How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Is it my job? If I am a cop, then yes. Regardless totally different situation. I'm watching our borders destroyed and this will ENDANGER our fellow man. Also, watching the rule of law be made a joke by the left and it will destroy our fellow man. That is more dangerous than a superflu.

What have you done all high and mighty? I've lived in a couple of combat zones to stop oppression here in my country, the greatest that ever was (not perfect, but better) AnD here ii is on my doorstep. Since I live in brave florida ... I simply ask ...step through the door punk. What have you done? Did you rescue that chick? And then did you contaminate her with your higher cycle levels? Murderer...

Finally, facts are facts. 2021 has a long way to go too. Not a pretty year for left polices .
Exactly, in many states (probably most) your responsibility when someone is attacked is unless it is you or your family you can't legally get involved. You must call the police. You can be held liable for the damage you cause to the attacker either in criminal court or civil court because it was not your fight. Not saying that this is right and if you see women and children or even a man who was being beaten we should be able to help but, in today's world you can be held liable.
VH is shilling hardon those ineffective vaxxes today
Scared shitless and wants to drag down other fools for his mistake.

It's how liberals are programmed.


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A word to the wise - if your child is ever attacked at school, call the police before you call the school.

Once the school is aware, they get to work covering their tracks, and you want to be at least a step ahead of them.
This country is full of a bunch of sensitive crybabies (want to use a stronger p word like Gruden but don't want to get banned) like the one laughing at your post. This country would have never have become the greatest ever created if people like that were around in the 1700's. There would be neverending wars against each other by indigenous people or this country would have eventually been taken over by a communist country.
Leftism/progressivism provides weak men an avenue to excuse their existence and failings as men.
In our new WOKE world, history is not taught for a reason. Instead, lies are spread and fiction replaces the truth. Just think about where the world would be today had European explorers not sail the 7 seas. Cannibals , barbarians and primate homo sapiens would be the rule. The world was not a fairyland of unicorns 600 years ago. it was brutal until the Europeans brought civilization. That is what should be celebrated

In our new WOKE world history is not taught for a reason. Instead, lies are spread and fiction replaces the truth. Just think about where the world would be today had not European explorers sail the 7 seas. Cannibals , barbarians and primate homo sapiens would be the rule. The world was not a fairyland of unicorns it was brutal until the Europeans brought civilization. That is what should be celebrated

Bro, the only history they know is what The View tells them.
Lived in SA for a few years and really appreciated the Spurs organization and Pop. Now, he's just another SJW with a weird view of the world (especially in the profession he's in) and, surprise, now that his 3 HOF'ers have all retired, he's suddenly not the 'greatest' coach in the world. Same for Steve f***ing Kerr who became a great coach by having Steph, Clay, KD and a great supporting cast. Now, they're both intellectuals and should be applauded for scolding those who disagree with them? Gimme a GD break.
Why does anybody support the NBA? They give every conservative the middle finger on a recurring basis
Yes, I absolutely can!! The risk from injecting myself w something WITH NO IDEA WHAT THE LONG TERM EFFECTS ARE is not worth the risk of dealing with a"virus" with a 99.5% survival rate.

As far as protecting others...I wash my hands FREQUENTLY, I don't cough or sneeze on others, I stay home if sick and I don't engage in reckless behavior. What do you do? Take a shot? Basically, you pass your responsibility off on big pharma. Good to know.

Is that simple enough for you to get?
It's certainly simple, I'll give you that. Since you don't define long-term, I presume 20 years from now you'll still be saying we don't know long-term effects. While washing hands is a good think, pretty irrelevant to stopping an air-transmitted virus. Coughing & sneezing away from others is good, but doesn't stop virus from being in the air. Staying come when sick is a good thing, but a) you've already transmitted it till then or b) transmitting it to those you live with. Yes, I took shots. Don't see the conclusion that b/c of that that I've passed my responsibility for my actions off to anyone though. So happily transmit away.
What do vaccinated people need to be protected from other vaccinated? I'll go make some popcorn, cuz this should be good!
I presume you mean "why" since I can't make sense of that otherwise. Vaxxed people need to be vilagent more against the unvaxxed than unvaxxed by a long shot. Yes, it's shown vaxxed can infect other vaxxed to a small degree. Either way, need to watch for symptoms.
Too bad Gruden isn’t black. He could’ve used the Joy Reid defense.

Not a single thing he said was incorrect. Calling someone “queer” when that’s what the Q stands for in the gay mafia’s alphabet organization? Biden is a huge pussy. No one batted an eye at nfl players who hated Trump.

If I were Gruden, I would apologize for absolutely nothing. Take my money and live a good life. Maybe even go coach high school ball somewhere.
Spot on as usual. You understand
Is it my job? If I am a cop, then yes. Regardless totally different situation. I'm watching our borders destroyed and this will ENDANGER our fellow man. Also, watching the rule of law be made a joke by the left and it will destroy our fellow man. That is more dangerous than a superflu.

What have you done all high and mighty? I've lived in a couple of combat zones to stop oppression here in my country, the greatest that ever was (not perfect, but better) AnD here ii is on my doorstep. Since I live in brave florida ... I simply ask ...step through the door punk. What have you done? Did you rescue that chick? And then did you contaminate her with your higher cycle levels? Murderer...

