Hatcher arrested

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If I was a government that wanted to control your lives,I would encourage you to get stoned,because then your cognitive skills might not be as perceptive as they once were! Then I could slowly but surely tighten the noose about your "freedoms" until,if you do find out ,you lost them! The sixties radicals encouraged this attitude and lifestyle,so they could undermine the morals and values that made this country great! They're just about there, evidence is we're arguing over the virtues of weed! Glad our founding fathers didn't toke up or this debate over pot and its benefits wouldn't be allowed. The radicals of the sixties,were mostly anti-American,anti capitilist(except when they were selling dope),anarchists. So all of you weed lovers ,keep promoting its use, and see ultimately where you end up with all of your "freedoms". Stupid is as stupid does!!
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Getting busted in a car for other activities blows up the argument that pot heads are otherwise minding their own business. Once your habit crosses over into public view you've already lost the argument of it being your private business.

he got pulled over for going 81 in a 65, didn't he?
If you're from greasy creek in a certain county,I understand your defense of weed. Weed industry in that area was/is big time! Still doesn't make it right,and I'll say one more time,who has a family member in county jail administration,98% of the inmates in jail are there,for crimes arising out of drug use,not acohol or cigarettes. Possession is not the criminal act they were arrested for,but the dumb ass,stupid act that they perpetrated to buy another hit,toke,fix,whatever! Good luck in your world or creek!

yeah people knock off liquor stores to buy an eighth of weed

you don't have any clue what you're talking about, and should stop
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Hey Johnny,learn to read, news flash ,dopers that don't have money to make a buy,steal stuff! Trot down to the nearest jail and let them explain this to you,in simple terms!
Never would someone rob to buy POT, other harmful drugs yes but not weed . If they told you that at a jail they lied.

Heroin- cocaine- pharmaceuticals = drugs

Marijuana = herbs/ natural. .......... And a huge gulf lies in between the two.

And again weed so stripped the cognitive skills from Steve Jobs that he created the worlds most profitable company. I bet half the people arguing against weed are typing their replies from an apple product.

If you have a problem with herb then just say a little prayer to the all mighty God And tell him he messed up and that he should have never created it. But please stop the lies and sheep mentality of the gateway argument. I bet the heroin users watched TV, ate salt, drank coffee, snuck a few beers and many other things we could say they done before moving on to harder substances. But one idiot with an agenda tells a heard of sheep people used herb first then rushed to ram a needle in their arm , and the herd of sheep swallow the lie whole... I know better because I've been on the front lines and seen for myself, no person had to tell me,... just how that herb could save us from many other far worse things like real drugs.

I'm far more inclined to believe anything God creates /ed is good and lies people,tell you are bad.
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I can tell you first hand beer and wine and liquor comes long before weed on the progression of drug use. It's a fact. And I personally never tried any thing harder than weed , except for the few times a dentist wrote pain medications or Doctor and that was not my reason for going to see them.

And your right every time I smoked weed there was an effort to,get high, that was the reason for doing it. What the hell,is your point. And why would you drink Vodka or tequila if you do not want to get drunk? Oh let me guess b/ c nothing tastes quite as great as tequila . That's one of the biggest lies I've ever heard on here. Or are you Don Draper just drinking to look cool . No you drink to catch a buzz or smoke herb to catch a buzz, they are one in the same.
Just like I thought...this post is full of nothing but BULLSHIT!!!...none it it is factual or true
Never would someone rob to buy POT, other harmful drugs yes but not weed . If they told you that at a jail they lied.

Heroin- cocaine- pharmaceuticals = drugs

Marijuana = herbs/ natural. .......... And a huge gulf lies in between the two.

And again weed so stripped the cognitive skills from Steve Jobs that he created the worlds most profitable company. I bet half the people arguing against weed are typing their replies from an apple product.

