Have you ever met Cal in-person?

I met Cal in Maui last time we played there. He was really cordial and happy to allow me to get a photo with him.
Also met him briefly outside his office a couple years ago. Again he was very pleasant.

It's gotta be hard to constantly be the center of attention wherever you go. But that comes with the territory at UK.

Seems like a pretty good guy to me.
I've only got to meet Cal once, at the UK luncheon. He seemed pretty cool that day. Seemed to have enough time to almost say hello to each person. Haven't washed my hand since that handshake. Tho I was more about the free 5 star food we got!

I've also met Pitino a couple times when he came in to the station to dub commercials. The 2nd time was about the same time as the restaurant saga. Dude looked like a ghost.

Also met Hall often when him and Crum had their show together, I was more surprised about Crum being my height. He sure didn't look it on tv! lol
Just to get an autographed basketball is all back in the 2011-12 season.

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Never been around Cal and have never actually "met" Tubby or Pitino, but was close enough to both to get a personal impression of them. Tubby is a genuinely good guy that I'd want as a friend or neighbor. Pitino was an absolute asshat to a group of about 6 kids when I saw him, and a weirdo to boot as he wouldn't speak or make eye contact with any of them.
Pitino is the classic east coast rich D@ck head who thinks he is above the common man. I’m sure he loathes Kentucky in his mind because it filled with working people beneath him. That’s why his wife wanted to live outside the state.
I met Cal in Maui last time we played there. He was really cordial and happy to allow me to get a photo with him.
Also met him briefly outside his office a couple years ago. Again he was very pleasant.

It's gotta be hard to constantly be the center of attention wherever you go. But that comes with the territory at UK.

Seems like a pretty good guy to me.
Cal seems to be the type who loves being in public and thrives in that arena. Just the type of dude he is. Seems like a legit good man though.
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Actually, this is not a stupid post at all. I had fun reading these comments. I've never had any real dealings with Calipari (or Rick, Tubby) other than just seeing them during games or doing post game shows in Rupp so I can't say I really have much of an opinion on them.

Also, I'm not the type of guy to go up and ask for an autograph at my age. When I was 10-12 yrs old I would, but it was just more of a thing if they were passing by I might ask them to sign something. It has to get very old, very quick for those guys when someone is always trying to chase you down to sign something or ask for a pic. That don't mean they should be a dick, but I can understand why they get frustrated.

I know Jack Givens and let me tell you that he's one good dude. He's a 100% good dude 100% of the time. What you see on TV is what you get with him anywhere he's at. After you know him a little while it's very easy to forget he scored 41 against Duke or is 3rd in all time scoring. He's just a regular guy really.

Also Erik Daniels is another good guy!

It’s a tradition for my dad, myself, my son, my family to always drive down by memorial coliseum whenever we come into town from Michigan.

Met Cal right outside the Craft center. Took a picture with him. He wasn’t overly friendly but wasn’t a jerk either. He was probably annoyed, but that’s ok.

Have met quite a few players over the years walking around that area: John Wall, Chuck Hayes, Nick Richards, plus Tom Leach as well as some others.

Now Tom Leach is the nicest guy. He’s awesome.

My dad met Cal in the Bahamas and said he was very friendly.
One more thing, my dad met Tubby and sat right next to him and talked with him during a high school game in Flint, MI. Tubby was in watching Draymond Green. He had just committed to UK, which is why my dad decided to go also.

Tubby was sitting all by himself and my dad plopped himself down right next to him lol.

Dad said he was as nice as could be.
I have 3 boys, two of which are old enough to go to Cal Camps (Father/Son) in summer. I've posted on this pretty much every year when anything cool is going on.

That said, I've met him 4 times because of camps. Part of the deal is a picture with him.

He is pretty much always all smiles. Have never interacted with him outside of what I'd call a professional setting.

Other's of note:

I met Tubby a bunch too through prior job and at dinners associated with that job. He was very nice too.

Met Pitino once as a kid for Father/Son camp but that was 30 years ago. His camps were a hell of a lot harder than Cal's....we ran all over campus, etc. I do remember Herb Sendek spit when he talked alot, 😂.

Only poor interaction(s) I've ever had with a player/coach at UK were with Jeff Brassow and Chuck Hayes.

