Hatcher arrested

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So this country sucks because you are not allowed to carry a quarter pound of weed? I have never smoked pot but if the effects of weed are that you say stupid crap like this then it should probably be illegal.
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Another victim of the harmless herb.

Funny how Obama, Bush and Clinton were all users of this herb and it never crumbled their lives into pieces.

Just a shame that a legal substance in our nations capital, will no doubt ruin the career of a promising future. What a disgrace.
Not harmless. If it were harmless Hatcher would be so addicted to it that he couldn't resist it even though its illegal. And if he's not addicted to it and continues to do it, he's not a victim of the law he's a victim of his own stupidity.
So this country sucks because you are not allowed to carry a quarter pound of weed? I have never smoked pot but if the effects of weed are that you say stupid crap like this then it should probably be illegal.

That was just the front seat. The rest of the pound was apparently in the backseat.
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Junior defensive end Jason A. Hatcher, 21, was initially stopped for speeding, but he was arrested after a deputy found a pound of marijuana during a search, Franklin County Sheriff Pat Melton confirmed for WKYT
Lol you'd be absolutely shocked if you knew how many successful, professional adults smoke weed. They just can't talk about it because it's illegal. Nothing about smoking weed means you're not going to be intelligent, or hard working, or successful.
Most of the ones you are talking about aren't driving around smoking and speeding after midnight carrying a pound of weed.
Another victim of the harmless herb.

Funny how Obama, Bush and Clinton were all users of this herb and it never crumbled their lives into pieces.

Just a shame that a legal substance in our nations capital, will no doubt ruin the career of a promising future. What a disgrace.
Would you be in favor of all drugs bring legalized? Sounds so
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At least he's consistent with something, 3 years on campus and 3 suspensions.

I was excited when UK signed him but haven't been enamored with his play. His career has been underwhelming mainly due to the lack of discipline he's shown off the field caring over to his on-field performance. He's also undersized which has hurt him.

BTW, he has a RS year to spend...FWIW.
Truth is, Laws do not create/change an individual's character.

It doesn't really matter if it's legal or not re: cartels. If illegal substances such as marijuana and other drugs are made legal, the cartels will find something else to push. For example, see human trafficking, which has a higher yield on the investment than any drug.
Lol you'd be absolutely shocked if you knew how many successful, professional adults smoke weed. They just can't talk about it because it's illegal. Nothing about smoking weed means you're not going to be intelligent, or hard working, or successful.

It doesn't mean you won't be and it doesn't mean you will be. Looks like we have come to a draw. What's next in your pro kiddie drug banter?
It doesn't mean you won't be and it doesn't mean you will be.

I wouldn't call that a draw. Some people are losers, some people are hard workers. Some of both groups will choose to smoke weed. Smoking weed doesn't mean a person hasn't grown up or isn't a responsible adult.
I don't think he'll be playing anywhere anytime soon. I'm not sure what will happen as far as his legal issues. Who knows how long it will take to go to trial. Not to mention if he's guilty, will he do jail time?
Another victim of the harmless herb.

Funny how Obama, Bush and Clinton were all users of this herb and it never crumbled their lives into pieces.

Just a shame that a legal substance in our nations capital, will no doubt ruin the career of a promising future. What a disgrace.

Let's not pretend this is a surprise to anyone. It is about discipline and about a kid who lacks it. If he broke the team rule about going to class would we be making a political comment about it? It was a rule. He obviously has a problem with rules. It apprently likes weed more than a potential future in the NFL.
Lol you'd be absolutely shocked if you knew how many successful, professional adults smoke weed. They just can't talk about it because it's illegal. Nothing about smoking weed means you're not going to be intelligent, or hard working, or successful.
Or how many successful people have done cocaine, heroin or have possession of child porn for that matter. Being successful is a really dumb argument for legalization. It should be illegal everywhere, certainly in the amounts he has. And it's not like this is his first offense.

Personally I think they should get him for stupidity alone. And that should be a crime. He could have been set for life and all he had to do was not smoke pot and he couldn't pull that off. Even after being caught once before and he still couldn't leave it alone. I don't care about the legalization argument. If had a chance to make millions of dollars and all I had to do was not drink alcohol I wouldn't care how legal it was to drink I would stop right away. You can be a millionaire in the NFL or you can be a pot head claiming it should be legal. Looks like Hatcher chose the second one.
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I wouldn't call that a draw. Some people are losers, some people are hard workers. Some of both groups will choose to smoke weed. Smoking weed doesn't mean a person hasn't grown up or isn't a responsible adult.

