How will they rule ??!

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I presume you mean "why" since I can't make sense of that otherwise. Vaxxed people need to be vilagent more against the unvaxxed than unvaxxed by a long shot. Yes, it's shown vaxxed can infect other vaxxed to a small degree. Either way, need to watch for symptoms.
No, I meant "what" do they need? Do they need a vax? Well, they already supposedly have that. Maybe I should've said "what else".

Did my own research ...
The CDC says, “If you are fully vaccinated and become infected with the Delta variant, you can spread the virus to others.” (emphasis added) The Public Health England Technical briefing 20, released on 6 August 2021 states on page 3 that the vaccinated and the unvaccinated carry similar viral loads. According to Baton Rouge General, a Mayo Clinic Care Network, “viral load is how much of the virus you have in your body. The more the virus has replicated, the higher your viral load will be, and the more infectious you likely are.”
Vaxxed can infect vaxxed to the SAME degree. According to the "scientists".

Did a search on VAERS today ... in the last 3 years (2019, 2020, 2021). VAERS reports 611,586 "Adverse Events" due to COVID 19 "vaccine". This includes 8,367 deaths listed as the "adverse event". Data as of 1 Oct.

I did a pull last week too. Over the past week, 9, 021 adverse events were reported for this shot. In one week alone.

The shot lessens a persons symptoms to the "virus" (unless it kills them of course), but it does NOTHING to stop spread of the disease. At the same time, it introduces risk to the recipient. SO in truth, it doesn't do a dam thing for anyone around you, but it MAY lessen YOUR reaction. That is selfish.
I don’t have it in me anymore to do the back and forth about the vaccine bullshit. You want to get it? Fine. There’s not a thing that would convince these people to think otherwise. No amount of information or anecdotal stories (those only go one way for them).

But don’t act smug when people decide to roll with natural immunity and being sovereign over their own health instead of thinking a vaccine is the be all, end all. Reminds me of so many in the boomer era who would rather take a hundred pills for something instead of making a lifestyle change.

Let’s just agree to disagree on this topic and move on. Everyone here knows each other’s stance.
Maybe, but I'm sick and tired of weak people bending over and spreading cheeks, no questions asked, out of fear and ignorance and in the process, giving away the rights, liberties and freedoms of others while shaming them for not being the same level of coward.
It's been years, but I've intervened in physical harm being inflicted.

So you're just watching. Interesting.

I spent most of m,y career helping to develop improved & less harmful cleaning products.
Good for you. Sincerely. Enjoy that high horse.
It's certainly simple, I'll give you that. Since you don't define long-term, I presume 20 years from now you'll still be saying we don't know long-term effects. While washing hands is a good think, pretty irrelevant to stopping an air-transmitted virus. Coughing & sneezing away from others is good, but doesn't stop virus from being in the air. Staying come when sick is a good thing, but a) you've already transmitted it till then or b) transmitting it to those you live with. Yes, I took shots. Don't see the conclusion that b/c of that that I've passed my responsibility for my actions off to anyone though. So happily transmit away.
Also, I'm not arrogant enough to know what my thoughts will be in 20 years. However, as of today, I would hope after 20 years, enough truth will be available to make a truly informed data-based decision.
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I don’t have it in me anymore to do the back and forth about the vaccine bullshit. You want to get it? Fine. There’s not a thing that would convince these people to think otherwise. No amount of information or anecdotal stories (those only go one way for them).

But don’t act smug when people decide to roll with natural immunity and being sovereign over their own health instead of thinking a vaccine is the be all, end all. Reminds me of so many in the boomer era who would rather take a hundred pills for something instead of making a lifestyle change.

Let’s just agree to disagree on this topic and move on. Everyone here knows each other’s stance.
You're right. I'll try to stop.
See now, those are words that get you fired and raked through the coals in the press (I know there were a lot more things Gruden said in his emails that got him the boot). yet had he said the same thing about Trump, he would be praised to the hilt. (see George Clowney discussion yesterday). You aren't allowed to have a dissenting opinion or your own thoughts anymore.
It’s going to get worser and worser . . .

