Hatcher arrested

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BTW Marijuana and the antiquated laws governing it is why Hatcher will not be on our team next year. It is a pertinent subject in sports today just as much as what is going on down in Tennessee is pertinent enough to be what all the sports shows are talking about.
Hatcher will not be on our team because he repeatedly did things he was told not to do. He will not be on our team because he is immature and selfish.
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Hatcher will not be on our team because he repeatedly did things he was told not to do. He will not be on our team because he is immature and selfish.
True but he was arrested for possession of marijuana which resulted in his dismissal..
You all have convinced me now. Information from a UL site,by a pro marijuana group citing their research as proving it doesn't harm your brain structure or function,is totally believable ! Anonymous scientists , releasing a report with no details,as to how large a sample size, methodology, any variance in sample results,totally convinces me. I'd soon believe this report,and conclude game over, no question. I'll disregard my real life experience with pot heads , dopers , both from being an employer and in social settings, and just not believe my lying eyes. Maybe we'll get another study/report that concluded just the opposite! You can skew studies to fit your desired conclusions,dependent on your methodology and emphasis. Justify your personal faults how ever you want,you've had plenty of time to practice and come up with whatever suits yourself! Rationalization is a wonderful thing!

Ive offered up my own life over the last 40 years as evidence. As a self employed business owner thats never worked for anyone but himself in the civilian world. I know from experience you cant break decades of institutionalized programming like yours with a few studies. Psychology is a helluva thing. Ive had many experiences with users as an employer as well and a few were bad but much like guns are not a problem, this is a people problem not a plant problem. I do not take any study seriously that is funded by someone with an agenda. I just wonder what a group of research students at one of the countries finer institutions have to gain by releasing these "obviously biased and wrong" results, the names of said students are available if you dig deep enough. Would you care to enlighten me with WHY the Cambridge University Neuroscience newspaper would need to release a biased report? Were they funded by a pro cannabis group for said study you would have a valid point but they were not.

Given all of the slanted and biased "studies" our government has funded, big pharma etc I can see why you would be skeptical to believe anything like this. Theyve lied for years. Even going as far as to destroy government funded studies that proved the exact opposite of what said government expected them to prove (pot is bad) when concluded.

Any more theories?

I wont disagree that it isnt for everyone. There are folks amongst us that are one or two brain cells away from not being able to get a job at Wal Mart. Im just saying you have a closed minded view and its hard programmed into your conscious and you'd do us all a favor by telling us outright you refuse to allow any other smidgeon of a thought that youve been wrong to enter your mind. Right after you tell us to get off your lawn.
BTW I have plenty of personal faults, none of which I attribute to pot. To go against your theory once again. Im retired, have been for 5 almost 6 years (since I turned 55). I take 3-4 hits every night as I settle in to watch TV. Have for decades. Ive never been arrested, never evaded my taxes and vote every election. I volunteer with groups that help kids in bad situations to pass my free time away. To date Ive not killed anyone, never lost a contract because of pot and educated all of my children on it when they were old enough. I dont mean the bullshit education the local DARE cop gives them, I mean a real education with real information. Of the 4 kids only 2 partake and both only occasionally (one of em might be your doctor mr. stick in the mud, hows that grab ya?) . All 4 are very productive members of society.

