How will they rule ??!

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Can you imagine the State of the Union speeches with Trump. It's going to be gold.
Surreal may just be an understatement. Seriously. You think we get a "F*** the Senators" comment when he has 200 million people watching. I hope so. What a gut f*** to the Establishment.
slate writes a BS article on Trump and ties to Russia.

The New York Times writes an article basically saying Slate and Hillary are full of shit on the Trump Russia connection.

What an election.
A Hillary rally under a bridge. Quite fitting.

Barring a bombshell trump hit, he will win.

Hearing more and more is coming ojt on the hildabeast. huma and weiner are pdobably snitching.

Its 38-37 and trump has the ball with 1.09 left..
Trumps about to pass the ball to Aaron Harrison.
I don't care what recent years or polls did. All we have to look at is Brixit vote to leave. Polls had them down 8 pts day of vote. Do not believe the damed media to decide. If you vote for someone because of what Bill O'Reilly or Don lemon. Don't vote. Go diaf

Brexit was a populous vote.......I agree Trump could take that.

I realize we in America don't have a populous result. It's based on technical data and unless PA is won there is no need to debate when her base is:

Northeast, west coast and a few small states on the coast and IL.

That is all she needs to slide in with 1 maybe 2 other states and it's over.

Not being dense, just practical and if you can come to grips with a state she is probably going to win and say she will lose then she won't lose.
Obama's brother, Malik, doing a AMA on Reddit. hahha. Great stuff. Definitely hates Obama and loves Trump. REALLY loves trump. Bet he's getting paid.

Some one asked him, "what was it like growing up with your brother?" He says, "i don't know. I didn't know he existed till he was 30."
Maliks Twitter page is amazing. Hes said hes gonna write a book about Barack. That should be fun.
Where? Where is it that you think will cost her?

I spoke with a few people tonight that are lawyers and both said if they follow up on this very vague bombshell how bad will it be?

We forget that we are in the heart of republican stronghold so we do not see what it is out west, up north or the other states like NC, VA, IL.

This election comes down to PA. Because of Biden there Trump won't win. Hell even Obama took Biden on because of PA.

Democrats aren't voting on policy they vote on social matters which is why they support this corrupt BS because they don't care. They just hold themselves above the white man with money.

Trump may when more votes but he will not sway a blue state from the crook.

Krazy, Romney won North Carolina.

I think Trump wins PA as well. Truthfully I feel Trump is going to win handily at this point.

Hillary is an awful candidate, she is what happens when cronyism gets involved in politics.
Her corruption and dirt isn't something new, it's a known commodity. Yet the DNC in all their wisdom decided in 2008 she was going to be the candidate this year, why?

What on earth has she done so heroic or meaningful to warrant that power?

The DNC is rotten to the core right now, they need to clean house.
Our Govt doesn't hold ANYONE in power accountable anymore! So it's up to us to make them. If we don't start in this election it will be seen as a green light to continue.

Power is not given up by the corrupt, it must be taken.
I don't care what recent years or polls did. All we have to look at is Brixit vote to leave. Polls had them down 8 pts day of vote. Do not believe the damed media to decide. If you vote for someone because of what Bill O'Reilly or Don lemon. Don't vote. Go diaf
Like Pat Caddell said, this election has a 1980 feel to it. Polls had Carter up nearly 10 just a few days before that election. The rest was history.
Brexit was a populous vote.......I agree Trump could take that.

I realize we in America don't have a populous result. It's based on technical data and unless PA is won there is no need to debate when her base is:

Northeast, west coast and a few small states on the coast and IL.

That is all she needs to slide in with 1 maybe 2 other states and it's over.

Not being dense, just practical and if you can come to grips with a state she is probably going to win and say she will lose then she won't lose.

You are correct. And I didn't mean to disagree with that.

I just hope this election is different and the polls don't tell the story.

Trump can't win unless he gets Ohio, Florida, NC, the rest of the red States.

But who knows what goes on in those swing states
Ok you think Trump wins PA........if that happens I'll be shocked.

Trump is rallying voters is states he was going to win IMO. They will come out in droves which will give him higher numbers.

But I don't see it swinging a state. You know the difference it Romney and Trump to NC?

Also with FL, NC, and OH adds to his base Trump still needs 30-40 electorate votes.

Granted PA swings things big time.

Hope you all are right but I currently feel like those against her want it bad enough to convince themselves it's happening when in fact on Election Day it may not.
It's over. Trump has Florida in the bank. Someone needs to do a new map.
He needs to do a lot more than win Florida, Willy. His path is extremely narrow; still feasible, but very narrow.