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by The ANTIFA by Jack Posobiec, for Tuesday shows that 41% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 20% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 50% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -30.
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Guess not for you. See some guy beating the shit out of a woman or child, not your job to do anything, is it?

No, you don't need to change your life, just do what can reasonably be done. Most people weren't vaxxed till April/May, so comparing by calendar year is a bogus position.
How you can conflate Stopping the physical abuse of a child or woman, with getting a shot that you magically think will protect everyone I come in contact with, is asinine. Apples and Oranges man.
In most cases they don't. But it's been shown some vaxxed people do get the virus - from both unvaxxed & vaxxed - & can pass it on. Don't know why people don't want to minimize risk of passing it on. Do you know why they don't care if they pass it on?
But vaxxed people can pass it on just as much as the unvaxxed, so what's the point? Me getting the vax puts the virus into my body at a higher level than me walking around with the anti-bodies, I would be more likely to spread it to the vaxxed than I would if I didn't get vaxxed.

Just saying it certainly doesn't show a lot of trust in the vaccine if they are forcing unvaccinated to get it to protect vaccinated.

Oh, and then there's the "President" up there telling everyone that the hospital workers all should be forced to get vaccinated or fired because we want to be certain that our healthcare workers are protected from the people they are treating.

So which is it? does the vaccine protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated or not? The administration seems to think it does in one sentence then not in the next.

Just bizarre and creepy. Totally satirical


BTW- those are better numbers than the vaunted vax can even dream about.

Say hi to your immune system for me... what's left of it.

Conspiracy theory! But...the Merck proteas inhibitor will work wonders

---- experts
In our new WOKE world, history is not taught for a reason. Instead, lies are spread and fiction replaces the truth. Just think about where the world would be today had European explorers not sail the 7 seas. Cannibals , barbarians and primate homo sapiens would be the rule. The world was not a fairyland of unicorns 600 years ago. it was brutal until the Europeans brought civilization. That is what should be celebrated

But their skin wasn't white or off it's ok
I don't think I would pay to send my kids (if they were that age again) to college...any of them.

'The University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill announced that Tuesday classes would be canceled for its 30,000 graduate and undergraduate students after campus police investigated a possible suicide and what they believe was an attempted suicide over the weekend.

In a letter to the university, UNC Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz said that the school was in the middle of a mental health crisis, noting that college-aged students "carry an increased risk of suicide."
The way my Doctor talked it pretty much confirmed to me he's firmly in the Vax lovers camp and a full on shrill to whatever the CDC tells him. So I didn't argue much after he said he wouldn't see patients anymore unless they were vaxxed. That kinda sealed it for me that I was going Doctor shopping. I get it, he's a medical professional and in his mind, that's what he feels he needs to do. He's treated me well otherwise, but refuse to be mandated into putting something in my body I'm not comfortable with to appease him. I've taken all the other medications he's prescribed me. And I've even had flu shots from him before (though I haven't had one in a couple of years). I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm anti THIS vax.

Ive worked with doctors for 20 plus years. Most (not all) cant stand to be questioned or second guessed. God complex. Add to that they are getting incentives to push it. You did the right thing.
Ive worked with doctors for 20 plus years. Most (not all) cant stand to be questioned or second guessed. God complex. Add to that they are getting incentives to push it. You did the right thing.
Absolutely right. The Mrs. worked in the healthcare field for 25+ years. Have two doctors in the family and a bio-med researcher...and my daughter runs a couple of clinics. Plus I owned a health related business for about 10 years. And you nailed it. Doctors are smart (no doubt)...but they know it.
I don't think I would pay to send my kids (if they were that age again) to college...any of them.

'The University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill announced that Tuesday classes would be canceled for its 30,000 graduate and undergraduate students after campus police investigated a possible suicide and what they believe was an attempted suicide over the weekend.

