How will they rule ??!

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Please tell me that is floating on Twitter and everywhere else!

Haha, what a joke and I can tell you my family has 20 women in it and not one thinks any of it is true nor are they voting Hiliary.

Found that funny today at a get together.
True and not true. Dont think many retirees are hitting up the tweeter

Case in point.. yesterday. I was at a house owned by 60 y/o black lady. Very nice house. Also, very uncensored lady.

She got to telling me about her kids.. 2 own businesses and the 3rd was shot and killed last year while buying weed. She told me how much she cant stand "ignorant black idiots"

Then i asked her..trump or hillary.. she replied with what you think? Im black! --she also said she had to get up and leave church cuz her pastor was bashinf hillary.

But she had never heard of super predators, never heard of the hot sauce, never heard of wikileaks.. but she did hear about the trump tape.. from cnn

Great lady, dont think she will see the light but i did convince her to order "hillarys america" and call me after.

I am curious. Trump has been openly racist and misogynistic. Even if this woman was familiar with everything in Wilkileaks, etc. what do you think would be so egrigious that she would vote for someone who is openly hostile to both her race and gender?
You mean as opposed to someone who says she is for the proliferation of women and minorities yet and still want to allow all illegals working for min wage to take more and more jobs from Americans and lower the labor earnings across the board? Or as opposed to voting for a woman that will do her "job" to lessen a rapists punishment and jail sentence because after all its what she was paid to do?

Or maybe a woman who has stayed with an adulter who has paid women for abortions so that the humans he made out of wedlock wouldn't come back to hurt him in some way.

What exactly is the less worse option?
I am curious. Trump has been openly racist and misogynistic. Even if this woman was familiar with everything in Wilkileaks, etc. what do you think would be so egrigious that she would vote for someone who is openly hostile to both her race and gender?

When was Trump racist?
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Didn't say he did. But he deserves it more than a treasonous, lying, self serving, life long career politician

Show me a racist quote. I challenged this nearly 4 months ago and the best anyone's done was the Mexican partial quote.

Why, because trump hasn't been lying, self serving, and abusive? The harsh truth we are all facing is neither of these clowns deserve it. The next four years are not going to go well for us, either way it goes.
ODNI downgrading/downplaying the classification of Top Secret material stored on Hillary's private server?

Either way, again the State Department is leaking this info to Hillary's camp behind the scenes & tipping them off. More evidence (circumstantial at best, I know ) of behind the scenes collusion during the so called "investigation".

This is now being confirmed & supposedly will be proven in the next FBI FOIA release.

A senior State Department official repeatedly pressed the FBI to change the classification of emails stored on Hillary Clinton's private server, according to FBI interview summaries set to be released in the coming days. Patrick Kennedy, the undersecretary of state for management, discussed providing additional overseas slots for the FBI in exchange for revisions to classifications of the sensitive emails.

The 34 summaries, known as FBI "302s," will be released in connection with a Freedom of Information Act request and after pressure from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Two additional 302s are being withheld because they contain information classified at the Top Secret/SAP level.
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Explains why Hillary was able to so confidently & continously say that there wasn't any classified info stored on her private server.

She knew the State Department was behind the scenes working to downgrade the classifications.

Now we see that some of the info stored on her server was at the highest of levels of classification; Top Secret.

If all wrongs are righted, at the very least she should lose her security clearance. Do impeachment hearings start immediately if she wins?
I am curious. Trump has been openly racist and misogynistic. Even if this woman was familiar with everything in Wilkileaks, etc. what do you think would be so egrigious that she would vote for someone who is openly hostile to both her race and gender?

Lol. Where has he been openly hostile?

EgrEgious like calling black youth super predators? Using black accent in their presence? Usinf stereotypes like hot sauce? Numerous wikileaks put trumps so called racism to shame. So many i get it mixed up really but stuff like angry blacks, often failing at life etc. Etc.

I imagine you wont reply with an actual quote, so good effort but you dont get your .10 cents from the hill campaign for that post.

Wyden Ready to support and to tell him what she needs and when she needs it. HRC said that it means a lot to her.

HRC would like to set up a call for the next couple weeks to discuss things further, but wanted to give Wyden a chance to get TPA message out there. HRC is going to try to say that she is withholding judgment for as long as she can.

HRC said when she is eventually forced to have to answer, she obviously would like the president to draw the hardest bargain, make the case for trade agreement of America’s interest.

Wyden prefaced by saying he was for HRC under any circumstance. A number of senators that HRC and he like, that are sitting on the fence, but want to be for TPP.
Why, because trump hasn't been lying, self serving, and abusive? The harsh truth we are all facing is neither of these clowns deserve it. The next four years are not going to go well for us, either way it goes.

I said neither deserve it. So I'm not sure your point
Explains why Hillary was able to so confidently & continously say that there wasn't any classified info stored on her private server

it does, yes . . . and related to that, as an interesting sort of Freudian observation, explains why she's been shamelessly saying that she didn't know what the Big Red-C was for . . . when, in her little reality, she was entertaining her thoughts with an "I don't know what the Big Red-C is still doing here" type musing.
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The Dems like Obama and Hillary have done far worse than Nixon ever did. It is hard to fathom how there could be this many people okay with corruption and so ignorant to truth.

