern w/ pres seal.
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"Hi-I wanted to provide a heads up on the next issue likely coming our way on TPP. Obama just readjusted Malaysia's tier on the human rights list in order to move TPP thru with Malaysia attached. Trumka will likely be putting out a statement today blasting this. I have heard that we will soon be asked to weigh in given the Secretary's role at State and as a Presidential candidate. Wanted to provide this heads up. Let me know if I can help or you have questions. Nikki"
Don't agree on the Senate. Dems are ahead in IL, PA, WI and IN (although the last two are now within the margin of error). The GOP looks to pick up NV and is leading in its other races (some close like NC and MO). That is a net +3 for the dems leaving the Senate in GOP hands by one seat. RCP sees it the same way.
Good but As one vote majority doesn't mean much when you have McCain and Graham both of which would put a knife in the back of Republicans in a heartbeat.
"Hi-I wanted to provide a heads up on the next issue likely coming our way on TPP. Obama just readjusted Malaysia's tier on the human rights list in order to move TPP thru with Malaysia attached. Trumka will likely be putting out a statement today blasting this. I have heard that we will soon be asked to weigh in given the Secretary's role at State and as a Presidential candidate. Wanted to provide this heads up. Let me know if I can help or you have questions. Nikki"
Obama's daughter is on the human rights list?
So not only do companies have to pay a good wage, but the products have to be inexpensive and widely available? K.

You're comparing luxury goods to average consumer goods. Sure, some people have enough money to buy a Mercedes instead of Kia. But most people can't. Of course this is an apples to oranges comparison anyway since I am mostly talking about routine or semi-frequent purchases moreso than big ticket items like cars. More people might splurge on an all American assembled car (although that hasn't shown to be the case as of yet) once every 7 years for the sake of keeping it "in house", but I doubt people will pay twice as much for socks, shirts, shoes, electronics, furniture, tools, etc. on a regular basis. Again, they already have that option if they want, and the fact that foreign products are selling better let's you know what people actually want. You can go in to any Lowe's and get a set of Craftsmen wrenches and a Snap-On toolbox. Nothing is stopping you; except the tremendous cost compared to foreign made brands. No different than any other product

I have said multiple times agree with lowering/abolishing the corporate tax. It's the other stuff (high tariffs, penalties for outsourcing, etc) that don't make economic sense.
Correct...lowering corporate tax is good...a corporation is already getting taxed to begin with through the wages each individual inside the corporation gets taxed.

Also correct. Tariffs are bad. Tariffs make everyone poorer. We have a tariff on steel in this country for instance bc the government has deemed steel prices to cheap to what American steel can compete with. Therefore every product that involves steel is at a higher price than it has to be. Its not a quality issue that makes it cost more, its gathering resources, production, etc issue. It also allows steel industry domestically to raise prices against market demand bc they don't have to compete against the market, only among themselves. So you can claim well we kept steel workers in business but you effected a greater populations overall expendable income to stimulate the economy on other things. Your creating an expense that doesn't have to exist.
Obama's daughter is on the human rights list?

#WhyNot? "We're just getting started, brah"

If you read any of the emails and see these key words, they are prolly referencing Hillary's child pedophilia ring

"hotdog" = boy

"pizza" = girl

"cheese" = little girl

"pasta" = little boy

"ice cream" = male prostitute

"walnut" or nuts = person of colour

"map" = semen

"sauce" = orgy
Eryn On Apr 10, 2015 6:39 PM, "Clift, Eleanor" wrote:

"Hi John, I completely understand why dinner at your home did not include someone like me, who's a known quantity to Clinton campaign veterans. But I wanted to make an appeal for an early opportunity to get myself and the Daily Beast Political editor, Jackie Kucinich, on your radar so I/we can write and report knowledgeably. There's a long campaign ahead, and I'd like to establish a line of communications. Is there an assistant I should go through? I look forward to working with you (and maybe getting some of that pasta and walnut sauce dish!!) All best, Eleanor"
Discussing Susan Collins, Senator from Maine.


"White to my knowledge but maybe she's short or something."

