How will they rule ??!

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2014 email plotting to manipulate primaries. To:,, Date: 2014-04-26 18:51 Subject: Berman

Had a great meeting with Berman today. We discussed him taking the lead on the strategy outlined in his memo: (1) Seeing if we can get MA and VT to push their primaries back, (2) Keep the big blue states (NY, NJ, CA, etc) from moving their primaries earlier and (3) Trying to get LA and WV to join Super Tuesday.

As we discussed in NY, keeping the red states early makes sense if she has a primary (as long as there isn't a primary competitor winning significant AA votes), but also increases the likelihood the Rs nominate someone extreme. We agreed that if she gets a significant primary challenger, we need to consider changing course and getting NY, NJ, and maybe others to move their dates earlier to give her hefty early wins. Jeff is going to put together action items for each state that we will review. We may need allies to help in this process but we're going to look at each state one step at a time, limiting as much as possible the perception of direct intervention by the principals.

On absentees for caucuses: he said Iowa has agreed to come with a proposal. It sounds like they will agree to SOME change, but it may be gradual (ie some in 2016, more in 2020). I don't think it's in anyone's interest right now for there to be a big fight over this...I told him that I'm sure HRC and WJC would prefer as inclusive a change as possible and I think there's organizing benefit to a more open absentee system so we can engage drop off Dems in NV and IA early. Let me know if any of this is problematic, otherwise I'll keep moving forward with Berman.
I must give Cruz some credit. I've gave him a lot of heat and deservedly so, but it takes some guts to go out there and still campaign for Trump even after many coward Republicans won't. Good for him.

If Christie or Gowdy don't get AG, I would like to see Cruz there, or a SCOTUS nominee. I don't care for how Cruz acts but I think he would be great enforcing the law and uphold the constitution that Obama has pissed on for 8 years.
A president can't be impeached for things they did before being president

Also, a president can not be tried for criminal actions while president

If she gets elected, it's over. Plain and simple.
Yes. And it will be 8 years of her (assuming she doesn't drop dead) because of all the illegals and rapefugees she will bring in will vote her back in. Not to mention all the other fraud too.
If Christie or Gowdy don't get AG, I would like to see Cruz there, or a SCOTUS nominee. I don't care for how Cruz acts but I think he would be great enforcing the law and uphold the constitution that Obama has pissed on for 8 years.
Was texting a buddy a month or so ago and I told him I think Trump did offer Cruz a deal to be a Supreme Court nominee. After Cruz did endorse him, hes been campaigning pretty hard for Trump. Cruz had a pretty big change of heart out of no where.
Trump poll watchers in some areas of Cleveland told don't bother, no one is voting Republicsn anyway. In 2012 some of those areas received 0 votes for Republicns. No a one. Shouldn't be surprised but not even one vote?
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Trump poll watchers in some areas of Cleveland told don't bother, no one is voting Republicsn anyway. In 2012 some of those areas received 0 votes for Republicns. No a one. Shouldn't be surprised but not even one vote?
People are so dumb that there is zero chance that not one person did not accidentally vote republican on accident. #riggedelection
So again, we're going to make the vast majority of Americans who aren't employed in the manufacturing sector pick up the tab by increasing their expenditures.

CATSrock, would you voluntarily pay twice the price for your cellphone in order for it to be made in America? Would you increase your clothing expenses for your family 20% to give a guy in a Maine a job?

What sector of business are you in?

I ask because you only seem to think there is 1 component of costing which is labor.

People who always shop prices for the cheapest shit will have have cheap shit.

What has really happened is all of our products we buy have to be replaced more often because we have a lot of garbage products and very little quality.

People with money will buy better quality.......i.e. American products!
Trump poll watchers in some areas of Cleveland told don't bother, no one is voting Republicsn anyway. In 2012 some of those areas received 0 votes for Republicns. No a one. Shouldn't be surprised but not even one vote?

The idea that not one person voted Republican is a red flag.

I do like that minorities have been so brainwashed to simply just vote Democrat. It never dawns on them how they get played.

What sector of business are you in?

I ask because you only seem to think there is 1 component of costing which is labor.

People who always shop prices for the cheapest shit will have have cheap shit.

What has really happened is all of our products we buy have to be replaced more often because we have a lot of garbage products and very little quality.

People with money will buy better quality.......i.e. American products!
And people with enough expendable income can buy American products. I'm pretty sure there every single thing you want to buy can be bought from an American producer. It may cost 100x as much as a cheaper product, but you can absolutely find it. I'm more concerned about the working poor being able to spend less of their income on consumer goods than I am making sure someone in Michigan gets a comfy union gig tightening 8 bolts a day for Ford

Like I said before, if people are so willing to part with their money for the sake of others' jobs, why aren't they ponying up now? Why must you demand the government force it on people? It's the same logic the left uses when talking about welfare as compulsory charity. You're admitting you wouldn't do it with the government making you.