The only hope is that something against blacks and homosexuals from Hillary comes out.
At this point, all of the Wikileaks stuff, the Trump tape/accusers, etc, are just noise. This election was over the minute the fringes of the GOP decided a reality TV star was their best choice as a presidential candidate.

Now that Trump sees the writing on the wall (even though it has been there for months) that says he can't and won't win, he is coming completely unhinged. It is dangerous and unacceptable for a major party candidate to be calling an election rigged and stolen. 98% of reputable pollsters show Hillary with a sizable lead in the popular vote, and the lead is basically insurmountable the way the EC is set to line up. A Trump supporter at his rally in Cincinnati the other day openly called for a coup, revolution and bloodshed and said that if Hillary is in office, she should be jailed or shot. Trump is fanning those flames, and if one or more of his crazy supporters actually attempt something like this, you are damn straight I would consider Trump complicit.

I'm not sure which part of this post is the dumbest.

0/10 would never read again.

At this point, all of the Wikileaks stuff, the Trump tape/accusers, etc, are just noise. This election was over the minute the fringes of the GOP decided a reality TV star was their best choice as a presidential candidate.

Now that Trump sees the writing on the wall (even though it has been there for months) that says he can't and won't win, he is coming completely unhinged. It is dangerous and unacceptable for a major party candidate to be calling an election rigged and stolen. 98% of reputable pollsters show Hillary with a sizable lead in the popular vote, and the lead is basically insurmountable the way the EC is set to line up. A Trump supporter at his rally in Cincinnati the other day openly called for a coup, revolution and bloodshed and said that if Hillary is in office, she should be jailed or shot. Trump is fanning those flames, and if one or more of his crazy supporters actually attempt something like this, you are damn straight I would consider Trump complicit.
At this point, all of the Wikileaks stuff, the Trump tape/accusers, etc, are just noise. This election was over the minute the fringes of the GOP decided a reality TV star was their best choice as a presidential candidate.

Now that Trump sees the writing on the wall (even though it has been there for months) that says he can't and won't win, he is coming completely unhinged. It is dangerous and unacceptable for a major party candidate to be calling an election rigged and stolen. 98% of reputable pollsters show Hillary with a sizable lead in the popular vote, and the lead is basically insurmountable the way the EC is set to line up. A Trump supporter at his rally in Cincinnati the other day openly called for a coup, revolution and bloodshed and said that if Hillary is in office, she should be jailed or shot. Trump is fanning those flames, and if one or more of his crazy supporters actually attempt something like this, you are damn straight I would consider Trump complicit.
Explain to me why he should not point out the truth? Are the American people supposed to sit back and just let corruption continue to grow? If that happens, say goodbye to your freedoms.
At this point, all of the Wikileaks stuff, the Trump tape/accusers, etc, are just noise. This election was over the minute the fringes of the GOP decided a reality TV star was their best choice as a presidential candidate.

Now that Trump sees the writing on the wall (even though it has been there for months) that says he can't and won't win, he is coming completely unhinged. It is dangerous and unacceptable for a major party candidate to be calling an election rigged and stolen. 98% of reputable pollsters show Hillary with a sizable lead in the popular vote, and the lead is basically insurmountable the way the EC is set to line up. A Trump supporter at his rally in Cincinnati the other day openly called for a coup, revolution and bloodshed and said that if Hillary is in office, she should be jailed or shot. Trump is fanning those flames, and if one or more of his crazy supporters actually attempt something like this, you are damn straight I would consider Trump complicit.

Just noise, huh?


You sound like a GD Duke fan rationalizing and defending the reality. Piss off you criminal enabler.

egoist-----> treasoner
At this point, all of the Wikileaks stuff, the Trump tape/accusers, etc, are just noise. This election was over the minute the fringes of the GOP decided a reality TV star was their best choice as a presidential candidate.

Now that Trump sees the writing on the wall (even though it has been there for months) that says he can't and won't win, he is coming completely unhinged. It is dangerous and unacceptable for a major party candidate to be calling an election rigged and stolen. 98% of reputable pollsters show Hillary with a sizable lead in the popular vote, and the lead is basically insurmountable the way the EC is set to line up. A Trump supporter at his rally in Cincinnati the other day openly called for a coup, revolution and bloodshed and said that if Hillary is in office, she should be jailed or shot. Trump is fanning those flames, and if one or more of his crazy supporters actually attempt something like this, you are damn straight I would consider Trump complicit.

Crawl back in your hole now
Perfect illustration of the protected environment of Dem pols....HRC goes victim status and compares the leaks to Watergate.

TV was still on ABC this morning from the game last night and first thing was Raddatz on whatever show saying the leaks would be an Oct surprise if it weren't for Trump. SMMFH, yep can't cover both the same.
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So Jessica Leeds now has several pictures taken with Hilliary over the years and was/is a Clinton Foundation Secretary?

Is this real? Did they not think that would get out?