How will they rule ??!

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This country should be grateful that there are still true Patriots inside our FBI who have stood up for what is right and demanded Comey to take action and tell the DOJ to go F themselves. When Trump wins I hope Lynch and others are charged with Obstruction of Justice. I am 100% convinced this corruption goes all the way up to Obama.

Congrats Barack, you and your administration will go down as the most corrupt and inept administration in US political history.

I have a feeling that Obama is going to be issuing a bunch of Presidential pardons to his minions before he leaves office (especially if Trump wins).
Except for evil Trump. As Ted Cruz campaigns with Mike Pence for DJT.

CREEPY Beck has DESTROYED his brand over DJT, permanently. No one likes a traitor.
Glenn Beck just turned out like others who started getting a lot of followers, he got full of himself. He needs a good self assessing laxative to run it all out.
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Social Security isn't supposed to be any form of government assistance, it's a return of the money individuals have paid in.
And it's a bad one. Most people pay in more than they receive and the people who benefit most are the ones who don't pay much in. If it were only a savings or retirement plan administrated by the government then why couldn't you just cut it immediately, return the current collected cash, and stop collecting new taxes? If it were only a savings account why would the government have to be involved in the fist place?

Well, because the money you put in doesn't actually pay for your return. You're paying for the current retirees, which makes it a wealth transfer program, not a return on your money at all.

More industry equates to more investment in the US which means more people paying taxes which means more people having disposable income to buy things... Forcing other countries to do things the right way, i.e. manipulating currency and dumping will help US companies be more competitive. Also, lower corporate taxes will encourage US manufacturing rather than going to Mexico, China, or elsewhere. Our recent business model is a disaster.

If cutting the corporate tax was the bulk of his plan, I would be on board. I have no problem whatsoever with that. I have a problem with placing tariffs on imported goods for the sole purpose of forcing manufacturing to come back to the US. That means everyone else has to pay more money for goods to insure a benefit for a particular industry(ies). That is a subsidy in everything but name.
And it's a bad one. Most people pay in more than they receive and the people who benefit most are the ones who don't pay much in. If it were only a savings or retirement plan administrated by the government then why couldn't you just cut it immediately, return the current collected cash, and stop collecting new taxes? If it were only a savings account why would the government have to be involved in the fist place? Not a bad idea at all and something many people might support.

Well, because the money you put in doesn't actually pay for your return. You're paying for the current retirees, which makes it a wealth transfer program, not a return on your money at all.

If cutting the corporate tax was the bulk of his plan, I would be on board. I have no problem whatsoever with that. I have a problem with placing tariffs on imported goods for the sole purpose of forcing manufacturing to come back to the US. That means everyone else has to pay more money for goods to insure a benefit for a particular industry(ies). That is a subsidy in everything but name.
A tariff is a penalty for companies or countries that do not play fairly. I don't think his idea is to put a tariff on everything coming into the country. We can create a lot of jobs with fair trade agreements but will likely never have an equal trade balance with China or even Mexico.
OK, why is equal trade the goal? It sounds good, but there is no particular reason why we should want equal trade with 2nd world countries. Just think about it, those countries can't afford high cost goods. If we want to pay these American factory workers a good wage, the end product will have to be relatively expensive. Ergo, those countries won't be able to purchase our goods. That leaves rich countries, but why would rich countries not buy the cheaper goods even if they can "afford" to buy American?

So then the problem is, once we start the second American Industrial Revolution who do we export our goods to?

You would think that anyone that would see this video of Hillary Clinton getting caught in a LIE of this magnitude would never vote for her. BUT that's not the way it is with these worthless ass liberals. Myself if I as well as other conservatives were for a candidate & he or she got caught in a lie as big as the one that Hillary got caught in they could kiss our votes good by. Lying doesn't affect liberals in the least. Just more proof that conservatives are far better people than these lying, sleazy ass liberals are!
I'd say if Trump gets elected, the best thing to do would be to throw every single thing out the window he said prior to Nov. 9.

He's not going to be able to "renegotiate trade deals" or impose punitive tariffs willy nilly.

One idea I think would be HUGE and BIGLY would be to give a repatriation holiday on all cash that's brought back and distributed to investors or directly invested into US projects (capital assets, employee hiring/bonuses, etc.)

Edit: That HUGE idea is mine for the most part, although he's mentioned a repatriation holiday.
OK, why is equal trade the goal? It sounds good, but there is no particular reason why we should want equal trade with 2nd world countries. Just think about it, those countries can't afford high cost goods. If we want to pay these American factory workers a good wage, the end product will have to be relatively expensive. Ergo, those countries won't be able to purchase our goods. That leaves rich countries, but why would rich countries not buy the cheaper goods even if they can "afford" to buy American?

So then the problem is, once we start the second American Industrial Revolution who do we export our goods to?
The industries that we've lost almost completely were industries that manufactured goods bought in large part by the US consumer - furniture, textiles, electronics. Our strongest exports are food, technology, aerospace, military. We will not be a huge exporter of high cost goods to the 2nd and 3rd world countries for the very reason you mention which is they don't have the buying power. We will be able to export food and energy products.