Hung out with Brassow when I was in college or just after graduating...he was probably around 30 at the time. Group of friends were on a date night and he somehow was sitting with us at Cheapside. Just came off as a total pri** which stunk because I was a big fan of his as a kid. Ironically enough I think Jones has a story about Brassow that he has never shared...would love to hear it.

I will spare the Chuck story, but he isn't the guy most think he is. Maybe he has changed but he wasn't back in the day. And no, he didn't take my girl or anything....fwiw, 😆.

Ramel is the coolest player I ever met. I played ball with him outside JCC, Memorial back in day. He was friends with my track GF at the time. Really good guy.
I had some interactions with Ramel several times back in Lexington and echo this. He was always really nice. Pretty chill guy.
I met Cal in Virginia at Boo Williams Sportsplex during Nike event, I am a friend of Tubby, we hung out at Tayshauns wedding and while he was in Virginia recruiting, we have communicated over the years, I also met Bruiser and have his number, and I keep in contact with Kenny P...never met Pitino....
Never been around Cal and have never actually "met" Tubby or Pitino, but was close enough to both to get a personal impression of them. Tubby is a genuinely good guy that I'd want as a friend or neighbor. Pitino was an absolute asshat to a group of about 6 kids when I saw him, and a weirdo to boot as he wouldn't speak or make eye contact with any of them.
Well, I've met Pitino a few times. The first time was when I was in downtown Chicago. Pitino was up in the area watching Wayne Blackshear in a holiday tournament. I was walking to my car when I thought I saw a few guys on the side of the parking lot, kind of hovering behind some vehicles. No sooner had I gotten into my car then the three men came moving quickly from the shadows toward me. It happened so quickly that I didn't even have time to lock my doors. One of the men threw open the back passenger door and got in with a pistol and pointed it directly at the back of my head. Another came up to the driver's door and flung it open and began to sucker punch me in my left cheek. The third man screamed that they were going to take the car and they might as well "ice" me because now I could identify them.

I felt like I was about to enter the pearly gates, and so I closed my eyes and began to envision what it would be like to have conversations with Moses and Elijah. No sooner had I closed my eyes, then I heard somebody suddenly say "Larry Bird may not be walking through that door, folks, with this dirty son of a b****** is about to whoop some ass." I couldn't help but notice that it was a Long Island accent and sounded just like Rick Pitino. I heard a few thuds and within a seconds I opened my eyes only to see that two of the robbers were knocked cold and the third was running down the street screaming. To my bewilderment, there stood before me none other than Rick Pitino.

He saved my life that night, but he never made eye contact with me either. Maybe he's on the spectrum and you should cut him some slack.
1985 at a JUCO game in Iola Kansas. It was the day Bobby Knight tossed the chair at Purdue as he was there too.
Met Cal at a doughnut shop when he coached at Memphis, was wearing a UK jacket and after some good naturrd ribbing by him and a couple of UM fans there we talked Kentucky basketball for about 20 minutes. He was very knowlegable about UK basketball. Met coach Hall once after he retired from coaching, Met Pitino at Brennans in New Orleans during SEC Tourney, conceited jerk,Met coach Rupp after a game once at Memorial when I was a kid. ( My dad was high school coach in Ky at the time)Always though coach Hall was the nicest of the bunch
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Well, I've met Pitino a few times. The first time was when I was in downtown Chicago. Pitino was up in the area watching Wayne Blackshear in a holiday tournament. I was walking to my car when I thought I saw a few guys on the side of the parking lot, kind of hovering behind some vehicles. No sooner had I gotten into my car then the three men came moving quickly from the shadows toward me. It happened so quickly that I didn't even have time to lock my doors. One of the men threw open the back passenger door and got in with a pistol and pointed it directly at the back of my head. Another came up to the driver's door and flung it open and began to sucker punch me in my left cheek. The third man screamed that they were going to take the car and they might as well "ice" me because now I could identify them.

I felt like I was about to enter the pearly gates, and so I closed my eyes and began to envision what it would be like to have conversations with Moses and Elijah. No sooner had I closed my eyes, then I heard somebody suddenly say "Larry Bird may not be walking through that door, folks, with this dirty son of a b****** is about to whoop some ass." I couldn't help but notice that it was a Long Island accent and sounded just like Rick Pitino. I heard a few thuds and within a seconds I opened my eyes only to see that two of the robbers were knocked cold and the third was running down the street screaming. To my bewilderment, there stood before me none other than Rick Pitino.