If you have a problem with herb then just say a little prayer to the all mighty God And tell him he messed up and that he should have never created it. But please stop the lies and sheep mentality of the gateway argument. I bet the heroin users watched TV, ate salt, drank coffee, snuck a few beers and many other things we could say they done before moving on to harder substances. But one idiot with an agenda tells a heard of sheep people used herb first then rushed to ram a needle in their arm , and the herd of sheep swallow the lie whole... I know better because I've been on the front lines and seen for myself, no person had to tell me,... just how that herb could save us from many other far worse things like real drugs.

I'm far more inclined to believe anything God creates /ed is good and lies people,tell you are bad.
I think you are over simplifying this a little. Tobacco is a natural God given plant as well, but it is not safe to smoke. Natural and God given doesn't translate into perfectly fine to ingest or inhale.
Slugger, sorry about your children. I'm sure that has caused a lot of worry in your family. I hope they find their way out of their addictions.

I think you make an interesting point here. I am very much a Constitutional Conservative, pretty close to Libertarian. I believe in the founding father's vision of individual liberty, so I have long been in favor of choice on the matter of drugs. However, this country has drifted so far away from individual liberty that I have been questioning some of my thoughts on legalization of drugs. The problem is in a society where we have liberty, it is not as much of a problem to have legal drugs. When someone ruins their life with drug use, the cost of taking care of them and rehabilitating them doesn't spill over to you and me by force. If I choose to contribute toward those organizations that perform those functions, fine. But it would be my choice, not the governments. They would operate as charities or as facilities where the family has to pay the cost. However, in our society, we have forced charity, which runs counter to individual liberty. With forced charity, people think they have the right to tell other people what they can and can't do because they ultimately are forced to pay for the consequences of some ones bad decisions. Perhaps they should have that right if they are forced to pay the cost. Liberty is a great tool for providing an incentive for people to make good decisions because it forces you to take individual responsibility for your actions. That being said, I think there is an argument for society deciding what is legal and illegal if they are going to be the ones who ultimately pay the costs when people make poor decisions.
I agree with most of what you say, but from experience I can tell you that the large majority of these rehab facilities are extremely expensive and that a great of majority families can't afford them. Some people act like if you make drugs legal if will make the drug problem go away, but have no clue that you can't rehab a person that dosen't want to healed. Heroin at this time is the most widely used drug because it is so cheap, but is highly addictive with a 15% recovery rate. I just wish I could understand why anybody ever does this stuff not knowing where it s going to lead because the consequences are very hard on families and trust me something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy
Never would someone rob to buy POT, other harmful drugs yes but not weed . If they told you that at a jail they lied.

Heroin- cocaine- pharmaceuticals = drugs

Marijuana = herbs/ natural. .......... And a huge gulf lies in between the two.

And again weed so stripped the cognitive skills from Steve Jobs that he created the worlds most profitable company. I bet half the people arguing against weed are typing their replies from an apple product.

If you have a problem with herb then just say a little prayer to the all mighty God And tell him he messed up and that he should have never created it. But please stop the lies and sheep mentality of the gateway argument. I bet the heroin users watched TV, ate salt, drank coffee, snuck a few beers and many other things we could say they done before moving on to harder substances. But one idiot with an agenda tells a heard of sheep people used herb first then rushed to ram a needle in their arm , and the herd of sheep swallow the lie whole... I know better because I've been on the front lines and seen for myself, no person had to tell me,... just how that herb could save us from many other far worse things like real drugs.

I'm far more inclined to believe anything God creates /ed is good and lies people,tell you are bad.
You may be on the right road but you're littering the highway by throwing a lot of trash out your window.
Hey Johnny,learn to read, news flash ,dopers that don't have money to make a buy,steal stuff! Trot down to the nearest jail and let them explain this to you,in simple terms!
Bankers and lawyers steal far more! Personal experience.
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Never would someone rob to buy POT, other harmful drugs yes but not weed . If they told you that at a jail they lied.

