A lot of those pilots are likely not as "woke" as their employers. Many of them are ex military pilots who took to flying commercial planes after they left the service.
A lot of those pilots are likely not as "woke" as their employers. Many of them are ex military pilots who took to flying commercial planes after they left the service.
No, I meant "what" do they need? Do they need a vax? Well, they already supposedly have that. Maybe I should've said "what else".I presume you mean "why" since I can't make sense of that otherwise. Vaxxed people need to be vilagent more against the unvaxxed than unvaxxed by a long shot. Yes, it's shown vaxxed can infect other vaxxed to a small degree. Either way, need to watch for symptoms.
Maybe, but I'm sick and tired of weak people bending over and spreading cheeks, no questions asked, out of fear and ignorance and in the process, giving away the rights, liberties and freedoms of others while shaming them for not being the same level of coward.I don’t have it in me anymore to do the back and forth about the vaccine bullshit. You want to get it? Fine. There’s not a thing that would convince these people to think otherwise. No amount of information or anecdotal stories (those only go one way for them).
But don’t act smug when people decide to roll with natural immunity and being sovereign over their own health instead of thinking a vaccine is the be all, end all. Reminds me of so many in the boomer era who would rather take a hundred pills for something instead of making a lifestyle change.
Let’s just agree to disagree on this topic and move on. Everyone here knows each other’s stance.
Good for you. Sincerely. Enjoy that high horse.It's been years, but I've intervened in physical harm being inflicted.
So you're just watching. Interesting.
I spent most of m,y career helping to develop improved & less harmful cleaning products.
Also, I'm not arrogant enough to know what my thoughts will be in 20 years. However, as of today, I would hope after 20 years, enough truth will be available to make a truly informed data-based decision.It's certainly simple, I'll give you that. Since you don't define long-term, I presume 20 years from now you'll still be saying we don't know long-term effects. While washing hands is a good think, pretty irrelevant to stopping an air-transmitted virus. Coughing & sneezing away from others is good, but doesn't stop virus from being in the air. Staying come when sick is a good thing, but a) you've already transmitted it till then or b) transmitting it to those you live with. Yes, I took shots. Don't see the conclusion that b/c of that that I've passed my responsibility for my actions off to anyone though. So happily transmit away.
You're right. I'll try to stop.I don’t have it in me anymore to do the back and forth about the vaccine bullshit. You want to get it? Fine. There’s not a thing that would convince these people to think otherwise. No amount of information or anecdotal stories (those only go one way for them).
But don’t act smug when people decide to roll with natural immunity and being sovereign over their own health instead of thinking a vaccine is the be all, end all. Reminds me of so many in the boomer era who would rather take a hundred pills for something instead of making a lifestyle change.
Let’s just agree to disagree on this topic and move on. Everyone here knows each other’s stance.
Thanks for confirming I was right. Enjoy living alone in your basement apartment in your 70s screaming up at the people above you.Got it. Big brave you sees a guy beating the sh!t out of woman or kid & you keep walking. None of your business. Good to know.
See now, those are words that get you fired and raked through the coals in the press (I know there were a lot more things Gruden said in his emails that got him the boot). yet had he said the same thing about Trump, he would be praised to the hilt. (see George Clowney discussion yesterday). You aren't allowed to have a dissenting opinion or your own thoughts anymore.
How you can conflate Stopping the physical abuse of a child or woman, with getting a shot that you magically think will protect everyone I come in contact with, is asinine. Apples and Oranges man.Guess not for you. See some guy beating the shit out of a woman or child, not your job to do anything, is it?
No, you don't need to change your life, just do what can reasonably be done. Most people weren't vaxxed till April/May, so comparing by calendar year is a bogus position.
But it doesn't do that. studies have shown Vaxxed are just as likely to be spreading it as unvaxxed, and in some case more likely.Not whole point. It's that plus lowering transmission rate.
But vaxxed people can pass it on just as much as the unvaxxed, so what's the point? Me getting the vax puts the virus into my body at a higher level than me walking around with the anti-bodies, I would be more likely to spread it to the vaxxed than I would if I didn't get vaxxed.In most cases they don't. But it's been shown some vaxxed people do get the virus - from both unvaxxed & vaxxed - & can pass it on. Don't know why people don't want to minimize risk of passing it on. Do you know why they don't care if they pass it on?
So far my company has laid low about this. Haven't seen any corporate emails with mandates in it as of yet. I'm hoping they are waiting till their hand is forced or it plays out in the court system.
BTW- those are better numbers than the vaunted vax can even dream about.
Say hi to your immune system for me... what's left of it.
