How will they rule ??!

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E-world saying Michelle O deleted 3+ years of tweets, they specifically say all references to Hillary were deleted, and that both her and Barack have unfriended Hillary lmaoooooo.

Is that a fact? Snopes? Fact checkers?

WTD follows these people on twitter. Infant imagine what that lady tweets.

YAYYY!! Broccoli!!!!

Be great bc u ate great!!!!!

Ketchup is for Kremlins!!!!

Ooooo my ass so phat ;)

Tbh, I like the way Michelle carries herself and she would make a much better president than Obama, imo....if she didn't share the same elitist goals. I think she's somewhat genuine/naive/human whereas Barack is nothing close to that.
E-world saying Michelle O deleted 3+ years of tweets, they specifically say all references to Hillary were deleted, and that both her and Barack have unfriended Hillary lmaoooooo.

Is that a fact? Snopes? Fact checkers?

WTD follows these people on twitter. Infant imagine what that lady tweets.

YAYYY!! Broccoli!!!!

Be great bc u ate great!!!!!

Ketchup is for Kremlins!!!!

Ooooo my ass so phat ;)

Tbh, I like the way Michelle carries herself and she would make a much better president than Obama, imo....if she didn't share the same elitist goals. I think she's somewhat genuine/naive/human whereas Barack is nothing close to that.
PC Principal Masburned wants a tranny for prez?!?! :scream:
I missed it, but late yesterday the AP broke news that the "Justice Dept. says it'll dedicate all needed resources to quickly review emails in Clinton case."

Let's see. Hundreds of thousands of emails, conceivably. How can we I) push the FBI aside and review all of those and II) say that there's nothing there, to make this all go away for Hillary, and go away very quickly?....

I know how!!

John Podesta's Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ's Probe Into Huma Abedin Emails
There's only one problem... Too many eyes have seen the emails at this point. IMO, this new movement away from her shows there's significant info that can't be suppressed .
Obama's hand out candy to kid dressed as "Lame Duck."


I wonder how many experts it took to come up with that and sign off for that manufactured event.
Michael Savage wants the election cycle limited to 90 days and no early voting. Don't see the first being possible and disagree on the second. Surprised to find out there is no early voting in Kentucky.
what would be the freakout level if the CEO of Google was working very closely with a GOP campaign?
There's only one problem... Too many eyes have seen the emails at this point. IMO, this new movement away from her shows there's significant info that can't be suppressed .
True - in terms of ultimate resolution. I don't think they can pull a fast one in any long term, meaningful way.

But in terms of getting through election day, all she needs is a positive headline. So Friday Justice issues a statement saying they have reviewed the emails in question, and there is nothing there. Big nothing burger as they want to say.

Voila. There's your latest October surprise - every big name newspaper, all the networks, the cable news guys, all the talking heads, are fighting each other to say it first and loudest: HILLARY IS VINDICATED!! SHE DID NOTHING WRONG!!

That won't be lasting, for the reasons you give. But it could carry her through Tuesday and get the election. Which is all they really care about anyway.....
I can't believe Trump's announcement asking for term limits isn't getting more attention.

If it passed (and I'm sure it will never even be voted on), it could be one of the most significant pieces of legislation in history.

Oh well... we lose again.
I was thinking about that... he might have better luck approaching things from a state level. (The other way to ratify const. amend.)
Hey jamo, how many touchdowns is she ahead now? Asking for a friend.
At the pace this thread moves these days, you'd be wise to tag me (or anybody else who doesn't live ITT) if you want a response.

I'd call it a 10pt lead. Carrying half of Florida/Ohio/Iowa/NC/Nevada/NH is the equivalent of a FG, pulling a clean sweep is a TD on top of that. That's to send it to OT (unless he pulls a clean sweep *and* carries ME-2)

Managing to flip any one of WI, PA, VA, CO, or MI would be a pick-six inside the 2:00 mark.

All of that is under the assumption McMullin doesn't pull off a miracle in Utah, of course.

And yes, she is as awful at stopping the run as she has ever been, be it the 2008 primary or the 2016 primary. But the clock is in her favor.
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Managing to flip any one of WI, PA, VA, CO, or MI would be a pick-six inside the 2:00 mark.

In latest two Colorado polls, Clinton has a very slim advantage (2 point average) that is well within the margin of error. In one of those polls (the better one for Hillary), most of the data was collected before the FBI announcement. So it wouldn't take much of a miracle for Trump to win there.
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At the pace this thread moves these days, you'd be wise to tag me (or anybody else who doesn't live ITT) if you want a response.

I'd call it a 10pt lead. Carrying half of Florida/Ohio/Iowa/NC/Nevada/NH is the equivalent of a FG, pulling a clean sweep is a TD on top of that. That's to send it to OT (unless he pulls a clean sweep *and* carries ME-2)

Managing to flip any one of WI, PA, VA, CO, or MI would be a pick-six inside the 2:00 mark.

All of that is under the assumption McMullin doesn't pull off a miracle in Utah, of course.

And yes, she is as awful at stopping the run as she has ever been, be it the 2008 primary or the 2016 primary. But the clock is in her favor.
[laughing] What if the ball is already in the air and in some states it looks like that pick six will happen? Then kicks onside kick and surprises with a few more states. Next thing you know there is a full on route with 1 minute left.
At the pace this thread moves these days, you'd be wise to tag me (or anybody else who doesn't live ITT) if you want a response.