Heroin- cocaine- pharmaceuticals = drugs

Marijuana = herbs/ natural. .......... And a huge gulf lies in between the two.

And again weed so stripped the cognitive skills from Steve Jobs that he created the worlds most profitable company. I bet half the people arguing against weed are typing their replies from an apple product.

If you have a problem with herb then just say a little prayer to the all mighty God And tell him he messed up and that he should have never created it. But please stop the lies and sheep mentality of the gateway argument. I bet the heroin users watched TV, ate salt, drank coffee, snuck a few beers and many other things we could say they done before moving on to harder substances. But one idiot with an agenda tells a heard of sheep people used herb first then rushed to ram a needle in their arm , and the herd of sheep swallow the lie whole... I know better because I've been on the front lines and seen for myself, no person had to tell me,... just how that herb could save us from many other far worse things like real drugs.

I'm far more inclined to believe anything God creates /ed is good and lies people,tell you are bad.
Say what you will as I too have personal experiences at 65 and weed IS the biggest gateway drug and simply because MAYBE it didn't cause you to dabble in other drugs does not make it not so as I have talked to MANY experts in my trials with my children, and yes I do drunk socially --rum and bourbon--and never get high...FYI if the government wants to legalize it I could care less, but please stop trying to make make it something that it isn't ...
Alright then sport. Since you're an expert on the topic, why don't you test it out for us by speeding at least 10 miles an hour over the speed limit in the same part of I-64 at 1am every night for a month and report back to us.

I lose faith in the intelligence and reading comprehension skills of society every time I read a post like yours.

My comprehension skills aren't lacking. Maybe you shouldn't make uneducated remarks like " I haven't seen a picture of Hatcher's ride, but would be willing to bet it had tinted windows. Cops HATE tinted windows."
So you had no idea at the time of your post if he even had tinted windows which is part of your rant against him being pulled over.

You weren't there but you're sure that the cop didn't pull over other speeders. Again, uneducated, because you weren't there.

You make the assumption that cops think that all people who drive SUVs with tinted windows are bad people and then you make another uneducated remark that it takes an hour to do the paperwork for a speeding ticket.

It looks like you are the one that needs a little comprehension lesson. You state silly personal opinions about all of this. None based in fact. It sounds like you don't like your local police too much.

Why do you lose faith in people? Because they call you out on ridiculous conspiracy theories and your clear disdain for the police? By the way, do you think this of all police in this manner or just the ones that have pulled you over?
Hey Johnny,learn to read, news flash ,dopers that don't have money to make a buy,steal stuff! Trot down to the nearest jail and let them explain this to you,in simple terms!

correct, people who shoot dope steal to support their habit

equating marijuana to heroin or crack or meth is completely asinine

i think the frat goons who committed a gang beating should have gone to jail. you admired them

somebody's moral compass is broken, and it ain't mine
I have the utmost sympathy for your situation of a child of yours dealing with a horrible addiction slugger and I mean that from the heart. Where we disagree is that weed somehow caused this addiction or forcefully drove him into this problem. If he were my brother I'd take him to my cabin in the woods and lock the doors, and slowly heal,his symptoms with this herb, and pray to God for its healing benefits to help his problems.

Also no one necessarily has to smoke this healing herb to gain any medicinal benefits. They now have vaporizers, and ways to ingest it that do not carry the carcinogens that like tobacco are not healthy. But I'd rather have a loved one munching Grippos and cup cakes than sticking a needle is their arm.

And what part of God creating this herb along with all others is bull$#!+?
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You really believe all that you just wrote or just hoping dope becomes legalized? Legalizing dope isn't the answer to our budget woes. I would have to be shown data to believe it generated enough tax revenue to fund the added number added to welfare rolls.

yeah there are thousands of people utterly fascinated by marijuana who adamantly refuse to break the law, and would quit their jobs to take bong hits 24/7 at the very moment of decriminalization
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Also I would,like to ask again why one would drink expensive bourbons and whiskeys and rums if not to get some kind of effect from it? But that's ok and justified because they are doing it. Just like you can have a few and not commit crime , people can smoke herbs and not commit crimes.

