Clean shit up.
Interesting slogan consider you and KB share an affinity for the brown eye.
Clean shit up.
The blacks would come out in record numbers to stop trump if obama was running.
They do not like Hilliary near as much and whites will turn on her if the media messed up on the allegation reporting.
Interesting slogan consider you and KB share an affinity for the brown eye.
Interesting slogan consider you and KB share an affinity for the brown eye.
The media is partially to blame for it. When someone is constantly deemed racist the way the media does, it helps fuel acts of violence like that.If the firebombing were reversed...the MSM would ask Trump 7/24 if he condemns it and would ask if he is pulling out of race.
If the firebombing were reversed...the MSM would ask Trump 7/24 if he condemns it and would ask if he is pulling out of race.
Can someone tell me what Trump has done that makes him so "racist" against blacks or is that just the generic label to attach to anyone running against Democrats?
You'd think that the black community would look around their communities and realize Democrats don't do crap but further ruin their areas but Dems love to portray racism in everything to keep them dependent.
Because Republicans corner themselves with a self righteous religion. They are too easy to pin down into hypocrisy.
Also democrats realize in these situations to just duck the limelight for a few days and let things blow over.
For starters Republicans are always successful old white men. Which is easy to point at and say racist and let them stumble and fall all over themselves while not knowing how to handle it.
For Trump everything is perception and he is too stupid to say I'm not racist and leave it alone......he drags it out day after day and eventually the masses see anything and assume he is defending himself because he is racist.
I've said from day one you have to relate to blacks(which they make very hard) and understand their issue. The majority struggle to get by and depend on govt assistance. If they do not then they still feel that America owes them.....which is why welfare and free stuff can easily be sold to them.
Intelligent people see that blacks get played but blacks don't give a damn. The reason is their overall mentality of "we will burn this MFer down, including our own stuff, to make someone pay". That mentality is tough for anyone to overcome, let alone an old white succesful dude that really doesn't give a shit.
I also just want to give a big middle finger to the media.
Just saw someone on Twitter saying the local media is reporting it as vandalism.
So you and Clinton are scared of fair play?Smart move by Clinton...why give Trump a platform to continue spewing so much hate.
We live in the world where Fox News dwarfs the rest of the left leaning news
Not in the same hemisphere as the truth when you look at total reach of all content (online, social media, print, tv, radio). It's a rout.
We live in the world where Fox News dwarfs the rest of the left leaning news organizations and the proliferation of right leanings news sites such as Breibart, I find it sad that you all still whine about the media.
redundant redundancy with himtroll posts
So you think CNN, MSNBC and or other left leaning companies report accurately?
I've seen almost every single Fox News reporter with a show deliver the negative Trumps news and call him out.
I've not seen anyone really try to dive into the accuracy of Wikileaks or question/report the bad ones. I've also seen said reporters silence anyone that wants to discuss them.
Not in the same hemisphere as the truth when you look at total reach of all content (online, social media, print, tv, radio). It's a rout.
"None of the stories that horrify them now are new. They are years old. Decades, even. It is mind-blowing that no one decided to drop any of this before now. Unless, of course, you believe the idea that they sat on it in order to destroy him in the general. What’s more, that they did so at the request of the Clinton campaign. It is not only plausible, it is in fact the most likely scenario. It’s not like the journalists just sat on their hands for a year before dropping all this. A little research, a few phone calls, and all of this information would have been out there much sooner. But, that didn’t help the agenda.
So, while some folks on the Right can (and should) take some of the blame for creating the monster that is Republican Nominee Donald Trump, the Media cannot be allowed to feel horrified for the monster they too helped to make. This is on them. They had stories, they chose not to run them. They chose to favor a candidate. They were too afraid to lose a source."
hell your nonsensical point is even worse if you take radio out.Radio? Who the heck still listens to the radio for their news other than old, white people listening to Rush?
I really have to question America's reasoning and deductive skills when Trump's nasty remarks get more attention than Clinton crimes. I am absolutely baffled how people rationalize that. It's as if they have no business voting.