When upstanding citizens like Randy Moss are offended you know it's bogus. Guy quit during games. Had so much baggage on him he had to go to Marshall just to be able to play college football.Really disappointed in gruden to resign. Wish he would have fought like hell against this stuff.
But their skin wasn't white or off white....so it's okIn our new WOKE world, history is not taught for a reason. Instead, lies are spread and fiction replaces the truth. Just think about where the world would be today had European explorers not sail the 7 seas. Cannibals , barbarians and primate homo sapiens would be the rule. The world was not a fairyland of unicorns 600 years ago. it was brutal until the Europeans brought civilization. That is what should be celebrated
The way my Doctor talked it pretty much confirmed to me he's firmly in the Vax lovers camp and a full on shrill to whatever the CDC tells him. So I didn't argue much after he said he wouldn't see patients anymore unless they were vaxxed. That kinda sealed it for me that I was going Doctor shopping. I get it, he's a medical professional and in his mind, that's what he feels he needs to do. He's treated me well otherwise, but refuse to be mandated into putting something in my body I'm not comfortable with to appease him. I've taken all the other medications he's prescribed me. And I've even had flu shots from him before (though I haven't had one in a couple of years). I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm anti THIS vax.
Absolutely right. The Mrs. worked in the healthcare field for 25+ years. Have two doctors in the family and a bio-med researcher...and my daughter runs a couple of clinics. Plus I owned a health related business for about 10 years. And you nailed it. Doctors are smart (no doubt)...but they know it.Ive worked with doctors for 20 plus years. Most (not all) cant stand to be questioned or second guessed. God complex. Add to that they are getting incentives to push it. You did the right thing.
I don't think I would pay to send my kids (if they were that age again) to college...any of them.
'The University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill announced that Tuesday classes would be canceled for its 30,000 graduate and undergraduate students after campus police investigated a possible suicide and what they believe was an attempted suicide over the weekend.
In a letter to the university, UNC Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz said that the school was in the middle of a mental health crisis, noting that college-aged students "carry an increased risk of suicide."
But vaxxed people can pass it on just as much as the unvaxxed, so what's the point? Me getting the vax puts the virus into my body at a higher level than me walking around with the anti-bodies, I would be more likely to spread it to the vaxxed than I would if I didn't get vaxxed.
Just saying it certainly doesn't show a lot of trust in the vaccine if they are forcing unvaccinated to get it to protect vaccinated.
Oh, and then there's the "President" up there telling everyone that the hospital workers all should be forced to get vaccinated or fired because we want to be certain that our healthcare workers are protected from the people they are treating.
So which is it? does the vaccine protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated or not? The administration seems to think it does in one sentence then not in the next.
Zuby must be another one of those Black white supremacists.Scared shitless and wants to drag down other fools for his mistake.
It's how liberals are programmed.
My Niece just graduated this past spring from Hanover college where she studied World finance or some shit. . She is now over in London somewhere in a graduate program, she just got there a couple of weeks ago. She talked with my mom a few days ago and told her that in one of her classes they were talking about how weak the US has become now. It's pretty pathetic.In our new WOKE world, history is not taught for a reason. Instead, lies are spread and fiction replaces the truth. Just think about where the world would be today had European explorers not sail the 7 seas. Cannibals , barbarians and primate homo sapiens would be the rule. The world was not a fairyland of unicorns 600 years ago. it was brutal until the Europeans brought civilization. That is what should be celebrated
Pretty much the same with all union dues everywhere in every industry.
But nope..that's all a lie, misinformation, conspiracy, fake news, fake study. the CDC didn't conduct it so it's bunk. ...Gotta get the jab. Only the jab will protect errbody. and masks.
BTW- those are better numbers than the vaunted vax can even dream about.
Say hi to your immune system for me... what's left of it.
Lots of the vaxxed regret the getting the clot shot, but, as they say, the horse is well-outside the barn at that point.VH is shilling hardon those ineffective vaxxes today
But nope..that's all a lie, misinformation, conspiracy, fake news, fake study. the CDC didn't conduct it so it's bunk. ...Gotta get the jab. Only the jab will protect errbody. and masks.
If I was casting a RINO porno she would be my first phone call.Yesterday was f’ing Columbus Day, Kristi Noem - you POS scumbag RINO.
Looks like America is going to get screwed by the oligarchs once again, don't worry though the media which is owned and controlled by the same people who are stealing the elections will tell you how safe the elections are and anyone who says otherwise is a homophobic, xenophobic, racist bigot that needs to be fired from their job, ostracized from society, labeled a domestic terrorist and put in jail.
Yesterday was f’ing Columbus Day, Kristi Noem - you POS scumbag RINO.
If I was casting a RINO porno she would be my first phone call.
National office holder? Nope.