Not saying I don't indulge from time to time but I dam sure don't drink it just to say I have. I sure as hell don't drink rum because it tastes good. A cheerwine or root beer tastes far better if I'm thirsty for something other than water. But the very people ragging herb drink and justify it. And just maybe some kid helped his self to a liqueur stash long before they ever smoked weed and that was the dam gateway to other problems. No that's a hard pill to swallow but there could be some truth to it. I know I drank alcohol long before I ever seen weed.

The gateway theory is total bull$#!+ , .......and anyone who says a natural occurring herb was not created and put on this earth by the all mighty is delusional.
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Say what you will as I too have personal experiences at 65 and weed IS the biggest gateway drug and simply because MAYBE it didn't cause you to dabble in other drugs does not make it not so as I have talked to MANY experts in my trials with my children, and yes I do drunk socially --rum and bourbon--and never get high...FYI if the government wants to legalize it I could care less, but please stop trying to make make it something that it isn't ...
Maybe you need to go back and have more conversation.
So tobacco needs to be made illegal? BTW that would be man's law.
What are you talking about? I never said, or implied, that. He is making a point that God given plants are good. I was saying that is an over simplification. Many God given plants are not good for you. Tobacco, certain mushrooms, etc., are all not good for you. Just because something is naturally occurring doesn't mean it is safe to ingest or smoke. That statement has nothing to do with whether any of them should be illegal or legal.
What are you talking about? I never said, or implied, that. He is making a point that God given plants are good. I was saying that is an over simplification. Many God given plants are not good for you. Tobacco, certain mushrooms, etc., are all not good for you. Just because something is naturally occurring doesn't mean it is safe to ingest or smoke. That statement has nothing to do with whether any of them should be illegal or legal.
No that is not the point he is making. He is talking more about freedom and natural law as the conservatives like to speak of so much. Why isn't poison ivy illegal? It's not good for you either. How about butter beans? They are poisonous when raw why aren't they illegal? Why should a man who buys a piece of property be judged to be breaking a law if marijuana is growing naturally on his property. Why is he a criminal if he tends to and nurtures one of God's creation?
What are you talking about? I never said, or implied, that. He is making a point that God given plants are good. I was saying that is an over simplification. Many God given plants are not good for you. Tobacco, certain mushrooms, etc., are all not good for you. Just because something is naturally occurring doesn't mean it is safe to ingest or smoke. That statement has nothing to do with whether any of them should be illegal or legal.

The same poisonous mushroom to eat some scientist can use as a cure or and aid for a disease. The same snake venom that can kill you can if used in the right capacity can heal,you.

Again to paraphrase Genisis 1:12 " I have given you ALL the seed bearing plants and HERBS that yield seed in and of its kind and these are good"

Having said that I don't think God wants us to be stoned 24/7 but the Bible said to use. Maybe that's to,use as you see fit for your own health problems/ issues. But God put the briars on earth just like he put the apple tree and everything has its purpose in some capacity.

I just find it amazing that we see cigarettes kill people in this very state on a day to day basis, but the same zealots Arguing against herb , never raise a finger to eradicate tobacco and it's killing someone right now same as alcohol. Show me one person who died or overdosed from weed, and I'll show you a million hat died from alcohol and tobacco.

Just like the Bible says " they gag at a nat and swallow a camel. " in other word they let a known killer exist and rally against a natural herb. You've drank the koolaid this world has served you, and not been able to analyze things for your selfs, or just chose to stay stuck in your false beliefs.

The same government putting people in jail for this offense , is the same government ran the last 24 years by a weed smoker,......go figure. It's also the same government that refused women the right to vote at one time then changed,'s the same government who said slavery was legal then changed, it's the same government who said segregation was legal than changed,'s the same government who said alcohol was evil and awful then changed....... SO LISTEN AND THINK BEFORE YOU FOLLOW THE REST OF THE SHEEP SOMETIMES, BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!
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A copy and paste from levibootys post .