"He seems to ignore their advice," Hayden said
"Former senior U.S. national security officials are dismayed at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's repeated refusal to accept the judgment of intelligence professionals that Russia stole files from the Democratic National Committee computers in an effort to influence the U.S. election."
Come on - do you realize how many people are in their cars and trucks every day for work?Radio? Who the heck still listens to the radio for their news other than old, white people listening to Rush?
Thanks but if these aren't some of the alleged deleted emails from her server, why is every Trumppet saying they are? If accurate, doesn't their existence give more ammo to the alleged Russian hack of this year instead?Here's a bit:
If average voters turned on the TV for five minutes this week, chances are they know that Donald Trump made lewd remarks a decade ago and now stands accused of groping women.
But even if average voters had the TV on 24/7, they still probably haven’t heard the news about Hillary Clinton: That the nation now has proof of pretty much everything she has been accused of.
It comes from hacked emails dumped by WikiLeaks, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act, and accounts from FBI insiders. The media has almost uniformly ignored the flurry of bombshells, preferring to devote its front pages to the Trump story. So let’s review what amounts to a devastating case against a Clinton presidency.
Start with a June 2015 email to Clinton staffers from Erika Rottenberg, the former general counsel of LinkedIn. Ms. Rottenberg wrote that none of the attorneys in her circle of friends “can understand how it was viewed as ok/secure/appropriate to use a private server for secure documents AND why further Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents.” She added: “It smacks of acting above the law and it smacks of the type of thing I’ve either gotten discovery sanctions for, fired people for, etc.”
A few months later, in a September 2015 email, a Clinton confidante fretted that Mrs. Clinton was too bullheaded to acknowledge she’d done wrong. “Everyone wants her to apologize,” wrote Neera Tanden, president of the liberal Center for American Progress. “And she should. Apologies are like her Achilles’ heel.”
Clinton staffers debated how to evade a congressional subpoena of Mrs. Clinton’s emails—three weeks before a technician deleted them. The campaign later employed a focus group to see if it could fool Americans into thinking the email scandal was part of the Benghazi investigation (they are separate) and lay it all off as a Republican plot.
A senior FBI official involved with the Clinton investigation told Fox News this week that the “vast majority” of career agents and prosecutors working the case “felt she should be prosecuted” and that giving her a pass was “a top-down decision.”
The Obama administration—the federal government, supported by tax dollars—was working as an extension of the Clinton campaign. The State Department coordinated with her staff in responding to the email scandal, and the Justice Department kept her team informed about developments in the court case.
Worse, Mrs. Clinton’s State Department, as documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show, took special care of donors to the Clinton Foundation. In a series of 2010 emails, a senior aide to Mrs. Clinton asked a foundation official to let her know which groups offering assistance with the Haitian earthquake relief were “FOB” (Friends of Bill) or “WJC VIPs” (William Jefferson Clinton VIPs). Those who made the cut appear to have been teed up for contracts. Those who weren’t? Routed to a standard government website.
The leaks show that the foundation was indeed the nexus of influence and money. The head of the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Ira Magaziner, suggested in a 2011 email that Bill Clinton call Sheikh Mohammed of Saudi Arabia to thank him for offering the use of a plane. In response, a top Clinton Foundation official wrote: “Unless Sheikh Mo has sent us a $6 million check, this sounds crazy to do.”
The entire progressive apparatus—the Clinton campaign and boosters at the Center for American Progress—appears to view voters as stupid and tiresome, segregated into groups that must either be cajoled into support or demeaned into silence.
Haven't seen anyone claim these were from her server. Thought it was pretty clear these were hacked from Podesta.Thanks but if these aren't some of the alleged deleted emails from her server, why is every Trumppet saying they are?
You are the most uniformed and dishonest poster on this board. Congrats!Radio? Who the heck still listens to the radio for their news other than old, white people listening to Rush?
You are the most uniformed and dishonest poster on this board. Congrats!