How will they rule ??!

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The electorial college is stacked in favor of the Democrats simply by the huge population cities. Inner cities tend to vote Dem, and rural vote repub, since more live in cities then the math favors Dems. However why do people not see that Liberal policies do not work? Chicago, Baltimore etc.

Everything goes in circles, it will right itself soon enough.
Polls are narrowing. I think he wins Florida, Iowa, Ohio and North Carolina. However, he still has to break into Hillary's firewall of Penn, Wisconsin and Michigan to win the Electoral College.

If he wins the states that you say, then the states that will most likely decide the election will be CO, NV, NM, NH and the lone congressional district in ME.
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The electorial college is stacked in favor of the Democrats simply by the huge population cities. Inner cities tend to vote Dem, and rural vote repub, since more live in cities then the math favors Dems. However why do people not see that Liberal policies do not work? Chicago, Baltimore etc.

Everything goes in circles, it will right itself soon enough.

I don't follow. The electoral college is stacked in favor of dems because more people vote for Democrats? The electoral college is just representative of the popular vote, in order to win the electoral votes, you have to win the popular vote, so it's 12 of one and half dozen of the other
Hiliary is still going to win.

What state is Trump going to overcome that will be a surprise?

New Mexico, No. PA, probably not. NC, no..... with the states that are locks for a democrat at that point it's over.
I think this too. The fix has been in for a while.
Reckon has the old Hoover vacuum cleaner, he got that nickname for his ability to snort cocaine. i'm talking about the old Arkansas stud Bill Clinton. reckon has he knocked him off a piece of Huma Abedin yet ?
Not really, as it's just starting to play out.
It was forecasted to jump 25% next year, and it was reported broadly.
Now, everyone will find out about it on there own, but as of last week they hadn't.

I know at least a few people that received letters from HR or their union, warning of drastic increases. Probably sent to soften the blow, so that people didnt show up at their door in an outrage.
I think this too. The fix has been in for a while.

I won't call it a fix. Dems win a few states that should be easy to get into and win but Repubs do not want to galvanize their base.

The black vote should be easy to win but in doing so you really cause issue with successful whites that blanket stereotype what it is to be "black".

That's because the racial divide the welfare state has caused. And that is an easy argument to overcome if you are willing and do not mind a little backlash from those who have been taking advantage........but the more important that is you divide the black vote like you divide the white vote from its loser trash bottom half.

That will win elections.
I know at least a few people that received letters from HR or their union, warning of drastic increases. Probably sent to soften the blow, so that people didnt show up at their door in an outrage.

I'm sure did as the enrollment period is starting. However without the media making it an issue people wouldn't have known that on average it was going up 25%
Still no reply from any of the Lib posters.

Trump live in Pa doing a special announcement. Not sure what it's about. Apparently private media only
Trump live in Pa doing a special announcement. Not sure what it's about. Apparently private media only

The con is complete. He's dropping out but will tell everyone he could have been the greatest POTUS if he wanted.

And he's starting his Russian television network.
That will sway the undecideds to Trump for sure.

With reports of 650K emails you better believe ALOT of people will hate the Clinton regime if that happens.
Tied after The Donald's Hail Mary.
He has nothing to do with your shitty candidate and her loss of support.

"On another matter....and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails." Podesta to Mills in today's release

If you follow Seth Davis you know he has been defending Clinton like crazy, probably getting paid in some way. Lanny is his dad.
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I missed it, but late yesterday the AP broke news that the "Justice Dept. says it'll dedicate all needed resources to quickly review emails in Clinton case."

Let's see. Hundreds of thousands of emails, conceivably. How can we I) push the FBI aside and review all of those and II) say that there's nothing there, to make this all go away for Hillary, and go away very quickly?....

I know how!!

John Podesta's Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ's Probe Into Huma Abedin Emails
He has nothing to do with your shitty candidate and her loss of support.

"On another matter....and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails." Podesta to Mills in today's release

If you follow Seth Davis you know he has been defending Clinton like crazy, probably getting paid in some way. Lanny is his dad.

Wow didn't think that guy could be much worse.

Do you think his dad sold him to the Clinton's for their weekend pedo parties? Seth has some deep issues, imo. Very soulless. Reminds me of a retarded coach K.
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If Hillary wins this because of jackasses like Kasich, I will put my support at the local level in the Repubs I know but at the state level I will be done with them. And that goes for a lot of the people that I know in NW Ohio as well. I don't know what they are trying to prove, whatever strategy they are implementing that is assisting in Hillary getting elected tells me they are "with her".
I missed it, but late yesterday the AP broke news that the "Justice Dept. says it'll dedicate all needed resources to quickly review emails in Clinton case."

Let's see. Hundreds of thousands of emails, conceivably. How can we I) push the FBI aside and review all of those and II) say that there's nothing there, to make this all go away for Hillary, and go away very quickly?....

I know how!!

John Podesta's Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ's Probe Into Huma Abedin Emails

With Obama's endorsement of Comey, I can see this happening.
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Pretty sure that woman is Cuban. I highly doubt Cubans voting Republican (which they always do) has anything to do with the overall beating Trump will take with Mexicans (you know, the vast majority of hispanic voters)

Always a laugh to see a group disregard their social values to simply get a handout. There's no other reason for Hispanics to vote Dem except for the gov't handouts and not protecting borders.
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So, the Clinton Foundation accepted $28 million from the Moroccan gov't to essentially wage war on a Florida phosphate mining company through the EPA.

Kind of makes me wonder about our own recent coal mining vs. EPA battles.

It's always about the money. Even the Sierra Club was getting money from the Natural Gas Industry. LOL, and now it comes out that Natural Gas is in fact worse for the environment than coal.
I think it would also be interesting to know who the biggest market winners happened to be when all of that happened.
Oh dear god, yall really think Trump is gonna win? The meltdown after he loses is gonna be epic.

*I'm a libertarian who will be voting for Gary Johnson so save your "damn liberal" for someone else.
Listened to the Diane Rehm show on NPR some this morning, talking about Comey. The listenership clearly had a liberal bias based on the questions that were submitted. I try to get my news from multiple sources some of which lean left and some of which lean right, because I want to see the bigger picture. Obviously, though, there is a lot of selective exposure going on for both the right and the left.

Anyway, what really got my ire up is when they previewed the topic of tomorrow's show, in which they will seek to answer the question: If Clinton wins, will Trump supporters turn violent? That just struck me as a very biased question, as it assumes the worst of those who are supporting Trump, that we are motivated by our most base, animalistic instincts, and that our anger will turn to violence if Trump does not win. Seriously? Given the video of the homeless woman who was protecting Trump's star on the walk of fame being assaulted and humiliated by Clinton supporters, and the video of Trump supporters being egged and attacked earlier this year, the question should be the other way around: If Trump wins, will Clinton supporters turn violent?
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