Scientists long ago abandoned the idea that marijuana causes users to try other drugs: as far back as 1999, in a report commissioned by Congress to look at the possible dangers of medical marijuana, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences wrote:

Patterns in progression of drug use from adolescence to adulthood are strikingly regular. Because it is the most widely used illicit drug, marijuana is predictably the first illicit drug most people encounter. Not surprisingly, most users of other illicit drugs have used marijuana first. In fact, most drug users begin with alcohol and nicotine before marijuana — usually before they are of legal age.

In the sense that marijuana use typically precedes rather than follows initiation of other illicit drug use, it is indeed a “gateway” drug. But because underage smoking and alcohol use typically precede marijuana use, marijuana is not the most common, and is rarely the first, “gateway” to illicit drug use. There is no conclusive evidence that the drug effects of marijuana are causally linked to the subsequent abuse of other illicit drugs.

And this is from a group called the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences,...ill go,out on a limb and say these doctors are a tad bit more knowledgable on the subject matter than most.
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My biggest problem with many of the arguments against marijuana legalization is they often don't separate correlation from causation.

Let's take the gateway drug argument, for example. I wouldn't disagree with the notion that most people who try harder drugs (coke, heroin, etc) likely try marijuana beforehand. Disregarding that they likely try alcohol even before that, I don't think you can necessarily say marijuana caused them to try the harder drugs. I believe people that use hard drugs are likely to get there regardless of which gateways are available beforehand because they have an addictive personality that would lead them to do so. Like alcohol before it, the primary reason marijuana comes earlier in the chain is because it is more readily available. Thus it can be correlated with harder drug use but there is no proof that it actually causes it or that removing the gateway would reduce drug use beyond it.

The same goes with the "weed users are just lazy stoners" line of thinking. I can't disagree that I know quite a few heavy pot users that I'll admit aren't the most motivated of people. However, the ones I knew before they ever took a puff weren't exactly super stars before they started. Most of these types of people don't have their lives ruined because of pot. They are likely poorly skilled and poorly motivated beforehand. They smoke a lot of pot because they lazy, not lazy because they smoke pot. I also know others that are well employed that will responsibly partake (or even wish they could if it were legal) just as people can responsibly drink alcohol.
The same poisonous mushroom to eat some scientist can use as a cure or and aid for a disease. The same snake venom that can kill you can if used in the right capacity can heal,you.

Again to paraphrase Genisis 1:12 " I have given you ALL the seed bearing plants and HERBS that yield seed in and of its kind and these are good"

Having said that I don't think God wants us to be stoned 24/7 but the Bible said to use. Maybe that's to,use as you see fit for your own health problems/ issues. But God put the briars on earth just like he put the apple tree and everything has its purpose in some capacity.

I just find it amazing that we see cigarettes kill people in this very state on a day to day basis, but the same zealots Arguing against herb , never raise a finger to eradicate tobacco and it's killing someone right now same as alcohol. Show me one person who died or overdosed from weed, and I'll show you a million hat died from alcohol and tobacco.

Just like the Bible says " they gag at a nat and swallow a camel. " in other word they let a known killer exist and rally against a natural herb. You've drank the koolaid this world has served you, and not been able to analyze things for your selfs, or just chose to stay stuck in your false beliefs.

The same government putting people in jail for this offense , is the same government ran the last 24 years by a weed smoker,......go figure. It's also the same government that refused women the right to vote at one time then changed,'s the same government who said slavery was legal then changed, it's the same government who said segregation was legal than changed,'s the same government who said alcohol was evil and awful then changed....... SO LISTEN AND THINK BEFORE YOU FOLLOW THE REST OF THE SHEEP SOMETIMES, BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!
Exactly what Koolaid have I drank? This should be very interesting.
He was caugyht going from Louisville to Lexington, which could mean that his supplier lives in Louisville. I wonder if this can be traced back to his Quick friend, If that is the case it will expand this case to other Quick Friends.
Ask all of the people in Mexico that are murdered because of the harmless herb by the drug cartels.