Finally, facts are facts. 2021 has a long way to go too. Not a pretty year for left polices .
It's been years, but I've intervened in physical harm being inflicted.

So you're just watching. Interesting.

I spent most of m,y career helping to develop improved & less harmful cleaning products.
It's certainly simple, I'll give you that. Since you don't define long-term, I presume 20 years from now you'll still be saying we don't know long-term effects. While washing hands is a good think, pretty irrelevant to stopping an air-transmitted virus. Coughing & sneezing away from others is good, but doesn't stop virus from being in the air. Staying come when sick is a good thing, but a) you've already transmitted it till then or b) transmitting it to those you live with. Yes, I took shots. Don't see the conclusion that b/c of that that I've passed my responsibility for my actions off to anyone though. So happily transmit away.
You invent new levels of dumb to cover the existing foundation of willful ignorance...

Thalidomide was first developed by Chemie Grunenthal in Germany in 1954 and introduced into the UK in 1958, primarily under the brand name Distaval. It was withdrawn from the UK in 1961.

DO you even know what Thalidomide is? GO look it up. Don't forget the pics of those kids. Then tell us more about unknown long-term reactions.

Enjoy your poison, but keep that weak-minded shit to yourself. You aren't changing anybody's mind. Mostly, b/c you aren't smart enough to.
I answered .your question. Your wife likes my answer and that pisses you off even more. Cannot blame her but I'll try to understand your situation better. (Having no nuts and all ...that is why you only get a shot.) You think you're a fu ki g hero? At a drama queen festival maybe.

Ppl. were hardly vaxd at all in 20, then big pharma comes in to save your rear in 21. But why you don't try to ask that one question? Because your faculties are already starting to slip due to the vax. I tried to tell you, but sometimes you can't fix stupid.
I can't begin to comprehend this.
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Comparing unvaxed to wife beaters now? You really are an obnoxious, nasty little scold. Your type makes everyone else’s business your own, and I’ll bet nobody who knows you can stand you in person. You’d be the one informing on your neighbors like the new Hitler Youth in Australia these days. You’re pathetic and a waste of oxygen.
Got it. Big brave you sees a guy beating the sh!t out of woman or kid & you keep walking. None of your business. Good to know.
The new Merk pill costs patients 40times what it costs to manufacture and is still only 40% effective, compared to near 90% for Ivermectin.

But, that extra money helps you heal faster... b/c profits = your health.

They. Know. How. Stupid. VH. Is.
I'd like to see the study that shows that. Let me know when you find it.
I don’t have it in me anymore to do the back and forth about the vaccine bullshit. You want to get it? Fine. There’s not a thing that would convince these people to think otherwise. No amount of information or anecdotal stories (those only go one way for them) will change their mind.

But don’t act smug when people decide to roll with natural immunity and being sovereign over their own health instead of thinking a vaccine is the be all, end all. Reminds me of so many in the boomer era who would rather take a hundred pills for something instead of making a lifestyle change.

Let’s just agree to disagree on this topic and move on. Everyone here knows each other’s stance.
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Exactly, in many states (probably most) your responsibility when someone is attacked is unless it is you or your family you can't legally get involved. You must call the police. You can be held liable for the damage you cause to the attacker either in criminal court or civil court because it was not your fight. Not saying that this is right and if you see women and children or even a man who was being beaten we should be able to help but, in today's world you can be held liable.
Well, I'm not a lawyer so I can't attest to the civil part, but In KY if you have a CCW there are certain justifiable situations where you can take action if you feel that someone else is in danger.

Should you do it? IDK. You have to live with the consequences either way. Choose wisely.

503.070 Protection of another.
(1) The use of physical force by a defendant upon another person is justifiable when:
(a) The defendant believes that such force is necessary to protect a third person against the use or imminent use of unlawful physical force by the other person; and
(b) Under the circumstances as the defendant believes them to be, the person whom he seeks to protect would himself have been justified under KRS 503.050 and 503.060 in using such protection.

(2) The use of deadly physical force by a defendant upon another person is justifiable when:
(a) The defendant believes that such force is necessary to protect a third person against imminent death, serious physical injury, kidnapping, sexual intercourse compelled by force or threat, or other felony involving the use of force, or under those circumstances permitted pursuant to KRS 503.055; and
(b) Under the circumstances as they actually exist, the person whom he seeks to protect would himself have been justified under KRS 503.050 and 503.060 in using such protection.

(3) A person does not have a duty to retreat if the person is in a place where he or she has a right to be
Did you ask your dr that? Then ask him if he "trusts the science?" If it works, then what is he scared of? So he wants to force you to do something, that his behavior proves, doesn't work?

Either it works or it doesn't. If it does, then he shouldn't be worried. If it doesn't work, then tell him to STFU and wash his hands more.
The way my Doctor talked it pretty much confirmed to me he's firmly in the Vax lovers camp and a full on shrill to whatever the CDC tells him. So I didn't argue much after he said he wouldn't see patients anymore unless they were vaxxed. That kinda sealed it for me that I was going Doctor shopping. I get it, he's a medical professional and in his mind, that's what he feels he needs to do. He's treated me well otherwise, but refuse to be mandated into putting something in my body I'm not comfortable with to appease him. I've taken all the other medications he's prescribed me. And I've even had flu shots from him before (though I haven't had one in a couple of years). I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm anti THIS vax.