Have you ever met Cal in-person?

Apr 24, 2022
And if so, when/where, and how was his mannerisms.

Met a guy that helped him and his team on private flights. Had photos to prove it all. Says that Cal was a really kind guy. Last flight he worked for him was for the 2023 Global Jam in Canada.

Hoping for a great season.

Thank you guys for all the support. This post was fun to read and see all of the stories. Loved all the sarcastic stories too, made me chuckle.
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I met him at the White House after the 2012 championship. It was a happy day for all, and he was gracious and warm. Met Tubby under similar circumstances, he was a truly genuine guy. Pitino -- not so much. But then I don't judge any of them off a brief meeting under uncommon circumstances. We've all had time to watch them under pressure quite a bit. And we've seen what they have given and done -- or haven't done -- for the people of Kentucky and elsewhere.
I met him at the White House after the 2012 championship. It was a happy day for all, and he was gracious and warm. Met Tubby under similar circumstances, he was a truly genuine guy. Pitino -- not so much. But then I don't judge any of them off a brief meeting under uncommon circumstances. We've all had time to watch them under pressure quite a bit. And we've seen what they have given and done -- or haven't done -- for the people of Kentucky and elsewhere.
Never been around Cal and have never actually "met" Tubby or Pitino, but was close enough to both to get a personal impression of them. Tubby is a genuinely good guy that I'd want as a friend or neighbor. Pitino was an absolute asshat to a group of about 6 kids when I saw him, and a weirdo to boot as he wouldn't speak or make eye contact with any of them.
I have 3 boys, two of which are old enough to go to Cal Camps (Father/Son) in summer. I've posted on this pretty much every year when anything cool is going on.

That said, I've met him 4 times because of camps. Part of the deal is a picture with him.

He is pretty much always all smiles. Have never interacted with him outside of what I'd call a professional setting.

Other's of note:

I met Tubby a bunch too through prior job and at dinners associated with that job. He was very nice too.

Met Pitino once as a kid for Father/Son camp but that was 30 years ago. His camps were a hell of a lot harder than Cal's....we ran all over campus, etc. I do remember Herb Sendek spit when he talked alot, 😂.

Only poor interaction(s) I've ever had with a player/coach at UK were with Jeff Brassow and Chuck Hayes.

Hung out with Brassow when I was in college or just after graduating...he was probably around 30 at the time. Group of friends were on a date night and he somehow was sitting with us at Cheapside. Just came off as a total pri** which stunk because I was a big fan of his as a kid. Ironically enough I think Jones has a story about Brassow that he has never shared...would love to hear it.

I will spare the Chuck story, but he isn't the guy most think he is. Maybe he has changed but he wasn't back in the day. And no, he didn't take my girl or anything....fwiw, 😆.

Ramel is the coolest player I ever met. I played ball with him outside JCC, Memorial back in day. He was friends with my track GF at the time. Really good guy.
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I met at Kroger in London Ky during that autograph tour he did. I guess it was last year. He was nice. He seemed to kinda be on auto pilot. Hi, bye, thanks for donating towards the east Ky flood relief. But that’s understandable as he had been signing autographs for hours.
My friend was an asst coach at a smaller college in Ky. He and another coach rented a car and drove to Philly for a big high school tourney to recruit.

Said Cal pulled up in a big SUV at the door after flying to the tourney to watch a couple players,

Cal noticed their Ky college shirts walking in and talked with them a bit. When he was finished watching the UK recruits Cal sought them out and offered to fly them back to Lexington no charge.

They were impressed with him.
I don't have any cool stories, but I don't think anyone has ever questioned what kind of man Cal is off the court. Yeah, he holds grudges against local media if he feels that they have gone after him, but that means nothing in the grand scheme. Just win.
I will spare the Chuck story, but he isn't the guy most think he is. Maybe he has changed but he wasn't back in the day. And no, he didn't take my girl or anything....fwiw, 😆

Just 1 experience with Chuck or multiple? I wouldn't base much on 1 experience. You never really know what people are going through.
Never have. Never have even seen him from a distance except at games.
I saw Calipari at a grocery store in Lexington a couple years back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
I met him in his office when he first started. He was the most focused and hardest working person I’d ever met. I remember thinking this level is amazing but not sustainable. I was right unfortunately. Hopefully he can get back to near that level of performance/preparation. It truly was an amazing thing to witness.
I saw Calipari at a grocery store in Lexington a couple years back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Lol. I remember this.
My friend was an asst coach at a smaller college in Ky. He and another coach rented a car and drove to Philly for a big high school tourney to recruit.