He saved my life that night, but he never made eye contact with me either. Maybe he's on the spectrum and you should cut him some slack.
What would this place be without @Son_Of_Saul, glad Pitino saved you that day.
I saw Calipari at a grocery store in Lexington a couple years back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Yep, she was trained by J.S.
I’ve been around Cal many, many times.

Every team trip since he’s been here. The SEC tourney every year. London, Chicago, NY,etc.

Got to visit Drake’s house in Toronto. Got to go on Chester Thomas’ boat with the team in the Bahamas.

I wouldn’t call us friends. He’s never invited me to his home. But we are friendly.

Cal is a genuine good guy. He lives the “servant leadership” that he teaches.
Nice story Brad.
Yes...As an official working AAU/some HS games, many times. He, Izzo, Self and others. Really, really funny guy. He can come off as brash, arrogant---but so do 99% of the coaches of his stature.

Izzo IMO is a a prick. I know ya'll hate KU and Self, but a cool cat. He and Cal easily the more laid back of all them. NOT.EVEN.CLOSE.
My son attended Tubby's camp at Uk many years ago. Registration day was outside and it must have been 95 degrees. Tubby and Donna both stayed outside the whole time greeting campers and parents. The sweat was rolling off of Tubby it was so hot but he stood there for three hours signing balls and was very gracious and approachable.
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Family and I ran into him at Target in Hamburg here in Lexington once. I pointed him out quietly to my 4 year old who subsequently yelled hi to him. Cal smiled and said hi back. Then he wished my pregnant wife good luck with the delivery and shook my sons hand before we continued into the store and he continued loading stuff into his suv. A very quick but compassionate encounter with the man. On a personal level he is definitely ok in my book.
I met cal in 2019 after the UL game at home. I shook his hand and said nice game coach and he kind of blushed and basically said thanks for the compliment. He’s definitely different than his public persona. I was flipped the bird by pitino in the 90s when I illegally passed him in his green ford explorer on cooper drive. But I went to his house once to drop his son off after a basketball camp and he was cool then. I even told him about what happened and laughed saying he was scratching his face then recreated the scenario while laughing. Evidently over time we found out pitino has a problem with that finger lol
Never met cal. Did meet Pitino a couple of times while in Louisville. Once very briefly at a night club (can’t recall which one). But the more memorable one was a late night stop in with schnatter at Abruzzis restaurant in anchorage (where village anchor is now for those familiar). Really small group still there hanging in the bar (about 10 people or so). Pitino was very cordial. Stood and talked basketball with all for about 15 minutes or so before they headed out.
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I haven't met Cal, but I did meet Pitino years ago, while he was coaching at U.K. He spoke at our local alumni club and my aunt was President at the time. At the meeting, I sat with her and she asked me if I wanted to meet "Rick", as she called him. I was in such awe, that I literally was speechless. I couldn't talk. He was very nice and charming while talking to me. I was young and obviously had a major crush at the time. Also, he was a great coach and had just won the championship. I was so starstruck that I forgot to ask for an autograph. (I think my aunt was totally embarrassed that I couldn't talk, because I usually never shut up.) She had told him about me beforehand, so when I forgot to ask for an autograph, he sent me an autographed basketball, signed by him and the players on the championship team. That was amazing. I did send a thank you.

I know that some people have a problem with him, and I don't condone his behavior, especially after he left. But I had a wonderful encounter with him and beautiful memories to keep.
We met Cal, Payne and Antigua at halftime of (one of my all time favorite UK players) Tyler Ulis (Marian Catholic vs. Dayton Dunbar) game at the Flyin To The Hoop in Kettering on Saturday 1/18/2014.

UK had beaten Tennessee in Rupp by eight earlier that day (noon) and the staff helicoptered up to the arena in Kettering, Ohio for the evening game.

In those days "rock-star" Cal was deifinitely swamped for pictures/ autographs from fans in the arena!!!

I got to say hello to Cal and found out later a friend took a picture (with his flip-phone) of myself and Cal right before he walked away.

My snapshot UK coach Impressions:
Cal: Cordial, seemed very tired/ worn out, not much of a voice left (after their noon Tennessee game), seemed to really appreciate the big UK crowd of fans who turned out in Dayton.