Winning Florida is as essential for him as winning Texas.
Don't care for her politics, but I'm pounding that Huma puma all night.

Man, You know what? I've just had an existential crisis. Periods, sharts, farts, queefs, diarrhea, schmegma, dingleberrries, hemroids, anal protusions, camel toe, piss sex, piss fart sex, shit puke sex, yeast infections. double piss yeast infections. No where to go anymore. Kinda sad.

Totally numb. But that Huma. Man. :smiley:
You are correct. And I didn't mean to disagree with that.

I just hope this election is different and the polls don't tell the story.

Trump can't win unless he gets Ohio, Florida, NC, the rest of the red States.

But who knows what goes on in those swing states
At this point, the polls are all over the place; some indicate a Trump win, others do not. However, what we are NOT seeing are polls that are taking into account the magnitude of the events over the weekend. In a perfect world, every single one of Hillary votes would be going to Johnson or Stein. As it is, any vote that she loses- that's a vote that she has less and less room to lose.
Ok you think Trump wins PA........if that happens I'll be shocked.

Trump is rallying voters is states he was going to win IMO. They will come out in droves which will give him higher numbers.

But I don't see it swinging a state. You know the difference it Romney and Trump to NC?

Also with FL, NC, and OH adds to his base Trump still needs 30-40 electorate votes.

Granted PA swings things big time.

Hope you all are right but I currently feel like those against her want it bad enough to convince themselves it's happening when in fact on Election Day it may not.
If he wins FL, OH, and NC, he will need considerably less than that. He'll need Iowa, and he's going to get it. (If he doesn't, he's hardly likely to get any other swing state other than FL and OH and he's through). He needs NV; he'll probably get it, at least, after this Dem crisis, he probably will. He's needs that one vote from the rural part of Maine; he'll probably get it. That puts him at 266. Hillary has to sweep every other contested state in that scenario. And New Hampshire has very interesting new polls out today. It and at least three or four other states are very much in play.

But all of this presupposes that the email issues are not to become an absolute nail in the coffin for Clinton. There is a rumor of something else coming, something massive. If that happens, this election may be over VERY early on Tuesday evening.
Hiliary is still going to win.

What state is Trump going to overcome that will be a surprise?

New Mexico, No. PA, probably not. NC, no..... with the states that are locks for a democrat at that point it's over.
North Carolina? LOL, Trump is going to win North Carolina. Black vote in early voting down 50% from 2012.

Certain people are going to be shocked at the numbers of people who show up to vote Trump. Florida is seeing record turnout and these are Trump voters.

People are not going to wait in line for 2 hours to vote for Hillary. Trump voters would wait 2 days if they had to. Lines will be massive. A "monster vote" is coming.

He's on track for a LANDSLIDE victory right now, IMO.

Independents will not vote for a candidate facing YEARS of criminal investigations and possible jail time.

Doug Schoen disavowed her. He sees what's coming.
He needs to do a lot more than win Florida, Willy. His path is extremely narrow; still feasible, but very narrow.

Winning Florida is as essential for him as winning Texas.

No doubt about that. If he loses Florida, he's as screwed as Clinton would be if she loses PA. The same could be said of Ohio, but, at this point, it's apparently a non-issue. There's a chance that he'll win Ohio so easily that, by 2019, pundits will be referring to Ohio as a "red state".
If he wins FL, OH, and NC, he will need considerably less than that. He'll need Iowa, and he's going to get it. (If he doesn't, he's hardly likely to get any other swing state other than FL and OH and he's through). He needs NV; he'll probably get it, at least, after this Dem crisis, he probably will. He's needs that one vote from the rural part of Maine; he'll probably get it. That puts him at 266. Hillary has to sweep every other contested state in that scenario. And New Hampshire has very interesting new polls out today. It and at least three or four other states are very much in play.

But all of this presupposes that the email issues are not to become an absolute nail in the coffin for Clinton. There is a rumor of something else coming, something massive. If that happens, this election may be over VERY early on Tuesday evening.

So where are those 4 coming from then? Next tightest in the polling is Pennsylvania, worth 20. Trump appears to be putting more recent effort in Colorado and Michigan. I saw something on the web today indicating Hillary up 3.5 or so in early Colorado voting.
No doubt about that. If he loses Florida, he's as screwed as Clinton would be if she loses PA. The same could be said of Ohio, but, at this point, it's apparently a non-issue. There's a chance that he'll win Ohio so easily that, by 2019, pundits will be referring to Ohio as a "red state".
I would argue that Ohio is red regardless of how Trump does. State GOP there is simply too strong and the performance (not electorally, but professionally) of Kasich & Portman has created a very very strong brand there. Plus, the state is doing so well economically that incumbents are going to keep getting elected, and I believe every single statewide office is currently filled by a Republican.

