How will they rule ??!

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[laughing] Yeah, b/c as we've all been told, only whites can be racist & we should all feel very, very guilty about it.

He seriously doesn't even get it. He actually thinks that. He thinks no one else is capable of being racist and it only applies to white people, which is entirely one of our biggest problems.

Whites are overwhelmingly the biggest victim of interracial violence. They're also told that they should feel guilty and that they are the oppressors and cause of every minority's failure.

And yes, the Obama's are racists. Their quick condemnation for cops and whites any time some story can be portrayed in their favor yet they have total silence when it's the opposite. He also sat in Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years. Both of them have played the race card non-stop.

Also, the reason Dems voter base is so big is because they keep growing the welfare state and they use the media to push social causes and strife to present yourselves as the saviors of these people. Hell, Hispanics don't share the same values as Dems. The problem is Dems enable them to scam the system and want open borders.
I don't/can't support Trump. Still. This is infuriating. This collusion between media and Clinton is absolutely, positively, 100% grade-A horseshit. A free press is crucial to functioning democracy - but only if the press is honest and removed. Surely, surely now, after generations of favoring the left, in this election where the media has openly hunted one candidate and largely ignored the troubles of the other one, it can be said we've crossed a Rubicon.....

Jason C. @CounterMoonbat
Weird. Hillary had an off the record dinner w/ a bunch of journalists prior to her campaign launch to "frame the HRC message"
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Cardkilla's post is spot on why the democrats are the dominant minority party. Those idiots eat it up and do not realize why they(as an overall population) aren't in a better position in this country, but they continue to support the party that wants them to depend on govt assistance which takes a special loser effort to get.

Congrats though because quite a few successful minority typically lean republican once they start to make money and want to keep their hard earned dollars. Of course there are a lot more that stay democrat for social issues.
I'm remembering how incensed I was that Bush originally nominated Harriet Myers, and how pleased I was that Roberts eventually got the job. Kinda same as Stoops maybe....

"The WikiLeaks email disclosures make fascinating reading about the political calculations of leading progressives, and Chief Justice John Roberts may want to pay particular attention. This week’s leaks show Hillary Clinton ally Neera Tanden laying out a strategy to intimidate the Supreme Court to uphold ObamaCare.

Ms. Tanden runs the Center for American Progress, the think tank that is essentially an arm of the Clinton campaign. CAP’s former chief, John Podesta, is now the Clinton campaign chairman, and on June 2, 2015 Ms. Tanden sent an email to Jake Sullivan, a key Clinton aide, copying Mr. Podesta and Jennifer Palmieri, another campaign operative.

The subject line was “King v. Burwell,” the second big legal case contesting the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, three years after the first case in which the Chief sided with the four liberals to uphold the law.

Ms. Tanden wrote that, “As Jennifer will remember, it was pretty critical that the President threw the gauntlet down last time on the Court, warning them in the first case that it would politicize the role of the Court for them to rule against the ACA. As a close reader of the case, I honestly believe that was vital to scaring Roberts off.”

We wrote at the time about the campaign to mau-mau the Chief, and now we know it was orchestrated. The campaign included a Senate speech by Vermont’s Pat Leahy, a broadside from President Obama about “an unelected group of people” overturning “a duly constituted and passed law,” and articles by such media progressives as Jeffrey Rosen of the New Republic and Jeffrey Toobin of the New Yorker. Mr. Rosen hit the talking points out of the park when he wrote that, “If the Roberts court strikes down health care reform by a 5-4 vote, then the chief justice’s stated goal of presiding over a less divisive court will be viewed as an irredeemable failure.”
Mollie Hemingway:

"To my liberal friends: I know you think this is paranoid & conspiratorial but let me try to paint for you how it feels to be on the right. For a year, we’ve been saying ‘the press has massive dirt on Trump but they won’t release it until after the nomination.’ Every anti-Trump person said this over and over ‘they have so much dirt on him, they’re not telling you what they have’ and we got mocked. ‘Hey if we had a dirty Trump story, we’d publish it before the [nomination].’ ‘We’re doing our job, your voters are just dumb.’...