"Sorry to be clear – foundation stops -- means stop taking foreign gov’t money. Is that possible? If not we’re going to be very vulnerable on that throughout and I think our opponents and some on our side will say at is unseemly for a potential U.S. President taking money from foreign governments for her private foundation."
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Eryn On Apr 10, 2015 6:39 PM, "Clift, Eleanor" wrote:

"Hi John, I completely understand why dinner at your home did not include someone like me, who's a known quantity to Clinton campaign veterans. But I wanted to make an appeal for an early opportunity to get myself and the Daily Beast Political editor, Jackie Kucinich, on your radar so I/we can write and report knowledgeably. There's a long campaign ahead, and I'd like to establish a line of communications. Is there an assistant I should go through? I look forward to working with you (and maybe getting some of that pasta and walnut sauce dish!!) All best, Eleanor"
So not only do companies have to pay a good wage, but the products have to be inexpensive and widely available? K.

You're comparing luxury goods to average consumer goods. Sure, some people have enough money to buy a Mercedes instead of Kia. But most people can't. Of course this is an apples to oranges comparison anyway since I am mostly talking about routine or semi-frequent purchases moreso than big ticket items like cars. More people might splurge on an all American assembled car (although that hasn't shown to be the case as of yet) once every 7 years for the sake of keeping it "in house", but I doubt people will pay twice as much for socks, shirts, shoes, electronics, furniture, tools, etc. on a regular basis. Again, they already have that option if they want, and the fact that foreign products are selling better let's you know what people actually want. You can go in to any Lowe's and get a set of Craftsmen wrenches and a Snap-On toolbox. Nothing is stopping you; except the tremendous cost compared to foreign made brands. No different than any other product

I have said multiple times agree with lowering/abolishing the corporate tax. It's the other stuff (high tariffs, penalties for outsourcing, etc) that don't make economic sense.

Luxury items? Fast food cheeseburgers?

Look we could all go to the dollar general for groceries but we don't. We could all go to furniture liquidators for our furniture too, but like wise we don't.

I think it's you that do not realize that just because products can be made cheaper in Mexico doesn't mean we have to, as a nation, allow them to take advantage just to leave money in Swiss bank accounts to minimize profits and not feed back into the American system.

I understand your point of view but understand this by allowing third world labor competition you are dragging our labor down too. Meanwhile the common cost of living goes up with wages very stagnate here just so you can buy stuff for less.

I think if you ran a company for a few months and realize why they move plants to Mexico then you'd see the greed played out and understand why Americans want American companies to stay here in America.
Here's another pedophile email


Email ID:

Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it. Susaner

I'm actually too much of a pussy to download/view this shit. Here's an email with attached pictures that "capture some of the spirit of the evening - at a couple of different levels." at a Pizza Party at Podesta's. God knows what's in there
#WhyNot? "We're just getting started, brah"

If you read any of the emails and see these key words, they are prolly referencing Hillary's child pedophilia ring

"hotdog" = boy

"pizza" = girl

"cheese" = little girl

"pasta" = little boy

"ice cream" = male prostitute

"walnut" or nuts = person of colour

"map" = semen

"sauce" = orgy

Is this serious?
That's an understatement
yep. In ordinary times, leaks like these would be big news, you have to think there'd be a reckoning. But this year, they're getting lost in the tidal wave of big news.

And who am I kidding, anyway - who's going to report bad news about people who report the news? They'd have buried this anyway, most likely. one thing's for certain - I don't want to hear another damn word going forward about the media not being completely....
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yep. In ordinary times, leaks like these would be big news, you have to think there'd be a reckoning. But this year, they're getting lost in the tidal wave of big news.

And who am I kidding, anyway - who's going to report bad news about people who report the news? They'd have buried this anyway, most likely. one thing's for certain - I don't want to hear another damn word going forward about the media not being completely....
Yep- My trust is gone. 100% ain't coming back after this. When the president candidate is helping to spearhead a child pedophilia ring and in the same breath talk about protecting children and then the media not report on it. Yeah, the media can eat my ass. They are just as guilty as her.
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#WhyNot? "We're just getting started, brah"

If you read any of the emails and see these key words, they are prolly referencing Hillary's child pedophilia ring

"hotdog" = boy

"pizza" = girl

"cheese" = little girl

"pasta" = little boy

"ice cream" = male prostitute

"walnut" or nuts = person of colour

"map" = semen

"sauce" = orgy
I was just seeing these. Very bizarre, but those code words are starting to show up in many of these emails.
Lol this has to be an anon troll job? There's no way. None. Quit playing with me you guys.