Trump's most feasible path is the Romney map + FL OH IA NV NH, then pick off ME-2. And that assumes he pulls NC out of the fire, which is looking more difficult than Florida (amazingly enough, and likely thanks to Rubio's campaign machine).

Could he somehow flip Pennsylvania or Wisconsin+Colorado? Perhaps, but I would argue that that's a much more difficult task for him than a Florida win is for Clinton.

TL;DR: His path is still basically the same as it was 3 months ago and is the same as any GOPer would've had. For all the talk of turning the Rust Belt red, he's still dependent on the same purple states Romney, McCain, and GWB were.
Here's the new conspiracy theory from some right-wing oriented message boards- this whole thing is a secret trick to help Clinton. The theory goes like this- she'll be cleared late this week, so as to give her a huge bounce. It is absolutely astonishing to think that people think that would be a good idea- even if the director of the FBI was willing to engage himself in such a stunt. That would like throwing a hail mary in a football game, when it's tied, and when there's three minutes left, and you've got the ball at midfield with all of your timeouts. Actually, it would even more like throwing a pick six on purpose, in the hopes that you get the ball back, will score a touchdown, and hit the 2 point conversion.
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So where are those 4 coming from then? Next tightest in the polling is Pennsylvania, worth 20. Trump appears to be putting more recent effort in Colorado and Michigan. I saw something on the web today indicating Hillary up 3.5 or so in early Colorado voting.
They may not be coming from anywhere. On other hand, depending on the fallout (and potential other leaks, etc), they may come from all sorts of places that are unexpected. Caddell may be right. If I had to guess his best shot- New Hampshire.

As for Colorado, I'd need to see how early voting trended in 2012 before drawing any conclusions. Dems are usually going to score more ballot requests- of course, it's never a sure thing as to how people are ACTUALLY voting. If Obama was up 10% in CO early voting, that's very bad for her. If he was only up by 3.5%, then that's very bad for Trump.
I'm *extremely* interested to see how Colorado shakes out. The conventional wisdom about young liberals not voting might be put to the test there: the Denver metro area is EXPLODING (I think it was the fastest-growing major city in the country yet again) and they just transitioned to all mail-in voting, so it'll be much easier for every pot-smoking millennial in that state to vote.

It's only the second state to transition to all mail-in voting, to my knowledge, so I'm not sure how the pollsters are accounting for that type of dynamic.
They may not be coming from anywhere. On other hand, depending on the fallout (and potential other leaks, etc), they may come from all sorts of places that are unexpected. Caddell may be right. If I had to guess his best shot- New Hampshire.

As for Colorado, I'd need to see how early voting trended in 2012 before drawing any conclusions. Dems are usually going to score more ballot requests- of course, it's never a sure thing as to how people are ACTUALLY voting. If Obama was up 10% in CO early voting, that's very bad for her. If he was only up by 3.5%, then that's very bad for Trump.

Have no clue how to research that. Willy spits out early polling stats from time to time. Have no idea what he uses. Maybe he can chime in . .
I'm *extremely* interested to see how Colorado shakes out. The conventional wisdom about young liberals not voting might be put to the test there: the Denver metro area is EXPLODING (I think it was the fastest-growing major city in the country yet again) and they just transitioned to all mail-in voting, so it'll be much easier for every pot-smoking millennial in that state to vote.

It's only the second state to transition to all mail-in voting, to my knowledge, so I'm not sure how the pollsters are accounting for that type of dynamic.

what's the other one? zona?
Man, You know what? I've just had an existential crisis. Periods, sharts, farts, queefs, diarrhea, schmegma, dingleberrries, hemroids, anal protusions, camel toe, piss sex, piss fart sex, shit puke sex, yeast infections. double piss yeast infections. No where to go anymore. Kinda sad.

Totally numb. But that Huma. Man. :smiley:

Bro, gotta know when to wrap it up.

Coed's and bar sluts are fine. But dealing with whores in her age... Yea she has some traction, and a husband who probably banged guys too.

Don't be a fool, wrap ur tool.
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Man, You know what? I've just had an existential crisis. Periods, sharts, farts, queefs, diarrhea, schmegma, dingleberrries, hemroids, anal protusions, camel toe, piss sex, piss fart sex, shit puke sex, yeast infections. double piss yeast infections. No where to go anymore. Kinda sad.

Totally numb. But that Huma. Man. :smiley:

Plunder without question.
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