Antigua: Not much of an evaluation, did not interact with fans, would not take pictures with fans, primarily ran interferrence (security) for Cal, seemed very aloof.👎

Payne: I got a nice picture taken of me and KP. Damn he's a huge person!!! As nice as ANY coach that I've met anywhere, at any time!!!! VERY friendly, VERY accomodating to fans (pictures/ autographs), talked with you like he's known you for years, engaging personality!!!! 👍👍
#UL 🖕 💩

Ulis and Marian Catholic knocked off Dunbar 67-60 that night. Ulis hit 15-of-18 at the free throw line and finished with a game-high 30 points, along with five steals and three assists.
No but I knew Coach Rupp, assisted and drove Coach Hall on recruiting trips, and met Coach Sutton.
We met Cal, Payne and Antigua at halftime of (one of my all time favorite UK players) Tyler Ulis (Marian Catholic vs. Dayton Dunbar) game at the Flyin To The Hoop in Kettering on Saturday 1/18/2014.

UK had beaten Tennessee in Rupp by eight earlier that day (noon) and the staff helicoptered up to the arena in Kettering, Ohio for the evening game.

In those days "rock-star" Cal was deifinitely swamped for pictures/ autographs from fans in the arena!!!

I got to say hello to Cal and found out later a friend took a picture (with his flip-phone) of myself and Cal right before he walked away.

My snapshot UK coach Impressions:
Cal: Cordial, seemed very tired/ worn out, not much of a voice left (after their noon Tennessee game), seemed to really appreciate the big UK crowd of fans who turned out in Dayton.

Antigua: Not much of an evaluation, did not interact with fans, would not take pictures with fans, primarily ran interferrence (security) for Cal, seemed very aloof.👎

Payne: I got a nice picture taken of me and KP. Damn he's a huge person!!! As nice as ANY coach that I've met anywhere, at any time!!!! VERY friendly, VERY accomodating to fans (pictures/ autographs), talked with you like he's known you for years, engaging personality!!!! 👍👍
#UL 🖕 💩

Ulis and Marian Catholic knocked off Dunbar 67-60 that night. Ulis hit 15-of-18 at the free throw line and finished with a game-high 30 points, along with five steals and three assists.

Forgot to mention the assistants. On Cals staff both past and present we've met Barbee, Payne, Antigua and Flint at camps. Chin has never been around. I would most agree regarding Antigua though he did sign at camps.

KP was very nice. Flint signed and was nice. Barbee was most interactive.

Funny story about Flint....we did a camp a few years back in early June and kid met him. A few months later went to Lex for a guys wknd. My buddy owns a bar there. Flint was just randomly at the bar watching a football game by himself (this is very much a college bar, not something downtown or anything). Bruiser looked tanked. I tried to say hi to him and he just stared at me with no emotion. Is what is is.
..I found that it incredibly odd because he was at a college bar by himself, looked tanked and it was late...never saw him leave and we were there till closing.
Just met Cal once at a book signing in Louisville. Had my tablet with me while killing time waiting and used it to record this.
Have that book. Just started reading it. "Success is the Only Option : The Art of Coaching Extreme Talent". Not a bad read, except that it explains a lot of he views on helping the player not the program. Shows his true coaching style.
Never meet him per se, but I was in front of him while driving on the road. I guess I was going too slow because he kept sticking his head out the window and yelling “DRIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!! DRIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!”

Just kidding. No I’ve never met him.
Sounds a lot like his "GOOOOOOO" offense. Some things never change.
I've "met" Eddie Sutton a time or two at the old strip mall near Memorial, he would stop there later in the evenings, sometimes sober, sometimes...not, and buy cigarettes.

Probably 1992?, shared an elevator with a few other people and Rick/Joanne at Keeneland. That was weird, nobody said anything at all, no acknowledgment, just awkward. My girlfriend at the time, an IU fan, and just a mischievous person in general, says "Where's Bobby Knight when you need him". When the Pitinos left the elevator Joanne turned around and gave us a look that literally could kill.

That's all I got.

Then there's the time at the gas station in Clemson, when Tommy Bowden was coach, he enters the store, and not one person even looks at him, all the while he's smiling and looking at people. I at least said Hey coach.
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