Said Cal pulled up in a big SUV at the door after flying to the tourney to watch a couple players,

Cal noticed their Ky college shirts walking in and talked with them a bit. When he was finished watching the UK recruits Cal sought them out and offered to fly them back to Lexington no charge.

They were impressed with him.

Wow...awesome story, did they take him up on offer??
I’ve been around Cal many, many times.

Every team trip since he’s been here. The SEC tourney every year. London, Chicago, NY,etc.

Got to visit Drake’s house in Toronto. Got to go on Chester Thomas’ boat with the team in the Bahamas.

I wouldn’t call us friends. He’s never invited me to his home. But we are friendly.

Cal is a genuine good guy. He lives the “servant leadership” that he teaches.
I’ve been around Cal many, many times.

Every team trip since he’s been here. The SEC tourney every year. London, Chicago, NY,etc.

Got to visit Drake’s house in Toronto. Got to go on Chester Thomas’ boat with the team in the Bahamas.

I wouldn’t call us friends. He’s never invited me to his home. But we are friendly.

Cal is a genuine good guy. He lives the “servant leadership” that he teaches.

Post some pics of these trips you've been on with the team. We'd love to see em.
Met Cal at an AAU tournament in Pittsburgh when Aaron and Andrew were playing in a tournament. Talked to him for about 5 mins after the game. Very gracious with his time.
I saw Calipari at a grocery store in Lexington a couple years back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
The only reason I question this story is because back in 2017 you said the exact same thing about Rick Pitino. I just went back and found the story. I don't wanna be that dude, but if you're going to tell us a story you gotta keep that information together and the person has to be the same. I could definitely see either one of them doing some shit like this.
My wife and I sometimes have to work the phones for an organization we volunteer for. We're given a spiel to recite and a couple of sheets of telephones to call. I've never talked to anyone but Ordinary People but my wife once got a Ky coach on the line. He was very agreeable person, beyond polite actually, considering that we were cold calling.

No name. A friend's mother pronounced the rule for gossip: Who or What. You could know who she had gossip on or what the gossip was about. Never both.
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I met Rick.

He was kind of a dick to me. He came up to Georgetown College at the very beginning of his first season; I was a student there before I transferred to UK. I saw him, walked towards him with my hand out and started saying, “Welcome to Kentucky!” But he cut me off and snapped at me to get in the line. I was pissed at him a while but on balance I decided that was nothing but a fiery New Yorker, in an era when you really did have to be mean on the outside to get by in New York, dealing with a dumb A.D.D. kid who honestly hadn’t even realized there was a line. And there obviously was a line. No harm, no foul, really.

Years later I ran into Rick again standing with a young Richard in an aisle in Kroger on Euclid. I quickly decided that I had learned my lesson from the first encounter, and I didn’t want to cause Rick any trouble. So I just gave him a shy and deferential smile to show him I wasn’t actually giving him the cold shoulder, and then got my item out of that aisle and left silently. And Rick stared daggers at me the whole time. Unlike the first incident, I consider that one an actually dick move.

Years after that I ran into Tubby in an aisle in that same Kroger on Euclid. Total opposite experience. I noticed he was in an aisle I was heading into. Having learned my lesson from Rick, I just flashed him a shy deferential smile and immediately turned around to leave the aisle and give him his space. He said, “no wait, come on,” gave me a huge warm smile and a huge handshake, asked me how I was. Tubby may have been a problematic basketball coach in a lot of ways, may even have painted Kentucky fans with too broad a brush after some of them ran him off. But that man’s got a heart of gold deep down. Not a doubt in my mind.

I met Cal at Keeneland when I worked there. Total douchebag in my mind. And so unnecessary. I practically worshiped him at the time.

At Keeneland I had become friends with a teller: Al Cummins, a sweet and sickly old man who just lived for his connection to Kentucky basketball. He had been a guard on our ‘48 championship team. Was so proud of that. Could not meet someone without taking his old B&W team picture out of his wallet and showing it to them—himself circled on it.