You would think that anyone that would see this video of Hillary Clinton getting caught in a LIE of this magnitude would never vote for her. BUT that's not the way it is with these worthless ass liberals. Myself if I as well as other conservatives were for a candidate & he or she got caught in a lie as big as the one that Hillary got caught in they could kiss our votes good by. Lying doesn't affect liberals in the least. Just more proof that conservatives are far better people than these lying, sleazy ass liberals are!

And you think Trump is no different? He doesn't make crap up and lie? On March 12th, 1954, an 8 year old Donald Trump told classmate Marvin Schoffner that he had been in the lunch line ahead of Schoffner and had to step away to go to the bathroom. And Trumped stepped "back" in line ahead of him. BUT IT NEVER HAPPENED..Trump made up the story because he was going to be late to class and didn't want to wait in line. He lied. Flat out lied.

Trump second in line, hidden, Schoffner 4th in line staring at camera.


True story confirmed by Snopes:

You would think that anyone that would see this video of Hillary Clinton getting caught in a LIE of this magnitude would never vote for her. BUT that's not the way it is with these worthless ass liberals. Myself if I as well as other conservatives were for a candidate & he or she got caught in a lie as big as the one that Hillary got caught in they could kiss our votes good by. Lying doesn't affect liberals in the least. Just more proof that conservatives are far better people than these lying, sleazy ass liberals are!
There is NOTHING about this woman that is honorable. She's the worst - EVER.
And you think Trump is no different? He doesn't make crap up and lie? On March 12th, 1954, an 8 year old Donald Trump told classmate Marvin Schoffner that he had been in the lunch line ahead of Schoffner and had to step away to go to the bathroom. And Trumped stepped "back" in line ahead of him. BUT IT NEVER HAPPENED..Trump made up the story because he was going to be late to class and didn't want to wait in line. He lied. Flat out lied.

Trump second in line, hidden, Schoffner 4th in line staring at camera.


True story confirmed by Snopes:

that little son-of-a-b*tch . . . I heard at age 12 he and his best friend organized a fundraiser with a 3-day performance of "The Royal Nonesuch".
So again, we're going to make the vast majority of Americans who aren't employed in the manufacturing sector pick up the tab by increasing their expenditures.

CATSrock, would you voluntarily pay twice the price for your cellphone in order for it to be made in America? Would you increase your clothing expenses for your family 20% to give a guy in a Maine a job?
So again, we're going to make the vast majority of Americans who aren't employed in the manufacturing sector pick up the tab by increasing their expenditures.

CATSrock, would you voluntarily pay twice the price for your cellphone in order for it to be made in America? Would you increase your clothing expenses for your family 20% to give a guy in a Maine a job?
I don't really want to pay more for anything either but with a stronger economy come increased wages. I'm not naive to think we will be building everything hear in the good ole USA but when companies HERE are allowed to compete, they too can be competitive versus imports. Average income for Americans is FLAT while cost of living increases continue to go up every year. We need a healthier overall economy with a larger middle class.
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The pay for play stuff is far more concerning than the e-mail scandal. I'm mean you're literally selling out America for bribes. I mean wow. This should be concerning for all of America.

Yea, but that is politics. Period.

So again, we're going to make the vast majority of Americans who aren't employed in the manufacturing sector pick up the tab by increasing their expenditures.

CATSrock, would you voluntarily pay twice the price for your cellphone in order for it to be made in America? Would you increase your clothing expenses for your family 20% to give a guy in a Maine a job?

Lol apple is a great example of this.
OK, why is equal trade the goal? It sounds good, but there is no particular reason why we should want equal trade with 2nd world countries. Just think about it, those countries can't afford high cost goods. If we want to pay these American factory workers a good wage, the end product will have to be relatively expensive. Ergo, those countries won't be able to purchase our goods. That leaves rich countries, but why would rich countries not buy the cheaper goods even if they can "afford" to buy American?

So then the problem is, once we start the second American Industrial Revolution who do we export our goods to?
Keep voting in liberals and we will be one of those third world countries who will be making things cheaper. Win, Win?
CATSrock, would you voluntarily pay twice the price for your cellphone in order for it to be made in America? Would you increase your clothing expenses for your family 20% to give a guy in a Maine a job?

Frequently providers offer free upgrades for modern cell ph. packages / options so there's that but, more importantly, your 2nd question, absolutely YES.

For anybody under the age of 45 it is likely that you have zero awareness for how rapidly, immediately, the entire textile industry was wiped completely out of American industrial existence in the late 1980s to very early 1990s. An entire industry, vanished from existence . . . gone. This is one of the most under-emphasized downturns in the history of American economics, and it seems clear at this point that history will ensure larger emphasis on how Bill Clinton's short-lived real estate bubble finally did burst, than it will the loss of an entire industry that employed many millions for many decades, tracing back to some of the most import industrial advents of the early 19th century.

Yes, damn right. Is 20% all? Is one guy all? Is Maine all?
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Yea, but that is politics. Period.