It seems your real world theory only fits in the "real world" you have decided to live in. Isnt that what you are accusing the "stoners " of doing BTW?
If you drug apologist want to explain the horrible societal costs, where drugs have destroyed families,morals ,and society,including a heroin epidemic currently, then I'll consider the net positive effects! Previously ,someone stated it was an individual problem ,not a drug problem, I tend to agree with that comment. Unfortunately, since the beginning of time,there has been a sizable portion of humans,that can't control their destructive tendencies,whether it be liquor,cigarettes,shopping,credit cards,porno,or drugs! Therefore it's society's responsibility for the common good ,not to advocate or approve of anymore vices ,that a percentage of people will abuse,and cost everybody else ,both personal anguish and financial distress. Your question, who profits from the drug culture, politicians ,lawyers,and dealers. All of these groups have a vested interest in this business ,on both sides,buyers and sellers! Buyers have to be defended for buying,using,stealing,wrecking,or child support. Sellers for the money they can provide for elections,bribes , or paying massive fees to lawyers,to keep them from going to jail. The real loser,the user who buys the hoax of all the reasons other posters stated as to why it's good to consume. Like most things,all you have to do,is follow the money trail, and that will tell you the real story! Funny, the user is the only one that doesn't make any money off the deal! Best scam going!
As I said ,follow the money trail,if somebody wasn't profiting,and in this instance ,a lot,you would not see such propaganda ,to reinforce the users psyche,that it's necessary and cool! All about the money! Pity the poor users who buy into this scam, more ways than they realize!
If you drug apologist want to explain the horrible societal costs, where drugs have destroyed families,morals ,and society,including a heroin epidemic currently, then I'll consider the net positive effects! Previously ,someone stated it was an individual problem ,not a drug problem, I tend to agree with that comment. Unfortunately, since the beginning of time,there has been a sizable portion of humans,that can't control their destructive tendencies,whether it be liquor,cigarettes,shopping,credit cards,porno,or drugs! Therefore it's society's responsibility for the common good ,not to advocate or approve of anymore vices ,that a percentage of people will abuse,and cost everybody else ,both personal anguish and financial distress. Your question, who profits from the drug culture, politicians ,lawyers,and dealers. All of these groups have a vested interest in this business ,on both sides,buyers and sellers! Buyers have to be defended for buying,using,stealing,wrecking,or child support. Sellers for the money they can provide for elections,bribes , or paying massive fees to lawyers,to keep them from going to jail. The real loser,the user who buys the hoax of all the reasons other posters stated as to why it's good to consume. Like most things,all you have to do,is follow the money trail, and that will tell you the real story! Funny, the user is the only one that doesn't make any money off the deal! Best scam going!

Whose talking about heroin? We were talking about pot. Dont lump us all together because the pot angle is weak. Drugs like heroin, cocaine etc should never be legal under any circumstance. These are all drugs that take people over and cause them to do the horrible things you mentioned not pot. IVe never knwon anyone to smoke a joint and commit a murder (or even get in a fight). Ive never heard of anyone robbing someone or some place for pot money. It just doesnt happen.

Keep in ind your arguing against studies Ive posted yet you are likely goign on studies youve also read. Studies that were controlled just like you warned me about. Studies that had pre-set comclusions based on who was ponying up the $$$ for said study.

Also the smart user (Hatcher qualifies) smokes for free. He buys enough that he can break off the portion he needs then sell the remainder to recoup the original investment. I always avoided this angle due to my legitimate business ties and not wanting to cloud views should some ill informed Dudley Doright discover my dirty little secret of smoking. That siad much like Hatcher I bought in bulk but it WAS all for personal use. And to think Ive managed to go 40 years without a record and Ive had the same amount of weed on me as Hatcher a few times many moons ago. Glad they didnt lock me up and throw away the key.

Wonder what woulda happened to those 4 productive members of society I raised had I (and my $$$) not been there for them because I was in the Hoosegow for possessing a plant. Wonder if we still get a Dr and a lawyer outta the bunch? I can answer that for you, WE DONT. They needed my money to get through school. Had I ever been put away like so many others have those kids might actually be "a burden to society" like you spoke of. Since we know how I turned out and we KNOW the govt woulda locked me up over a pound plus I think we know the answer. The govt would have been the CREATOR of those burdens on society for locking up their hard working daddy because he possessed an illegal amount of a natural product.

But lets keep locking them up. Its clearly working.
There's an exception to every rule,as you should know,and you must be it. Congratulations to you and your two sibling users! At least 50% of your siblings , were smart enough to ignore you! Saved their money for productive things,instead of buying weed to take "the edge" off! Sorry the dealers couldn't make some money off them,like their old man!
As I said ,follow the money trail,if somebody wasn't profiting,and in this instance ,a lot,you would not see such propaganda ,to reinforce the users psyche,that it's necessary and cool! All about the money! Pity the poor users who buy into this scam, more ways than they realize!