And you're belief that stuff breaks more often may be true, but it certainly doesn't even out over the cost of more expensive goods, or more people would buy them. Simple as that
What you're failing to understand is that a country as diverse as ours and as large as ours CANNOT sustain itself without a middle class. We are seeing what happens when you have a small percentage making a TON of money and a large percentage making virtually nothing and contributing nothing. We are not Denmark where they can decide to convert their economy to high tech. They have less than 10m people, all educated, mostly from the same socio economic and ethnic background. Our country is complex in nature and we must have jobs for our working class.

man I know that much.

trump's trade talks have been the most common sense, logical things I've ever heard a "politician" say. I don't feel like most people heard him give these talks, which he's done many, many times now. If they did, I think he would have more of an advantage than he already has..

It's still unreal to me how the dem's managed to fn lose the e-battle, the buzz battle, whatever you wanna call it. What Obama harnessed so well. Hillary captured none of that, or even tried. it was very weird. Just ran a negative campaign against a progressive, free thinking, F the Govt, let's change for real!!! campaign. Of course, there's probably a lot of reasons why she just laid low and hoped Trump would f up.

And ftr, I'm all for anarchy, civil war, busting this POS bureaucratic nightmare of a country up so the people can get the representation they deserve, and that's not a bad thing like the govt wants you to believe. It's the logical, common sense thing. We have a population problem. We have a government problem. We cannot continue to give disconnected government more control. We need to divide and focus our efforts inward.
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man I know that much.

trump's trade talks have been the most common sense, logical things I've ever heard a "politician" say. I don't feel like most people heard him give these talks, which he's done many, many times now. If they did, I think he would have more of an advantage than he already has..

It's still unreal to me how the dem's managed to fn lose the e-battle, the buzz battle, whatever you wanna call it. What Obama harnessed so well. Hillary captured none of that, or even tried. it was very weird. Just ran a negative campaign against a progressive, free thinking, F the Govt, let's change for real!!! campaign. Of course, there's probably a lot of reasons why she just laid low and hoped Trump would f up.

And ftr, I'm all for anarchy, civil war, busting this POS bureaucratic nightmare of a country up so the people can get the representation they deserve, and that's not a bad thing like the govt wants you to believe. It's the logical, common sense thing. We have a population problem. We have a government problem. We cannot continue to give disconnected government more control. We need to divide and focus our efforts inward.

Hillary is too corrupt and too entitled to be bothered with any of that. She can't offer "change" because she's a career corrupt politician. She couldn't run a positive campaign because she never accomplished anything.
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Why not make Bernie influential. Bring in a few established Dems and give them more than just lip service.

Drain the swamp.

This is a great idea.

Make up some "Bi-partisan coalition for college education funding". Take away part of the Dems base by giving Bernie a voice in the new govt. Collect all the college kids votes in 4 years.

On top of this, the Repubs better get some females, blacks, and especially Hispanics involved or they'll get their azz handed to them in the future.

Start grooming them NOW. Don't let them vote on anything controversial; just get them elected in some Congressional district where they can hide for 4 years or so.
This is a great idea.

Start grooming them NOW. Don't let them vote on anything controversial; just get them elected in some Congressional district where they can hide for 4 years or so.

To be honest, it wasn't my intent to nurture candidates for the future. My intent was for the government to actually have civil bipartisan discourse on matters of importance. Reach across the aisle and get something done. Trump isn't beholden to the Republican party and, because of his personal wealth, doesn't have to worry about setting himself and his family up post-Presidency.

If elected, he actually has a chance to break the gridlock. (Obama did too but failed.)

Drain the swamp.
I'm starting to wonder if this play for pay stuff is tied to inaction in Benghazi. Followed by the election year cover up of blaming the video.
Very well could be. We do know a bit more about Benghazi than we did, but theres no telling what else all happened there that we don't know.
To be honest, it wasn't my intent to nurture candidates for the future. My intent was for the government to actually have civil bipartisan discourse on matters of importance. Reach across the aisle and get something done. Trump isn't beholden to the Republican party and, because of his personal wealth, doesn't have to worry about setting himself and his family up post-Presidency.

If elected, he actually has a chance to break the gridlock. (Obama did too but failed.)

Drain the swamp.
Very well put.
And people with enough expendable income can buy American products. I'm pretty sure there every single thing you want to buy can be bought from an American producer. It may cost 100x as much as a cheaper product, but you can absolutely find it. I'm more concerned about the working poor being able to spend less of their income on consumer goods than I am making sure someone in Michigan gets a comfy union gig tightening 8 bolts a day for Ford

Like I said before, if people are so willing to part with their money for the sake of others' jobs, why aren't they ponying up now? Why must you demand the government force it on people? It's the same logic the left uses when talking about welfare as compulsory charity. You're admitting you wouldn't do it with the government making you.

And you're belief that stuff breaks more often may be true, but it certainly doesn't even out over the cost of more expensive goods, or more people would buy them. Simple as that

It's natural to think I can get that at Walmart. But can you really? No.

You can get a knockoff and save some money though.