Maybe you need to get your facts straight. Cannabis isn't the real problem in the drug trade. Meth and Coke are the major drugs that run the cartel. The Cannabis trade from Mexico is minuscule when compared to the drugs. You are partly is a harmless herb. It has been vilified by our government
In normal times he'd wind up back at LilBrothel with his buddy James. But I am not so sure that the media scrutiny will allow Jurich the ability to "win at all cost take the bad guy thing."
I agree with you. I think the timing is wrong for Lord Turtleneck to bring this kid in. On the other hand, it wouldn't surprise me if Jurich did let him transfer to the Vile. He is absolutely pompous enough to do it. The Vile fans have blown Jurich up to be a god.
Do you realize how much a 1/4 pound of weed is? That is a LOT more than personal use. Lets just hope this doesn't spill onto other players. That is a LOT of weed (4 OZ). He can be looking at a year in prison.
Yep, 113 GRAMS. That is about a good three month supply for an old puffer like me. Sounds about right to me. Maybe you don't smoke as much as someone else. The average personal indoor grow contains 15-20 plants. Do you know how much that can produce? IT is a hell of a lot more than 4oz. Tell me is there a number of grams of Cannabis the would be considered for personal use? The real point should be that 1 gram is illegal in KY. Be careful people!
It's completely ridiculous that it's illegal, but personal use is very different than trafficking. It shouldn't be illegal, but Hatcher shouldn't have taken such a huge risk. I'm not going to bash a kid for smoking, yeah it's illegal but it's incredibly common and mostly harmless and the penalties for getting caught are a slap on the wrist. But if you're trafficking, you're taking needless risks when you have a potential NFL career ahead of you.

We are all assuming that this kid was trafficking Cannabis. Hell. he could be the guy that says, "anyone want in on this kill? IF we buy a lb we can get a great price". Then they pool their money Hatcher has the contact. Then when he gets back they divvy up and wallah they have a nice stash. Not saying this is what went down, but we don't know.
No that is not the point he is making. He is talking more about freedom and natural law as the conservatives like to speak of so much. Why isn't poison ivy illegal? It's not good for you either. How about butter beans? They are poisonous when raw why aren't they illegal? Why should a man who buys a piece of property be judged to be breaking a law if marijuana is growing naturally on his property. Why is he a criminal if he tends to and nurtures one of God's creation?
That's not the part of his post I was referring to, but just for clarification, I believe in individual liberty and that the Government (you and I) have no authority to tell another person what he can do to himself. As long as he isn't restricting the rights of another human being, he should be free to do as he pleases. This country, unfortunately, has moved way beyond the ideals of our founding fathers. We no longer value, or even understand, the concept of individual liberty.
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So this country sucks because you are not allowed to carry a quarter pound of weed? I have never smoked pot but if the effects of weed are that you say stupid crap like this then it should probably be illegal.
What is stupid about questioning the trafficking for 1/4 lb of Cannabis? I use medical Cannabis. Let me tell you, 1/4 lb. isn't much. Now if you were talking about his inability to comprehend the information in the article then maybe you have something. Just for review, Hatcher pushed 1/4 lb. into his pants and had another 3/4 lb. in the passenger floor board in a bag.
Back in the day I bought several 1/4 lbs. I assure you it wasn't all for personal use.
OK so you sold Cannabis. I have smoked for better than 50 years. I my younger days I would buy as much as a kilo and I never sold a single gram. I just vacation in Colorado now.
If Cannabis were legal people wouldn't have to stock up when it is available.
I guess the taxpayers should just be responsible for paying welfare for those pot heads that are too damn lazy to get a job(s). Pot is a kids drug, fun when you're in high school, but there comes a point when you need to GTFU and become a responsible adult, not some baked stoner.