I agree with you for a change. IF someone wasnt profiting (the govt, big pharma, bankers etc) you wouldnt see all the (anti marijuana) propaganda that you see. The trick is the gig is up. Folks know theyve received the mushroom treatment for 80 years when it comes to pot. They realize we have a society that takes what the govt says and gets in line like good sheep. They are just re-enforcing all those fears guys like you have AGAIN with propaganda. At this point the govt doesnt care. Their only pot fear was they couldnt tax it. Now that they see people happily pay the tax to get the legal bud the govt is going to back off completely. The only ones with a vested interest in keeping it illegal now are the folks that like to convince us that lab made drugs will fix all of our cures. They cant have some redneck from KY treating his own glaucoma with a plant he grew next to his tomatoes. That will begin to unravel the web of lies they have woven and it was expensive to buy (build) that web.

See, that works both ways.
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There's an exception to every rule,as you should know,and you must be it. Congratulations to you and your two sibling users! At least 50% of your siblings , were smart enough to ignore you! Saved their money for productive things,instead of buying weed to take "the edge" off! Sorry the dealers couldn't make some money off them,like their old man!

Talk about dopers being stupid. You can't even do the English language correctly.
If pot use was legal everywhere, would coaches still consider its use a violation of team rules?
I can "do" English a hell of lot better than you,which must be your second language! Pot use would still be against team rules, as it doesn't enhance performance but is a negative . If the coaches thought it would be a positive ,they'd change it yesterday!
There's an exception to every rule,as you should know,and you must be it. Congratulations to you and your two sibling users! At least 50% of your siblings , were smart enough to ignore you! Saved their money for productive things,instead of buying weed to take "the edge" off! Sorry the dealers couldn't make some money off them,like their old man!

Unfortunately you are no exception. Nowhere did I say I encouraged any of my 4 children who by the way are OFFSPRING. If they were siblings that would put me in another bad light. You know fathering my own brothers and sisters and whatnot might be frowned upon. As far as not encouraging them my approach was quite the contrary actually. I encouraged them to not put ANYTHING in their body that COULD be harmful but in the event that they DID do such a thing make sure said thing is NATURAL and not LAB CREATED and make sure they waited until the brain was fully developed because studies (those darn studies again) show that pot has some ill effects on a brain that is still growing and most definitely on a brain under 16 years old (your brain grows into your 20's IIRC). Common sense would tell us that though, no study needed. You dont want to add poor soil to the crop whilst its growing, once its matured however do as you like. Obviously anything you smoke leads to a temporary lack of oxygen in the blood, so if youre looking for a downside theres that too. I did however give them legitimate knowledge and not the rehashed government party line I heard from so many growing up.

Also who said anyone was "buying weed". A smart man grows his own and keeps his plant limit to an amount that would only be a misdemeanor.
I'll bet your children knew more about your use and approval of weed, that half thought it a good idea and the smarter half concluded they didn't want turn out like their old man.
If pot use was legal everywhere, would coaches still consider its use a violation of team rules?

Thats a very good question. I think it still finds its way onto a list of banned substances for a few years. The stigma it carries with the baby boomers and back generations runs as deep as old money. When it comes to performance I have a funny story. I have mentioned before that I coached AAU for about a dozen years back years ago. Before it was widely called AAU ball fwiw. I had a kid that was from a pretty rough upbringing on my team. He was always reserved and real passive on the floor. Great athlete but no heart. One game he shows up late because he didnt have a ride and proceeds to hang 35 points. He was unstoppable. I asked him what had gotten into him that day after the game as I drove him home and he stated that he smoked a joint on the way to the game (kid was a gangbanger and had gotten a ride from a banger friend). Now here was a 15 year old kid that played the game of his life while what I could only surmise under a mighty buzz. I told him NOT to smoke he was too young and NOT to smoke before a game again or Id bench him if I found out. As far as I know he never did it again but if I were him I would have...Id have been thinking I scored 35 points, whatever coach!
I'll bet your children knew more about your use and approval of weed, that half thought it a good idea and the smarter half concluded they didn't want turn out like their old man.