After a year of saying ‘they have dirt on him.’ After there is no chance he’ll step down. All this comes out. This *could* be a coincidence. It’s totally possible that the press discovered a decade old story JUST IN TIME for the election. In which case, I suppose we are lucky they didn’t discover it 4 weeks too late. Whew. We dodged a bullet on that one, didn’t we?

It’s possible that it’s just an uncanny coincidence. But, as PoliticalMath continues, “this fits EVERY theory about a dishonest, vicious, conniving press. Down to the last prediction & detail. Make your excuses about how the press MIGHT not be culpable but know that this was predicted in detail by media skeptics on the right. And when you predict something to this level of granularity & it comes true, you can’t just call the people who predicted it ‘crazy.’”
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I don't/can't support Trump. Still. This is infuriating. This collusion between media and Clinton is absolutely, positively, 100% grade-A horseshit. A free press is crucial to functioning democracy - but only if the press is honest and removed. Surely, surely now, after generations of favoring the left, in this election where the media has openly hunted one candidate and largely ignored the troubles of the other one, it can be said we've crossed a Rubicon.....

Jason C. @CounterMoonbat

Weird. Hillary had an off the record dinner w/ a bunch of journalists prior to her campaign launch to "frame the HRC message"

& that's only half the list.

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Good piece here on media coordination now and what happened with Benghazi in '12.

Beginning with Anderson Cooper's question which led to Trump's denial of groping/kissing without consent....

This is a brilliantly coordinated drop, with staggered embargoes. First, notice the mix of local outlets and national outlets. There's a great mix of print and broadcast as well. Start with the [New York Times] to get eyeballs on the web and TV. CNN picks it up immediately. Ok. Now you've got a story rolling. Within an hour, you start to get multiple waves coming out of local outlets. These get picked up. Within ninety minutes you've got reporters reporting on existing reporting. The cycle is locked in. Nobody's assessing the stories. And here's the kicker: the victims live in FL, OH, even UT. THEY'RE ALL SWING STATES! It's masterful to be honest. Take a bow.

Then he compares that to Obama's did he or did he not call them terrorists after Benghazi, when 60 minutes edited out of an Obama interview a confession that he did not, and then Candy Crowley, of course. Both 60 minutes and Crowley eventually admitted the truth - in both cases long after the story's energy had dissipated and the chance for the kind of proliferation/saturation we see with the Trump story is long gone.

I'm certain all of that is coincidental.....
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Moe, every damn one of them - every one - should be called to account for that.
I agree that they should be but they won't. Who will hold their feet to the fire over it? Their networks won't care at all. In fact, their networks probably already knew about it anyway.
I'm not voting her, even if she had the cure for cancer and the only way for her to tell us what it is, is for her to be President. On the other hand, if she truly said that about "environmentalists" (read Z) then that is the only thing I have ever agreed with her on.

Still not voting for her.
Its one of her private positions.
Moe, every damn one of them - every one - should be called to account for that.

I agree. It's obvious why the msm isn't delving deep into these emails.

They're only reporting the drama filled, soap opera stuff, that doesn't really damage anyone, so they can say "see, we covered it."

They're purposely ignoring all the lies, collusion & corruption b/c they know if they really report on these leaks, it only eventually leads to incriminating themselves.
The MSM is the old way of getting news. People don't watch them (look at their ratings its terrible across the board) or read their terribly biased newspapers. Most people get their news from the internet and social media. Just because the MSM isn't reporting on it doesn't mean its going unseen.
I definitely can see Michelle winning because of the powers to be and her BS persona of the past eight years but she does not deserve it. She's a racist who hates this county.