In a letter to the university, UNC Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz said that the school was in the middle of a mental health crisis, noting that college-aged students "carry an increased risk of suicide."

Can't imagine why. They're entire lives were ruined for 18 months then they're all expected to just bounce back like nothing happened.

The numbers are out there but they're hard to find. We're way beyond record numbers of anxiety, depression, etc
But vaxxed people can pass it on just as much as the unvaxxed, so what's the point? Me getting the vax puts the virus into my body at a higher level than me walking around with the anti-bodies, I would be more likely to spread it to the vaxxed than I would if I didn't get vaxxed.

Just saying it certainly doesn't show a lot of trust in the vaccine if they are forcing unvaccinated to get it to protect vaccinated.

Oh, and then there's the "President" up there telling everyone that the hospital workers all should be forced to get vaccinated or fired because we want to be certain that our healthcare workers are protected from the people they are treating.

So which is it? does the vaccine protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated or not? The administration seems to think it does in one sentence then not in the next.

They purposefully jabbed their control group during the trials. Now, they are desperate for then unvaxxed to take it to negate the only actual control group left that exists (the unvaxxed). I mean Good Lord, watch these politicians and how desperate they are. Muddying the waters.

Also, no coincidence they’re rolling out a booster/flu shot/ youth vaccine mandates all at the same time. This goes against one of the golden rules of medication administration. You only introduce one at a time...if multiple new meds are introduced at once you can’t tell what is doing what. It’s a simple concept. Again, muddying the waters. This is not incompetence, this is purposeful.
In our new WOKE world, history is not taught for a reason. Instead, lies are spread and fiction replaces the truth. Just think about where the world would be today had European explorers not sail the 7 seas. Cannibals , barbarians and primate homo sapiens would be the rule. The world was not a fairyland of unicorns 600 years ago. it was brutal until the Europeans brought civilization. That is what should be celebrated

My Niece just graduated this past spring from Hanover college where she studied World finance or some shit. . She is now over in London somewhere in a graduate program, she just got there a couple of weeks ago. She talked with my mom a few days ago and told her that in one of her classes they were talking about how weak the US has become now. It's pretty pathetic.

BTW- those are better numbers than the vaunted vax can even dream about.

Say hi to your immune system for me... what's left of it.
But nope..that's all a lie, misinformation, conspiracy, fake news, fake study. the CDC didn't conduct it so it's bunk. ...Gotta get the jab. Only the jab will protect errbody. and masks.
But nope..that's all a lie, misinformation, conspiracy, fake news, fake study. the CDC didn't conduct it so it's bunk. ...Gotta get the jab. Only the jab will protect errbody. and masks.

Did you see the piece that got leaked that basically said all of a Congress been taking ivermectin this whole time despite demonizing it to the public. Ivermectin isn’t quite the cash cow the wax is. And not sure how a “ivermectin passport” would work anyway and we can’t have people just going and doing as they please. This is the new normal damnit.
Looks like Herschel is going to get screwed.

Looks like America is going to get screwed by the oligarchs once again, don't worry though the media which is owned and controlled by the same people who are stealing the elections will tell you how safe the elections are and anyone who says otherwise is a homophobic, xenophobic, racist bigot that needs to be fired from their job, ostracized from society, labeled a domestic terrorist and put in jail.
Yesterday was f’ing Columbus Day, Kristi Noem - you POS scumbag RINO.

If I was casting a RINO porno she would be my first phone call.

National office holder? Nope.

I understand why she takes the position she takes, but it goes against everything I think a politician should do. There are way worse choices, but way better too
You idiots sit around wishing for a civil war so you can murder liberals and jizz your pants every time a bomb gets dropped on a raghead. But god damn those imaginary baby killers!

Ya, we need a day off to celebrate Columbus landing in South America but not a day off so all Americans can more easily vote. If it only adds another 5% it is worth it, our voter turnout is pathetic.