I'm glad that you're asking questions and at least trying to open your mind a bit. When you get older, you'll figure stuff out.
It's not a massive conspiracy. Our election was changed. Legally and illegally. States decided because of covid, our election procedures needed to be massively overhauled. And they did it.
Next, there's a lot of stuff we can do about a lot of things. As a card carrying atifa member, you understand how to change government.
Yes, our leaders have absolutely rigged and changed elections before. Just not on this scale. Biden was such an unlikeable, unlikely pos candidate going against one of the greatest presidents of all time, there needed to be drastic measures....like completely overhauling election procedures. No questions asked mass mail ballots.
Yes, democracy as we think of it absolutely has been dead for a good while.
You're not a complete lost cause.
Next, go find out what a liberal really is.