Smoking marijuana, however, may put you at risk to lose everything you've worked for whether you are hard working or not. I'm not speaking of the legalities of it, but the medical risk. It's naïve to assume it's "harmless", as so many often suggest. There are potential risks to almost every organ system of the body associated with marijuana use. If you don't think so, just check out the link below:
As another poster succinctly posted, you can drink a beer without getting drunk,but you smoke weed to get high! The people,that are regular users,are the last ones to know the negative effects on ones ability to perform to their ability,physically or mentally. Hope everyone encourages their children to use weed,since it's such a harmless substance(sarcasm). It's amazing all the wonderful things the sixties have normalized: drugs, uninhibited sex at any age, relativism, denial of logic or common sense ! Party on Garth! What a country!
Or how many successful people have done cocaine, heroin or have possession of child porn for that matter. Being successful is a really dumb argument for legalization. It should be illegal everywhere, certainly in the amounts he has. And it's not like this is his first offense.

It's important to pay attention to what's actually being discussed so you don't make yourself appear foolish arguing against something that wasn't said. The post I was responding to wasn't discussing the legality of marijuana, it was criticizing the users of marijuana as being lazy stoners without jobs, and not responsible adults. I wasn't making an argument for legalization. The argument for legalization is that government has no business criminalizing personal possession and consumption of a naturally growing substance with limited objective risk/harm to adult users. Its criminalization is completely arbitrary, and it's an affront to liberty to impose judicial penalties over something so ridiculous. It's comparable to banning the production, sale, and possession of soft drinks with jail time for a case of coca cola because sugar is making us a fat and unhealthy society.
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Smoking marijuana, however, may put you at risk to lose everything you've worked for whether you are hard working or not. I'm not speaking of the legalities of it, but the medical risk. It's naïve to assume it's "harmless", as so many often suggest. There are potential risks to almost every organ system of the body associated with marijuana use. If you don't think so, just check out the link below:

It's not "harmless." It also has not found to be something incredibly harmful to ones health. Potential risks and "could potentially be"s like that paper mentions are very different from actual findings of substantial increases in mortality and morbidity. Many things that many people indulge in have health risks. I routinely drive 10-15 mph over the speed limit (making sure not to stand out from the speed of traffic, haven't been pulled over for speeding in 10 years) and this is an objective risk to my life and health. I eat processed meats (ham/turkey lunch meat, bacon) which objectively increases my risks of colorectal and pancreatic cancer. Smoking weed isn't good for you or perfectly harmless like some of the ridiculous hippie "THC cures cancer!" types seem to think, but its risks and harms are hardly noteworthy compared to the myriad habits and activities and vices that all sorts of people engage in.
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I would tell the fine people of Mexico not to get involved in anything that might end in violence. Citizens of the USA possessing an herb that's use will not hurt them should dam sure have that freedom.

I bet the people are not worried about the diamond they purchased for their wife's ring hurting some enslaved African indentured servant.

I bet the people wearing their clothes or shoes are not worried about he young Asian who is a slave to the industry. So how on earth can one lay the violence of a cartel who deals in meth and heroine and cocaine at a weed smokers feet, who is most likely smoking a strain produced right here in America?

It's this kind of thinking that have our prisons packed out with young minority's who have not done anything different than the privileged leaders of our country.
This delusional bs rivals the stuff on U of L message boards.
A person should be able to rise or fall on the talents they bring to the table. If smoking weed limits his ability to succeed then he pays the price, not the tax payers to house another victim of the war on drugs.

How can something you claim is harmless limit his ability to succeed?
Another victim of the harmless herb.

Funny how Obama, Bush and Clinton were all users of this herb and it never crumbled their lives into pieces.

Just a shame that a legal substance in our nations capital, will no doubt ruin the career of a promising future. What a disgrace.

The world was at his feet. All he's asked to do is follow the rules. What rules and laws should be is an entirely different conversation to me
Lol you'd be absolutely shocked if you knew how many successful, professional adults smoke weed. They just can't talk about it because it's illegal. Nothing about smoking weed means you're not going to be intelligent, or hard working, or successful.

Just because there are a few outliers that are about to succeed despite the used of a heavy narcotic, doesn't mean that said narcotic should be legal. It's not a valid argument to use to defend your position. "Weed" has destroyed many lives and for what? It provides little to no benefit.
Another victim of the harmless herb.

Funny how Obama, Bush and Clinton were all users of this herb and it never crumbled their lives into pieces.

Just a shame that a legal substance in our nations capital, will no doubt ruin the career of a promising future. What a disgrace.

No, the disgrace here is that he had the world on a string and he pissed it away.

If there's laws one doesn't like fine, we have ways in this country to change them. Until then, live by what's dictated or suffer the consequences.
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