Lol apple is a great example of this.
What you're failing to understand is that a country as diverse as ours and as large as ours CANNOT sustain itself without a middle class. We are seeing what happens when you have a small percentage making a TON of money and a large percentage making virtually nothing and contributing nothing. We are not Denmark where they can decide to convert their economy to high tech. They have less than 10m people, all educated, mostly from the same socio economic and ethnic background. Our country is complex in nature and we must have jobs for our working class.

You would think that anyone that would see this video of Hillary Clinton getting caught in a LIE of this magnitude would never vote for her. BUT that's not the way it is with these worthless ass liberals. Myself if I as well as other conservatives were for a candidate & he or she got caught in a lie as big as the one that Hillary got caught in they could kiss our votes good by. Lying doesn't affect liberals in the least. Just more proof that conservatives are far better people than these lying, sleazy ass liberals are!

f'ked up lying bitch
What you're failing to understand is that a country as diverse as ours and as large as ours CANNOT sustain itself without a middle class. We are seeing what happens when you have a small percentage making a TON of money and a large percentage making virtually nothing and contributing nothing. We are not Denmark where they can decide to convert their economy to high tech. They have less than 10m people, all educated, mostly from the same socio economic and ethnic background. Our country is complex in nature and we must have jobs for our working class.

Could you imagine if we could start deporting groups who do absolutely nothing and pawning them off on someone else? We could just round them up and call them refugees.

Go to the trailer parks and take out the ghettos and just plop them somewhere in the Middle East.
Trump supporters should be thanking those @sshats who, just 3 weeks ago, were declaring this race over, who were contemplating whether the Clinton campaign should expand its reach and try to flip traditional red states into the Democratic fold. Not only has that strategy failed, but because campaign resources were diverted to the "Clinton wants" states, the Clinton campaign has been caught off guard to effectively counter Trump's gains in the "Clinton needs" states.

Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Iowa, Nevada, they have all flipped to Trump, and if anything will be even more firmly in his pocket by election day.

Whether Trump can continue the momentum long and hard enough to drag Colorado and/or New Hampshire across that line separating blue and red by election day will determine this election.

Speaking of @sshats, the Clinton supporters, so full of braggadocio as recently as last week, who used to frequent this thread have fallen off the face of the earth, gone without a trace. We know why. They see it, too. President-elect Trump is becoming more of a reality with each passing day.
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Know way that report about Hillary not paying her social media trolls anymore and the fall off of our random liberal hacks are connected, right?

Teachable Moe was always the one that stuck out. Never saw that poster before and never in any other UK-sports related threads. He was either one of Deeeeeeeeee's alters, or a Hillary plant.
So if Obama (he knew about it and participated in Hillarys constantly changing her personal email addresses and sent and received messages on them) was involved in the email scandal, does he go to prison too?
So if Obama (he knew about it and participated in Hillarys constantly changing her personal email addresses and sent and received messages on them) was involved in the email scandal, does he go to prison too?

The way he has divided this country and politicized the IRS, DOJ and FBI, he should be indicted or impeached. But will never happen, I just hope the bastard moves to another country and plays golf every day. The day I never hear the words, Bush, Clinton, Obama will be a great day.
The way he has divided this country and politicized the IRS, DOJ and FBI, he should be indicted or impeached. But will never happen, I just hope the bastard moves to another country and plays golf every day. The day I never hear the words, Bush, Clinton, Obama will be a great day.
Well, I'd bet all that Michelle the moose will run next time. And sadly, be elected.
The pay for play stuff is far more concerning than the e-mail scandal. I'm mean you're literally selling out America for bribes. I mean wow. This should be concerning for all of America.

I'm starting to think America is looking more and more like a country like Venezuela than any us would want to admit. The corruption has spread like a cancer.
This shit is just the tip of the iceberg too.
I used to halfway joke that there were paid trolls and/or a paid troll using different user names. Teachable Moe, Deeeefense, Albany, etc. Deeefense used to deny it but would screw up and not align paragraphs from cut/paste which would give it away that he was reprinting prepared content. Another flyby dropped about 10 rebuttals in 20 minutes one night that each---on their own, would have taken about that long to create.

Ironic that the only time I've ever been banned on this board in 10+ years of posting was right after Deeeefense became an moderator. The only time.

Once that memo came out where they were not going to be paid---poof. All Gone. All BS--just like the Dems, Obama and the Clintons. F'ing smoke and mirrors with no hesitation to lie, cheat and steal.

If Trump wins, it will be interesting to see just what's left of the liberal media and smokeshow to attack him, his administration and his policies. Or, maybe they'll be flushed out and DC will actually get some work done.

Much like Obama had a chance to unite the country...and failed miserably, Trump has the same opportunity. An outsider who could, if he so elects, reach out to opposing forces and build an administration with varied interests and backgrounds. Why not make Bernie influential. Bring in a few established Dems and give them more than just lip service.

Drain the swamp.
A president can't be impeached for things they did before being president

Also, a president can not be tried for criminal actions while president

If she gets elected, it's over. Plain and simple.
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