I don't give a shit about your opinion. I don't take advice from bumbling, uneducated morons.
You can rant on here all day. I don't care. I'm just pointing out that you are an uneducated buffoon.
I'll bet your children knew more about your use and approval of weed, that half thought it a good idea and the smarter half concluded they didn't want turn out like their old man.

Well its good to see you think you have all the answers. The two that smoke are the more educated of the two if that helps you to form an opinion. My children saw me as someone who didnt condemn ANYONE for ANYTHING. They saw me as someone that realizes we all have our crosses to bear in life. They saw me as someone RESISTANT to taking a slew of govt drugs for health problems and opting instead for a holistic approach when I could. They saw me as a mentor and they still come to me today for answers to their problems. Im guessing your kids saw you as a condemning, soap box preaching stick in the mud ready to disparage others at the drop of a hat for what you perceive to be making bad choices. As for me Id rather deal with the person and not the choice. IF you can function as a normal adult I dont care if you eat paint chips. IF you cant, Im here to help...thats what my kids saw. How about you?
Whose talking about heroin? We were talking about pot. Dont lump us all together because the pot angle is weak. Drugs like heroin, cocaine etc should never be legal under any circumstance. These are all drugs that take people over and cause them to do the horrible things you mentioned not pot. IVe never knwon anyone to smoke a joint and commit a murder (or even get in a fight). Ive never heard of anyone robbing someone or some place for pot money. It just doesnt happen.

Keep in ind your arguing against studies Ive posted yet you are likely goign on studies youve also read. Studies that were controlled just like you warned me about. Studies that had pre-set comclusions based on who was ponying up the $$$ for said study.

Also the smart user (Hatcher qualifies) smokes for free. He buys enough that he can break off the portion he needs then sell the remainder to recoup the original investment. I always avoided this angle due to my legitimate business ties and not wanting to cloud views should some ill informed Dudley Doright discover my dirty little secret of smoking. That siad much like Hatcher I bought in bulk but it WAS all for personal use. And to think Ive managed to go 40 years without a record and Ive had the same amount of weed on me as Hatcher a few times many moons ago. Glad they didnt lock me up and throw away the key.

Wonder what woulda happened to those 4 productive members of society I raised had I (and my $$$) not been there for them because I was in the Hoosegow for possessing a plant. Wonder if we still get a Dr and a lawyer outta the bunch? I can answer that for you, WE DONT. They needed my money to get through school. Had I ever been put away like so many others have those kids might actually be "a burden to society" like you spoke of. Since we know how I turned out and we KNOW the govt woulda locked me up over a pound plus I think we know the answer. The govt would have been the CREATOR of those burdens on society for locking up their hard working daddy because he possessed an illegal amount of a natural product.

But lets keep locking them up. Its clearly working.
Let me start by reaffirming that I am pretty much libertarian in my views of how government should interact with people. I believe that government has done a lot of things they have no Constitutional authority to do. Fundamentally, I believe adults should be able to do whatever they desire as long as it doesn't restrict the rights of another human being. I think that philosophy is consistent with the vision our founding fathers had when they wrote our Constitution. That being said, why would you risk putting your reputation, your kids future, your business, etc., in jeopardy to smoke pot for 40 years? It seems to me that for you to do that, it must be extremely important to you. If I were you, or Hatcher, some recreational activiely would never be worth the risk of losing so much. Eventhough, I think pot, alcohol, etc., should be legal, it doesn't prevent the constant use of "medication" by others to color my opinion of them. There are so many people whose first thought, whenever they get some free time, is to have to have a drink, or a smoke, or some weed. I can't really relate to the concept that one has to be medicated daily to enjoy life.
When you get an engineering degree from UK then I guess we'll have same the educational attainment .As far as my children are concerned, I taught them to beware of false prophets and critically analyze whatever popular philosophy was pushed on them. They would also be bombarded with the argument,they're are no truism. Only life's experiences can tell you if truisms have any current relevance. Happy to say, both are honors graduates of UK, and have successful businesses,with their husbands. I think they understand the difference in right or wrong,both have erred,theyre not perfect ,like some on here,but they at least know what's morally correct! Don't want to confuse some with punctuation or ! Keep feeding the drug culture!
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