I'd call it a 10pt lead. Carrying half of Florida/Ohio/Iowa/NC/Nevada/NH is the equivalent of a FG, pulling a clean sweep is a TD on top of that. That's to send it to OT (unless he pulls a clean sweep *and* carries ME-2)

Managing to flip any one of WI, PA, VA, CO, or MI would be a pick-six inside the 2:00 mark.

All of that is under the assumption McMullin doesn't pull off a miracle in Utah, of course.

And yes, she is as awful at stopping the run as she has ever been, be it the 2008 primary or the 2016 primary. But the clock is in her favor.

I would say Comey reopening the FBI investigation is sort of like a muffed punt. HRC should have never put Huma back there to return punts, especially in the 4th quarter.
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A new poll shows Trump up by a whopping 14 points in Missouri. There was actually some talk from progs and NeverTrumpers about how Missouri was going to possibly turn blue pursuant to a Clinton landslide. This talk was preposterous- though, it's worth noting that Obama came within a whisker of beating McCain in Missouri. She wasn't going to win Missouri- but 14 points?

Missouri is not 14 points "redder" than the nation. I see no way how it's possible that Trump wins that state by that much and loses the national popular vote. Either he fails to win Missouri by 14 or he wins Missouri by 14 and wins the popular vote.

edit- I stand somewhat corrected. Romney did carry Missouri by 9 point and lost the country by just under 4 points. Still, a 14 point win for Trump in Missouri is still an indication that he is going to win the popular vote.
Just saw my all-time favorite bumper sticker. "Save Freedom - Stop Hillary!". And of course it was accompanied by several pro Trump stickers on the same car. I just had to LOL at the person that feels that Trump will somehow promote freedom!?! The guy that wants a border wall. The guy that likes stop-and-frisk statutes. The guy that suggested we deny US travel visas based on ethnicity and/or religion and/or country of origin. The guy who suggested after terror attacks in Paris that we might have to close down Mosques. The guy that suggested he should be allowed to sue the media when they are critical of him. The guy that threatened his political opponent by saying he would hire a special prosecutor to go after her and saying that she belonged in jail. The guy that promises "law and order" as he pounds his podium (translated...more cops, more laws, more people in jail). The guy that may or may not concede if he loses the election.

I've heard my share of reasons why people prefer Trump. But it is quite a stretch of the truth to claim that it's because he's the pro-freedom candidate.
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It's funny

Almost all non trumpers say they are Johnson voters
Every Trump supporter calls me a damn liberal when they find out im not voting for YrI've voted for every libertarian candidate since Ive been able to vote except for Wayne Allen Root but whatever makes you feel better.
The meltdown from the left if he does win will be epic.....and violent.
Yeah, if he won, but he's gonna lose... bigly.
I get the running joke, but who, aside from me and maybe 3 others have claimed to be voting for GayJay?
Every Trump supporter calls me a damn liberal when they find out im not voting for YrI've voted for every libertarian candidate since Ive been able to vote except for Wayne Allen Root but whatever makes you feel better.

Yeah, if he won, but he's gonna lose... bigly.
Absolutely ridiculous. He may lose; if he does, it will be very close.

Show me ONE recent poll that even suggests a "bigly" loss.
Just saw my all-time favorite bumper sticker. "Save Freedom - Stop Hillary!". And of course it was accompanied by several pro Trump stickers on the same car. I just had to LOL at the person that feels that Trump will somehow promote freedom!?! The guy that wants a border wall. The guy that likes stop-and-frisk statutes. The guy that suggested we deny US travel visas based on ethnicity and/or religion and/or country of origin. The guy who suggested after terror attacks in Paris that we might have to close down Mosques. The guy that suggested he should be allowed to sue the media when they are critical of him. The guy that threatened his political opponent by saying he would hire a special prosecutor to go after her and saying that she belonged in jail. The guy that promises "law and order" as he pounds his podium (translated...more cops, more laws, more people in jail). The guy that may or may not concede if he loses the election.

I've heard my share of reasons why people prefer Trump. But it is quite a stretch of the truth to claim that it's because he's the pro-freedom candidate.
You're so bright, I bet your mama calls you son.
Now that Trump is tied or ahead in most national polls, the msm narrative will be that she's going to win anyway because of "electoral math" and his "narrow path".

Well, in 2012, Obama beat Romney by just under 4% nationally. Move that to an exact tie, and give Romney that difference in each state. Romney now wins Va., Ohio, and Florida, is SIX electoral votes behind Obama. Make it a 1.5% Romney win, and he's just won Pennsylvania and a few others, and has just won the election with room to spare. Obama spanked McCain. Make the popular vote a tie, and he wins by TWO electoral votes.

If Trump ties Clinton, he has just as much of a chance to get lucky and win the electoral as she does. If he loses by 5% nationally, he's lost Ohio, Florida, Nevada, Iowa, and New Hampshire. If she loses by 5% nationally, she's lost all of those states, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and probably Michigan and Virginia and Wisconsin. If this race really is a tie or close to it, Ohio won't be a toss-up. Pennsylvania will. The electoral vote will likely take care of itself for whoever wins the popular.
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