Why do people go out to eat and get the $14 cheeseburger when they could go to McDonalds. Why do we drive Mercedes instead of Kia........

The point is things of value cost money.

The idea isn't to control by govt, it's to lower taxes so corporations do not have to chase lower labor for products. You must protect your people first as a country, and by sending jobs elsewhere you are in fact creating wealth elsewhere for a profit.

Lowered taxes means corporations can afford to manufacture here.

You are looking at this like a political matter but it's a business matter.
Melania Trump >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama is a POS. She's a racist that hates this country and is corrupt. Can't wait to get her and her scumbag husband out of office. They have made a joke out of the presidency with their constant attempts at trying to be celebrities and hanging with celebs and doing reality TV.
1) It's natural to think I can get that at Walmart. But can you really? No.

You can get a knockoff and save some money though.

Why do people go out to eat and get the $14 cheeseburger when they could go to McDonalds. Why do we drive Mercedes instead of Kia........

The point is things of value cost money.

The idea isn't to control by govt, it's to lower taxes so corporations do not have to chase lower labor for products. You must protect your people first as a country, and by sending jobs elsewhere you are in fact creating wealth elsewhere for a profit.

Lowered taxes means corporations can afford to manufacture here.

You are looking at this like a political matter but it's a business matter.
So not only do companies have to pay a good wage, but the products have to be inexpensive and widely available? K.

You're comparing luxury goods to average consumer goods. Sure, some people have enough money to buy a Mercedes instead of Kia. But most people can't. Of course this is an apples to oranges comparison anyway since I am mostly talking about routine or semi-frequent purchases moreso than big ticket items like cars. More people might splurge on an all American assembled car (although that hasn't shown to be the case as of yet) once every 7 years for the sake of keeping it "in house", but I doubt people will pay twice as much for socks, shirts, shoes, electronics, furniture, tools, etc. on a regular basis. Again, they already have that option if they want, and the fact that foreign products are selling better let's you know what people actually want. You can go in to any Lowe's and get a set of Craftsmen wrenches and a Snap-On toolbox. Nothing is stopping you; except the tremendous cost compared to foreign made brands. No different than any other product

I have said multiple times agree with lowering/abolishing the corporate tax. It's the other stuff (high tariffs, penalties for outsourcing, etc) that don't make economic sense.
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Trump supporters should be thanking those @sshats who, just 3 weeks ago, were declaring this race over, who were contemplating whether the Clinton campaign should expand its reach and try to flip traditional red states into the Democratic fold. Not only has that strategy failed, but because campaign resources were diverted to the "Clinton wants" states, the Clinton campaign has been caught off guard to effectively counter Trump's gains in the "Clinton needs" states.

Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Iowa, Nevada, they have all flipped to Trump, and if anything will be even more firmly in his pocket by election day.

Whether Trump can continue the momentum long and hard enough to drag Colorado and/or New Hampshire across that line separating blue and red by election day will determine this election.

Speaking of @sshats, the Clinton supporters, so full of braggadocio as recently as last week, who used to frequent this thread have fallen off the face of the earth, gone without a trace. We know why. They see it, too. President-elect Trump is becoming more of a reality with each passing day.
Good point. "Show ignored content" is no longer even appearing at the bottom of the page for me. They've disappeared.
As of now according to Fox News, Hillary wins the White House, Democrats take the Senate and Republicans remain in control of the House.
As of now according to Fox News, Hillary wins the White House, Democrats take the Senate and Republicans remain in control of the House.

Don't agree on the Senate. Dems are ahead in IL, PA, WI and IN (although the last two are now within the margin of error). The GOP looks to pick up NV and is leading in its other races (some close like NC and MO). That is a net +3 for the dems leaving the Senate in GOP hands by one seat. RCP sees it the same way.
Know way that report about Hillary not paying her social media trolls anymore and the fall off of our random liberal hacks are connected, right?

Teachable Moe was always the one that stuck out. Never saw that poster before and never in any other UK-sports related threads. He was either one of Deeeeeeeeee's alters, or a Hillary plant.

Idk but there was a ton of negative anti trump stuff trending on twitter yesterday evening. so maybe they just cut off some of them.

If Christie or Gowdy don't get AG, I would like to see Cruz there, or a SCOTUS nominee. I don't care for how Cruz acts but I think he would be great enforcing the law and uphold the constitution that Obama has pissed on for 8 years.

Cruz said scotus didn't have jurisdiction to hear the same sex marriage case. That basically disqualifies him for a few reasons. 1) it's wrong, and would result in him never being confirmed. 2) it's legally wrong, and he knows it because he was a scotus clerk. 3) if he doesn't realize he was wrong (which he definitely was, and knows it) then he's stupid.

No way #3 is correct.
As of now according to Fox News, Hillary wins the White House, Democrats take the Senate and Republicans remain in control of the House.
Yeah, they pull from different polls for one state to the other - not sure why. has Hillary with 273 to Trump 265. Colorado is in her column and only up by 1.7% and that is 9 electoral votes. Do the math - pull Colorado and Trump wins.