How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No other candidate had the balls to step out and say what the people wanted.

We were sick of Muslims and illegal immogration and the establishment do nothing politicians where it was becoming impossibly to see the difference between Dems and Republicans.
Where do you live? Muslims and illegal immigration as zero effect on my life. Poor you, I bet you can't even go to the grocery without dealing with Muslims nd illegal immigrants.
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Where do you live? Muslims and illegal immigration as zero effect on my life. Poor you, I bet you can't even go to the grocery without dealing with Muslims nd illegal immigrants.

Actually, I can't. If you live in a large city then yeah, you deal with that. Sorry you're more sheltered from it but it will eventually affect your life.
Actually, I can't. If you live in a large city then yeah, you deal with that. Sorry you're more sheltered from it but it will eventually affect your life.
Where do you live? I live in Louisville and they have no effect on my life. Help me understand. What negative effects do they have on your life specifically.
Lol chicken

Look we get you'be been laughed off the wildcat lair, but we all seem to function in this thread without you. Even the helpless like James have a place here.
He's gonna lose, just accept it. I'm not sure why you're mad at me, I'm not gonna lose, Donald Trump is.
Oh trust me. I get it.

You've made such a fool of yourself on Lair that you ran here to do the same.

BIGLY! HUUUUGE! He's gonna lose.
Help me help you.
Is that 5 percentage points nationally?
Is that 60 or more electoral college votes?
Tell us, what is that standard?
And, a follow up: If you are voting for Johnson as you claimed earlier, why would you piss away your vote like that? Especially when you are so obviously opposed to Trump? Why would you not at least make your vote mean something? I mean, if Trump is going to lose "big, huge," well, how do you describe the defeat Johnson is so obviously going to suffer in this election? Will he even receive 1% of the national vote? He is totally insignificant. And that's what you're driving to the polling place and standing in a long line to do next Tuesday?
Actually, we all know the answer, just demonstrating to you what a transparent load of BS your "I'm for Johnson" post really is.
Hit her on free trade agreements? No, instead of talking about winning topics this shitbag has been alienating generations of Latinos, defending himself against sexual assualt claims, and whining about a rigged election. He's gonna lose bigly, trust me.

Well, it's been shown that it was rigged against Bernie, polls have been skewed for weeks to make the rolling average appear more than reality. Hence the drop from 12 points to 1 in one week, before the FBI reopening the investigation.

Why shouldn't he defend himself from those claims? You think anyone will hold any of those women accountable if they're lying? He's alienating generations of latino's because he wants the US to enforce our border laws?

Just think if Biden had been the nominee, no corruption, no pay for play, no secret server, no FBI investigation, no lying to the FBI, working class votes. Oh no, Hillary was chosen for you, sold to you, and you swallowed hook, line and sinker.

It's ok, in you guys naivete you actually allowed the status quo to be broken, America thanks you!
"We're sick of Muslims"

Currently .9% of the US population and highly concentrated in a few locations, at that. Yep, that's what I worry about most. GD Muslims who I rarely come in contact with and who have shown a much lower propensity towards terrorism and violence than Muslims in other nations.

Get a grip
Help me help you.
Is that 5 percentage points nationally?
Is that 60 or more electoral college votes?
Tell us, what is that standard?
And, a follow up: If you are voting for Johnson as you claimed earlier, why would you piss away your vote like that? Especially when you are so obviously opposed to Trump? Why would you not at least make your vote mean something? I mean, if Trump is going to lose "big, huge," well, how do you describe the defeat Johnson is so obviously going to suffer in this election? Will he even receive 1% of the national vote? He is totally insignificant. And that's what you're driving to the polling place and standing in a long line to do next Tuesday?
Actually, we all know the answer, just demonstrating to you what a transparent load of BS your "I'm for Johnson" post really is.
He will lose HUGE, BIGLY, shes gonna knock the hell out of him.

Piss away my vote? Trump is gonna win Kentucky whether I vote for Coach Cal, Ronald McDonald, or Gary Johnson. How is voting my conscience throwing away my vote? I'm ot a sheep, I will never just follow along just to be a part of the group.
It's funny

Almost all non trumpers say they are Johnson voters

Not sure why you think ALL people against Trump like the Johnson, but a lot of females will vote Hilliary I guess.

The meltdown from the left if he does win will be epic.....and violent.

I look forward to it honestly. Will be my favorite part of everything since all the questioning of violence and accepting the outcome is only directed at Trump.
"We're sick of Muslims"

Currently .9% of the US population and highly concentrated in a few locations, at that. Yep, that's what I worry about most. GD Muslims who I rarely come in contact with and who have shown a much lower propensity towards terrorism and violence than Muslims in other nations.

Get a grip

You get a grip. This ain't about now. This is about the future. We are on the same path as the pussy Europeans we worship for some gd reason I will never understand. It just sounds good to the housewife population. Peace and love, brah. We will CHANGE Islam! Lmaoooo
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"We're sick of Muslims"

Currently .9% of the US population and highly concentrated in a few locations, at that. Yep, that's what I worry about most. GD Muslims who I rarely come in contact with and who have shown a much lower propensity towards terrorism and violence than Muslims in other nations.

Get a grip

They run rampant here. Kinda like AIDs in Africa.
He will lose HUGE, BIGLY, shes gonna knock the hell out of him.

Piss away my vote? Trump is gonna win Kentucky whether I vote for Coach Cal, Ronald McDonald, or Gary Johnson. How is voting my conscience throwing away my vote? I'm ot a sheep, I will never just follow along just to be a part of the group.
A vote for Coach Cal or Ronald McDonald would make more sense. But we all know, despite your subterfuge, that you intend to vote for Hillary. It's quite obvious.
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Please stop responding to Keyser. He is a good dude but is only here to antagonize much like LEK.
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You get a grip. This ain't about now. This is about the future. We are on the same path as the pussy Europeans we worship for some gd reason I will never understand. It just sounds good to the housewife population. Peace and love, brah. We will CHANGE Islam! Lmaoooo
We're not on the same path as Europe because Europe has about an infinity times more Muslims than us and have far more un-assimilated immigrants. Stop being an idiot and believing every infowars post you read
A vote for Coach Cal or Ronald McDonald would make more sense. But we all know, despite your subterfuge, that you intend to vote for Hillary. It's quite obvious.
Yup, obvious because sheep can't understand independent thinkers and will never understand how someone can't be a part of the 2 sheep parties that yall keep putting in office and keep complaining about. Saying I'm a Hillary voter doesn't move me, maybe throw out Aleppo.
"We're sick of Muslims"

Currently .9% of the US population and highly concentrated in a few locations, at that. Yep, that's what I worry about most. GD Muslims who I rarely come in contact with and who have shown a much lower propensity towards terrorism and violence than Muslims in other nations.

Get a grip
I believe I read recently that roughly 10% of practicing physicians in the U.S. are Muslims.

Edit: Decided to attempt researching that fact. Apparently it's closer to 20,000 physicians (out of ~800,000 practicing docs)
We're not on the same path as Europe because Europe has about an infinity times more Muslims than us and have far more un-assimilated immigrants. Stop being an idiot and believing every infowars post you read

You don't think at the current path we will resemble Europe of today in 30 years?