I have smoked for many, many years. I never attended college. I started and ran a very successful business. I retired at 46 years old. Yeah, cannabis really messes you up. IF cannabis is a kids drug where do kids come up with enough money to support a multi billion dollar industry. Surely you are not that ignorant of the facts? It is the top cash crop in KY. We must have some damn well heeled kids in this state? Would you link where I can find the info that welfare is caused by smoking cannabis?
Not harmless. If it were harmless Hatcher would be so addicted to it that he couldn't resist it even though its illegal. And if he's not addicted to it and continues to do it, he's not a victim of the law he's a victim of his own stupidity.

Did you really just just the word addiction in relation to smoking Cannabis. Why don't you just hang a sign around your neck that says, "stupid"?
We are all assuming that this kid was trafficking Cannabis. Hell. he could be the guy that says, "anyone want in on this kill? IF we buy a lb we can get a great price". Then they pool their money Hatcher has the contact. Then when he gets back they divvy up and wallah they have a nice stash. Not saying this is what went down, but we don't know.

It's still legally trafficking, and it's dumb as hell to take that massive legal risk when he has so much to lose.
I have smoked for many, many years. I never attended college. I started and ran a very successful business. I retired at 46 years old. Yeah, cannabis really messes you up. IF cannabis is a kids drug where do kids come up with enough money to support a multi billion dollar industry. Surely you are not that ignorant of the facts? It is the top cash crop in KY. We must have some damn well heeled kids in this state? Would you link where I can find the info that welfare is caused by smoking cannabis?

Really glad you set me straight with your facts and poor reasoning. I had NO idea that smoking pot made every geniuses, and successful business people. Had I know that, I sure would have smoke a hell of a lot more of it.

My facts are based on the dumbasses I knew that smoked a lot of weed. 5/6 turned out to do nothing with their lives.

You are NOT the norm when it comes to hitting the bong, awf, sorry to break the news to you.
Did you really just just the word addiction in relation to smoking Cannabis. Why don't you just hang a sign around your neck that says, "stupid"?

You don't believe people can get addicted to pot? What makes a kid get busted with pot three times, and told after the second that he will be living on the street if he brings it home again? What makes a kid getting a free ride to school and has a good shot at a real future do the same damn thing over and over? If that's not addiction then nothing is.

Please stop saying Cannabis, it makes you sound like a douche-bag hipster.
Smoking marijuana, however, may put you at risk to lose everything you've worked for whether you are hard working or not. I'm not speaking of the legalities of it, but the medical risk. It's naïve to assume it's "harmless", as so many often suggest. There are potential risks to almost every organ system of the body associated with marijuana use. If you don't think so, just check out the link below:*~hmac=4aa97c67f2869ce31f89f0c88d4df8b49ab03cec0e10ce688909b087677297e7
Let me tell you about harmful. I was a patient at a pain management clinic for almost nine years. They almost killed me with fentanyl patches, morphine and many other LEGAL DRUGS!
I weaned myself off of the list of 23 medications that they had me on. I did it over a 19 day period. Don't preach about potential risk. I know for a fact that there is a national lawsuit over
fentanyl patches that were over dosing people. I was one of them. I have never over dosed on cannabis. It is naive to rail against something because you don't agree with it. For every link you can produce that says cannabis is evil, I can link one that says it is OK. I didn't bother to check your link out. Most are gov. funded. We all know our honest gov. wouldn't lie to us about a simple herb, would they?
Just because there are a few outliers that are about to succeed despite the used of a heavy narcotic, doesn't mean that said narcotic should be legal. It's not a valid argument to use to defend your position. "Weed" has destroyed many lives and for what? It provides little to no benefit.

Narcotic? You have bought in to company line. Why is tobacco not a narcotic? It is very addictive. Keep drinking the government kool aid.
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