No, I meant "what" do they need? Do they need a vax? Well, they already supposedly have that. Maybe I should've said "what else".I presume you mean "why" since I can't make sense of that otherwise. Vaxxed people need to be vilagent more against the unvaxxed than unvaxxed by a long shot. Yes, it's shown vaxxed can infect other vaxxed to a small degree. Either way, need to watch for symptoms.
Did my own research ...
The CDC says, “If you are fully vaccinated and become infected with the Delta variant, you can spread the virus to others.” (emphasis added) The Public Health England Technical briefing 20, released on 6 August 2021 states on page 3 that the vaccinated and the unvaccinated carry similar viral loads. According to Baton Rouge General, a Mayo Clinic Care Network, “viral load is how much of the virus you have in your body. The more the virus has replicated, the higher your viral load will be, and the more infectious you likely are.”
Vaxxed can infect vaxxed to the SAME degree. According to the "scientists".
Did a search on VAERS today ... in the last 3 years (2019, 2020, 2021). VAERS reports 611,586 "Adverse Events" due to COVID 19 "vaccine". This includes 8,367 deaths listed as the "adverse event". Data as of 1 Oct.
I did a pull last week too. Over the past week, 9, 021 adverse events were reported for this shot. In one week alone.
The shot lessens a persons symptoms to the "virus" (unless it kills them of course), but it does NOTHING to stop spread of the disease. At the same time, it introduces risk to the recipient. SO in truth, it doesn't do a dam thing for anyone around you, but it MAY lessen YOUR reaction. That is selfish.