Hatcher arrested

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No, I didn't lose any argument,I'm just stating your warped reality! No wonder we can't have an intelligent conversation about UK sports!
Your argument is weaker than Charmin in a snowstorm. You haven't brought anything to this conversation but ignorance and prejudice. If you talk sports with the same level of knowledge as you have here you should stick with Baby Ball.
I don't think advice or comments from stoners will convince me of anything except you all are as brain dead as your BS!
From your 21st century liberal BS ,to your love for weed and dope,you're stoners and evidently burnt enough brain cells and living in a stoners world,you've convinced each other you're not! Pitiful!
You are a fool. People like yourself are why this country is stuck in the stone age with a 2000 year old book. I wake up every day and smoke weed. Then do you know what I do 5 maybe 6 days a week? I go to work for 8-12 hours a day. I take a hit of weed and I run three miles 3 or 4 days a week. I take a hit of weed and I f*ck like a horse for a good 30 minutes.

Say a prayer for me or whatever
You are a fool. People like yourself are why this country is stuck in the stone age with a 2000 year old book. I wake up every day and smoke weed. Then do you know what I do 5 maybe 6 days a week? I go to work for 8-12 hours a day. I take a hit of weed and I run three miles 3 or 4 days a week. I take a hit of weed and I f*ck like a horse for a good 30 minutes.

Say a prayer for me or whatever
Hey awf and you pro dopers going to tell me and others this guy isn't an ADDICT when he had to smoke it to get anything done in his life...sure it's not addictive...PLEASE
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Slugger ,you figured him out! Stoners! The only thing he has similar to a horse,is his ass!
Translation: "I'm losing this argument. Therefore, I must resort to name-calling."

Game. Set. Match.

Thankfully, sanity reigns in bastions of freedom, like Colorado. No worries. It's only a matter of time before other states see the light.
Colorado is far from a bastion of freedom.
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No I'm not a scared old man , especially dealing with the punk stoners on this site and any time you want to meet me ,I'll be there in a heart beat! You stoners have swallowed all this bullsh&t propaganda, and the sad part ,you dont even realize it! What a smoky dream you live in! Some of us can think for ourselves unlike the rest of you that buy into anything that's popular at the moment! Maybe bell bottoms and tied died shirts will make comeback for you, so you can dress like the clown you are!
Hatcher is not the standard to measure the rest of humanity by. Bill Clinton, George Bush, Obama and Steve Jobs, and Michael Phelps, Mutliple NBA champions, multiple Heisman winners, multiple NFL all pros along with many highly successful people might disagree that it's not addictive.....

Hey here is one from Eric Holder who was the Attorney General.
IF someone is like Through blue and I'm assuming like several more of you, including yourself smoke everyday do you not call that addiction especially since you can't smoke Marijuana without getting high?
I've stated multiple times on this thread I do not smoke any longer or use in any other form. I did for almost 20 years and stopped without one withdrawal pain or any other issue. It's not addictive , and I can tell you that from experience unlike most on here yapping against it.

Lawman1179 says he can think for himself , so everything he is saying or said is based on HIS thoughts, and not the facts backed up by non biased doctors, Attorney Generals and scientist. I think I'll listen to experts over a a hot head spewing and regurgitating stereotypes.
I'm basing my opinions on first hand observations of the potheads that think they have all the answers! All the government scientists,doctors and attorney general have a vested interest in dumbing down the general public,its how we got the bozo in the White House,his attorney general , his surgeon general,his secretary of state and the rest of the geniuses in his administration! Informed,aware citizens wouldn't fall for the hope and change BS,that's just about completely bankrupted the country . All this wonderful state of the nation is due to voters
Ike these dope/weed promoters ,who don't have enough walking around sense,to know they've been had! Piss on the fire and call the dogs,with idiots like these dope/weed boosters,it's just about over!
Also I agree,close this thread,because these dope/weed lovers ,are in a world apart ! Jason Hatcher sure brought his apologist out of the woodwork !
It's hilarious how a person who cannot make an argument, cannot remain calm, will not converse in a mature fashion, a person who resorts to name calling and disparaging remarks about posters, how unaware that person must be. A person that admits using mind altering drugs but feels the need to judge others who do or even those that do not, a person that doesn't understand the terms he uses in conversation, still thinks he has a firm grasp on reality and others don't. A person whose conversation skills devolve to a grade school level so as to remind me of a bad B-movie script, a worn out cliche, and is a sad commentary about the curious mind in this country.
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No I'm not a scared old man , especially dealing with the punk stoners on this site and any time you want to meet me ,I'll be there in a heart beat! You stoners have swallowed all this bullsh&t propaganda, and the sad part ,you dont even realize it! What a smoky dream you live in! Some of us can think for ourselves unlike the rest of you that buy into anything that's popular at the moment! Maybe bell bottoms and tied died shirts will make comeback for you, so you can dress like the clown you are!
Ill be in the applebees parking lot, pops
My uncle smoked Marlboro reds for over 30 years, one day he decided he was done and never picked up another and never had a craving. Does that mean that cigarettes aren't addictive? I partook of the reefer in high school, but never had an issue dropping the habit, but can't seem to stop with the nicotine.
It's impossible to compare different people in regards to the topic because no two people are the same. For some people it never leads to anything else and for others they like the high so much that they want a bigger and better high. It's all about the individual and not the "herb".