Cal came to Keeneland for the Spring meet in ‘15. Mentioning that to Al that day, I was surprised to hear that Al had never heard from Cal when Cal reached out to all the old players coming into the job. I asked if Al would like to meet Cal if he had the opportunity, and his face lit up like Vegas at night.

I figured it would be the perfect win-win situation. Give Al one of the best days of his life. And give Cal an incredible photo op and talking points to smack down the interview questions he was still getting about melting down against Wisconsin.

So knowing I was treading on thin ice anyway because I was working and feeling like I had learned some of the things to be careful for from Rick, I walked into the restaurant where Cal and his huge entourage were eating and stood in the corner, waiting until someone from his posse eventually walked by me. Then I got his attention, apologized, and told him what I had in mind. He told me to follow him and he’d have me tell Cal directly.

So he led me over to somewhere near Cal’s table and had me stand there while he went and whispered in Cal’s ear. After about half an hour Cal asked me what I wanted.

I should remind everyone here that Cal had just had hip replacement surgery. I had forgotten about it myself. When I saw his walking braces under the table I felt like I probably should have known to hold off and try to make the connection another time and another way, except it was too late then. Only fair for me to include that detail here, which clearly played a role in Cal’s mood.

It still doesn’t clear him in my mind. What Cal did was stare at me like I had four heads and was eating his baby in front of him while I explained that a few hundred feet down the hallway on that same floor was a fairly sick old man who lived his whole life around Kentucky Basketball, had played on our ‘48 title team, and was as overjoyed as a toddler on Christmas at the possibility of maybe being able to meet Cal for a minute if that were okay. Cal scowled at me and said he’d get to it, then waved me off.

He didn’t get to it. Just let Al wait for hours and never contacted him then or afterwards. I understand perfectly well he was busy and also that I remembered too late he was limping. But I don’t understand why the general ****-you attitude and the ghosting was the way to handle it instead of just a quick, “call the athletic office,” which would have made everything so much better and easier for Cal, for me, and most importantly for Al Cummins——and also let me walk out of that day practically worshipping Cal, which was the way I walked into it.
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Met Coach Cal after a UCF vs Memphis game in Orlando.

A friend of mine (huge Memphis fan) and I snuck below to their locker room.

It was just the two of us besides players and staff, and Cal came out.

He talked with us for a bit and then took pictures with my friend.

Since I am a UK fan and not a Memphis fan, I didn't get a picture with me and him and just was the photographer for my friend.

That was January 10, 2009. 80 days later he was hired as UK head coach and I have been kicking myself ever since about not getting a picture with him.

And yes, he was awesome to deal with and couldn't have been nicer, especially since we were in a restricted area.
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Met Coach Cal after one of the father/son camps. He had recently had hip surgery. He was standing in line signing autographs/taking pictures with each kid. Had to be couple hundred kids. He was very friendly and signed an autograph and took a picture with every kid. Very nice.
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I’ve been around Cal many, many times.

Every team trip since he’s been here. The SEC tourney every year. London, Chicago, NY,etc.

Got to visit Drake’s house in Toronto. Got to go on Chester Thomas’ boat with the team in the Bahamas.

I wouldn’t call us friends. He’s never invited me to his home. But we are friendly.

Cal is a genuine good guy. He lives the “servant leadership” that he teaches.
Thanks for admitting you're on his staff.
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I live near High Point and have met several times and become very friendly with Tubby. Could not meet a more gracious ambassador of program. He still speaks so very highly of the fans and the program.
Thanks for admitting you're on his staff.
I wish I was on the staff at UK. That would be a dream job. Depending on what it pays, I suppose?

Doesn't matter to me if anyone believes it. The question was asked by the OP. I answered.
Never been around Cal and have never actually "met" Tubby or Pitino, but was close enough to both to get a personal impression of them. Tubby is a genuinely good guy that I'd want as a friend or neighbor. Pitino was an absolute asshat to a group of about 6 kids when I saw him, and a weirdo to boot as he wouldn't speak or make eye contact with any of them.
Relating to Pitino, was one of them named Ray Allen? lol
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twice. once in Nashville for a book signing and talked to him when he left the store and he signed my Makers Mark bottle (even though I could tell he didnt want to). Then met him for a photo at a restaurant in North Carolina when we were playing UNC.