Anyone who brings in DeRay is a POS.
I do believe she hates this country.
Calling Democrats 'racist' when the party includes the vast majority of all non-whites is a bit of hyperbole.[/B]

Wrong, there is racism in the democratic party all over. You guys either ignore it or are just ignorant to the truth.
The MSM is the old way of getting news. People don't watch them (look at their ratings its terrible across the board) or read their terribly biased newspapers. Most people get their news from the internet and social media. Just because the MSM isn't reporting on it doesn't mean its going unseen.
True, but they're are still being suppressed on social media outlets. They're not allowing anything to do with wikileaks, emails, Podesta, etc... to trend, even shadow banning tweets & posts.

In a lot of people's cases, the only way for them to see it, is if they go searching for it.
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The MSM is the old way of getting news. People don't watch them (look at their ratings its terrible across the board) or read their terribly biased newspapers. Most people get their news from the internet and social media. Just because the MSM isn't reporting on it doesn't mean its going unseen.

True and not true. Dont think many retirees are hitting up the tweeter

Case in point.. yesterday. I was at a house owned by 60 y/o black lady. Very nice house. Also, very uncensored lady.

She got to telling me about her kids.. 2 own businesses and the 3rd was shot and killed last year while buying weed. She told me how much she cant stand "ignorant black idiots"

Then i asked her..trump or hillary.. she replied with what you think? Im black! --she also said she had to get up and leave church cuz her pastor was bashinf hillary.

But she had never heard of super predators, never heard of the hot sauce, never heard of wikileaks.. but she did hear about the trump tape.. from cnn

Great lady, dont think she will see the light but i did convince her to order "hillarys america" and call me after.
Calling Democrats 'racist' when the party includes the vast majority of all non-whites is a bit of hyperbole.

DT supporters are not voting for him because they're poor, lost their jobs to China, etc. DT supporters actually have a much higher median income than do Hillary's. But what they do consistently show is that they are scared of losing their white majority, have unfavorable views of blacks, latinos, and Muslims, and also feel that women are below men(especially the evangelicals). That's it, that's what is fueling this 'movement'. I think you can see examples of these views all over the paddock over the years(and KY has the largest % of people backing Trump). The rise of Obama made this group completely distraught and the idea of a woman President makes them angry.

When you're overwhelming worry is about losing your status as the top dog, you tend to ignore all the warts and hypocrisy from your candidate.

I believe, barring some huge scandal erupting from Wikileaks or Hillary passing out at the debate, that DT knows he has lost. But he has to protect his reputation among his people, so to do that he needs to make sure that someone else is to blame for his failure. Whether it's Paul Ryan, the Republicans, the media, corporate liberals, Mexican financiers, whoever, it doesn't matter to him as long as he has his merry band of followers after this is all over. I believe that he is setting things up for his son to take his followers and run for President, Major or Senator in this next few years.

when one's lost, I suppose it's good advice to stay where you are, until someone finds you. But who'd ever think to look for me here?
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Didn't Hiliary kill khadafi? So we get being involved in foreign regime change?
True and not true. Dont think many retirees are hitting up the tweeter

Case in point.. yesterday. I was at a house owned by 60 y/o black lady. Very nice house. Also, very uncensored lady.

She got to telling me about her kids.. 2 own businesses and the 3rd was shot and killed last year while buying weed. She told me how much she cant stand "ignorant black idiots"

Then i asked her..trump or hillary.. she replied with what you think? Im black! --she also said she had to get up and leave church cuz her pastor was bashinf hillary.

But she had never heard of super predators, never heard of the hot sauce, never heard of wikileaks.. but she did hear about the trump tape.. from cnn

Great lady, dont think she will see the light but i did convince her to order "hillarys america" and call me after.
Yup, there are always exceptions like that lady. But I don't think the MSM has the influence that it used too. I think we will see evidence of that on Nov 8th. Saw a poll a few days ago that only 6% trust the media, which means even many democrats don't trust them either. The 6% are obviously libs though.
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