Case closed, you're welcome.
No I'm not a scared old man , especially dealing with the punk stoners on this site and any time you want to meet me ,I'll be there in a heart beat! You stoners have swallowed all this bullsh&t propaganda, and the sad part ,you dont even realize it! What a smoky dream you live in! Some of us can think for ourselves unlike the rest of you that buy into anything that's popular at the moment! Maybe bell bottoms and tied died shirts will make comeback for you, so you can dress like the clown you are!

i meant that you're terrified of change and people who are different from you
I'm basing my opinions on first hand observations of the potheads that think they have all the answers! All the government scientists,doctors and attorney general have a vested interest in dumbing down the general public,its how we got the bozo in the White House,his attorney general , his surgeon general,his secretary of state and the rest of the geniuses in his administration! Informed,aware citizens wouldn't fall for the hope and change BS,that's just about completely bankrupted the country . All this wonderful state of the nation is due to voters
Ike these dope/weed promoters ,who don't have enough walking around sense,to know they've been had! Piss on the fire and call the dogs,with idiots like these dope/weed boosters,it's just about over!

you seem informed and aware
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My uncle smoked Marlboro reds for over 30 years, one day he decided he was done and never picked up another and never had a craving. Does that mean that cigarettes aren't addictive? I partook of the reefer in high school, but never had an issue dropping the habit, but can't seem to stop with the nicotine.
It's impossible to compare different people in regards to the topic because no two people are the same. For some people it never leads to anything else and for others they like the high so much that they want a bigger and better high. It's all about the individual and not the "herb".

Case closed, you're welcome.
Thanks for making my case. You can go back and delete all of your anti-weed propaganda posts now
MODS, can you lock this thread or move it to the paddock since it hasn't had anything to do with Hatcher for several pages now. It's become a political battle over pot.
From your 21st century liberal BS ,to your love for weed and dope,you're stoners and evidently burnt enough brain cells and living in a stoners world,you've convinced each other you're not! Pitiful!

According to Cambridge University you sir are wrong again. The article below is local but read down to see where the neurological journal of Cambridge says what many of us here already know...youre wrong! I dont blame you. Its not your fault you were brainwashed with the rest of the sheep. so was I for many years. Its the same reason my IQ hasnt dropped anymore than the average person between the ages of 20 and 60 despite having partaken many, many times. Had I enforced the farcical laws of this money guided world (the reason MJ is illegal is money not harm to users) I too would go to the grave claiming by God I was right. Now crack another beer, light another cigarette and talk down to everyone else.
I'll have to admit I've learned a lot in this thread. I've learned that if your a dope defender,you certainly live in an alternative world,with different logic,facts, and what is good for your health! I'm cool with whatever you potheads want to do,hopefully your children will be smarter than their parents! Great example to your children to get stoned when you feel under stress! The alcohol equivalent ,is to get a little drunk. Either way,courageous way to handle adversity. Contrary to your strongly held defense of dope, it's just stupid to use and promote, just like drinking to get drunk,or smoking 2-3 packs a day of cigarettes! As I said ,if you have children,hope their smarter than you genius "parents"!

What do you think of me? I have 4 kids. 3 blood one step child. All grown. A doctor, a lawyer, a foreman at a union plant and a housewife in the bunch. I owned and operated 3 different businesses in my time, retired now. Smoked everyday (never touch alcohol). I havent taken an IQ test in years but many moons ago I was borderline genius per the eggheads in the military that tested me. 25 years later same test showed 4 point reduction. This kind of goes totally against your already weak theories that are based on nothing more than misinformation provided to you by your employer and government.

I think youre likely a cop who has only seen the worst of the worst. You see the losers of society everyday and think they must be losers because of weed. In reality losers are going to be losers no matter what you want to blame it on. Ive not known one person that just failed at life because they smoked weed. Ive known many who failed and happened to smoke weed but out of that group Id be hard pressed to remove the weed and find a winner.

You have the right approach when you talk about the dumbing down of society, youre just on the wrong side of the fence. Its likely that time and your own ill fated notions wont change that so I waste your time or mine by linking another several hundred studies all of which debunk what "the man" has lead you to believe for 75 years (because it was legal 75-80 years ago, Louisville had hash houses believe it or not that operated just like bars). As it turns out all the stiudies I can find preaching your ways are funded by the government or another agency with $$$ to lose (say like big pharma, wanna talk about a drug dealer and bad drugs, lets look at corporations shall we).

Id say it would suck to realize that all these years whilst taking those terrible potheads off the street all you were doing was handling the dirty work for the real drug dealer, Uncle Sam. Cleaning up his competition so to speak. Noble profession when you think about it that way, Id take the ostrich approach too.

Oh and Im up for any brain games you'd like to play to prove those studies have merit. I mean we can fight if you want but I kinda think that ties us pretty closely to the whole "low IQ" group you accuse stoners of being a part of. So I dunno, Trivial pursuit? Jeopardy? See who can add faster in their head? Rock, paper, scissors?
What do you think of me? I have 4 kids. 3 blood one step child. All grown. A doctor, a lawyer, a foreman at a union plant and a housewife in the bunch. I owned and operated 3 different businesses in my time, retired now. Smoked everyday (never touch alcohol). I havent taken an IQ test in years but many moons ago I was borderline genius per the eggheads in the military that tested me. 25 years later same test showed 4 point reduction. This kind of goes totally against your already weak theories that are based on nothing more than misinformation provided to you by your employer and government.

I think youre likely a cop who has only seen the worst of the worst. You see the losers of society everyday and think they must be losers because of weed. In reality losers are going to be losers no matter what you want to blame it on. Ive not known one person that just failed at life because they smoked weed. Ive known many who failed and happened to smoke weed but out of that group Id be hard pressed to remove the weed and find a winner.

You have the right approach when you talk about the dumbing down of society, youre just on the wrong side of the fence. Its likely that time and your own ill fated notions wont change that so I waste your time or mine by linking another several hundred studies all of which debunk what "the man" has lead you to believe for 75 years (because it was legal 75-80 years ago, Louisville had hash houses believe it or not that operated just like bars). As it turns out all the stiudies I can find preaching your ways are funded by the government or another agency with $$$ to lose (say like big pharma, wanna talk about a drug dealer and bad drugs, lets look at corporations shall we).

Id say it would suck to realize that all these years whilst taking those terrible potheads off the street all you were doing was handling the dirty work for the real drug dealer, Uncle Sam. Cleaning up his competition so to speak. Noble profession when you think about it that way, Id take the ostrich approach too.

Oh and Im up for any brain games you'd like to play to prove those studies have merit. I mean we can fight if you want but I kinda think that ties us pretty closely to the whole "low IQ" group you accuse stoners of being a part of. So I dunno, Trivial pursuit? Jeopardy? See who can add faster in their head? Rock, paper, scissors?

That is by far the most beautiful post I have ever read. That is deserving of a standing slow clap.
What do you think of me? I have 4 kids. 3 blood one step child. All grown. A doctor, a lawyer, a foreman at a union plant and a housewife in the bunch. I owned and operated 3 different businesses in my time, retired now. Smoked everyday (never touch alcohol). I havent taken an IQ test in years but many moons ago I was borderline genius per the eggheads in the military that tested me. 25 years later same test showed 4 point reduction. This kind of goes totally against your already weak theories that are based on nothing more than misinformation provided to you by your employer and government.

I think youre likely a cop who has only seen the worst of the worst. You see the losers of society everyday and think they must be losers because of weed. In reality losers are going to be losers no matter what you want to blame it on. Ive not known one person that just failed at life because they smoked weed. Ive known many who failed and happened to smoke weed but out of that group Id be hard pressed to remove the weed and find a winner.

You have the right approach when you talk about the dumbing down of society, youre just on the wrong side of the fence. Its likely that time and your own ill fated notions wont change that so I waste your time or mine by linking another several hundred studies all of which debunk what "the man" has lead you to believe for 75 years (because it was legal 75-80 years ago, Louisville had hash houses believe it or not that operated just like bars). As it turns out all the stiudies I can find preaching your ways are funded by the government or another agency with $$$ to lose (say like big pharma, wanna talk about a drug dealer and bad drugs, lets look at corporations shall we).

Id say it would suck to realize that all these years whilst taking those terrible potheads off the street all you were doing was handling the dirty work for the real drug dealer, Uncle Sam. Cleaning up his competition so to speak. Noble profession when you think about it that way, Id take the ostrich approach too.

Oh and Im up for any brain games you'd like to play to prove those studies have merit. I mean we can fight if you want but I kinda think that ties us pretty closely to the whole "low IQ" group you accuse stoners of being a part of. So I dunno, Trivial pursuit? Jeopardy? See who can add faster in their head? Rock, paper, scissors?

Great post! My only question would be asserting Uncle Sam as the benefactor of illegal drug trade. My first guess would be bankers and other such criminals are the ones that make the most money on the global drug trade. Government officials just accept the bribes and skim.
BTW Marijuana and the antiquated laws governing it is why Hatcher will not be on our team next year. It is a pertinent subject in sports today just as much as what is going on down in Tennessee is pertinent enough to be what all the sports shows are talking about.
You all have convinced me now. Information from a UL site,by a pro marijuana group citing their research as proving it doesn't harm your brain structure or function,is totally believable ! Anonymous scientists , releasing a report with no details,as to how large a sample size, methodology, any variance in sample results,totally convinces me. I'd soon believe this report,and conclude game over, no question. I'll disregard my real life experience with pot heads , dopers , both from being an employer and in social settings, and just not believe my lying eyes. Maybe we'll get another study/report that concluded just the opposite! You can skew studies to fit your desired conclusions,dependent on your methodology and emphasis. Justify your personal faults how ever you want,you've had plenty of time to practice and come up with whatever suits yourself! Rationalization is a wonderful thing!
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